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Nuclear Treason? Okay, DOJ – Stand and Deliver, Bring It

Posted on Monday, August 22, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Upping the ante, Democrat critics say Trump is guilty of “treason,” and the raid on his home will prove it. Since Hillary Clinton’s 2016’s pitch to the FBI to take Trump out failed, then a wildly expensive gambit to prove Russia collusion failed, then impeachment for calling Ukraine failed, then a second impeachment without due process failed, and now the January 6th hearings failed – what is left? “Treason.”

In these turbulent times, quoting from Shakespeare’s Hamlet may be dangerous, but let’s do it. When young Hamlet’s mother, Queen Gertrude, gets accused of complicity in killing the king to seize power with Claudius, the line emerges “She protests too much, me thinks.”

And what are all Trump’s critics doing? First, the January 6th hearings turned out to be a box office flop, their Republican champions – including Liz Cheney – now laughing stocks. Maybe they were overblown, poorly rolled out, or maybe no one cared. Of 240 TV and streaming viewers, 18 million tuned in once.

What are Trump critics doing now? Justice and FBI abandoned post-presidential dialogue over documents to raid the Trump home, with 30 agents and long guns. After nine hours of “searching,” including the First lady’s garments, the left with boxes to which they had already been given access.

In truth, line agents are not given much chance to say “no,” so this is all on FBI leadership. Only when the former President alerted the public did anyone know. Laced with inuendo and dark inferences, Attorney General Merrick Garland – likely still bitter over non-confirmation to the High Court – read a statement.

But stop: This has never occurred before in America, first a series of highly political attacks coordinated between a former presidential candidate (who lost), Attorney General (who met the candidate’s husband secretly), and leader of the FBI (who assumed powers beyond his job to clear the candidate).

Then, an “insurance policy” kicked in. A high-level FBI effort – originated by the losing candidate – triggered a “special prosecutor” that investigated the new president for two years, finding nothing.

Trump pushed policies from deregulation and tax cuts to reducing the size of federal government, rebuilt defense, national and border security. He helped every demographic sector in the US.

Turn the page, what now? Oddities in how the 2020 election was conducted, traceable to COVID, produced public doubt. Why? Novel moves included mailing ballots statewide (historically subject to fraud as addresses change, not permitted in much of Europe), “ballot harvesting” (allowing one party to collect). extended voting (before and after election day), weak ballot authentication, and other issues.

Was doubt justified? Each voter had their view. Were there irregularities? As the US Supreme Court noted, yes. What did all that produce? State court cases, which largely went against the Trump campaign, based on quantity and quality of evidence, limited by time.

Any lingering frustration? Need you ask? Of course. Protests were state and federal, the biggest – peaceful until a subset stormed the Capitol – was on January 6th. Should the President have tried to tamp down the event? In retrospect, yes. Is he culpable for what occurred? The parties differ.

After a debunked Russia Collusion, impeachments that ignored due process, and the January 6th hearings, we now have this raid.  Biden says he knew nothing of it. Incredible – as incredible as the idea he did not know he was flying his son to sell influence in Ukraine and China. Really? Don’t ask, don’t tell?

In all events, Biden says he is hands-off. So, what have we? We have something that stinks to high heaven, would be considered – if it happened in China, Russia, Bolivia, Mexico, or any other country –political corruption, a party in power going after one not, criminalizing a potential candidate.

Like it or not, that is how most Americans see this fiasco, as if our leaders have lost their compass, walked away from our Constitution, due process, rule of law, non-partisan investigations.

So, here is the deal:  As we approach 2022 midterms and 2024, Democrats call Trump a criminal, say he secreted “nuclear documents” (which are typically labeled SAP/Q not TS/SCI) and is guilty of “treason.” More, they want him prosecuted for mishandling classified documents, although Hillary Clinton was not.

Okay, enough of this. Put it out there. Justice has the documents, unsealed affidavit, the goods, whatever they are. They have slimed a former president and candidate, raided his home, taken and returned passports, insinuated he is a criminal, should be tried for treason.

Bring it – Just bring it. As a legal, political, historically focused conservative, I say stop the jingoism, insinuations, unprecedented acts of what seem to most political and unconstitutional acts.

We are witnessing what can only be called an unprecedented turn of events. So, Biden, Garland, and Wray – enough. Stand and deliver. Bring it. Just bring it. Stop the politics. If there are “nuclear” documents, proof of “treason,” a non-political, legally significant basis for this, bring it. Otherwise, let me cite Shakespeare, you “protest too much, me thinks.”

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2 years ago

They will use any excuse no matter how outlandish or insane, to try and stop Trump. They have only two major opponents to their plans. The American People and God.

2 years ago

I believe heart and soul that if they honestly had something they would be screaming it from the rooftops. Silence says a great deal…

Dorothylee S. Hans
Dorothylee S. Hans
2 years ago

Evidently they don’t know what the word “treason” means. Clinton gave missile information under the table to China; Hillary let the Russians come and inspect our nuclear sites and count how many nuclear bombs we had; then the Russian conspiracy, then we had the Manchurian candidate Obama who really wasn’t even a qualified American citizen to run for the presidency but his records were sealed??? Including college records….no one did or said anything … as long as you are a Democrat your are protected by the FBI, DOJ and IRS. Wake up America. This has to stop. Trump was the best President ever and loved America and did what was “right” for America. Ronald Reagan and Lincoln (both Republicans) were great Presidents….the Silent Majority needs to weigh in and stand up along with the young to protect this country and its Constitution.

2 years ago

They will never get our great president Trump. A little over 2 months til midterm elections and they are giving it one last go to stop him before they lose the House. These leftists are the scum of the earth. I am so grateful that President Trump never backs down, he only gets stronger. MAGA

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
2 years ago

Get over it already, stupid, liberal Democrats! Biden was installed or inaugurated as the 46th president at noon on January 20, 2021 and the access to nuclear codes and the power of the office of the president ceased to reside with the previous president. You can’t have it both ways. Grow up!

2 years ago

They are totally corrupt and have no intention of providing concrete evidence, that doesn’t exist, but keep telling a lie in hopes that someone finally believes it.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

The corrupt DOJ/FBI have to keep something–anything–percolating to keep the people’s minds off of the unmitigated disaster of Senile Joe and his cast of clowns! I don’t think it will work on most people. The “charges” are SO ridiculous, only idiots would believe them. I know many DIMMs are idiots but hopefully few independents and TRUE Republicans!

2 years ago

.I am sick of weirdos, Democrats making up lying stories, migrants rushing here expecting freebies from taxpayers, George Soros (why is he not thrown out of our country like countries where he’s lived before and stirred up trouble), Hillary Clinton who is guilty of many crimes running her mouth, prosecution of Donald Trump for political reasons, talk of armed IRS agents coming to normal middle class people’s houses, what horrible sex stuff the Democrat pedophiles are pushing in schools, CRT (more BS), …well just about everything. Bill Gates seems to know all about pandemics coming so he must be complicent in their making in the Democrats labs set up all over the world to ramp up diseases-there is only one reason and that is to push the Globalist agenda of depopulation of our planet. He’s a real piece of work, but he’s making money off their poison jabs.

2 years ago

The marxist democrat party is totally Anti America, freedom and Our God Given Rights!
Traitors of Our Country.
Evil,immoral,corrupt haters of Citizens and America.

2 years ago

And who, among us, is going to believe any so called evidence by this DOJ? What a sham.

Phillip West
Phillip West
2 years ago

Left out voting machine “irregularities”. As said by others “the ballots were not the cheat they were the coverup”.

2 years ago

If reports over the weekend about the scope of the search warrant are accurate, the entire raid on Mar-A-Lago is likely completely unconstitutional as the warrant itself is overly broad and poorly defined. Which is why the Justice Department does NOT want to release the unredacted affidavit for the public to see it and why the Obama Judge that signed off on this exercise is allowing AG Garland to redact whatever he wants from the affidavit.

The warrant supposedly covers all documentation from years 2017 through 2021, as well as any documentation or materials in or near the documentation in question. In short, a glorified fishing expedition in search of a crime. Since the January 6th Commission hearings have flopped, the Democrats need something new to try and get President Trump. Which would explain why the FBI spent 9 hours ransacking through wardrobe and underwear drawers in search of supposed “classified” documents. The warrant does NOT meet the criteria of a targeted search of a specific location for very specific evidence related to a very specific crime.

This sends the message to the rest of the world that the United States justice system has descended to being no better than that of some third-world banana dictatorship. Where the political opposistion is rountinely targeted for persecution, arrest and indefinite imprisonment for daring to oppose the ruling regime in power. Presidents Putin and Xi must be laughing their heads off at how well Joe Biden and the Democrats are trashing what is left of the image of the United States around the world.

2 years ago

Dems project constantly. The Deep state Dems do nefarious deeds and then accuse their opposition of what it is they did. It is old and the play book has become nauseating and grossly pathetic. Now, if we only had real justice.

2 years ago

These past two years have been like a bad movie. I can’t believe what’s taken place in such a short time and how many lives have been destroyed by one deranged man.
I only hope that the people who voted for him will realize what a mistake they made and forget about their hatred for Trump and vote for what’s right for America!
Our children are the future and right now this administration is trying to indoctrinate them into believing they are something different than what they were at birth and teaching them to hate others because of their skin or race.
How sad. I’m truly grateful our children did not grow up in this kind of atmosphere.

2 years ago


Deploreable Sam
Deploreable Sam
2 years ago

The current administration has ZERO credibility, ZZZEEERRROOO!!!
My greatest fear is for the coming midterms. More of the same old vote fraud. Anyone want to give odds on which twist that will take?
Keep pushing socialist/commie b’turds, keep pushing…
If there was ANY doubt as to why they fear an ARMED populous, be there doubt no more!
fjb etc etc

Mark Jebe
Mark Jebe
2 years ago

Last night Mike Lindell finally released the information he’s teased since 2021, real-time digital records of the 2020 election given to him by FBI/CIA/NSA whistleblower, Dennis Montgomery.

The 2020 election was stolen from Trump, the surprise – it was probably the CIA/NSA, using software Montgomery wrote that alters votes and ballot images real-time across all computerized voting systems. Montgomery thought the CIA was using his facial recognition, tracking and election altering software to control international terrorism. He turned whistleblower eight years ago when he discovered the CIA and NSA and FBI were using it in the US.

For between one and two decades the CIA has been able to swing US elections by injecting fake ballots cast by phantom voters. “2000 Mules” showed low-tech mail-in ballot fraud; Montgomery’s data shows high-tech computerized voting machine fraud.

If you can spare 90 minutes, watch Lindell’s film “Selection Code” to get an idea of how the machine software works to alter election outcomes.

2 years ago


Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

That’s what we’ve become. We’re not trending in that direction. We’re not adopting some of its characteristics. WE ARE THERE. WE ARE a banana republic…period! No ifs, ands or buts about it.

Steve G
Steve G
2 years ago

Like Ive been saying all along millions of conservatives armed to the teeth should swallow up these Marxists in Washington DC!!!
Its the only thing that will stop them, you watch the mid-terms will be a joke as demoncrats retain power in all branches of this so-called government.

2 years ago

Did you see Joe Biden signing of the Inflation Reduction Bill last week? Joe’s eyes were glassed over with a puzzled look on his face. He didn’t even know where is at, let alone what he was signing.

2 years ago

I’m sorry but Hillary & The Biden Administration With Obama & His inventer ( George Soros ) have Changed AMERICA to a point that the average AMERICAN can hardly enjoy anything any more . We need to stop the influx of illegals from many countries, open the natural resources we have. A serial number needs to be put on all voting ballots , Proof of citizenship , with – name , address , city & state be in a ledger , to check voter I.D. . GOD BLESS AMERICA , ONE NATION UNDER GOD , LAND OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE — DON’T LET THOSE PEOPLE WHO GAVE ALL , DOWN

2 years ago

This whole, “Trump had classified documents at his house, Mar-a-lago,” thing is a complete red herring. The President can de-classify whatever document he wants. There have been numerous precedents of this and even SCOTUS cases. As Commander-In-Chief that is one of the many power he has. This whole thing is a giant heaping pile of excrement, just like the Biden regime.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

This is how stupid the Democrat voters are they keep trying to destroy President Trump and come up bust every time, I quit being stupid 50 years ago, how did I quit being stupid you ask, I quit voting for Democrats, I Call them Dim’s or Demonrats.
We need to start referring to President Trump as —– Teflon Don —– Because nothing sticks on him.
You are seeing the last of America if the Democrats retain the U.S House and Senate!

Terri M
Terri M
2 years ago

We have all heard most if not all of this sad, stupid story. The Democrat Party is determined to destroy President Trump and all of us who support him. The tactics they have employed against ordinary Americans were unthinkable before DJT ran the first time, but now, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights have been shredded and the Left has basically declared war on Conservative Americans. They want us dead. They want us in camps. They want our assets. They want to spend what’s left of the Social Security and Medicare Trust. they want to take our guns.

If we seniors would just hurry up and die already, they could put all those millions of replacement citizens in our vacant homes.

Most of all, the Left wants our silence. We remember history. We grew up in times where we were taught how Government works, how commerce works, how money works and the value of hard work. We seniors are a huge obstacle to the New World Order. Because we know history, we know where Communist takeovers go, and we speak out. Yeah, they want us dead.

That whooshing sound you hear? That’s the Constitution flying out the window.

2 years ago

hil-liar-y, feminist, fantastical, lie drug and liquor-fracked fairy tale. BILL! or her offspring! she needs an intervention! help the poor thing. she’s making an a*s out of herself!

2 years ago

Sounds like Hitlery and George II. W. “The RINO” had a “brain”storm in between their two combined braincells, and after the Hillar-ious Fusion GPS produced Russia Collusion “Crossfire Hurricane” Kabuki theater performance for the cognitively impaired the best they could come up with was “nuc-ular treason.” Someone get some fishing line and a hook quick, you can catch them on a corndog!

2 years ago

“In truth, line agents are not given much chance to say “no,” so this is all on FBI leadership.” Using that line of thinking, the civilian police who rounded up Jews for the Nazis to murder were not complicit. No. Every citizen, whether a school teacher has a duty to think critically and stand up to tyranny or at least refuse to be a part of it. Every law enforcement officer takes an oath – not to a particular political body or agenda, but to protect and defend the constitution and enforce the laws, objectively and without bias. The agents who participated failed in this and “had no choice” is no valid excuse. Dems are the ones who don’t require people to take responsibility for their actions. Not us.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
2 years ago

The American public, when it comes to Democratics, must have a considerably short memory! How many times can one party go after one person without proving anything. Driven by the media and lying Dems, (remember lying is in the Dem s DNA), Trump lives rent free in their heads. President Trump is smarter than all the liberal left combined and he is going to make fools of them in 2022, and 2024. Wake up America!!!!

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
2 years ago

It puzzles me how surprised many seem when the Democrats lie or do something corrupt or underhanded. That has been the Democrat modus operandi for decades. Remember when the slave owning Democrats were later using their Ku Klux Klan for killing blacks while proclaiming to be their Savior and the “Party of the People”? As for the FBI, whistle blowers have made it clear to Senator Grassley and Congressman Jim Jordon that it is NOT the field agents but rather the leaders at the top who represent the corruption in the Bureau. In my view there is clearly enough evidence of corruption in the Biden Administration to impeach Biden! His holding the office of President was pure fraud as a result of a corrupt and stolen election and the true President is Donald J. Trump! Democrats are apparently too dumb to realize that every time they try to destroy Donald Trump it merely boosts his popularity and number of supporters! Never give up or lose Hope!

2 years ago

You’d think it would occur to the Dems, after six years of trying, that Trump really IS an honest politician, an honest man. It’s so outside their experience, they just can’t, I guess,

2 years ago

While Hunter Biden’s laptop sits in FBI custody for years and he sells his untalented paintings with no oversight! Alex you are a dreamer and I’m being kind to you!

Arthur Mealer
Arthur Mealer
2 years ago

Forget the innuendos. Drop the hammer and clear the board. You can’t play patty-cake with demented people.

2 years ago

It is the same old BS the Democraps said before, “We will prove Trump did something illegal, we have the evidence”. Adam Schiff said that often but never had any evidence, so the impeachments were a sham, a circus! In spite of 6 years wasting millions of dollars and not working for the American public, they’re playing the same old monotonous game. Time to throw all the Democra*s OUT!

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
2 years ago

In the election of 2020 Biden won approximately 81 million votes, President Trump won approximately 71 million votes. With large difference between the two candidates, one would expect the Democrats would have won the Senate outright and would have increased their majority instead of losing several seats. To me this indicates there was some tinkering going on with the Electoral College count and should be fully investigated by the next Congress if Republicans gain control of the House. Just look at the votes for each candidate in the two houses and then follow the money. That is usually where the answer really lies

2 years ago

republicans get with the program…stop sitting idly by and let this keep going on. raise your voices start kicking a– and take names, DO SOMETHING !!! get rid of jiz chanzy for good. kick her out of the party and replace her and the rest of the rinos with loyal americans that will do something. keep trump off twitter.even if you have to put tape across his mouth. he is his worst enemy.

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
2 years ago

I mentioned in my previous post about follow the money to know what really happened in 2020. I would bet that it leads directly to George Soros. This man has been anti-American since he came to this country. Just look at all the socialist organizations he funds and far left candidates he supports. He is naturalized citizen and therefore can be stripped of his citizenship and sent back to where he came from. He is the enemy within!

2 years ago

My grandfather always said “son if you don’t take care of the mice in the corn crib the mice will run away with the corn and the crib.Said to me 70 years ago and sounds like today.. But have one question?What can be done to get out the GOP vote and if you did what proof is there it will even be counted. .Warning lots of folks are depressed and feel hopeless to change the way the country is being run. We need a leader to come forward to convince people to vote and to give HOPE. Thank you AMAC for this forum.

2 years ago

I wouldn’t doubt if a number of former high ranking republicans are helping dems behind the scenes. Anyway, it looks like satan is getting his way as his minions increase. The bible predicts what will happen in the end times, and so much is coming true. If you haven’t asked to be forgiven and saved, do it now, as the time is growing short. God loves everyone, but will still judge those who don’t want Him.

2 years ago

These DemonRats are not going to quit harassing President Trump. I fear for his life, he needs to double his security. These criminal DemonRats are ruthless. Remember Peter Stzruck said that they had an insurance to prevent Pres Trump from office when hiLIARy ran.

USN Retired
USN Retired
2 years ago

They will not stop, Democrat’s commit crimes, and get away with it. All the while they try to fabricate frame up type scenarios in attempt to destroy their competitors. Trump may not be a perfect person, but he is/was a perfect President. We need him back in the White House, and we need to get rid of the majority of the Democrats and a big handful of Rhino Republicans. I fear we are losing our country to the power hungry Communist (aforementioned Democrats and Rhinos). Won’t be long and China will step in to finish taking control . . . The puppet strings on Biden will be shorter. I’ll do my part, and vote. ALL conservatives need to go to the polls and VOTE! Don’t sit at home disgusted, because all the crazies will be out there voting (in the rigged elections unfortunately).

2 years ago

The majority of mainstream News Media outlets are hoping and praying that at least one of the many false allegations about Trump will be plausible enough for them to “sell” the negative news to the public … which they seem to fondle with eagerness. Over the recent decades most of the News Media has pretty much put “news” on the back shelf in favor of promoting liberal/Commie-slanted propaganda. Given the performance of the Biden Administraion so far, the news media should be jumping down the throats of the Democrat Pary like ugly-on- an-ape!

2 years ago

Like the article says, “put up or shut up”! The American people are fed up with all of this garbage coming from the left.

William Czincilla
William Czincilla
2 years ago

It’s all political BS. Anything to smear President Trump. It will continue.

Cathy Harris
Cathy Harris
2 years ago

What a joke! It will be shocking to find out what these corrupt politicians are hiding. They’re scared, very scared… and should be… a reckoning is coming. They can bring it, but to a corrupt court, judge, jury? Most of those are corrupt too. Deep state / media want a civil war… but we can’t go there.

2 years ago

Are you kidding me?!!!! Hilary sold some of our nuclear assets to Russia!

2 years ago

Notice that, even when they had the house and senate, republicans didn’t do anything like this even though they had all the LEGAL/CONSTITUTIONAL reasons to.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Had Zero nuclear documents in storage

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

Do the Democrats think they can create such a commotion prosecuting Trump that nobody will notice that the Bidens are not?

2 years ago

I concur with all that is written, but remind everyone that without RINO support in the Senate, the House, and in some cases at the State level ( e.g. Georgia) this would not be possible. The real change in 2020 was the level of RINO complicity in trying to oust Pres. Trump.

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