The Absurdity Principle – Falls

Posted on Tuesday, September 28, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

When everything becomes absurd, nothing is. Think of Alice Wonderland, a country at war, under occupation, a place where logic, accountability, norms, and principles are adrift. Now, consider what we are living through. But if we keep faith, the absurdity principle falls.

Consider the sense of unreality – or absurdity – that we are all living through.

We have a border that is not a border, honorable horse patrol agents doing exceptional work, attacked on fictional grounds – called “racist” – by a president, vice president, Democrats with no credibility or honor. Absurd.

We have citizens arming to the teeth, record minorities and women in Democrat-led cities from New York, Chicago, and Detroit to Los Angeles, Portland, and Seattle – as a president, vice president, and Democrats weaken police, divert resources, dishonor sacrifice, and paint the 99 percent who are selfless with a one percent brush. Absurd.

We have Americans and allies by the thousands – yes, thousands – still desperately trying to get out of a murderous, terror-led Afghanistan, as Biden’s team says all is well, look away, care not. Yet we do care, will care, must care, and we will not look away. Absurd.

We have prices at our local grocery stores rising fast, as a disoriented Biden, dissembling Harris, disengaged cabinet, dishonest Congress say no inflation, that debt does not matter, taxes can be raised, and more spending is good for “unity” – without one Republican vote. Absurd.

We have statements ranging from COVID is “hell on earth” and masks mandatory, to the federal government must inject you or no job; we have religious fervor built around ignoring religious rights, speech by government drowning the American People’s rights to freely speak. Absurd.

We have attempted to assure leftwing rule – following the neofascist playbook – by those who aim to “pack” (that is, subvert through politics) the Supreme Court for “rule of law.” That is like putting your best friends on a jury to assure objectivity, knowing they are not objective. Absurd.

We have fines for Republicans in Congress and horrified glares for citizens without masks by elites who attend political fundraisers, presidential birthday parties, MET and Emmy galas, beauty parlors, and restaurants without masks because they are the chosen. Absurd.

We have a fence around the Capitol for months, erected again for a few hundred protestors, to protect the chosen from democratic protests, while thousands ran wild, ravaged businesses, federal buildings, churches, homes in 200 cities – and were untouched. Absurd.

We have more than 96,000 young people dead in the past year from drug overdoses, an open border that allows fentanyl, heroin, meth, cocaine, synthetics, and high purity marijuana into this country, killers that top all leading social ailments and threats. Absurd and tragic.

We watch drug-related carnage, thinking it will not find those we know – but it will. Democrats and libertarians look away, legalizing dangerous narcotics, devastating the lives of 200,000 parents, 400,000 grandparents, countless siblings, cousins, and heartbroken friends. Drug legalization is death by disinterest, unthinking and immoral, out of touch, absurd.

Media trade integrity for celebrity, as modernity is defined by absurdity, each day a new installment, and the sense of respect for work, law, decency, history, integrity, sacrifice gone.

Truth is timeless. Some values demand attention. We must return to things “as they should be,” where love, logic, reality, integrity, experience, facts, faith, and respect matter.

My bet is we will get there. That said, the slope back up is steep. The reality principle – with socialists controlling White House, Senate, and House – is in shadow, absurdity on display. But the clock ticks, time moves, pendulums swing, and the world turns. It is even now.

Absurdity is absurd – by definition. This Democrat leadership qualifies. They are out of sync with America. The Mad Hatter is pure fiction, necessarily filled with inherent contradiction.

So, keep your faith and your compass. We will get through this scary chapter. When all seems absurd, truth most matters. We only need to elevate it to close the back cover on Alice. The absurdity principle – absurdity as normal – falls to those who stay focused on reality.