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The Deep State is Real

Posted on Wednesday, September 27, 2023
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka
Cartoon image of USA Capital Building with roots underneath showing the depiction of the Deep State

When I started working in the White House for President Trump, I avoided the phrase “Deep State.”

I thought it an expression too redolent of the tinfoil hat brigade. The idea of a secret cabal of bureaucrats ensconced within the machinery of government, unaccountable to anyone, and implementing their ideological goals in violation of the will of the people and who they have elected as their President.

I was wrong.

In the first weeks of the Administration, I was tasked with a classified project concerning a Jihadist organization in the Middle East. The work was too much for one person to accomplish, so I drafted a team of people I had taught in graduate school and who were now in government—one woman at the CIA and three former students of mine now at the FBI.

It should have been a mere formality to have these federal employees transferred to work in the White House. Such a temporary detail is a standard procedure since the majority of White House staff are, in fact, from other government agencies, especially the State Department and the Pentagon. And that was what I was told by the seemingly lovely head of White House HR, who assured me it would take a week or two to have my team members’ clearances transferred to the White House and then all moved over.

She gave me that assurance again and again for months. Then I found out why this otherwise standard procedure wasn’t ever going to happen.

After six months of waiting, a senior FBI agent came for a meeting in the Eisenhower Executive office building, the majestic edifice next to the White House that actually houses most of the people who work for the President.

After his meeting, he surreptitiously peeled off his group and looked up my office. This individual had worked with my wife at the Department of Homeland Security, and he wanted to give me a heads-up as a favor.

And now, I will quote him directly: “Seb, those “by-name” FBI personnel requests you’ve put in for? You’re never going to get them. Because the 7th floor of the Hoover building looks at this White House and the President as the enemy.”

Let me repeat and paraphrase my government colleague. The unelected FBI Director and his deputies at Bureau headquarters consider the man they work for, elected by 64 million Americans, as their Enemy.

That’s when I knew the Deep State is real.

Over the decades, a group of unaccountable political actors with immense power have decided that they get to control America, no matter who the President – their actual boss – happens to be.

That is how the FBI, CIA, and NSA launched an utterly unprecedented covert tri-agency surveillance operation against a Presidential campaign based upon a libelous smear dossier that they knew was a lie and had been paid for by that candidate’s rival, Hillary Clinton.

That’s how a former director of the FBI was “hired” by his bureaucratic buddies at the Department of Justice to investigate a fake accusation of “Russian collusion,” an investigation that lasted 20 months and cost more than $30 million of your money only to conclude that President Trump had never colluded with Russia.

That’s how the IRS leaked the President’s confidential tax returns to the media.

That’s how classified official discussions between the President and his counterparts worldwide were feloniously given to the Press.

That’s how the FBI was allowed to send armed agents to the private residence of President Trump to raid his offices and his wife and child’s bedrooms as the President’s attorneys were ordered to remain outside the building, unable to observe what the gun-toting agents of the state were actually doing inside.

That’s how former President Trump now faces 4 indictments, more than 90 charges, and more than 700 years in prison.

Now, regarding the last point, we have to add that the undeniable existence of the Deep State no longer applies solely to federal actors. With Georgia DA Fani Willis bringing absurd charges, including making posts on social media and asking Americans to call their representatives, the extent of corruption spread far beyond Washington, DC. And that is still true even in Newt Gingrich’s shocking allegation that the county official, Willis, was illegally acting on DOJ’s orders. Add to this yesterday’s news that a local judge has unilaterally ordered the dissolution of Donald Trump, the businessman’s companies, and you begin to understand what America has become.

We have been told for decades now that “the next election is the most important of our lifetimes.” This time, it’s true.

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.  

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John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

Anyone with half a brain and a little common sense can see what’s been going on… especially now that it’s all in the open.

1 year ago

The Deep State I believe is led by George Soros and deeply implanted Comrades in All branches of Government there to influence Anything that will threaten their beliefs to fundamentally change America from being a Capitalistic Republic to a Communist wannabe Dictatorship! President Trump is the GREATEST THREAT to stop them and they fear him more then anyone else.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
About time the Truth be told.

Cindy Hayes
Cindy Hayes
1 year ago

Yes. Did AMAC report on this?: Medicare Advantage for Asian Americans, Latinos, LGBTQ+ people – Los Angeles Times (
It appears that Seniors will all be paying higher premiums so “Alignment Health” can cater to non-American speaking individuals, minorities and LGBTQ+ people.
They will be helping Asian Americans with doctors who speak their language and “with benefits such as traditional wellness services, a grocery allowance for Asian stores, non-emergency medical transportation and even pet care in the event a member has a hospital procedure or emergency and needs to be away from home.”
This one really irritates me as I have a veteran on my Meals on Wheels route who could not afford the vet bills for a stray cat that found his home & stayed. I called around to see if there was a program to pair strays with Seniors, before covering it myself under the pretense that it was a charity picking up the bill. Our Seniors are too proud to take charity from individuals. His wife just passed away, so I’m glad he has a new furry friend.
I wonder how much it will cost to shuttle some to find a doctor of the same race since there is a “shortage of Black physicians.” In addition, one of their sham working groups “showed a legacy of distrust in healthcare systems among marginalized groups.” You mean among all the world’s citizens?
As for the LGBTQ+ community, they must “help to affirm them, to provide them with a special set of benefits that address unmet needs.” I did some further digging and it appears if you identify in this group, you get free legal help with what looks like everything.
They are making us pay for our own discrimination. If you don’t fall in one of the above groups, you get none of the extra perks while your taxpaying funds pay for the perks of others. It’s called discrimination!
AMAC are you aware of this discriminatory program?

1 year ago

This all out assault on Donald Trump is a last gasp attempt to protect the Deep State and their enablers to remain in power.

1 year ago

We have known this for decades only when Trump somehow was elected which the dems and miss H had not expected. The Deep state went to work. Spies in the White House dem advisors placed to advice Trump their way. Especially during the COVID setup. The Steele dossier, the impeachments were all orchestrated by the dems with the help of Deep State with FBI, CIA, DOJ and DNC. Ole Joe is not running this country. And above all these organizations mentioned above is the WEF, Soros, Gates,Obama and many more elites here and abroad. America has to be brought down as a power in the world.
The sooner Americans realize this maybe we can save America.
Although looking at the impeachment inquiries going on today the left lies are being touted as truth and the reps as liars. What they are doing themselves they accuse the reps off. Lies brainwashing manipulation mandates and taking away our god given rights under the guise they are for the people. East Germans had more freedoms than we have right now.

1 year ago

Not only is the Deep State real, most of them are union members so you can’t fire them. Seems to me though you can play the same game. Slow walk their paycheck. See how long they can live without money. They don’t like it tell him to sue that can take years. It is possible to fire union workers but it’s difficult. That’s where the Deep State lives inside the unions and that’s why the Democrats love the unions other than the fact that the Union’s laundered money for them

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Washington is rotten to the core. Kyle L.

1 year ago

The marxist democrat party and their comrades in establishment Washington and MSM are the ENEMIES of America and its Citizens.
These corrupt, immoral, and self serving traitors hold themselves above Real Americans and look down upon them as dependent on them.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Became real when Trump assumed office to date
DeSantis mocks Trump for inactions since Deep State may have blocked his moves he wanted to make
Big Tech & Deep State & Uniparty is 1

1 year ago


Art H
Art H
1 year ago

Pray for our Country!

1 year ago

The issue isn’t Trump or DeSantis or even the Deep State which has been growing since FDR and the New Deal; it’s the issue of the people who are eligible to vote being the ONLY people who vote. Until that is fixed, hopefully by a SCOTUS ruling supporting the 14th amendment and the Constitution, by required and verified positive voter ID at the time of voting, nothing will change: Trump will still be hated based on lies and fabrications; Joe will still be senile, incompetent and the recipient of a corrupt election; and the Deep State will still run rampant as it has from the New Deal to today’s Green New Deal and Globalism (Socialist Fascist Communism under a global leader).

1 year ago

Yes, the Deep State is real but why doesn’t anyone (outside of the New American magazine) I.D. the real drivers behind the scenes–The Council on Foreign Nations, The Trilateral Commission, World Economic Council, Bilderbergs, Bohemian Grove and others. Bella Dodd was a chief operative for the communists in America after WWII. Her communications with the kremlin were cut off once. She later asked them where she should get her orders if that happened again. The communists in Russia gave her three names of very prominent American citizens residing in the Waldorf Astoria to contact. She soon defected the communists realizing she and they were just pawns doing service for a very powerful conspiracy working to establish a new world order.

Sailor Jerry
Sailor Jerry
1 year ago

One million (rough number) civilian Federal Employees who can’t be fired, or even disciplined, make up the Deep State controlled government. The entire executive administration are only about 4000 people. Outnumbered big time to start.

1 year ago

This suit stated yesterday that MAGA is a threat to our democracy. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN . . . does this statement sound threatening? What happened to “WE THE PEOPLE “ ? They work for us ! “ We have been told for decades now that “the next election is the most important of our lifetimes.” This time, it’s true” Brand this statement in your minds people.

1 year ago

Im sick and tired of hearing that swamp rats cant be fired. When Trump gets back in there theres going to be a ‘hundred days’ every day for four years.

1 year ago

Deep State or Police State. True Representation has gone bye bye. The five words that changed the course of our nation, “Trump colluded with the Russians”. One of the biggest lie, especially political, LIE/hoax of our life time! And they knew that people would believe/buy it, because the media said so. None of these Deep State bad actors have been punished for it. Really sad.

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

I knew long before Trump was elected the deep state was real.

James Carlyle
James Carlyle
1 year ago

Brilliant, Dr. Gorka

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

Everyone knows what is going on we all know the corruption that is up in Washington. We need to clean house up there get better people up there to run this country not just a bunch of people that collect a check and take money from corrupt people we need change up there.

1 year ago


Laura Bentz
Laura Bentz
1 year ago

And how are we going to change anything in the next election? The Democrats hold all the levers of power except the Congress and that by a very slim majority. The rest are all deep state actors… And, of course, the election will be rigged against Republicans so its an uphill battle. Only God can save us now….

Jeannie Huppert
Jeannie Huppert
1 year ago

“Government Gangsters” new (Sept. 2023) book by Kash Patel.

Linda Mann
Linda Mann
1 year ago

It is time to rid our country of the anchor that is pulling us underwater, and that is the deep state! We need to rid our country of this group of people! They think they are in charge, and they are destroying this country, because they hate it! They are supposed to be answering to us not the other way around! Whatever it takes to get them out, do it! We cannot comply, nor be complicit with what they are doing… They are destroying peoples lives that are standing up for this country, and who are good citizens, unlike them! They need to go!

1 year ago

This is correct — this election is existential but so were the others. Earlier trust in the system was also ill placed. I hope it is not too late. But it is very late.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Cartel… Cosa Nostra… Mobsters… Criminals… Conspirators… Politician.

1 year ago

The deep state is called legalized corruption unfortunately.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

Or Gestapo land!

1 year ago

Compare Crooked Biden to Trump and Biden is a Punkydoodle like you

1 year ago

How would you know, you’re not a Conservative!

1 year ago

Two facts: this idiot is a Punkydoodle and his commentary is always like a 15 year old!

1 year ago

WEF that is the NWO look em up The Great Reset 2030 is already in action n has been for many years

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
1 year ago

Most people are not paying attention or don’t give a damn. They better wake up or we are done as a country. Sadly, I think we are too far down the communist path.

1 year ago

“a secret cabal of bureaucrats ensconced within the machinery of government, unaccountable to anyone.” This is not exactly true. This cabal of bureaucrats is accountable to the oligarchs. If a bureaucrat strays from the desires of the oligarchs, he is not around for long.

1 year ago

I have believed for many years that it doesn’t matter who you vote for president. The powers that be have already decided who our next puppet will be.

1 year ago

Welcome to the party pal.

What rock did you crawl from under recently.

1 year ago

If anything, I would like AMAC to stop the relashenship with S.Gorka, fake republican and pretender. The man is here to tell you in a fake accent to purchase something. Don’t trust Rino.

Ben Franklin
Ben Franklin
1 year ago

Don’t you get it? The deep state is playing you. If DeSantis is nominated and they do the same thing to him even Democrats will take notice and walk away from their corrupt party. The Trump hatred is already baked in in this country. I know I can’t vote for him again. I don’t want another Kardashian presidency. (And I’ve been arguing for Republican policies for 50 years so don’t pull the RINO card.) DeSantis is another Reagan. Trump is not, by a long shot. He is splitting the Party and you can use me as an example. But, I know, voting for him will “be fun” because it gives the middle finger to Washington. I’d rather win and change the course of the country.
I posted this down below in a response. But I thought I’d get more hatred by posting it up here. Don’t worry, I know you all disagree with me. I won’t be re-uping to AMAC because I don’t understand the mentally anymore, so I won’t be here much longer.

Ben Franklin
Ben Franklin
1 year ago

I know I will get my normal 15 down votes here. But yes, the deep state is real. And Trump is enemy #1. We have a choice. We can elect a guy who will fight and knock down the deep state in DeSantis or we can nominate a guy who half the country will never vote for in Trump and allow the deep state to finally win a complete victory. There will be no going back when Trump loses again. Go ahead and tell me how it’s Trump, you know, because he’s lost to the dep state before so he deserves another chance (to lose to the deep state again).

trump state of the union address
tax cuts and jobs act
Lakeview Terrace, USA - June 18, 2016: U. S. Customs and Border Protetion Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk helicopter during Los Angeles American Heroes Air Show, event designed to educate the public about rotary-wing aviation.
joe rogan and president trump

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