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The Democrats’ Plummeting Ratings

Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

AMAC Exclusive – By Tammy Bruce

Of all the absurdities of the January 6th committee and their little television mini-series that premiered this week, it was Representative Zoe Lofgren who tripped over the truth and reminded us why these people can’t get anything right or accomplished.

On Tuesday, the committee announced their Wednesday episode of the “Get Trump” committee was being ‘postponed’ about which Ms. Lofgren confessed that it was because everything was just too hard, telling MSNBC, “There’s no big deal, but I’ll tell you the putting together the video and exhibits is an exhausting exercise for our very small video staff. So, we’re trying to, we were going to have 1-2-3 in one week, and it’s just it’s too much to put it all together. So, we’re trying to give them a little room to do their technical work, is mainly it…”

Either the Democrats decided to lie (again), or they can’t organize themselves out of a paper bag. Many would say both. The Democrats and their useful idiots had 17 months leading up to what had to be their grand midterm election bet of trying to annihilate President Trump, the GOP, and his supporters in one swoop.

Since the Democrat’s Russian dossier fraud coup didn’t work to annihilate him, they’re using our tax dollars, engaging in a blatantly partisan campaign project attempting to legitimize their envious rage. They hired an actual TV producer and had all the time and resources in the world to put together a few hours of television. Then reality threw water on the panel, and they all melted.

No one believes that within 24 hours of one of their darling displays of righteously faux anger, a team of people in Congress suddenly realized they couldn’t come up with videos for the third show. It doesn’t work like that. They’ve been prepping this for months. They had everything they needed except ratings.

The second episode of “Liz Gets Stompy Foot” lost 50% of their ratings just the day before. For people focused only on winning the news cycle and being news celebrities, that must have been a shocker. It also became apparent that their bizarre plotting against Trump is harming only the Democrats.

Being lectured night after night is not going to bully us into ignoring what the Democrats have done to us, nor is it going to make us hate the one man, in generations, that made our lives better and this country safer and more prosperous.

Case in point, consider the stunning results from a Quinnipiac poll just last week. Joe Biden’s approval rating has slipped to 33%. Moreover, The New York Post reports: “The survey, conducted June 3-6, found that 22% of Americans ages 18-34 approve of Biden’s performance — the lowest rating of any age group. Just 24% of Hispanic voters and 49% of black voters said they approve of Biden’s work…”

And news about the primaries on Tuesday may have cemented the reality that no one wants what the Democrats are selling:

We knew from the start the January 6th Committee was a Frankenstein monster hybrid of Star Chamber combined with a Kangaroo Court. Every member of the committee already knew what the outcome would be because that was the point. This was never a fact-finding mission; this was a canned hunt.

It really doesn’t occur to the swamp that the American people are more concerned with the fact that the same people that keep pointing a finger at Donald Trump are the ones who are setting this country on fire. Americans don’t like abusive power, and we don’t like being lied to. We especially don’t like being lectured by the same people who have made our lives this shockingly difficult and often dangerous.

One can actually get the impression that the Democrats are their own worst enemy. They seem completely uninterested in addressing the issues confronting the American people every day. They are oblivious to our concerns: inflation, crime, and the most basic of things like finding baby formula for your infant and being able to leave your home without risking being the victim of mindless, random violence.

The failures of the Democrats are harming this country and costing people their lives. And nothing, especially a vendetta dressed up as a badly produced and cheap mini-series, is going to succeed in convincing us otherwise. The Democrats and establishment in general are going to find out in November that our lives and futures are not disposable, but their shameful and hypocritical political careers, are.

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2 years ago

Yes…they are shooting at making us into a 3rd world country to facilitate a one world gov’t. Only prayer can change things. God is sovereign!

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

That’s what happens being self righteous, Anti-AMERICAN, and living in FANTASY WORLD.

2 years ago

I can’t help but wonder why the Democrats in Congress, despite their collapsing approval numbers even amongst their own voter base, seem so unconcerned about the upcoming midterm elections. They continue to try and purge the few remaining “moderates” that still exist in the House and Senate and put up a slew of “Progressives” (Sociallists) in the Democrat primaries. They all aren’t that stupid to be unaware that the American people don’t approve of the disastrous direction the Democrats have steered this country to on all fronts. So one is left to wonder what kind of October surprise the Democrats have lined up to ensure the so-called red wave isn’t as large as everyone on our side keeps expecting it to be.

While I would expect the last disastrous 18 months should assure a Republican landslide in November, assuming the Republican leadership doesn’t figure out a way to blow it all, it would be foolish for the Republican Party leadership to not me more inquisitive as to why the likes of Pelosi, Schumer and others seem completely unconcerned by the approaching midterms.

2 years ago

two words explain: socially awkward.

Steve Weidert
Steve Weidert
2 years ago

Trump is our only hope for redemption. The sooner the Rats are gone, the better. They are so focused on trying to save their bacon, that they have no clue how bad this country has become. 1+1=3 mentality doesn’t cut it.

2 years ago

On point as usual, Tammy!

2 years ago

they always stand on their heads when you pull out charts.

2 years ago

Let’s see, we once had $2.50 gas, we now have $5.09 gas. Everything we buy cost more, so tell me, do you really believe the adults are in the WH like msm kept parroting in January? Were the mean tweets really all that bad when you consider the dems, msm and the left were attacking President Trump 24/7/365 for four years. Bring back the mean tweets please! PS: how’s your retirement fund looking?

Lynn Mantel
Lynn Mantel
2 years ago

Another great piece by Tammy Bruce. It says it all, quite succinctly and effective.

2 years ago

Love the way Demonrats toot and toot and toot about “saving democracy” when what they really want is just the opposite. Any of those Constitution haters now reading this would be calling me a racist and a “phobe” of this, that or some sort of other.

2 years ago

It’s about time people realize there never was any intention of Biden and Democrats to “unite” this country. When Biden won the South Carolina Democratic Presidential primary in 2020, all other Democratic candidates were told to drop out and throw their support behind Biden. Democrats were going to find a way to get Biden “installed” in the White House one way or another, including cheating in the November, 2020 Presidential election. Democrats also wanted a Democratic Congress as well so they can control everything and trash his country. This is the goal of George Soros, who hates this country, its citizens and wants to trash this country. They wanted to make the District of Columbia a state (against the U.S. Constitution) to add two more Democratic senators. They want to make Puerto Rico a state to add two more Democratic senators. They want to pack the U.S. Supreme Court with four more liberal judges to make changes to the U.S. Constitution, notably changing the Electoral College and controlling our election process so Democrats will rarely lose another election. Then there are those massive tax increases Democrats had planned to pass, but they can’t pass now as it would be political suicide. If all this had been passed by Congress and signed by Biden, there would be no way you could throw them out of office, beginning with the November, 2022 midterm elections. They would control our elections. The only reason none of this has happened (so far) is because people, such as WV Senator Joe Manchin and, at times, AZ Senator Kyrsten Sinema, have thwarted Democrats. They aren’t going along with it. So, for Democrats, time is running out on passing their socialist agenda, otherwise, Democrats will face a bloodbath at the voter’s booth this November. The clock is ticking…

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Hooray awesome Dems keep falling

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
2 years ago

The Democrats are so paranoid about destroying Donald Trump to make sure that he doesn’t run for President again that they inadvertently doing everything to get him reelected again!

The American people are not buying into this one sided view of what happened on January 6th. Just like the Russian collusion conspiracies it’s not working. The only conspiracy at play is the Biden/Obama Cabal which is destroying America.

The high gas prices and the trickle down effect they are having on the economy is what concerns Americans today. And despite the attempts by the media to downplay all of this self inflicted and intentional destruction to our economy and hardships it is causing the American people, the Democrats are still worried sick that Trump will again come back and Make America Great Again!

Nancy Arnett
Nancy Arnett
2 years ago

Are the people who were locked up for January 6th still in jail? My husband said that they were still in there and have been denied bail.

2 years ago

We remember the women’s march (vagina hats and all) the day after inauguration.
We remember the 4 years of attacks and impeachments
We remember the constant “not our president” and the “Resistance…”
We remember Maxine Walters telling followers to harass us in restaurants.
We remember the Presidents spokesperson being kicked out a restaurant.
We remember hundreds of Trump supporters physically attacked.
We remember Trump supporters getting Doxed, and fired from jobs.
We remember riots, and looting
We remember “a comedian” holding up the President’s severed head
We remember a play in Central park paid with public funding, showing the killing of President Trump
We remember Robert de Niro yelling “F” Trump” at the Tony’s and getting a standing ovation.
We remember Nancy Pelosi tearing up the State of the Union Address.
We remember the total in the tank move on the mainstream media
We remember the non-stop and live fact checking on our President and his supporters.
We remember non-stop in your face lies and open cover-ups from the media.
We remember the President and his staff being spied on.
We remember five Senators shot on a ballfield.
We remember every so-called comedy show turn into nothing but Trump hate fest.
We remember 95% negative coverage in the news.
We remember Rashida Tlaib saying “we’re gonna go in there and we’re going to impeach the motherf****r,”

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

This “hearing” is sort of like “The View.” A lot of haters sitting around criticizing someone who loves our country and trying to draw an audience. But they only get mindless idiots to watch! (I don’t actually watch The View but do see glimpses on the news.)

jake the snake
jake the snake
2 years ago

Democrats do this every single time. They screw up the economy because of some lame ideal and then they wonder why no one is happy with the democrats or them lame idea.

2 years ago

MARCH FOR TERM LIMITS. This is the perfect time to get rid of all career politicians.
Americans are hurting and this is the best opportunity we will ever have.

2 years ago

I cannot believe so many people that belong to AMAC are not concerned that Jan 6th was a very dark day in American History & everyone in Capitol that day was in dire danger.. We must prevent this from happening ever again. If we will not support the safety of our Legislative branch, then why do we vote for them.

2 years ago

Biden still wants to pack the Supreme Court…….and Biden & AG cannot even defend 9-justices, so how are they planning on protecting a thousand of them? If the police were not protecting Kavenaugh house that night, that idiot would have broken into that house & then what. The protestors are breaking a Federal Law by protesting at Justice homes, and Biden & AG refuse to arrest them and enforce their own laws. What a great example of being soft on crime………..

Guy Cooksey
Guy Cooksey
2 years ago

The Dems can only win now by cheating–and cheating they will do–unless stopped cold! We need new election laws that safeguard the ballot box or we are finished as a free nation.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

Now now Democrats………we don’t dislike you…..not at all………WE HATE YOU!!!

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

Maybe its time to give Lez Cheney a reason to hold hearings………maybe a REAL attack on the capital needs to take place……while everyone can still afford gas to get themselves and their firearms to that s***hole city called D.C.

2 years ago

SAVE THE U.S.A….EXTERMINATE ALL demonrats, commies, and nazis!!..Its time for a new civil war against the far-left loonies!….

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

If the dems ratings get any lower, they will have to dig a hole.

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
2 years ago

A big sick democRAT circus that shouldn’t fool anyone with an ounce of common sense.

Ted W Viands
Ted W Viands
2 years ago

Thank you Tammy for exposing the real liars in the political arena are; it’s the corrupt Democrat Party.

2 years ago

Great article.
Just proves that the marxist democrat party is anti american citizens , anti freedom, racist, divisive and hateful.
Throw them out – Save Our Country!!!

2 years ago

Ya know. . .preaching to the choir is all fine and well and even encouraging. But, the elephant in the room is a group of very wealthy elite people who will finance the devil to keep their influence in what used to be The Peoples House. They WILL cheat in every possible way…..again. Why? Because these people OWN the department of justice either by outright extortion or bribery and they know they can finance judicial delays forever if they’re caught at anything. Hillary’s recent trial should be lesson enough to what money can do to the rule of law: a compromised jury and a biased judge – likely paid for by Pelosi or some other repulsive creature. There is no rule of law anymore. And, the American taxpayer no longer has a voice. It just doesn’t matter what the poles say about anybody.

Smili'in Jack
Smili'in Jack
2 years ago

They won’t find any new converts or followers. they are preaching to the choir and in the meantime ignoring our multiple and terrible problems of all kinds they should be trying to resolve. This committee or whatever you want to call it is just another distraction and a stunt to hide their multiple failures. They are fooling no one who is not already a fool. This show is more boring than the Emmys or the Oscars and those are the bottom of the barrel.

Vester Hasson
Vester Hasson
2 years ago

Sorry but i think destroying America is intentional.

2 years ago

Crazy Biden and his knucklehead administration are going to make us all poor. The destruction of our economy and country. What HAPPENED?

2 years ago

Once again Tammy hit it on the head!

2 years ago

All Icansay is keep working and praying that Real Americans will stay committed to REFUSING any more of the marxist democrat party and their corrupt ,dishonest candidates to betray Our Country!
Any/ All marxist,progressive,divisive democrats AND rinos who deceive ,destroy, ignore the will of We the People,Our God given Rights,Freedom,Love of America – MUST GO
Start in 2022,2024 and SAVE Our Country!

Earle Niles
Earle Niles
2 years ago

The democrats are enemies of the people they are self serving liars The current push for electric vehicles is insane when they are talking about rolling blackouts on the power grid Plus it’s a known fact that batteries lose power in cold weather and there are large gap in charge system locations picture if you will on a trip in winter and you are on the middle of nowhere and there’s no charging stations or there’s a rolling blackout in the area and you need a charge. Common sense tells you this Istanbul dangerous situation that could be avoided by a slow phase in to electric vehicles. This is no more than a attempt to subjugate the people

2 years ago

The truth is coming out. Hopefully All democrats lose their seats in Congress and the Senate. I’m registered as a Democrat and I’ve never been so ashamed of the party as I am now.

2 years ago

Once again these people have shown that they’re just not very intelligent. And to think what we’re paying them. Untruthful, naive and just plain stupid. And much more that is darker.

Lora Rumpf
Lora Rumpf
2 years ago

The Lord gave us freewill. Choices. We know how this ends. Satan is running around pushing buttons, he knows his time is short and he is in overdrive. God bless your efforts.

Sandy Duvall
Sandy Duvall
2 years ago

AMEN! Well written article!

2 years ago

They will never get anything right because their foundation is CHAOS.

2 years ago

Most of us knew from the very beginning that Biden was not a competent candidate as our president. He single handedly and very quickly undid all the good things that President Donald Trump did to improve our country and our lives. He has absolutely no concern for the crises he has put our country and our lives in! He doesn’t give a damn about the American public all he cares about is himself! He is a despicable and selfish person. I wish there was a way to impeach him because he’s done nothing but make our lives miserable and destroy the commonwealth of our country. He has absolutely been the worst president we’ve ever had in this country. I can’t even imagine that anyone in this country think he’s doing a good job at all. He is destroying us yes he’s done a great job of that!

2 years ago

The only thing what dems can do is lying, (the Russia hoax, Hunter Biden’s laptop, the don’t say gay bill). The mainstream media and the social media are responsible to spread these lies. “A lie told once is still a lie, a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.” (Joseph Goebbels). Not only that the dems and the mainstream media follow fascist propaganda methods, but they are also now holding tribunals like Roland Freisler (Nazi Germany’s president of the Volksgerichtshof).

Craig Driver
Craig Driver
2 years ago

I fully believe members of The Communist Party USA have infiltrated and finally taken over The Democratic Party.

2 years ago

Brandon can’t find his ass using both hands.

2 years ago

This is all about Democratic control. Get the people to believe Republicans are the bad guys, the ones who want to destroy this country, and people will flock to the Democrats to be saved from tyrrany.We aren’t that ignorant. If a Dem says the Repubs are doing something, it is because the Dems are doing it.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

I’m so glad that this “mini-series” about January 6th blew up right in their face!!!!!! They think that the American people are stupid when in fact they’re the ones who are stupid. Americans see right through this. LOL!!!!! Can’t wait for November!!!!! RED=REMOVE EVERY DEMOCRAT

James Farmer
James Farmer
2 years ago

Great description of how messed up the democratic party is Tammy Bruce. This was a great article. It should be posted, shared and re-posted 1 million times across this country. It was right on.

Barb W
Barb W
2 years ago

i am thoroughly astounded that 49% of blacks (in the poll) approve of Joe Biden’s job performance. that 49% must be the completely uninformed, want-to-stay unaware of what’s happening as long as their welfare check keeps on comin’. how simple-minded can a group be?

2 years ago

Isn’t it time we go after the looters

Richard Minetti
Richard Minetti
2 years ago

The black voters that gave Biden an approval rating of 49% have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not understand why they can’t buy food or gasoline at reasonable prices anymore!

Look at who you voted for and thank yourselves for the sharp inflation in our country! Hopefully in the next election you will


(Vote with your brain not your emotion)

Linda Mcmahon
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