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Schumer to GOP: Please Don’t Do What We Were Going to Do to You

Posted on Friday, November 22, 2024
by Outside Contributor

When the Democratic convention took place in August, with new nominee Kamala Harris rising in the polls, Democrats were giddy with a sense of impending victory. In Chicago for the convention, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer of New York visited with party officials and reporters to outline his plans for a glorious new age in Washington with Democrats in control of the White House, Senate and House of Representatives.

Schumer’s top priority in the new Harris administration would have been to eliminate the legislative filibuster that has long protected minority rights in the Senate. That way, even if the Senate were tied between 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans, those 50 Democrats, with the tie breaking vote of Vice President Tim Walz, could enact far-reaching legislation without any input at all from Republicans. Washington would have true one-party rule, and the minority party would have no say in things whatsoever.

Democrats had tried to kill the filibuster in 2022, when Democrats had just 50 votes, but fell two votes short when two independent-minded Democratic senators, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, refused to go along with the party. In 2022, Democrats picked up another seat, giving them a 51-49 majority in the Senate. That put them one vote closer to killing the filibuster. 

Schumer believed 2024 would be the year Democrats could finally erase any Republican power in the Senate. Manchin and Sinema were both leaving the Senate, Schumer explained at his talk in Chicago. Manchin’s seat would be won by a Republican, so it still would be unavailable for Democrats. But Sinema’s seat would be won by Democrat Ruben Gallego, Schumer said, and Gallego would go along with the party on the filibuster. That would give Democrats the 50 votes they needed, provided there was a Vice President Walz to break the tie.

“We got it up to 48, but, of course, Sinema and Manchin voted no; that’s why we couldn’t change the rules,” Schumer explained. “Well, they’re both gone. Ruben Gallego is for it, and we have 51. So even losing Manchin, we still have 50.” And if there were 50 Democrats, and given his confidence that there would be a Vice President Walz, Schumer would be preparing at this moment to destroy the filibuster and prepare a wave of legislation so objectionable to moderates and conservatives that they would be passed on Democratic votes alone.

But it didn’t happen. The Democrats lost votes in the election. Republicans will have a 53-to-47 majority in the Senate. Schumer is headed toward being the minority leader. And there will be no Vice President Walz. None of Schumer’s dreams came true. 

So this week, Schumer went to the well of the Senate and addressed some remarks to his Republican colleagues. “Another closely contested election now comes to an end,” he said. “To my Republican colleagues, I offer a word of caution in good faith: Take care not to misread the will of the people, and do not abandon the need for bipartisanship. After winning an election, the temptation may be to go to the extreme. We’ve seen that happen over the decades, and it has consistently backfired on the party in power. So, instead of going to the extremes, I remind my colleagues that this body is most effective when it’s bipartisan. If we want the next four years in the Senate to be as productive as the last four, the only way that will happen is through bipartisan cooperation.”

The short version of that is: Please don’t do to us what we were going to do to you. Schumer is obviously concerned that Republicans might embrace a scheme to eliminate the filibuster and pass all sorts of consequential legislation with no Democratic input at all. That wouldn’t be bipartisan! Fortunately for Schumer, Republicans have been more principled than Democrats when it comes to the legislative filibuster, and to the filibuster in general. Republicans realize that even though they will have the majority for the next two years, they might be back in the minority at any time after that. So Schumer will not get it good and hard the way he planned to give it to Republicans.

The filibuster has always been the subject of hypocrisy in the Senate. The late Sen. Fred Thompson used to explain it this way: When we are in the majority, the filibuster is bad. When we are in the minority, the filibuster is good. It’s an issue that some lawmakers hop back and forth on, depending on whether their party is in the majority or minority.

But Schumer’s brand of hypocrisy is particularly egregious. He was not advocating whether this or that individual bill should or should not be filibustered. That goes on all the time. He was advocating changing Senate rules, on an entirely partisan basis, to eliminate the minority party’s ability to demand a higher standard of approval for controversial legislation. And then, when Schumer’s party loses, he instantly turns around and becomes Mr. Bipartisanship. For that, there should be a word that goes beyond mere hypocrisy.

Byron York is chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner.

Reprinted with Permission from CFIF – By Byron York

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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3 months ago

I can’t stand Schumer, he is such a POS.

3 months ago

Well so far, Schumer is doing exactly what I expected him to do if Trump won and the Republicans regained control of both congressional chambers. He’s preaching so-callled bipartisanship while also offering up thinly veiled threats. Standard Schumer. Hope to trick enough of the weak-kneed amongst the GOP establishment in the Senate to fall for the bait and do nothing to pass much-needed legislation to permanently derail any prospect of the Democrats doing exactly what they laid out, if they ever regain control again. The American people need to apply the necessary pressure to those GOP members of the Senate to ensure they do their jobs and not sell out the nation to the Left again.

Barbara W.
Barbara W.
3 months ago

Schumer is trying to get Republicans to do what they’ve always done: roll over and let Democrats walk all over them. If Republicans continue to allow that, this election was for nothing. Republicans, this time around, you’d better have some backbone!

Jim Smaardyk
Jim Smaardyk
3 months ago

If Schumer had control again he would have followed through with his plan to gut the constitution and move forward with his one party rule. The hypocrisy he’s showing now is laughable. For the left, they only look after their own. For us on the right, we at least try to help everyone and are interested in preserving the Constitution.

3 months ago

My guess is there is a whole lot more that POS hopes we don’t do to them that they had planned to do to us. Normally I would say don’t stoop but this time…after all the hell they have put us through since OBAMA actually…sicking the IRS on us just for being conservative and calling us racists, etc. No. They DESERVE a boatload justice & accountability for the crimes against humanity during the Hong Kong Flu, they will never stop until they start getting thrown in jail!

3 months ago

I’m not sure why it only takes a simple majority to change the filibuster rule, when it takes over 60 votes to stop a filibuster. It seems to me since Chucky now wants cooperation, now would be a good time to change the rules such that it would take the same number of votes to change the filibuster rule as it takes to break a filibuster. That would end some of this nonsense.

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
3 months ago

Chuck Schumer believes in tyranny, genocide, a valueless dollar and undeclared war. He’s a Democrat of the type that gave us the last civil war. He’s also aided in the destruction of the U. S. military and attacked the U. S. Supreme Court. I’m surprised that he has not yet been charged with treason.

3 months ago

Does this guy think we are that stupid…..Weeellll we are “Garbage” ! Just hard for me to believe that a leopard will change its spots…Good luck to you Schumer….you LOSER !!!

3 months ago

Sorry. I could not get past Schumer’s “if we want the next four years in the Senate to be as productive as the last four…”. Gag. Cough. Gasp.
I want to see a lot more action from Congress than I have in the last 40 years. I am not planning on sitting back and letting my representatives do what they want to do. All I ever got from that was confused… and taxed. The American people want more follow-thru. We want solutions found and implemented. We want projects completed. And we want American government on a “pork-free” diet.

3 months ago

Full investigation and prosecution of Democrats. Not my opinion the law is the law. They have broken it they Need to be prosecuted. As Joe Biden said no one’s above the law. Apparently unless you’re a Democrat they are immune

3 months ago

Obama talked about bipartisanship and never listened to anyone else. Now Schumer wants bipartisanship? Where has he and Pelosi showed any signs of cooperation in the last 4 years. He must have forgot about his closed door sessions and the ridicule of the republican’s bills they put forth. None of them know the meaning of the word.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 months ago

this is hypocritical claptrap typical of the democrat party. They support the filibuster when they’re in the minority but want to get rid of it in the worst way when they’re in the majority My senator, Schumer is one of the worst offenders when it comes to this. They also scream the loudest for bipartisanship when they’re in the minority and their definition of bipartisanship is that the republicans cave in to democrats and give them everything, they want whether they in the minority or the majority, the country be damned.

3 months ago

Schumer is a low life sleaze. He must never be trusted.

Susan Webster
Susan Webster
3 months ago

Schumer is totally unbelievable and should retire for the good of the country. ASAP. Not advocating violence but he should find a nice retirement community in New Yawk and settle in.

3 months ago

Chuck is past his prime

3 months ago

says the man and party that just got backfired on because of their overreach and abuse of power. What a clown

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
3 months ago

“F” Schumer!! He is a clown like the rest of the democrats & RINO’s. We The People have spoken … get er done!!

3 months ago

Schumer should have been railroaded out of there a long time ago. It’s time to set term limits for the Senate!!!!

3 months ago

Schumer is, and always was, among the most polyester and obscenely disgusting politicians on Earth. Best to ignore him if you have a weak stomach.

3 months ago

Don’t believe him. They will do everything they can, as soon as they can – even if it means war and killing us all. They hate us as much as Lucifer does. To the killing of the unborn, killing of the elderly; killing of the informant physically challenged, and killing of the Christians, beginning with the Catholics. He has been in office long enough so we know not to believe him. Over and over he has shown his hatred for the American people. They sit there and tell lie upon lie. Sadly, many people will believe him, many Christian people will believe him. Maranatha.

sick of the stupid
sick of the stupid
3 months ago

Schumer is an ass who’s time is over. It’s time for him to be retired. He needs to be lose he’s next election.

3 months ago


3 months ago

Schumer will go back to being the same scumbag he has always been if he ever gets back in power. His word is worth nothing.

3 months ago

turnabout IS fair play. kick the crap out of them and then put them in prison where they belong

3 months ago

I am trying really hard to remember if there were Any Dimocrats in the past 50 years have Not been insecure and lacking knowledge and exhibiting impulsive behavior (basically immature and wishy-washy).
Truly, I am not simply demonstrating overly partisan ignorant behavior myself, I honestly do not recall a truly upstanding Dimocrat.

3 months ago

It’s high time Republicans get some gonads and stand their ground.

Bryan K
Bryan K
3 months ago

Screw Schumer and the rest of the America hating democrats. Time to relight the American dream for all and leave the demorats crying. The dems are not bipartician no matter what Schumer wants to spew out. So sit back and watch America thrive and grow dems. America is THE greatest country in the world despite those that threaten to destroy it. You will not prevail

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
3 months ago

Schumer, Pelosi, and handfuls of others ‘running’ our government are proof, that the only way that this country will remain a free constitutional republic, is with TERM LIMITS. We have for too long, allowed criminal career politicians to set the rules, mostly made to ensure that with a yearly income of $174,000 … after four years they will be millionaires. THIS HAS TO STOP! …. and besides getting that damn wall to the south built … and getting us out of Ukraine, so as to avoid WW3 … the highest priority should be to set those term limits. Get our government back into the hands of the people, with fair elections, and a maximum of two terms in any office of the government. If that is the rule for the president, it should also be the rule of members of the senate and the house.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
3 months ago

Tell schrewme to shut his food trap the same goes to durbin and the rest of the democ RATS that have a bleak agenda for AMERICA.The real patriotic AMERICANs voted and said to put your anti AMERICA agenda where”the sun don’t shine”,this is just a start to bring AMERICA back to the people.You politicians work for the people,but you democ RATS tried your best to screw AMERICA into the ground and forgot that.NOW, it’s our turn.

3 months ago

Chuck you, Schumer

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Anyone who believes in “unity” with these Democrats also believe China us “our good friends and trading partners”. Only the future will decide which war with which causes the most blood lost. Everybody knows who Laken Riley is but what of the thousands of others robbed, raped, assaulted, and murdered by the acts of Democrats?

3 months ago

Spell snake, “Schumer, snake”

3 months ago

You got it coming Schumer!

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
3 months ago

Screw shmuck chumer! The Trump administration MUST prosecute all of the demoncrap a$$hats that abused the power of their office and broke laws. If these crap-weasels are not prosecuted, this garbage will continue as they will continue to believe they are above the law and can’t be touched. ALL must be held accountable for their illegal/criminal actions.

3 months ago

Chuck you needs to go, has needed to be gone for years.

3 months ago

In a short response, Thune should flip Schumck the middle finger and say “Election has Consequences”! I would add YOU Prick but that might be going too far for Thune!

Mike Ackley
Mike Ackley
3 months ago

I think that the Republicans need to investigate the insider trading that’s been going on
,too many officials getting rich in office. If it’s illegal for the rest of us it should be for them too

3 months ago

Term Limits for the likes of people like Schumer and Pelosi, amid others so steeped in themselves and “party” they play their game without consideration of “WE THE PEOPLE” or “GOD BLESS AMERICA!”
After he stood on the steps of the Supreme Court calling out threats to the Justices he should be in prison!

3 months ago

“…do not abandon the need for bipartisanship.”
Well, chuckie. You abandoned bipartisanship long ago. So, too f’ing bad! What goes around comes around. So join your fellow demons in hell!

3 months ago

He is despicable. I always knew he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing…when it worked in his favor, he was all fangs, when not he tried to make it like he was a mild manner sheep. I don’t understand how people keep putting these type of people into our government, especially after they show their true sides.

3 months ago

This is sooo stupid. The Democrats will make that change and perpetrate far more destructive and nefarious authoritanian acts the instant they have the votes, no matter what the GOP does while they are in the majority.

3 months ago

PELOSI. Must go as welding queen-like control over her suplicants (congress). It’s one thing to have power; another to indiscriminately wield as a mighty sword of abuse, corruption and a dogged determination to put forth her own agenda… at any cost. KAMALA. We dodged a bullet with this one!SCHUMER. Again. Power wielded indiscriminately regardless how many will be hurt or killed by egotistical profers of our Democratic Republic.

William Boylan
William Boylan
3 months ago

End the filibuster now, with a sunset clause restoring it just before the next election. Then, go after the Dems full throttle. Give them a taste of their own medicine.

William Hodge
William Hodge
3 months ago

I’m sure the republicans are now formulating plans to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

3 months ago

No more “Democrats!” Ever! I don’t know how they can even keep the label, “Democrats.” They bare NO resemblance to the Democrat party that I grew up with in the 1950’s and 60’s in the Boston, Mass area! Their leanings are now Marxist and Communist! “Government,” at ALL Levels existence is to ***SERVE*** The People, not to try to *TELL* us how to live our lives!

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

If this country is to survive it needs to start breeding men again. We see the results of what has been bread in the past 60 years all around us. No more hapless confused ninnies ,men with grit and resolve only. That goes for women too. I think that’s why Trump scares them. He is not a ninny.

3 months ago

It’s simple the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party Comrades leadership are pure evil and are not actually representative of the actual once good democrat party voters / supporters.Fortunately the brain washed Dem voters are awakening to the truth of exactly who and what there leadership is.

Bob Schoeler
Bob Schoeler
3 months ago

Schumer is never to be trusted. He is what he appears to be.

3 months ago

What a puke. I can’t stand this guy.

Linda Meyer
Linda Meyer
3 months ago


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