The Democrats’ Plummeting Ratings

Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

AMAC Exclusive – By Tammy Bruce

Of all the absurdities of the January 6th committee and their little television mini-series that premiered this week, it was Representative Zoe Lofgren who tripped over the truth and reminded us why these people can’t get anything right or accomplished.

On Tuesday, the committee announced their Wednesday episode of the “Get Trump” committee was being ‘postponed’ about which Ms. Lofgren confessed that it was because everything was just too hard, telling MSNBC, “There’s no big deal, but I’ll tell you the putting together the video and exhibits is an exhausting exercise for our very small video staff. So, we’re trying to, we were going to have 1-2-3 in one week, and it’s just it’s too much to put it all together. So, we’re trying to give them a little room to do their technical work, is mainly it…”

Either the Democrats decided to lie (again), or they can’t organize themselves out of a paper bag. Many would say both. The Democrats and their useful idiots had 17 months leading up to what had to be their grand midterm election bet of trying to annihilate President Trump, the GOP, and his supporters in one swoop.

Since the Democrat’s Russian dossier fraud coup didn’t work to annihilate him, they’re using our tax dollars, engaging in a blatantly partisan campaign project attempting to legitimize their envious rage. They hired an actual TV producer and had all the time and resources in the world to put together a few hours of television. Then reality threw water on the panel, and they all melted.

No one believes that within 24 hours of one of their darling displays of righteously faux anger, a team of people in Congress suddenly realized they couldn’t come up with videos for the third show. It doesn’t work like that. They’ve been prepping this for months. They had everything they needed except ratings.

The second episode of “Liz Gets Stompy Foot” lost 50% of their ratings just the day before. For people focused only on winning the news cycle and being news celebrities, that must have been a shocker. It also became apparent that their bizarre plotting against Trump is harming only the Democrats.

Being lectured night after night is not going to bully us into ignoring what the Democrats have done to us, nor is it going to make us hate the one man, in generations, that made our lives better and this country safer and more prosperous.

Case in point, consider the stunning results from a Quinnipiac poll just last week. Joe Biden’s approval rating has slipped to 33%. Moreover, The New York Post reports: “The survey, conducted June 3-6, found that 22% of Americans ages 18-34 approve of Biden’s performance — the lowest rating of any age group. Just 24% of Hispanic voters and 49% of black voters said they approve of Biden’s work…”

And news about the primaries on Tuesday may have cemented the reality that no one wants what the Democrats are selling:

We knew from the start the January 6th Committee was a Frankenstein monster hybrid of Star Chamber combined with a Kangaroo Court. Every member of the committee already knew what the outcome would be because that was the point. This was never a fact-finding mission; this was a canned hunt.

It really doesn’t occur to the swamp that the American people are more concerned with the fact that the same people that keep pointing a finger at Donald Trump are the ones who are setting this country on fire. Americans don’t like abusive power, and we don’t like being lied to. We especially don’t like being lectured by the same people who have made our lives this shockingly difficult and often dangerous.

One can actually get the impression that the Democrats are their own worst enemy. They seem completely uninterested in addressing the issues confronting the American people every day. They are oblivious to our concerns: inflation, crime, and the most basic of things like finding baby formula for your infant and being able to leave your home without risking being the victim of mindless, random violence.

The failures of the Democrats are harming this country and costing people their lives. And nothing, especially a vendetta dressed up as a badly produced and cheap mini-series, is going to succeed in convincing us otherwise. The Democrats and establishment in general are going to find out in November that our lives and futures are not disposable, but their shameful and hypocritical political careers, are.