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Special Prosecutor? Wrong Move.

Posted on Monday, November 21, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

A sitting president just authorized an attorney general to settle political differences with a Special Prosecutor? The idea undermines law and constitutional democracy, no matter the politics, yet here we are – another escalation, misuse of power, twist in the wretched road. Wrong move.

The appointment of a Special Prosecutor, or Special Counsel, to further investigate Donald Trump for much discussed issues looks a lot like delegitimizing a political opponent, more unethical DC gotcha. The move misuses legal authority. Look at the sequence, then think.

An activist, reflexively entitled part of the fractured Democrat Party – back in 2016 – responded to a tight election victory for Mr. Trump by instantly seeking to delegitimize him, using innuendo, false charges, unjust surveillance, illegal FISA applications, and coercive power to undermine his agenda – ironically, one that benefitted most Americans.

The group leaked false information, much of it conjured up by paid creators, to sully the 2016 winner’s claim to leadership. They gave misleading interviews, accused, surmised, mocked, and saturated media outlets with falsehoods, some to sell books. The media played along.

As the economy strengthened, China backed off, Iran retreated, NATO paid bills, North Korea stopped launching missiles, Mexico signed a new trade accord, illegal immigration declined, and Middle Eastern countries began bilateral accords – opponents’ anger led to fresh attacks.

A preloaded Democrat-led Congress engineered two rapid-fire, unprecedented “impeachments.” These reflected arch-political positions – one based on a phone call, ironically with a foreign leader pressured by the now-sitting president to drop an investigation into his son. The other attributed rogue protestors to presidential engineering.

Even this was not enough. The irrepressible former president offended the activist wing of the other party with his grating combination of irreverence, ego, and outcomes. In other words, they could not allow his tenure to end peaceably, and now needed to prevent his return.

What did they do? First, they sullied him administratively, legally, congressionally, and in the media, colluding with social media to shut down his attempt at defense, tried to silence him.

They persisted in trying to block his free speech rights under the First Amendment – labeling his words and defenders extremist, hateful, untruthful, unworthy of protection, anti-democratic.

When conservatives – judicial, constitutional, and political – spoke up, opposing this kind of political persecution, seeking a return to constitutional process, they were ostracized, cancelled, chilled, physically attacked – the goal, silence. Even Supreme Court justices faced this result.

When these tactics failed, as populism is hard to suppress, the current administration tried another angle.  They executed a “general warrant,” a violation of the 4th Amendment – or

exceeded reasonable terms of a specific warrant, which must state what is sought, where, and for what criminal purpose. We still do not know the facts, odd for a constitutional republic.

So, a former president – political opponent of the sitting president – had his home invaded, excess force used – dozens of armed agents, nine hours, wife’s closets searched, papers of all kinds, unclassified, classified, magazine articles, passport, and medical records – confiscated.

The scope of the thing was breathtaking – followed by relative silence. This is odd since the offenses alleged are more administrative than criminal, more fear or ego than criminal intent.  

Next, as this did not satisfy congressional venality, they decided to go after his family, friends, and former administration members – what we call, in lawless countries, “the opposition.”

They did all this with audacity, hitting former loyalists, friends (some tried and acquitted), and sending chills through Republicans. Congress then applied contempt power in unprecedented ways, criminalizing the assertion of basic legal rights against a subpoena.

The whole thing is legally stunning, a fact largely ignored by left-leaning media. Instead, aggressive speeches by the sitting president got coverage, calling opponents “enemies of the state.”

To watch all this – as a former litigator, US Court of Appeals clerk, chief counsel to a major House oversight subcommittee, teacher of law and oversight, veteran of two White Houses, and State Department – causes shudders. This is not how constitutional process should work.

Now, the coup de grace, the final stroke, an obvious attempt to settle political scores with a heart punch. The White House has released on Trump their legal “hound,” a “Special Prosecutor” to “look at everything” and see – no doubt – if that can perhaps end his influence.

If all this were occurring in a country historically corrupt, or one overrun with rumors tying the current leader to nefarious political activities, or in a country where the leader was part of one-party rule with legislative corruption, or in a country with an aging, easily manipulated leader – and there are many – one might not be surprised. But this is America.

Then again, this is the thing – and you know it: We are starting to look like one of those countries. These acts offend all we stand for, Constitution and history, cut to the bone of the republic, rule of law, faith in administration, non-corrupt politics.

If we lose faith in who we are, what this country is about, due process, procedure, Bill of Rights, fairness, honest investigation, impartial application of laws – we will lose the republic. If a White House can justify misusing the awesome power of government, legal tools meant for non-political purposes, in a political way – and the nation shrugs – we are in trouble.

Bottom line: Appointing a Special Prosecutor goes beyond false charges and wasteful congressional investigations, demonization, condemnation, and home invasion. It erodes faith in rule of law and the separation of law and politics. Simply put, this was the wrong move.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Well put RBC & here we are again or should I say still… A never ending charade of lies, innuendo, deceit, you name it by the current occupiers in the WH. No matter one’s political stripes, many if not most Americans are beginning to wake up, simply look at the overall state this nation is in under the leadership or lack thereof of the current regime inflicting so much damage upon this nation in never ending fashion… I can go on & on with this, the damage list is simply put, staggering as it will take a generation to just get some semblance of law & order back in place again in America…
The damage done in such a short period of time by this group of anti-American people within & outside the WH is difficult to fathom…
God Bless America,
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

But will anyone be prosecuted for all of these treasons or, at the least, illegal behaviors?
That is what makes us so angry.

I sure hope we can rely on the next Congress to redress all of this.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Need Special Prosecutor for Biden to get Biden

2 years ago

Yet another purely political move by the Democrat Party to “get Trump” in order to try and take him off the chess board. With the Dems January 6th Committee failing to produce the desired results they envisioned with the majority if the public, the Democrats are now forced to be completely overt in their actions. Even the way Garland described the need for a special prosecutor let the real intent of this whole charade out of the bag. We’re now doing exactly what third-world dictators do to any political opposition they face. It is so painfully obvious.

Considering the FBI has already stated publicly that none of the papers seized at Mar-A-Lago contained anything to do with nuclear secrets nor national security issues, there is really no basis for this latest witch hunt other than it being a pure political attack against a political opponent the Democrats do not want to face. Is there any wonder why our foreign adversaries are laughing at us and our political allies around the world are loosing confidence in the United States with each passing day?

2 years ago

And we get some talking heads mostly Democrats, spewing that it’s time for the country to just move on from now having House Republicans do what Democrats have done. You know, having special inquiries into all these illegal Democratic investigations. Especially looking into ALL the Jacka** Joe Biden’s family financial shenanigans. I guess they never thought the day might come that the shoe would be on the other foot and they might have to answer for their illegal actions. . . . I say it’s time to pay the piper, an eye for an eye. I’m looking forward to watching these traitors squirm, cry and moan!

mike schenck
mike schenck
2 years ago

Faith is already lost in our judicial system, be restored??? How? So how many times, how much in $$$, how much in wasted time will it take to FINALLY STOP trying to find a crime? This is absurd, and the rule of law seems to be actually gone at this point. So the Biden family can actually commit outright crimes out in front of people, and the so called “Justice” dept does nothing? What about Congressman SWALLOWwell, sleeping with a spy? What about Mad Maxine actually inciting and asking for violence, far more obvious than DJT, and that’s ok? What about Each Democrat “SWEARING” to uphold the constitution and the laws of the land, to then actually disregard the actual law of protecting our borders! And that’s ok??? What about allowing murders and rapists out with NO BAIL, meanwhile J6 NON COMBATANTS, sit and rot in jail with NO CHARGES or HEARINGS????? OMG, the only fix for this is what happened hundreds of years ago…………..

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

How pathetic the nation has become to allow this to continue. The fact this emboldened arrogant administration can do anything they want, can go virtually unchecked is further fueled by election results. How many more investigations after this one? Democrats don’t have a problem looking stupid, they’re in good company with we who are helpless to stop it.

2 years ago

Reading Mr. Charles’ works always prompts human reflection in me. I feel that the biggest contributor to our possible downfall is and always has been manipulation beginning within the power of those in charge. We should have learned. We should have pulled the weeds and burned them so to speak. We should have governed with integrity not lust. I just hope it’s not to late.

2 years ago

We are not just starting to look like those third world countries, we are already there. If we can not get rid of the commie Democrats it will only get worse. I pray that it’s not too late already.

Thomas Kimball
Thomas Kimball
2 years ago

If these people are allowed to accuse others with no evidence,is purely an abuse of power to silence a political opponent. Where is the checks and balances to keep the balance of power in check. We have a corrupt. FBI, and the same with the DOJ. They are simply harassing and doing a injustice to the system. Why are we as American citizens standing by and letting this kind of injustice to continue.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

AGAIN, the law is being violated! The Mueller (actually Weismann) investigation was started with NO CHARGE being pursued, in violation of the law. Now, Senile Joe and his chief goon announce another investigation, with NO SPECIFIED VIOLATION OF LAW. It’s harassment, pure and simple!

Smili'in Jack
Smili'in Jack
2 years ago

The same puppet masters who pull Joe Biden’s strings are now pulling Garlands strings, This alleged “AG” doesn’t know right from wrong or good from bad. He just complies with orders from his Marxist masters. He only follows orders. Where have we heard that one before?

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
2 years ago

Excellent Article. Gets to the meat of the malignancy. Merriam Webster prepares a lawsuit for the misuse of terms and vocabulary. The English Language has been raped and poisoned! Words and terms like extremism, unpatriotic, and undemocratic. Main Stream Media declares that democracy is in danger because of ‘Conservative Views’! See the ‘SPIN’ here? Democracy is in danger because of ‘Socialist Corrupting Views’! Propaganda, endangering First Amendment Rights, anathematizing everything and everyone including: Our Founding Fathers, Images of Our Founding Fathers, all political opponents, and authors. Destroying the English Language is a mere ‘side effect’ of these circling ‘Marxist Piranhas’! Webster has an accurate term for them! Traitors!

2 years ago

The author here is spot on with the evil besiegement by the dems the past few years. Who would really believe the lying tongue of the serpent, Garland, at this point? How much you want to bet, that THIS time, the feds will come up with a crime, and they will make up the evidence of it? And we will all know it will be a lie. Then what?

2 years ago

The last election has shown that the public is not interested in either the liberal left or the radical right. If the Democrats try to prosecute Trump for Jan. 6th on the trumped-up charges of the Radical liberal left they will show that there is NO justice in this country any more. Especially if they try to the trial in Washington where all the jurors will be Democrats…High place Democrats at that. If they just sit back and let Trump shoot himself in the foot by harping about the 2020 election the public will be bored and move on any way. I believe Trump was a good President. He could not know everything so he got other opinions.. that makes sense. Then he decided. His job. But he needs to fix the voting poles, and get the GOP into the modern voting methods of the Democrats. Collect those votes ahead of the election, like the Gov. of Georgea, Brian Kemp. Stacy Abram started that method. GOP should get on the band wagon.

2 years ago

The whole purpose of the “special prosecutor” is to keep the charges pending until after 2024

2 years ago

GEezeuz…. Can’t these morons find a new drum to beat?? The American government is run by a group of criminally insane losers.

2 years ago

The reason why these corrupt politicians (in both Democrats and Republicans) hate Pres. Trump so much because they don’t want him exposing their dirty laundry to the American people.

2 years ago

When the tea hit Boston harbor, a few good men rose up and started what became a movement. Only one % fought and won!
The same will do it today.
All that’s needed will be done by a handful who will put the fear in the ruling class.
The time for talk is slowly disappearing.
What side are you on?

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
2 years ago

In 2022, we have officially become a “Banana Republic” under the Biden Administration, where the rule of law is disregarded, and democracy goes to hide. The way Biden’s Justice Department and FBI have weaponized our federal agencies can only be compared to the Mafia or any mob family who thinks it would be a good idea to put a “horse head” in one of Trumps beds. Democrats have tried to intimidate Trump for years and he has always outsmarted them all, no matter what they tried. However, with the media always holding the Dems water, no one with left wing brain every gets the truth, and never understands what’s really going on; and now with corrupt stolen elections it does looks bleak for America’s future.

But wait. Now with a Republican House, change does have a chance, only if the Republicans don’t shoot themselves in the foot. The House needs to take the bull by the horns and go after the Dems at “WARP SPEED”, don’t be nice guys and don’t turn the other cheek. Go after Biden’s corrupt overseas dealings and remove his family from power and put them all behind bars; go after AG Garland and HLS Mayorkas for malfeasance an impeach them both. And let’s go even further, why Republicans don’t look into removing the Justice Department, FBI, IRS and any other federal agency that is presently reports directly to the President. The only way to at least try to get politics out of our justice agencies is to remove them as far away from the Executive Branch as possible and have them report directly to Congress for oversite.

2024 is coming soon, and conservative and common-sense values are at stake, we need to regain the Senate and White House and I believe that Trump has to the best chance to change the above. We need to make permanent changes that cannot be overturned easily by the liberal left.

2 years ago

Garland and the Dims are so frightened of Trump that they are willing to commit any crime.

2 years ago

It is too obvious what is going on. One way or another #45 is in the way and pain in the backside for many factions. Al Capone would just put out a “hit” contract. Today we get a Special Prosecutor instead of a Special Executor.

2 years ago

Pretty sure the SC will shut this down.

2 years ago

I also have a problem with POTUS who uses SCOTUS as a weapon. 1) Biden wants SCOTUS to approve his Student Loan payments & I think that should be a job for Congress and not Supreme Court 2) Trump has asked SCOTUS to stop his tax returns from turned over to Ways & Means committee & they would not do that for an ordinary citizen so I do not think Trump should do this either.

JL Hammond
JL Hammond
2 years ago

I have a question, regarding these special prosecutors, and the Jan 6 investigation. Were the Repubs who were voted into office actually able to stop the investigation, could they legally release every one of those who were there but not part of any violence? I think what those prisoners are being subjected to is illegal. Their confinement conditions are inhumane, to say the least. They need to be released, with restrictive conditions just like real criminals who are released now even without bail, until they are charged with something based on actual fact. Almost none of them have even been charged with anything, to date, yet they are kept in extremely unhealthy, cruel dark cells and are getting sicker by the day. Why? Can’t the Repubs in office do something about that?

older couple at retirement age on the computer
trump and fauci; WHO
Official seal of the California Department of Insurance.
the Houthis

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