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The Biggest Threat to Trump’s Legislative Agenda

Posted on Monday, December 9, 2024
by Shane Harris

On December 3, the 2024 elections finally came to an end, with Democrat Adam Gray defeating incumbent Republican John Duarte in California’s 13th Congressional District exactly four weeks after Election Day. The final results in the House are 220 Republicans to 215 Democrats – a net gain of one seat for the liberal party.

If the past two years are any indication, it is this slim Republican majority – not Democrat meddling or corporate media hoaxes – that poses the greatest threat to President-elect Donald Trump’s legislative agenda. Despite the GOP winning a governing trifecta, even a few defections among House Republicans could derail Trump’s most ambitious proposals.

To be sure, Trump has plenty he can and almost assuredly will accomplish via executive action, and he is no stranger to working with recalcitrant Republicans in Congress. From Remain in Mexico to invoking Title 42, establishing the Space Force, lowering prescription drug prices, and his deregulatory agenda, Trump’s first term was replete with examples of monumental victories achieved without the aid of Congress. Moreover, even when three establishment Republicans broke ranks in the Senate to block the repeal of Obamacare in 2017, Trump was able to negotiate with legislators to include a repeal of the despised individual mandate in his signature Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Still, Trump will likely need cooperation from Congress to fulfill several of his core campaign promises, including extending the tax cuts he ushered through in 2017, facilitating mass deportations of illegal aliens, banning transgender surgeries for minors, and passing election integrity reforms. While Trump could look to accomplish some of these goals via executive authority, such action would likely bring with it a mountain of lawsuits from liberal groups alleging an overreach of presidential powers. The most effective way to institute sweeping and lasting change will be through legislation.

In the Senate, Republicans have a 53-47 majority – a solid edge that conservatives should feel confident will green-light most of Trump’s agenda. Even if the two most liberal members of the caucus, Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski and Maine Senator Susan Collins, defect, the GOP would still have a 51-49 advantage. Vice President JD Vance’s tie-breaking vote is an insurance policy if Democrats can peel off one more senator on any particular vote.

In the House, however, things are more dicey. Though the official results from this year show a 220-215 GOP majority, that advantage has effectively already been cut down to 217-215 before the new Congress has even been sworn in. Republican Matt Gaetz, Trump’s short-lived nominee for Attorney General, resigned his seat, while Reps. Elise Stefanik (NY) and Michael Waltz (FL) are both headed to serve in the administration.

All three of those seats should eventually be filled by Republicans, but it creates a precarious situation for Speaker Mike Johnson in the meantime. Any other unforeseen deaths, resignations, or unexpected absences could further imperil the House Republican caucus’s ability to cobble together a majority.

And that’s assuming that House Republicans can stick together even if they have the numbers present. As has been the case time and again since 2022, with such slim margins, a group of just a few Republican members can wield immense power and threaten to block any legislation – something Democrats are more than willing to assist with.

Ultimately, Republican House members, whether they lean more toward the right or center, should keep three important things in mind.

First, and most importantly, the American people delivered a clear mandate to pass Trump’s America First agenda this November. Yes, the House majority is small, but it is a majority nonetheless. Trump won the popular vote, and Republicans flipped the Senate. The country did not vote for half-measures or “America First lite.”

Second, Democrats only have as much power as Republicans are willing to give them. Yes, the Deep State will try to undermine Trump from the inside, while Democrats and the corporate media will do everything they can to slander Republicans and their policies as racist, misogynistic, transphobic, and downright evil. But they don’t have the votes to block those policies.

Democrats understood this well from 2020 to 2022, remaining unified to pass the most far-left agenda in American history that sent inflation soaring and invited 10-20 million illegal aliens across the border. It will take similar unity from Republicans to reverse that damage. Any wins Democrats have over the next two years are wins that Republicans allow them to have.

Third, doing nothing is the worst possible outcome – particularly for the vast majority of members who want to be re-elected in 2026. Voters will tolerate a law that they don’t agree with every detail of, but they won’t tolerate incompetence and gridlock. If Republicans can’t prove that they are capable of governing, they won’t be in power long.

Democrats have already made clear that they are unified against Trump and his agenda. Time will tell if House Republicans are able to similarly unify behind the president-elect.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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3 months ago

Well at least AMAC correctly identified the weak link in getting the Trump agenda that the American people voted for this past November actually enacted into law. At least via permanent legislation. Yes, RINO members of Congress, those who prefer to maintain the status quo and routinely support the Democrats’ destructive policies when the final votes on pending legislation are taken, are indeed where we could end up squandering this hard fought for and last chance for the United States’ victory.

The author has identified some of the usual so-called Republicans in Congress that have a long history of selling out the country for personal gain. It is amazing that the author didn’t decide to name all the current members of the Senate that are part of Mitch McConnell’s little cadre of reliable RINO sellouts. After all, they all raced in unison across the aisle to vote with the Democrats to pass a number of very bad pieces of Democrat legislation these past 4 years. The Senate RINOs are far more likely to cost us lost opportunities than the House at this point.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

The biggest threat to the 60-40 majority in this nation is the 40% who scream the loudest and the lying press who think that makes them the majority, not the 60%. Trumps election apparently isn’t loud enough.., we need to learn to scream as loud!

Richard Hennessy,
Richard Hennessy,
3 months ago

Are the RINOs stupid? Don’t they understand that the voters want Trump to make big changes? Do they want to lose their nice jobs?

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
3 months ago

I think RINNOs will be wise to cooperate with Pres. Trump because voters are now into watching how they vote and that determines if they ‘ll re-elect them. Pres. Trump must have their complete support or they’ll be gone in their next re-election.

3 months ago

It is almost like his 2nd term was Gods gift. Saved from gunmen and winning like he did this time….Yes this is a mandate…the peoples and I believe God has thrown his 2 cents in too. lol. Many of the young people have voted for his agenda as well. I see many has seen past the lies and corruption and they want to see our country at its best as well. This man started many things in the middle east that needs to be put back into to place. We need to be behind him this time and back his goals. Do not stop praying for this man because I believe we all need it.

3 months ago

Perhaps a letter to each Republican Senator and Representative of what our Trump vote really represents-to get back to protecting the Constitution and obedience to its provisions. This past 4 years showed such disregard to our Nation and its Founders gave me pause if we had lost our once Great Country. We saw so many dictatorial rules and regulations with no regard to Citizens rights. So much of our tax money being squandered, and given to other countries and criminals (illegals) with no help to the citizens who were disregarded in their basic need of help. Vets on the street, senior citizens skipping meals and med doses to keep a roof over their head.
Not just Rinos but all of Congress needs to work at their job, not at re-elections!

3 months ago

The solution here is simple. Watch closely the man/woman you voted for. Don’t like their vote let them know, loudly and for all to hear. Make them earn that vote you gave them.

3 months ago

Time to get rid of career politicians from either side.Your job is to represent the people of the USA.What is best for the American people who are CITIZENS.Time to secure our borders and send illegals back. Sorry if I ruffled some feathers. NOT SORRY

3 months ago

If treasonous backstabbing RINOs go against Trump, their corrupt career will end at their next election. Wise up RINOs, We the People have spoken. We want Trump, his nominees and his agenda. Fight against it at your certain peril.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
3 months ago

How soon they forget.We elected President Trump because we knew that he would get things done like he did last time,even with queen pelosi’s,democ rat and rino roadblocks.He will do it again this time.We need to remember when the next election rolls around,vote every damb democ rat and leftist out.

3 months ago

The next four years becomes a question are the republicans ready to Make America Great Again or pad their own pockets and state. For good of the country or become obstructionist along with their left counterparts in the Congress. Ruling America via the courts is not healthy for America. It is an ultra left policy that should be stopped. The people should decide not a paid for judge.

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
3 months ago

And we still accept the more minor but significant cheats, such as in Arizona, where MAGA Kari Lake, ran for a senate seat. Trump won Arizona … and yet Kari Lake running against an anti border democrat pulled off a win? Who the heck, votes for a Republican pro border wall president, and then turns around and votes for an anti border democrat for the senate? I’m sorry … that just is not done … extremely unlikely at best … yet it happened again in Arizona …. the 3rd election of three since 2020 where the cheat still worked. Everyone should be outraged.

3 months ago

Unfortunately we have too many Republicans who are more concerned about keeping their fat paycheck and their retirement. They are content to let Republicans make decisions and they just want to get reelected. They’re not I really concerned about their constituents. We need to get rid of them. Congressional offices should be a part-time job with no benefits, that would weed out the Slackers

3 months ago

It’s sad to think we have so many RINO in congress. Democrats are so in line with each other by way of Pelosi’s bullying and it works, if only we had as much unity. So many politicians are just in it for the welfare of themselves and their cronies rather than what’s best for the country. Why are conservatives so lazy during primaries when these RINO get elected???

Barb Zack
Barb Zack
3 months ago

Rinos with axes to grind could bring trump agenda to a halt. These Schumer and hakeem rinos MUST be primaried!! Republicans are adept at circular firing squads and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!

Venice Palm Press
Venice Palm Press
3 months ago

AMAC and Shane Harris are on the mark! People who have RINO reps should begin to primary them or start the RECALL PROCESS NOW!
Joni Ernst isn’t even my senator, as I’m in FL, thank God, but I made sure she saw my incessant tweets encouraging Elon and others to put her on a poop list and for John Rich to start his run to replace her, as he’s threatened to do. Pressure from me and others has caused the RINO senator to begin to back down off her no-Hegseth stance.
Use the Dem and lapdog RINO tactics against them. They don’t play fair, so you have do a Trump and get rough.
Please do not wait, and please stop depending on we former Dems–me (indie, Jan. 2007), Trump, Tulsi, RFK, Elon, Bannon, Navarro, Shanahan, etc.–to do all the heavy lifting.
Take some time away from hobbies or, if you don’t NEED to, from making extra money (which is great and we all love it for how it can help) and refocus the time and effort into 6 months of recalling RINOs and finding MAGA-MAHA replacements.
[People always wonder why Dems are often poor: Doing civic duty and taking jobs in low-paying blue industries (me–>book publishing) because we love the work attributes to the old-time Dems’ being largely unable to amass money.]

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Major Threat within: DC Estd Swamp for Control,DNC, Never Trumpers

3 months ago

The entire Congress will be set right very soon and the ones that have committed treason especially election fraud will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law!

richard johnson
richard johnson
3 months ago

Democrats have already made clear that they are unified against Trump and his agenda. Time will tell if House Republicans are able to similarly unify behind the president-elect.
I doubt Repub’s have the stones.

Bil Smith
Bil Smith
3 months ago

How many of the “go along to get along” GOP crowd get constant media attention, which attracts notice–for free–from their constituency? Mediocre Murkowski and Contrary Collins both attract bountiful media notice with their wily feminine ways.

3 months ago

Self-inflicted wound! Whoever the Nimrod advisor is who recommended filling cabinet positions out of the House ought to be given a Christmas holiday beach bathing vacation voucher for Prudhoe Bay, AK, and a one way airline ticket!

3 months ago

America will AGAIN BE 1ST AGAIN!!!! This is what our President Trump has stated and will come true AGAIN!!

3 months ago

Where do we get a list of contact information for all Senators and Republicans. President Trump won the pop vote and electoral — ALL REPUBLICANS SHOULD SUPPORT HIM

Pat R
Pat R
3 months ago

Like the swamp of unelected bureaucrats, it’s the “establishment” Republicans that run the show, at least they have been. Term limits would eliminate most if not all that power concentration.
During elections, term limits subject comes up, but afterward it’s never mentioned. No way Congress will allow it to happen as it would cut off their political career of self-enrichment. They had the chance in 1994-95. It’s obvious how that turned out = still no term limits.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

Do you, like me, find it amazing that when these House races go on for weeks, the DIMM always wins? Guess they keep “finding” DIMM votes until they have just enough to “win.”
Hope all our GOP members STICK TOGETHER on votes so we can get Trump’s program through!

3 months ago

i wish rep would be like dems and let trump have who he wants

3 months ago

We the people need to demand transparency in the vote !!!!! No more secret ballot !!! We deserve to know who is for us and who is against us !!!!!

3 months ago

Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski will not support Trump in any way shape or form, as she is the biggest RINO in American political history. As such, we as Alaskans simply cannot wait to get rid or her. She will almost certainly retire after her current term is up because it will be impossible for her to win another Senate race here in Alaska. Good riddance Lisa, stop by sometime when you can’t stay so long!!

3 months ago

Yep. The Marxist Rats were able to steal too many seats. I’m praying the fraudsters are prosecuted and the seated Rats ousted, but I doubt either will happen.

3 months ago

I’m all for watching how the rinos listed below vote on President Trump’s agenda during the coming administration, and letting them know in no uncertain terms when we the people don’t like how they voted. One thing that should be nipped in the bud is ANY chance of Sandy (AOC) being promoted in the House or running for POTUS in 2028. When you look up MORON in the dictionary, there is a picture of her in the definition! Dear Lord, she is 100 times worse than Kamala. My hope is her constituents (hopefully they’re not all brain-dead) will send her packing in 2026.

Nancy Stull
Nancy Stull
3 months ago

Article clearly identified the weak link in getting President Trump’s agenda through Congress. We shall have to see if and how President Trump works with these RINO members. Hopefully, we can expect to find out who voted against which part of the agenda and possibly remove them in 2026.

3 months ago

Let the Rino Senators know they need to support the mandate of the voters and approve the exceptional cabinet picks, (except for Dr Oz who is average). Every Senator should read Gov’t Gangsters by Kash Patel and if they are in a state of denial because their lobbyist donors at Lockheed Martin will shut of the $$$ spigot, then they need to be primaried. We now have Elon Musk who has the cash and the clout to make traitors pay at the ballot box. Seize the momentum and call the rinos, even if they are not from your state. I call a dozen per week and let them hear my concerns.

James Ross
James Ross
3 months ago

Can someone explain to me why votes on legislation are open so the remaining few holdouts can determine the outcome at the end one way or the other? Imagine if American citizens voted this way where we knew the results of every voter up until the time we cast our own vote.
A handful of people could determine the outcome of a Presidential election. Imagine the power these handfuls of people would have. Yet that’s how Congress is run where just a few Representatives control the outcome.

3 months ago

There is no way to “enjoy” the specter of failure. I am an Alaskan who did not vote for Murkowski (but she managed to be elected anyway). If the House of Representatives has wolves in sheep’s clothing, (RINOs) the possibility of stalling reform arises. Heaven help us. I have faith that the mess the Republicans made of the 2022 congress will not happen again.

3 months ago

Executive Orders are not law and will allow the democrats to do as Biden has done to pretty much reverse without any debate or consequences and keep things as illegal immigration and border policies as fund raising issues for the 2 parties with no permanent fixes to the issues. So Republicans (RINO’S included) better do as the democrats do all the time and vote as one in the house.

John Davis
John Davis
3 months ago

John McCain Republicans! Trump does not deserve a free ride but look what one vote did to us. We got Obama care…

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