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The Absurdity Principle – Falls

Posted on Tuesday, September 28, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

When everything becomes absurd, nothing is. Think of Alice Wonderland, a country at war, under occupation, a place where logic, accountability, norms, and principles are adrift. Now, consider what we are living through. But if we keep faith, the absurdity principle falls.

Consider the sense of unreality – or absurdity – that we are all living through.

We have a border that is not a border, honorable horse patrol agents doing exceptional work, attacked on fictional grounds – called “racist” – by a president, vice president, Democrats with no credibility or honor. Absurd.

We have citizens arming to the teeth, record minorities and women in Democrat-led cities from New York, Chicago, and Detroit to Los Angeles, Portland, and Seattle – as a president, vice president, and Democrats weaken police, divert resources, dishonor sacrifice, and paint the 99 percent who are selfless with a one percent brush. Absurd.

We have Americans and allies by the thousands – yes, thousands – still desperately trying to get out of a murderous, terror-led Afghanistan, as Biden’s team says all is well, look away, care not. Yet we do care, will care, must care, and we will not look away. Absurd.

We have prices at our local grocery stores rising fast, as a disoriented Biden, dissembling Harris, disengaged cabinet, dishonest Congress say no inflation, that debt does not matter, taxes can be raised, and more spending is good for “unity” – without one Republican vote. Absurd.

We have statements ranging from COVID is “hell on earth” and masks mandatory, to the federal government must inject you or no job; we have religious fervor built around ignoring religious rights, speech by government drowning the American People’s rights to freely speak. Absurd.

We have attempted to assure leftwing rule – following the neofascist playbook – by those who aim to “pack” (that is, subvert through politics) the Supreme Court for “rule of law.” That is like putting your best friends on a jury to assure objectivity, knowing they are not objective. Absurd.

We have fines for Republicans in Congress and horrified glares for citizens without masks by elites who attend political fundraisers, presidential birthday parties, MET and Emmy galas, beauty parlors, and restaurants without masks because they are the chosen. Absurd.

We have a fence around the Capitol for months, erected again for a few hundred protestors, to protect the chosen from democratic protests, while thousands ran wild, ravaged businesses, federal buildings, churches, homes in 200 cities – and were untouched. Absurd.

We have more than 96,000 young people dead in the past year from drug overdoses, an open border that allows fentanyl, heroin, meth, cocaine, synthetics, and high purity marijuana into this country, killers that top all leading social ailments and threats. Absurd and tragic.

We watch drug-related carnage, thinking it will not find those we know – but it will. Democrats and libertarians look away, legalizing dangerous narcotics, devastating the lives of 200,000 parents, 400,000 grandparents, countless siblings, cousins, and heartbroken friends. Drug legalization is death by disinterest, unthinking and immoral, out of touch, absurd.

Media trade integrity for celebrity, as modernity is defined by absurdity, each day a new installment, and the sense of respect for work, law, decency, history, integrity, sacrifice gone.

Truth is timeless. Some values demand attention. We must return to things “as they should be,” where love, logic, reality, integrity, experience, facts, faith, and respect matter.

My bet is we will get there. That said, the slope back up is steep. The reality principle – with socialists controlling White House, Senate, and House – is in shadow, absurdity on display. But the clock ticks, time moves, pendulums swing, and the world turns. It is even now.

Absurdity is absurd – by definition. This Democrat leadership qualifies. They are out of sync with America. The Mad Hatter is pure fiction, necessarily filled with inherent contradiction.

So, keep your faith and your compass. We will get through this scary chapter. When all seems absurd, truth most matters. We only need to elevate it to close the back cover on Alice. The absurdity principle – absurdity as normal – falls to those who stay focused on reality.

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3 years ago

RBC, nice article but too much well wishing. I would love for our country to come back but the Left are entrenched enough to get their absurd policies past before the mid-term elections and there will be no turning back for this country’s destruction. Too many illegal immigrant voters will flood the next election to keep the Democrats/Left in power and even if the Republicans gain the House and the Senate, they will do nothing to reverse the Democrats policies for fear of losing their voters. I see it as a “CATCH-22” situation. If the current proposed legislation can be defeated, it will be a start otherwise this nation will continue to downslide.

Letitia walsh
Letitia walsh
3 years ago

Excellent and well written piece!

Mark L
Mark L
3 years ago

WOW! Great write up and Post! This column is the truth not opinions it also states fact. I’m very hopeful that mid terms will show DemocRATS are in government just to earn the money they get. ( I didn’t say earned!)

Jim Jolly
Jim Jolly
3 years ago

These are hard times and all created. Sad far from the US we knew. I can mostly link this to the Democratic party, Pelosi, Schumer, The Squad and oh yes don’t forget Bernie. GOD bless America because he is the only one that can overcome this Satianism!

3 years ago

The Progressives want America to be like California where it is near impossible for Conservatives to hold office.
Illegal Immigration will take its toll on America. It has and will always be about the vote for Democrats and that is the reason we have a surge at the border. I doubt demented Biden knows what is really going on in his own administration. Bernie, AOC, and company are calling the shots! The Democrats are trying to destroy America by spending trillions in order to fund Socialist programs to help the Democrats to win the House and Senate in 2022! So the Democrats can say, “Look what we have done for you!”

GJ Rawe
GJ Rawe
3 years ago

Thank you very beautiful very moving.

Matt Knighton
Matt Knighton
3 years ago

Very good

3 years ago

Outstanding article!!!!

3 years ago

Thank you for helping to keep my spirits up and not feeling alone.

Wm. Webb
Wm. Webb
3 years ago

Nice to see someone write what I have been thinking.

Jeff T.
Jeff T.
3 years ago

Mr. Charles, THNK YOU for you for sharing you perspective and presenting same eloquently.I agree with everything you said and, again, I appreciate you for posting this; I wish I could copy and share it with others i.e. when I click “share” people cannot see it if they do not have AMAC app. ALL of We The People need access to articles like your’s.May God continue to bless you and our American brethren.

3 years ago

What the left is doing is evil not absurd. That we are letting them do it is what is absurd.

3 years ago

Well said but I pray this “absurdity” turns into a brutal reality for Democrats in the mid terms next year or we really are sunk as a country.

Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson
3 years ago

To live in Alice and Wonderlands mad hatter world, one must keep his own sanity to succeed. Unfortunately at every level of your day, Biden’s edicts fueling average Americans to stop believing their is any hope that sanity will return in a timely manner. Yes as our liberty and freedom evaporate with our political Communist Democrats firmly in control one must put forth extraordinary patience since it seems the Republicans only want us to give them campaign money to fight this evil they say they will do if I only contribute to their campaigns. Every time the Republicans get control they seem to follow the Democrats in a spend frenzy of their own. America needs patriotic conservative to fight the scourge we see every day with both parties.

3 years ago

Never worry about who will be offended if you speak the truth.
Worry about who will be misled, deceived, & destroyed if you don’t.

3 years ago

“Truth crushed to earth
Is truth still,
And like a seed,
Will rise again.”
-Jefferson Davis

3 years ago

None of what is happening should surprise us. God wrote us all a book, told us what was coming, laid it out in detail.

He cautioned us about the depravity of man(humans), our hard hearts, what we would be like in the last days, (II Timothy chapter 3) If you read that and don’t see the world we live in, I don’t have an answer for you. Matthew 24 should be read as well. Lawless will abound. Pestilences, famines, earthquakes, the word here for earthquake can also describe weather related activity, kingdom against kingdom, look at China. Saber rattling with India, Russia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, US, Taiwan, etc., nation against nation. The Greek for nation is ethnos. In English, ethnicity. Maybe it’s time to invite God back into our Country?

Look at the middle East. Israel’s primary last days enemies are on their northern border. Ezekiel 38 and 39. All God said to us is coming to pass. Believe it or not, it’s your choice. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord

3 years ago

Yes, I too think that the DemocRat Party is out of sync with American citizens … but I think that has been the situation since the LBJ presidency. And it is becoming more absurd as time passes. But I think the News Media helps them remain that way and it shows in their gradual slide in to absurdity.

3 years ago

I must say that the GOP did not do much while they held the House, the Senate, and the White House. I would appreciate it if the party I have supported my entire voting life had more backbone and could compromise, not across the aisle, but within their own party, to get things done and really keep America strong. President Trump could not do everything by himself. I start the GOP blame game with Jeff Sessions and the Russian probe that crippled President Trump’s presidency for over 2 years.

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
3 years ago

The MSM normalizes and celebrates absurdity. Anything that is common sense is what is painted as absurd. They are the monster destroying our world.

3 years ago

Where are the snipers….asking for a friend.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

How about some of those funny jackets with extra long sleeves?

3 years ago

I tend to think that Joe Hidin’ Biden is the biggest absurdity I have seen as a high level National leader, altho Hillary Clinton could have easily nudged him out of first place if the DemocRats had gotten their vote rigging in order sooner. Anyone know what Hillary called her broom closet? /…… the Garage!

Di B
Di B
3 years ago

You give me hope, RBC – thank you!

Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
3 years ago

Very concise. Our government and lives have been taken over by hateful Progressive/Socialists who are willing to literally destroy our lives and our Constitutional Republic.

3 years ago

We must keep the faith. It seems that this is the only way to survive this whole travesty. Keep praying…..we WILL get an answer.

Sara J Grosso
Sara J Grosso
3 years ago


LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - JULY 16: U.S. President Joe Biden speaks at the 115th NAACP National Convention at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center on July 16, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Biden returned to the campaign trail, delivering remarks at the NAACP convention today, and will tomorrow at the UnidosUS Annual Conference during a visit to the battleground state of Nevada. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
The United Nations UN official flag. Sign of the international community of world
a clock thawing in the spring after a snow
Logo of world health organization WHO on mobile phone screen. Blurred flag of USA background

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