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The Ballad of Poor Chuck Schumer

Posted on Friday, February 18, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott


After almost 50 years in public service, Chuck Schumer finally got there. Last year, the consummate career politician became Senate majority leader, the job he had been lusting after for decades. Leading the Senate is the apex of any Senator’s political career, a chance to wield real power. Yet after just over 12 months in this coveted role, Schumer presides over a caucus that is fractured, deeply unpopular with voters, blamed by Democrats for blowing up the Biden agenda, and looking at a likely return to minority status less than one year from now. Poor Chuck Schumer. How did it all go so wrong, so fast?

To begin to unravel this story, we need to recall that Democrats only squeaked into power by the narrowest of margins. For months prior to the 2020 election, pollsters and pundits promised a “blue wave” of Democratic wins across the country. But when the dust cleared after Election Day and Joe Biden was declared the winner of the White House, Democrats had unexpectedly lost seats in the House, gained only a single seat in the Senate, and the two Georgia Senate races were headed to a runoff. Arguably no group was more surprised when Democrats won both Georgia Senate Races than Democrats themselves, but even those pickups only got Democrats to a 50-50 split, with only the tie-breaking vote of Vice President Kamala Harris allowing Democrats to claim a Senate majority. Schumer became majority leader, but with the unenviable task of needing to keep his party completely unified to pass any legislation.

Almost immediately, a schism that had been growing for some time within the Democratic Party became even more pronounced. On one side, young progressive upstarts like Reps. Cori Bush and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez demanded that Democrats use this moment to advance aggressive spending packages in an attempt to “remake” America – no matter that Democrats hardly had a mandate from voters to carry out such sweeping changes. Their rationale was that by enacting this radical agenda, they would inspire and motivate Americans to help them defeat Republicans in 2022.

The other, far smaller, group of Democrats appeared to recognize the danger of pursuing such a radical policy platform. Primarily led by West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, this group of self-described “moderates” were still more liberal than Democrats of even a decade ago, but nonetheless recognized the political danger of their colleagues’ extremism. While their numbers were small, a 50-50 Senate means each senator is a king of sorts, with the power to derail any proceedings.

In addition to his difficult challenges in the Senate, Schumer was dealing with an even more radical-left Democrat caucus in the House. Even as he himself was clearly among the more liberal members of the upper chamber, Schumer has always had much better political instincts than his House counterpart, Nancy Pelosi. But those instincts could not insulate him from feeling the heat of left-wing critics like Ocasio-Cortez, who, in thinly veiled comments, recently blasted the Senate as an “old boys” club.” Meanwhile, in the White House, Schumer is dealing with a historically unpopular president whose staff has pursued the most radical agenda of any administration in history.

It is this cauldron of political intemperance that has defined what is most likely to be Poor Chuck Schumer’s brief and a tragicomic stint as majority leader.

In the beginning, Democrats remained hopeful about Schumer’s prospects of maneuvering their agenda through a 50-50 Senate, as the New York senator had a history of building deep relationships with his colleagues. Despising email, the Majority Leader allegedly has the phone number of almost every senator memorized.

Success in his role would likely have required leveraging these people skills to steer his party toward a more moderate approach. Yet, whether out of sincere leftist conviction, fear of a primary challenge, or simply catastrophic misjudgment, Schumer apparently decided to enable Biden and Pelosi’s “go for broke” mentality in more ways than one.

Despite his campaign promise to be a consensus builder, Biden abruptly decided that he wanted to be a “transformational” leader after taking office, and Schumer went right along. When Biden proposed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, Republicans offered to come to the table and, together, craft a more reasonable bipartisan plan. Yet Schumer aggressively lobbied the White House to ice out the Republicans completely and rammed the bill through with no GOP input. The gamble paid off (in the short term, at least). The bill passed, but the whole experience left Republicans – and even some moderate Democrats – resentful over the blitz.

Buoyed by this success, Biden then pushed for more than $5 trillion in new spending via the American Infrastructure Act and the much larger Build Back Better Act. Both bills were a mishmash of climate funding, tax hikes, aggressive spending packages, and a few legitimate infrastructure projects. When Sen. Manchin began to bristle at the price tags, Schumer quickly shuffled the bills around to place all the “hard” infrastructure projects in the $1.9 trillion “bipartisan” infrastructure bill and the other $3.5 trillion into the Build Back Better Act. But the schism within the party was only beginning to widen.

The Progressive Caucus in the House demanded that both bills come to the floor simultaneously. After all, if one bill is explicitly progressive and the other is bipartisan, why wouldn’t the moderate legislators pass one and kill the other? The disagreements stalled Biden’s agenda for months until the surprise Republican election victories in New Jersey, and Virginia sent Democrats into a frenzy to pass something. Progressives didn’t get their way, the bills were separated, and the entire House Progressive Caucus voted against the infrastructure bill. While the gamble paid off again, it cost the Democrats any illusion of unity.

By the time Schumer began pushing his caucus to back the BBB Act, it was clear that Sens. Manchin and Sinema were tired of the Majority Leader’s unilateralism. It was then revealed that, in a secret agreement from July of last year, Manchin and Schumer had agreed to cap new spending in BBB at $1.5 trillion. Schumer had broken his promise by more than twice that amount. Schumer tried to work some of his old New York-pol magic on Manchin by haggling over what the actual cost of the bill would be (with the White House even pitching in and incredulously insisting that the cost was actually $0), but an incensed Manchin was officially done. To his party’s chagrin, he went on the dreaded Fox News network to announce that BBB was dead. Progressives considered themselves betrayed by their own party.

Pelosi and Schumer scrambled to try in vain to pump life back into HR-1, the so-called “For the People Act.” If Schumer couldn’t have a slush fund for progressive priorities, he could at least have his federal takeover of elections and abolishment of Voter ID, or so Democrats hoped. Schumer needed a pivot, and a deceptively-branded “voting rights” push seemed to fit the bill. Yet the only way the bill would pass would be to eliminate part, if not all, of the filibuster – another thing that Sen. Manchin, as well as fellow moderate Kyrsten Sinema, had promised not to do.

Despite knowing this, and repudiating his own past impassioned defense of the filibuster, Schumer advanced both a revamped version of HR-1 and filibuster “reform” to the Senate floor. Both votes failed, as expected. Schumer would later say in an interview: “Senators are here to vote. They should be put on record…Those who are opposed to advancing voting rights and who support suppression of voting rights — the public should know who they are.”

Perhaps Schumer thought that, under direct pressure, Manchin and Sinema would cave. Or maybe, as he stated, he felt that having the GOP, Manchin, and Sinema vote against these bills would leave Republicans vulnerable in the coming midterms. But what increasingly appears to actually have happened is that Democrats have emerged from the debacle looking even more radical, disunited, and incompetent.

Schumer has since moved on to other bills, but the damage has been done. By alienating Sinema and Manchin, he has nearly turned a 50-seat majority party into a 48-seat minority on the key issues. Progressives are as angry with Sens. Manchin and Sinema as they are with Schumer. Despite Schumer completely submitting to progressives at every turn, progressives, for some reason nonetheless, blame Poor Chuck. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is even reportedly mulling a primary challenge.

With the midterms approaching, it appears increasingly unlikely that Congress will have the political will to pass much, if any, substantive legislation before November when Republicans are likely to take back control of both chambers. With that window passed, and with progressives demanding that Democratic leadership get younger, more diverse, and even more extreme, the sun may already be setting on Schumer’s brief and ill-fated tenure as majority leader. But while Schumer may lament his misfortune and blame the few moderate Democrats left for not capitulating to his every demand, he has only himself to blame for not resisting Pelosi and Biden, and allowing his party to be led so far astray.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.    

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Bill T
Bill T
3 years ago

I feel so sorry for POOR CHUCKIE , probably thought all his dreams of completely DESTROYING our electoral system with banana republic type political maneuvers would seal the Marxist deal of total and corrupt power. So sad for this SWAMP THING, it’s about time all these hypocrites and RHINOS , pay the price for completely sabotaging our one and only one beautiful and constitutional loving free and great American citizens, of all religions, colors and beliefs. It’s what separates our country from all others. WE THE PEOPLE is stronger than any government party or tyrannical leader.

Rod A
Rod A
3 years ago

Deserving of Chuck to obtain the title of the worst Senate leader ever. Of course he’s working with the worst President ever. One deserves the other. Both are guilty of treason and should get the punishment for it. I will volunteer for being a part of that.

3 years ago

What more can be said about Chucky? After he is out, I only wish for him to get some decent fitting glasses.

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
3 years ago

In my NY State Opinion, Chuck Schumer is one of the most evil politicians ever to represent our state, if not THE worst.He is a cold, nasty, lying, self-serving, corrupt, lascivious, and repulsive P.O.S that should never be trusted with even an infinitesimal amount of power.

3 years ago

Chuck is a looser of a human being

3 years ago

Chuckie has always been a snake. The sooner he’s dead the better.

3 years ago

Very well put.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

All for laffs & gaffes by Schumer & allies

3 years ago

If you’ve been paying any attention, Schumer is both a liar and a hypocrite, both go hand in hand. The man is shameless and was taught that behavior at the foot of Harry Dead Eye Reid.

3 years ago

Sadly, I’ve come to the conclusion that “America” as those over 70 know it, is gone. There seems to be nothing, some individuals will not do for money or power.

3 years ago

It did not need Schumer kicking and screaming to support the agenda. He willingly went along. This disease has infected the entire democrat party with very few exceptions. They know that if they do not get their radical agenda passed quickly to solidify their power over all of us, they will lose everything. And Power is not given up easily. If we don’t get with the truckers in Canada in spirit, we will give up our sovereignty over our lives forever. Look at the dictatorial lengths Trudeau is going to now because he is so afraid of losing his power. This will be repeated here in spades. Look at how much of our power we have already lost to the liars and hypocrites in Washington.

I am glad you called them self described moderates. Moderates they are not. The Club for Growth ha them rated according to their voting record as supporting The Club’s agenda a mere 10% of the time.

3 years ago

And Shumer , among others, is determined to destroy the culture and founding of this country. Allowing so many illegals and refugees into the USA will take its toll unless we can boot them out. It nis possible!

3 years ago

IS he DEAD ???

Mike S
Mike S
3 years ago

I’m sorry, but the title of this article should be “THE BALLAD OF STUPID CHUCK SCHUMER”.

3 years ago

This article was entertaining, if not particularly informative. Schumer was always a weak politician, who rose up through the ranks because he blew whichever way the wind blowed on every issue. It also greatly helped that he was from New York, which means all he had to be was a Democrat and breathing to be continuously re-elected over the decades. He never had any problem being for something one week and then completely opposed to the same issue a few weeks later. Whatever it took to keep the campaign donations flowing into his coffers and his face on the TV to show his voters was “getting something done”. Which frequently meant doing nothing of substance, but issuing his weekly rant for the cameras.

Unfortunately for Schumer, he became majority leader of the Senate at the wrong time for his brand of “do nothing” politics. He doesn’t actually run anything. He is only allowed to keep his current position as long as he does whatever AOC wants him to do. If he refuses, she has made it publicly known she will primary Schumer and take his seat in the Senate. I can guarantee you that the Democrat voters of NYC are dumb enough to elevate AOC to a Senator in a heartbeat. So it’s not an empty threat from AOC. Like a good lap dog desperate to have the trappings of power, although none of the real power that goes along with it, Schumer does what he is instructed do for whatever time he has left in his current position. He’s made millions from his many years in Washington politics, so it is not like he won’t be very, very comfortable in retirement. Besides, he can always use his political connections to land some lucrative side gigs “advising” companies in NYC how to “navigate” New York State politics for a handsome fee.

J Rea
J Rea
3 years ago

Not sure we should celebrate the demise of Chuckie Schumer just yet. The voters in Arizona may yet reelect Democrats to the Senate and keep him in power. Just because the Democrat policies are unpopular it doesnt prevent voters from returning those Democrats to Congress.

James L Jester Sr
James L Jester Sr
3 years ago

As far as I’m concerned, every single democrap out there is a corrupt, anti-american, asshole pedophile. Yes I believe they’re all pedophiles.

3 years ago

I’ll never forget Schumer gleefully telling everyone, immediately after the stolen election, that now they could rewrite the constitution.

Robert M De Angel
Robert M De Angel
3 years ago

Schumer is a typical Demorat, lie, lie, lie! He does not care for “We the People” and it shows in what he says. HR-1 was a power grab by the Dems, and it failed, just like Uncle Joe’s Build Back Better Plan, another money pit that will cost not only the current taxpayers, but future tax payers as well. The United States of America was founded by Great men that wrote not only the Declaration of Independence, but the Constitution as well! If we can stop BLM, and CRT, this country hopefully get back on track. We need people in both houses of Congress to be honest and and care for “We The People”!!! I am a Disabled Veteran and a Patriot, yes Make America Great Again for now and in the future!!!!!

3 years ago

Democrat Party a party of destruction

3 years ago

No sympathy here, schumer is just another useless, corrupt, career marxist democrat politician destroying America!
Throw him out!!!

3 years ago

Senator Schumer is just another empty suit. His gun is shooting blanks. As an aside, he is definitely very properly fearful of AOC unseating him as a senator.What a thought that is! I believe that PaulE may have already made this previous point. Senator Schumer is a very weak politician. Remember that he started his political career as a racist candidate by promising voters in area where he was running that he would make sure that the “blacks” would have to move and vacate the housing that was available. PLAN FAILED BUT HE DID GET ELECTED. Amazing to say the least. Schumer is just another politician described as all hat and no cowboy. What a gas bag or even a B.O.S. Did he follow the current regime to get along or BECAUSE HE IS THAT UNINFORMED aka STUPID????????

3 years ago

Schumer and Shitt have become very quiet and seemed to have dropped out of the limelight. Wondering what is up?!?!

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 years ago

he is not the only one still latched to gov udder this is beyond obscene that at least half of them should have been weaned off 30 yrs ago but still hang on and the voter sleeps

3 years ago

More conservative porn. The stark fact that shumie takes orders from a cretin like aoc spells it out. Again, if aoc were a one off, an anomaly like sanders twenty five yrs ago that would be one thing. However, she represents not just her district, but millions of communists who’re intent on destroying the country and remaking it along cuban or venezuelan lines. Communism is on the ascendancy worldwide (chile just voted one in after decades of free market success). As far as i can see, conservatives have no viable plan to counter this threat other than to wail and wait. The communist movement never sleeps. Perhaps its just not possible to motivate comfortable people enough that they see this clearly, let alone formulate a plan to defeat it.

3 years ago

Initially,to have some one in office for 50 years is a sign of the problem our whole political system suffers from…..long term, set in place, furniture like fixtures in our congress is the first of our malady.
Add to that the ongoing and potential collusion with outside interests, (money brokers, lobbys, big business, big tech, a corrupt media and the mix is there for disaster for the Republic. That is where we are, and Shumer is the poster child, along with Pelosi as to how bad things can be and are.
I cling to the considerations……term limits, a balanced budget, and strict adherance to the constitution as our only saving graces. Sadly, even conservatives eventually fall to the system that now exists.

Lee S McQuillen
Lee S McQuillen
3 years ago

The two democrats opposing the BBB, etc., are representing their constituents, to whom they owe their allegiance. They are not elected to go along with anything democrats want. By virtue of their using their common sense they are, in essence, representing all Americans as well.

3 years ago

It should be the “Ballad of Rich Chuck Schumer.” No way can he be considered “poor.” However, he should be considered “small.”

Matthew G Zatkalik
Matthew G Zatkalik
3 years ago

My house is approaching 60 years old. Repairs are needed in many categories. Schumer’s House, like my house, is in need of reconstruction, of having some ‘fixtures’ removed and some new ‘fixtures’ added. That, of course, includes the individuals who have atrophied mentally, physically, and socially.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
3 years ago

Thank goodness the probability that Schumer could “change America” anyway he saw as helpful to his side has declined.

3 years ago

Just another reason why TERM LIMITS ARE OVERDUE! Just look at Schummer & Biden. They do not care for America or our American citizens. What have they done in all these years for America? Can you name three things? And poor-really? Let’s all break out the crying towels.

jake the snake
jake the snake
3 years ago

oh phuc chuck.
here’s something for you to suc chuck.
good old pass the buck chuck
makes me want to up chuck.
your a lame duck chuck.

This is what happens when you have to commit voter fraud and lie to keep your party in power.

hey liberals, progressives, democrats try honesty next time. people like that you know.

3 years ago

Since Democrats always hanker to re-distribute “other people’s money”, and loudly proclaim that they want everyone to “pay their fair share”, especially the much touted “millionaires, and billionaires” should we finally get a law that bans congressional insider trading, it should be backdated. This would allow American taxpayers to look back and re-assess how much anyone who spent 50 years in Congress really made on the backs of the American public by insider trading, and how much in fines, and interest on those he/she should have to pay because he/she got to be immune to the laws they enacted for the rest of us, while they got to be “more equal than others.”

Dyana G Hilliard
Dyana G Hilliard
3 years ago

WHY are they shaking hands? How nasty is that? Aren’t they supposed to bump elbows?

3 years ago

It was never about “voting rights.” It was always about making it easier for DemocRats to cheat by eliminating common sense voter requirements like verifiable I.D. to get a mail in ballot, extending deadlines, etc.

R.S. Helms
R.S. Helms
3 years ago

Well written honestly, and I do hope that the GOP realizes the damage that their own RINOs are doing to the chances of coming out of the mid-terms ahead of the progressive-socialists of the left. it is not over till the ‘Fat Lady Sings’ and with the progressive GOP RINOs doing their damage to the unity of the GOP it will be a hard row to hoe. Great article if you keep in mind that Chuckie boy still has Romney, Cheney, Mitch McConnell, and others, who would jump on Schumer’s side in a heartbeat.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
3 years ago

Chuck Schumer spoke at my son’s college graduation almost 10 years ago. He was supposed to talk in a mentoring sort of way to the graduates. However, he bored almost everyone to death by talking about himself and his knowing at a young age that he had always wanted to be a politician. The man was and is shameless.

W.L. O’Dell
W.L. O’Dell
3 years ago

Very interesting and thought provoking article with an insight that unfortunately supports (or confirms!) my growing fears and suspicion about many of the people working, but are supposed to be serving in the top levels of our government.

3 years ago

This is a perfect example why we need TERM LIMITS. These people have been around too long. they have gained wealth and hate so time to bring young people in and limit their time and benefits.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

It should start out “It Was The Third of June”…

Gloria Hensley
Gloria Hensley
3 years ago

Biden did not win the election. He is an illegal president in office only by an illegal election. The Dominion machines were “defective” (i believe on purpose to keep Trump from “showing” as winning) Fake ballots and illegal ballots were brought in as shown on videos in the early morning hours. So, say what you want, but for those of use who watch and pay attention, it was most likely the most fraudulent election in this nation. That being said, everything Biden has done is illegal, including Schumer as Senate leader. God will not honor their “illegal reign of destruction”. And, neither should we. They are cooperating in the murder of millions of babies through abortion and now through poisonous shots which they call “vaccines”, and out of fear, a million people have allowed themselves to be murdered by letting the poison be put into their veins, their DNA and organs.52 percent of babies under 5 who have already been given the poison, are dead!!! As of last night – when the illegal democrats do their dirty work, the traitor (some call RINOs) I call them what they are,4 of the traitor republicans who had the chance to end the murder, illegal mandates – but didn’t show to vote. Lindsey Graham (no surprise) Mitt Romney (no surprise ) and the senator of NC (again no surprise) and one other republican senator who hates people too I guess. It’s all criminal. At 75 years old I pray Jesus will come with the ‘warning’ – everyone will have one more chance to walk in truth, integrity and love. If they choose not, well I hope they like to be where the fire is never quenched.

Edward Wooldridge
Edward Wooldridge
3 years ago

Good article. However, it is abhorrent to consistently call the Democrat party, member, or otherwise the Democratic party, when their actions gather anything but that of a Democracy.

3 years ago

Give us the other two names of the Rinos instead of just words…two named: Lindsey Graham, Mitt we can vote them out of office and see that they are never voted in again. We need strong candidates who will as Jim Jordan said “Do what you say you will do”. Voters are fed up with promises made just to get into office, especially the long term candidates. We need Term Limits. And we need to acknowledge our thanks to two moderate Democrats that used common sense in denying more irrational spending by Biden …we need them to remain and continue to represent the moderate democrats…an example of how we want our Conservative candidates & true Republicans using common sense to represent us.

3 years ago

Schumer is not a public servant. He is on the public dole. He’s a useless evil demoncrat politician. Other than his name o don’t think I’ve ever heard him let the truth pass between his lips.

Bill T
Bill T
3 years ago

Schumer pushed hard to eliminate the filibuster (and in a heartbeat would have ) . A true liberal democrat and now a progressive socialist democrat. Anything to keep his power as a powerful senate leader and leftist democrat. He also wanted to pack the Supreme Court with leftist progressive democrats and add on a few more totally leftist blue states . But these are understanding and compromising democrats who only have the best interests of all American citizens in mind. Guess that’s why millions of illegals are flooding into our country and many millions more will be more than welcome into our country by these progressive socialist democrats. Anything for complete takeover of our country.

3 years ago

Chuck Schumer has been on the public dole for decades. Another corrupt, liar; and hater of regular working people in our great country. This man truly thinks the American people work for him and serve him. A self-serving CREEP!

3 years ago

Chucky is as honest and honorable as his niece (Amy) is funny.

3 years ago

Photo of two old corrupt weasels who haven’t done one good thing for the American people in all their years in Washington, way too many years. They are so totally consumed with greed and power that the only way these fossils will leave is in a box, just like so many others in Washington. They all need a good shove out the door!

3 years ago

I am tired of even friendly outlets such as yourselves referring to Chuck-U Schumer as the majority leader. There is no majority in the Senate.

USN Retired
USN Retired
3 years ago

Just another one of the Communist that needs to go away . . .

Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported
American flag
SWAT Police house entry. A British police SWAT team practice a house entry technique.

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