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Ready For Hillary?

Posted on Tuesday, June 4, 2024
by Shane Harris

Should Joe Biden stumble before November and should Kamala Harris prove too toxic to take his place, Democrats can rest assured: Crooked Hillary is lurking in the wings.

Following Hillary Clinton’s defeat to Donald Trump in 2016, many in Washington assumed the former First Lady, senator, and Secretary of State would fade out of American politics, particularly once she became implicated in helping to mastermind and orchestrate the “Russiagate” hoax, the dirtiest political smear in U.S. history. But following the trend of other career politicians, Clinton has stubbornly refused to give up the spotlight, continuing to make the rounds on cable news and appear at speaking engagements.

Following Trump’s controversial conviction in a Manhattan courtroom last week, Clinton pounced on the opportunity to draw attention to herself within hours, hawking coffee mugs that claim she was “right about everything.” (This comes despite the fact that there is actual evidence that Clinton herself broke the very New York law under which Trump was charged, while by most impartial assessments, he did not.)

Last month, Clinton also made headlines following an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” where she accused the Supreme Court of “doing our country a grave disservice in not deciding the case about [Trump’s] immunity.”

She additionally warned about “propaganda” on social media, apparently referring to content that runs counter to left-wing narratives. Ironically, (as many forget) it was Hillary and her minions who coined the term “fake news” in 2016 as an excuse for her underperformance against Trump—paving the way for the colossal censorship machine that has been constructed in the years since.

During another appearance at a Columbia University symposium on Artificial Intelligence in March, Clinton continued her pattern of whining about Russian President Vladimir Putin supposedly “undermining” her in 2016 by spreading “disinformation” on Facebook. Last November, she also penned an op-ed for The Atlantic on the Gaza war, highlighting her foreign policy experience.

As NBC News reported late last year, Clinton has “stepp[ed] into a role as one of the most prominent and influential surrogates in Biden’s re-election effort.” That effort includes hosting million-dollar fundraisers for Biden and rubbing elbows with Democrat Party elites.

One likely reason for Clinton’s burst in activity over the past year could be that she clings to the secret ambition that she may yet have another shot at the White House.

Although Hillary would never admit it publicly, the reality is that Joe Biden’s physical and cognitive decline are obvious to even his most fervent supporters, to the extent that he has any. At this late stage of the race, there are very few names who could step up and replace Biden if the president becomes incapacitated – or possibly faces a mutiny among Democrat Party elites.

Should Biden prove unable to carry the Democrat banner this November, Kamala Harris would be the most obvious choice to replace him. But as I have previously argued, Harris might be even more of a liability than Biden due to her extreme unpopularity and growing list of embarrassing gaffes.

When the glaring weakness of Biden and Harris is taken into consideration, even such a divisive, unpopular, and tired figure as Hillary Clinton could start to become an attractive option for Democrats. Standing up a presidential campaign from scratch is an incredibly expensive and logistically challenging task, one that requires immense resources and connections – two things the Clintons have in abundance after decades in politics. Other than Biden and Obama, Clinton is the only Democrat who can boast a truly nationwide network of staffers and donors.

Clinton is also perhaps the only Democrat outside Biden and Harris with the requisite name recognition to win a national election. While another candidate might have been able to build a profile over the course of a longer campaign, Clinton is a true “plug-and-play” option.

Moreover, if Democrats are going to ditch Kamala Harris as a replacement for Biden, the byzantine rules of leftist identity politics would seem to dictate that they fill her spot with another woman.

Nonetheless, while Crooked H might be better than Biden or Harris, she is far from a strong candidate.

For starters, Trump already beat her once. The former president succeeded eight years ago in exposing Clinton’s corruption and painting her as a puppet of the political establishment, and there is every reason to believe he would effectively do it again this time around.

Clinton’s involvement in the Russiagate hoax would also likely become a major issue in the race should she emerge as the Democrat nominee. Thus far, she has largely been able to escape accountability over the fact that her campaign illegally paid for the manufacture of the infamous Steele Dossier, which falsely accused Trump of collusion with Russia and served as the basis for the FBI launching an investigation into Trump that hampered his presidency and evolved into a national nightmare.

Former Special Counsel John Durham ultimately prosecuted multiple members of Clinton’s 2016 campaign effort and produced a report laying out shocking details of what many observers have described as a criminal conspiracy involving dozens of Clinton associates.

If Clinton hopes to become president, Americans would undoubtedly want to know what exactly she knew about the underhanded scheme to smear Trump as a Russian agent.

Trump would also likely have ample evidence to argue that Hillary’s role in birthing the Russia hoax makes her the mother of modern-day censorship in America.

Given the current state of the country under Democrat rule and growing nostalgia for the economic boom times of the Trump years, Democrats may be in a bind no matter where they turn for a candidate. But as Biden continues to sink in the polls and grows weaker by the day, Hillary Clinton certainly looks like she’s rehearsing for one more turn on the stage.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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7 months ago

A major problem with our legal system is the fact that both Clintons aren’t in jail. When our DOJ doesn’t go after politicians who break our laws America is in serious trouble, like we are right now with biden breaking his oath of office and committing treason on numerous occasions and nothing is happening to stop him. America’s biggest threat is a seriously corrupt federal government.

Old Patriot 56
Old Patriot 56
7 months ago

It’s definitely a possibility. Until she’s dead she’ll always believe the White House is her birthright. And even from hell she’ll want it.

7 months ago

What a NIGHTMARE waiting in the wings. She has been involved in many unlawful schemes but with the current judicial atmosphere, she appears as an angel. With younger voters, they may not remember all of the shenanigans that her and husband have been involved in. Only time will tell.

judy setran
judy setran
7 months ago

Well ..that won’t sit too well with O..has he knows she can’t be trusted to do as he wishes..she won’t make a good puppet.. she’s an evil thing…

7 months ago

If the dem-o-rats run crooked Hillary Rotten Clinton,
Trump will be a sure winner,

Harry Roberts
Harry Roberts
7 months ago

She should have been prosecuted for her criminal acts! “Lock her up” wasn’t just a catch-phrase, it was what most people wanted! From outright fraud against the people of Haiti, to the Steele Dossier, to flagrantly destroying evidence…not to mention the 50-some “suicide” victims associated with her! And how about Benghazi? She should have swung from a noose, like she said!

7 months ago

Please, God, NOOOO!

7 months ago

I would not be surprised to see Hillary as the Vice President on the Biden ticket. Most people are too busy living their lives to keep informed on the political scene. Those people who identify as strong Democrats or strong Republicans will always vote for their party no matter who the candidate is.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
7 months ago

The prospect of crooked Hilary running for president again and (God Forbid winning is an absolute nightmare.

7 months ago

Lord help us if this happens

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
7 months ago

Biden is a puppet, mentally feeble. Kamala is not bright enough to actually be a government pawn. She is a poor actor, who apparently can’t read a script, or had children as writers. Hillary is a despicable human. White house staff when she was the first lady, and former SS agents all describer her as evil. Her hatred for Trump would destroy any civility needed to muster the troops.

7 months ago

Trump is being prosecuted for “contesting the 2020 election”.
Crooked Hittlery has never stopped contesting the 2016 election.

George M
George M
7 months ago

This is why the democrats don’t seem to have a bench. These old tired losers keep showing up! Hillary has been around national politics for 50 years, can anyone actually say she has done anything which was good for the Country? Clintons and their evil seed Obama are good at one thing, fattening their own wallets from the public coffers and campaign donations. Even dems deserve better than these people!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

Just goes to show you: IT CAN ONLY GET WORSE! I’ve got a nightmare alternative scenario no one has contemplated if Biden should get even worse: Jill runs for office in Joe’s stead! Or more probable: Joe stays in office but Jill actually runs the day-to-day like Edith Bolling Wilson (Woodrows wife) did. Or is doing NOW!

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
7 months ago

What person that is alive now can watch the clintons,the obamas,the bidens and most other AMERICA slammers without throwing up.Believe me,if these are the future of politics,we AMERICANS are doomed.

7 months ago

Hillary is just as dishonest and incompetent as “President” Biden. She was behind undermining President Trump’s 2016 campaign, by way of requesting to illegally surveil it. She also put the country in danger by sending high-level email from her personal basement server, and, she was most likely the cause of that Seal Team 6 Chinook being shot down. One great way to punish “President” Biden would be to force him to socialize with her.

At a place where truth rules
At a place where truth rules
7 months ago

NADA, she too, is toxic and fails to clam up.

7 months ago

Just like a heat rash on your ass Hillary keeps reappearing.

7 months ago

She has got to be one of the four beasts described in the Biblical Book of Daniel.

7 months ago

You know there will be a sustitution. The very worst would be Hillary and Micheal obama.God help us.

7 months ago

I will say this , I will never vote for a democrackhead, ever everytime they get into office they jack the country up it never fails, their no commen since policies destroys everything from president Carter , to Bill Clinton , Obama and his racist actions , to Obiden running the country to the ground . I hope America has learned it’s lesson on the far left democrackheads , because all they do is take us backwards instead of forward. May God help us in the mess we are in now.

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
7 months ago

God help us!

anna hubert
anna hubert
7 months ago

She makes Lady Macbeth look like a little convent school girl She is lethal and might not be taking orders willingly and obediently She may be a handful for a handler

7 months ago

Fantasy, even Democrats hate her! And really ANOTHER way over the hell dried up barren lifeless boomer. Isn’t Trump, Biden, Pelosi, McConnel, and Schumer et. al enough?
Enough already.
If anyone they will pick someone they can trow away and they will play “defense” which id in reality a normal pace of doing business for two years.

7 months ago

Power is intoxicating. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Especially when there are no consequences for abuse of said power. Hint Hint, opponents/threats to said power are found in the forest after “suicide.”

7 months ago

Perhaps a house can fall on her or someone empties a pail of water on her. Hey, it worked in OZ!

7 months ago

Frankly I’m ready to read her obituary. She is one of the most vile women in in America, will commit any crime or violation for more money and power and is a perennial loser and no empathy for anyone.
Nancy Pelosi qualifies as her sister, children of Satan.

Michael F. Burke Sr.
Michael F. Burke Sr.
7 months ago

Anything is possible in the political world of the insane Democratic party. I’m praying DJT wins back the highest office in the world????????????. If America is to survive and regain our once great status here at home and around the globe he’s the leader we need once again.
The Democrats can put up Hillary as their last desperate hope if that’s their choice but I truly believe most Americans don’t trust her and don’t like her.

7 months ago

I would NEVER vote for Mrs. Clinton (and it’s NOT “Hillary”, people!) or her pantload husband for ANY elected office whether local, state, or federal!

7 months ago

More words from the past… “Last year we said, ‘Things can’t go on like this.’ And they didn’t, they got worse.”

7 months ago

Lord, help us…

7 months ago

The authors premise from the outset is wrong. It’s not if Kamala is too toxic, she IS too toxic so skip the the next option. Hopefully, it is not named Hillary nor Mischell!

7 months ago

You mean the most despised woman in America? The one an increasingly irrelevant magazine called the most intelligent woman in America, who pretended in front of Congress she didn’t know what “wiping” a server meant? Someone should have told her she is way too ugly and too old to try playing a dumb blond.

7 months ago

Completely amazing now there is a felon if I’ve that should be in jail for treason along with Obama , what joke this country has become

7 months ago

Hillary Clinton wirh another chance to become president? WOW! That’s a winner! The most corrupt couple in history, but there are so many, “Democrat, No matter What” voters out there, even that could be possible

7 months ago

Words from the past…”The more you observe politics, the more you’ve got to admit that each party is worse than the other.”

7 months ago

Do not 4get the other Obummer , who will follow his/her master !

Ron in Illinois
Ron in Illinois
7 months ago

Hillary is just a plain nasty human being ! A total disgrace to America !

7 months ago

Every time you think that bad odor is just something dead in the Washington woodpile, out pops Hillary’s head to remind us she is still alive!

7 months ago

Yep, I remember when she said that. She even wanted to send us to reprogramming camps.

7 months ago

Like others in their generation of Leftists the Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, and billionaire plutocrat mega donors anticipate bringing about their utopian democracy of the new world order during their own lifespans with themselves presiding over the nirvana. They perceive themselves as immortal living gods and will always be lurking in the shadows behind the throne ready to seat themselves.

7 months ago

You think this country is a mess now wait until killery gets into the wh,

7 months ago

The Republican party had better sharpen their pencils & quit alienating fellow Republicans RINOs or they will be outmaneuvered again. Quit attacking the Judicial system, accepting people that break the laws, and unite this nation by representing all Americans & no just hard party lines. So far, it does not appear that Republicans have any plan B for 2024 election & are not playing a very good poker game.

7 months ago

She calls Americans who don’t support her, deplorable, MAGAs, condemns them for being Christian, condemns them for being white, condemns them for being supremacists, condemns them for being racists, condemns them for being alive…. Who wouldn’t want to vote for that?

7 months ago

This is a huge possibility. With few Republicans that have a backbone to help expose their crimes we could be in for a very damaging next 4 years

Laura Bentz
Laura Bentz
6 months ago

If she decides to run, it will result in chaos.

7 months ago

No Way! She should already be serving time in Prison. We would be going from bad to Worse!!! ????

leland patterson
leland patterson
7 months ago

this country has enough legal problems. she would only add to the problem we already have!

7 months ago

She is like a vulture sitting atop the tree waiting to pounce

7 months ago

This news about pseudo politician Crooked Hillary is nauseating!;:::YUCK! If she makes the wrong choice to run in election again!!! That’s huge BAD NEWS!! FOR Americans who love their country This news is DISASTEROUS !:: Perhaps, I need to rephrase my comment; IF HILLARY AND DEMS choose to make her a candidate. —— the situation will become a joke AND prove how sick and demented these politicians truly are !!!! Also, proves their priority is NOT FOCUSED ON GOOD HONEST GOVERNMENT!

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