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President Trump 2025: Restoring Civility and Reversing Democratic Narratives

Posted on Friday, December 13, 2024
by Tammy Bruce

January 20, 2025, marks the day President-elect Donald Trump and his team can finally begin reversing the policies that have caused such immense harm to our nation. This is a turning point that promises to improve the lives of millions of Americans. However, while repairing our economy and restoring national security are critical tasks, the damage inflicted on our cultural and social fabric by the Democratic Party is a separate crisis entirely—a deliberate erosion of civility and order, cultivated over years, that must also be addressed, and reversed.

We’ve seen the collapse of civil society in several events, while discrete, are examples of the social collapse caused by the Democratic narrative warning of a coming apocalypse if those who oppose the liberal agenda are not stopped. The BLM/Antifa riots, the hounding and dehumanizing of Trump and his supporters, and now the murder of a healthcare corporate executive in New York City—should be recognized as results of the Democrats’ narrative to normalize violence.  

This argument is not new, but a reminder. The left has always considered violence and murder appropriate political actions. Consider the rise of anti-law enforcement sentiment fueled by leftist narratives, the violent riots carried out under the banners of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa, the politically motivated attempts on Donald Trump’s life, and the cold-blooded killing of a healthcare executive (and the reaction to it) in New York City. These are not isolated incidents but are tied together by a deliberate effort to destabilize society by normalizing violence. From arson and looting to murder and assault, the chaos we have witnessed reflects a calculated strategy to dehumanize those who challenge the liberal agenda.

At the heart of this campaign lies a shift in Democratic leadership strategy. Prior to this, they had been more subtle with their attitudes and goals. Consider Barack Obama’s remarks in 2008 at a private San Francisco fundraiser smugly mocking white, working-class Americans as bitter xenophobics “clinging to their guns and religion.”

Faced with the populist challenge posed by Trump’s rise in 2016, the left finally went public with their contempt for the American people and doubled down on fear, envy, and division. Hillary Clinton’s infamous description of Trump supporters as “irredeemable” and “deplorable” was a pivotal moment, signaling a new, and dangerous, low in political discourse. It’s expected for candidates to go after each other, but now the voters themselves were targets. Joe Biden carried this rhetoric forward in 2022, labeling conservatives and Republicans as “semi-fascists” and existential threats to democracy. Such language encourages Americans to view their neighbors, coworkers, and even family members as enemies based solely on political differences. And that’s the point.

This dehumanization has had real and tragic consequences. It has led to increased violence against law enforcement with intentional killings of police officers reaching a 20-year high, widespread urban destruction during BLM and Antifa riots, and now we can add assassination attempts on Trump himself. In Butler, Pennsylvania, Trump narrowly survived an attempt on his life when a shooter missed by mere inches. A mere nine weeks later, an ardent Democrat supporter who had posted on social media about the need to “save democracy,” lay in wait at a golf course, preparing to be the one to assassinate Trump. These events underscore the dangerous consequences of relentless lectures casting political opponents as akin to the genocidal maniacs of history.

The media, far from holding power accountable, has served as an amplifier for this destructive rhetoric. Mainstream outlets and liberal commentators have relentlessly painted Trump and his supporters as fascists, white supremacists, Nazis, and existential threats to democracy and life as we know it. This drumbeat of propaganda has convinced many that violence is a justified response. Leftist Senator Elizabeth Warren blamed Trump’s rhetoric after the first assassination attempt, while Hillary Clinton’s response was to insist that Trump was a “danger to our country and the world” one day after the man was shot in the face.

More recently, responding to the murder of Brian Thompson, a father of two and healthcare executive in New York City, Warren excused the heinous act, stating that it served as a “warning,” and that “you can only push some people so far” alluding to attitudes about the health insurance industry. She eventually walked back those remarks, but the damage was done. Meanwhile, a former Washington Post journalist wasn’t shy about expressing her feelings about the cold-blooded killing, with Fox News reporting she stated that “we want these executives dead.”

This normalization of violence and murder of those with whom you disagree has not only poisoned political discourse but has also created a culture of fear and mistrust. The last decade has seen a dramatic shift from heated but respectful debate to the politics of personal destruction. Liberal politicians and influencers have abandoned normal, even passionate, discourse in favor of a strategy that promotes chaos and violence, all in the pursuit of maintaining power. This is no longer even about being uncivil—the rhetoric used by the Democratic Party and the bureaucratic establishment it controls has devolved into a 21st-century Lord of the Flies.

The chaos we have witnessed is not an organic development; it is the result of years of deliberate rhetoric from Democratic leaders and their media allies, and like a cancer begins to move through the body as a whole. This strategic campaign has emboldened true believers on the left to view political violence as acceptable, even necessary. For the sake of our country’s future, this culture of mayhem must end.

On November 5, Americans sent a powerful message by electing Donald Trump to lead the nation once again. His presidency offers a chance to reverse the damage and restore not only our institutions but also our chance to reverse the cultural and social rot that is unsustainable and ruining too many lives.  

Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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3 months ago

Every word Tammy has written in this article I agree with. I would add that the left created this mindset to eliminate half of the countries citizens. That is why they dance and laugh when a CEO or any other opponent is killed. Especially by invaders. They take the side of the invader every time. Harris joined the no bail movement after the Minneapolis inner city was burned down. The policeman was charged with murder in the Floyd case. While the man had enough drugs in his system he would have died. Choke hold or no choke hold. The subway case the same. The victim becomes the perp and the perp the victim. Only the CEO killing has turned into Glorifying this young man like a hero. The left laughs and makes him a hero. They have no soul. And would step over your body like the Godless, devil worshippers they are. And this mindset will be the hardest to reverse. Stop watching the MSM that keeps spouting this propaganda. By boycotting them we will hurt them more than yelling at them. They just yell back. Hurt them in their pocket book. Ignore them and sooner than later they will fall.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

Biden and his minions had their “Brown Shirts” [antifa/BLM] and their SS [FBI/CIA] operating full blast for four years. DJT needs to dismantle these thugs and hopefully Kash can do that! If these mayors and governors continue to violate federal laws, arrest them and put them on trial!

3 months ago

Yes. When I was first in grad school (education) at Stanford, those planning undergrad curricula were (just as their counterparts at Harvard et al did) eliminated “Western Civ” from the freshman requirements. Eliminating that philosophy and history made it easier to deChristianize their students, and teach them why Western civilization needed to be overhauled (read ‘eliminated’). So the process we now see taking over Democrat leadership has been going on for at least fifty-five years.

George M
George M
3 months ago

Well done Tammy! Your are right on target here, but why not throw in the lawfare against Trump? Those cases were blatant distortions of the law, (for all to see) by prosecutors who ran specifically promising to get Trump. No one else would have ever been charges for any of these crimes, although they did snag a few other republicans in the fiasco in Georgia. Again showing it is acceptable to target the “political enemy”.
Dems and the media have worked hard at covering up the exact number of murders of police officers as well as overall crime statistics but clearly the people realize that the current heightened level of violence is unacceptable. This is a very dangerous game that these politicians are playing. How long did they think it will be until conservatives respond in kind? They clearly tried to preempt conservative response with their staged insurrection narrative at the Capital and their massive FBI and DOJ response which they had clearly avoided for all the BLM riots. How have conservatives accept such an unequal application of the law?
Sadly it is very hard to see how this ends. President Trump seems to think it will end when the economy is better and we are all busy winning. Unfortunately it seems like we have a significant number of people on the “Left” who are so far outside the mainstream that they just don’t participate. Their goal seems to be revolution or anarchy with little or no idea where to go from there. Unsurprisingly it seems like a lot of these folks are now college professors!

3 months ago

Good article. All the American people need to read this. Not just we who have known this all along, but also those who have been lied to and snookered by the most corrupt administration in the history of this country.

3 months ago

The mind set described in this article is going to be a tough challenge. People forget much of what we are seeing and hearing has not only rooted itself in our educational system but in the minds of parents raising children. What this country is experiencing parallels the same kind of mind set going on in the middle east. Belief in the Constitution and God and a dedication to resembolize both will take much effort.

3 months ago

Unless he DRAINS the SWAMP and not fill it back up with the same kind of people, nothing is going to change!!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

I wish there were a detox cure for “Democrats” As long as the poison is in their system they will not stop acting out of control;

Shuttle Guy
Shuttle Guy
3 months ago

As long as the MSM is in charge of the narrative we can’t get rid of restoring civility!

James DeBona
James DeBona
3 months ago

All of our Republican campaigns moving forward, and in the coming years, should send the very clear message that to vote for any Democrat is a vote to return to the absolutely disastrous and failed policies of the past four years! We can no longer afford short memories!

David Delia
David Delia
3 months ago

It’s all construction versus destruction. Republicans versus Democrats. Either your for this country or against it. The democrats proved who they are. Anyone that promotes open border policy is no patriot of this country.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Can this extend past 4 years?

3 months ago

These new age democrats who are speaking hate and lies about their opponents are servants of satan, doing the devil’s work for him.

3 months ago

The dems get in a tizzy over “hate speech”, and yet “kill speech” is endorsed. Go figure!

Daniel Korn
Daniel Korn
3 months ago

Unfortunately, this insanity has cost me a daughter. She and I have not spoken since Mr. Trump was elected. She could not understand how I could support someone she considers to be totally anti everything she is/believes, so she blocked me. Hopefully she learns the truth..

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
3 months ago

When Present Trump picks are all great this time last time he listened to a lot of swamp people who to trust they all lied to stop him in office it will not happen this time it will be different for sure it will be a better bunch of supporters that will have his back.

Jim Halloran
Jim Halloran
3 months ago

Trump’s re-election is the best thing to happen in 2024. Thanks be to God!

Tony H
Tony H
3 months ago

I’m sure Trump will do better than Biden only because Biden was that awful. Low bar is set.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
3 months ago

What took place the last 4 years was a true testament to what our country would become under the far-left Progressives. They literally tried their best to destroy our country and turn us into a Communist China. The Republicans must take this opportunity to turn things around and show the people what our country was and can be. We can never let up on getting more Republicans elected to Congress and put into DC government so we will not fall to evil Progressives in the future. The GOP should have worked harder to get their representatives elected this year! With a very slim majority, it is going to be difficult to pass a lot of legislation.

3 months ago

There is nothing in this article about how Trump is restoring civility. I don’t disagree with many of the items in the discussion but it still doesn’t say anything about restoring civility. Trump partly lost the previous election because of his lack of civility in Tweets, etc. when he was president. I agree that he has been under attack since he started to run for office. How he handled the attacks turned many people against him in 2020. I agree that the political violence must end, but how Trump is going to change this culture is yet to be seen. The article should have been titled something like ‘Dangers of the Democratic Party Narrative’ because the article is not about Trump and what he is doing.

3 months ago

3 word comment Ted is back. The joke of the day.

3 months ago

trump is not a patriot

3 months ago

As a liberal I find myself much more comfortable going into Trump’s second term than his first. He’s softened considerably in the intervening years. Appointing Kash Patel and Vivek Ramaswamy to key positions proves that he values diversity, equity, and inclusion. And Ramaswamy’s background as a Soros acolyte was clearly not a dealbreaker for him, nor should it be. RFK Jr. has some odd ideas to be sure, but he’s staunchly pro-abortion (and so is Trump; he’s said this on multiple occasions but the far left always tries to twist his words). Trump’s alliance with Musk is a huge step forward for clean energy and the long-overdue elimination of coal mining and other wasteful practices.
Did I want Harris to win? Sure, but I’ll take a newly “woke” Trump as a consolation prize.

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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