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Narrative Alert: Dems, Media Blame Republicans for “Sabotaging” Economy

Posted on Wednesday, February 15, 2023
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris


With the country’s financial forecast looking increasingly grim, Democrats and their media allies are engaged in a scheme to use the looming debt ceiling battle to accuse Republicans of “holding the economy hostage” and blame the GOP for any negative economic headlines in the months ahead.

The left’s new messaging strategy, which is reminiscent of another attempt to use every weapon in their cultural arsenal to engineer a narrative of Joe Biden as a “moderate” hero, as covered in AMAC Newsline’s first installment of the ‘Narrative Alert’ series, was on full display during President Biden’s State of the Union Address last week. In between gross mischaracterizations of his own record, the president alleged that Republicans “say if we don’t cut Social Security and Medicare, they’ll let America default on its debt for the first time in our history.”

The accusation, which directly contradicted prior public statements from House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, led to loud condemnations from the Republican side of the chamber during the speech and widespread pushback following Biden’s remarks. Notably, some congressional Republicans have even supported legislation exempting entitlements from the debt ceiling. 

But even though the president’s assertion was demonstrably false, the exchange between Biden and congressional Republicans ultimately succeeded in thrusting the debt ceiling debate into the national spotlight – and put Democrats in a position to claim that Republicans are “holding the economy hostage.”

The facts, however, paint a quite different story. Over the past two years, Democrats’ reckless spending spree has led to 40-year high inflation, a turbulent stock market, and a stagnated economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The federal government spent $6.5 trillion in FY 2022 alone – much of it on new far-left government programs and policies – causing the national debt to balloon to more than $31 trillion.

It is this spending that has directly led to the current debt ceiling crisis. The debt ceiling, or the total amount of money that the federal government is allowed to borrow, is a limit set by Congress, and has been raised 78 times since 1960. The government technically blew past the debt ceiling on January 19, but the Treasury Department is able to use what it calls “extraordinary measures” to temporarily finance the nation’s debts. Those methods are expected to extend the deadline to raise the debt ceiling until at least early June.

If Congress does not vote to increase the borrowing limit by that time, the U.S. will default on its debt – something that has never occurred before – sending shockwaves throughout the entire global economy.

House Republicans have argued that any debt ceiling increase should be accompanied by cuts in federal spending to ease inflation and help reverse some of the economic damage from the past two years. “Nobody in America wants us to blindly just raise the debt ceiling again if we don’t get structural reforms around here” Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) told reporters recently. Republican leaders have argued that voters sent a GOP majority to Washington precisely to reign in federal spending and avoid such high-stakes debt-limit showdowns in the future.

But President Biden has stubbornly refused any and all negotiations, repeatedly spurring compromise offers from McCarthy. Instead, the administration and congressional Democrats have continued to intentionally stoke panic over a potential default. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, for example, made the media rounds one day ahead of Biden’s State of the Union to warn that “economic and financial catastrophe” are just around the corner. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer similarly said that “things could blow up” and accused Republicans of “hostage taking” and “brinkmanship.”

The media, for their part, have dutifully towed the party line. NPR, Reuters, USA Today, The Washington Post, and the LA Times all released stories parroting Schumer’s accusation of Republican “brinkmanship.” The Atlantic, NBC News, and The Hill published pieces defending Biden’s decision not to negotiate with Republicans, which all incredibly accused Republicans, not the president, of being unreasonable.

Many mainstream outlets are even rewriting the history of a similar debt ceiling standoff in 2011 between congressional Republicans and President Barack Obama – when Joe Biden himself led negotiations for the administration as vice president. That battle led to $2 trillion in spending cuts and averted a full-on economic backslide. However, Obama’s stubborn refusal to work with Republicans resulted in market turmoil – something that the media has since blamed solely on Republicans.

The clear aim of resurrecting the 2011 debt limit battle is to set the stage to once again blame Republicans for any economic downturn in the months ahead. With many economists predicting a rough year for the stock market and potentially a deep and prolonged recession, Democrats need a scapegoat – particularly heading into a pivotal general election year in 2024. Even though it is liberal fiscal policies which have sent the economy into a tailspin, the media narrative will be that Republican efforts to save the economy from complete collapse are the real problem.

Expect to hear more allegations about Republican “brinkmanship” and “holding the economy hostage” as the deadline to raise the debt ceiling approaches this summer. Once again, Biden and his Democrat allies have found themselves desperate to escape blame for a crisis of their own making.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @Shane_Harris_.

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Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
1 year ago

The left can’t admit to their own failures.

1 year ago

Democrat spending -aided and abetted by McConnel and his lap pups.

legally present
legally present
1 year ago

And who exactly was hold the Senator from W. Virginia hostage when he wouldn’t adhere to the party line, finally they promised him a pipeline, oops sorry Joe we didn’t mean it. When did the Democrats EVER agree with President Trump??? Sorry jerks it’s on YOU.

1 year ago

People wake up. The Chinese are behind this. They have been planning it for twenty years and with Joe their puppet now is the time to move on the USA. We lost the military the justice department the fbi and the cia. They won!

It’s now up to the patriots to save our country as the constitution planned for. But they will cut off the heads of anyone who bring people together. Don’t give up your guns. God can only help us now. But do not mistake this we are at war! And loosing badly.

1 year ago

Here’s an easy cut: remove the Department of Education. Since it’s inception, American educational scores have plummeted and the focus on political indoctrination has increased. This department has been an abysmal failure.

1 year ago

Just like the Democrats,when you find out the people are not listening to their lies,start blaming the Republicans.

David Dauphinais
David Dauphinais
1 year ago

Congress must reduce spending while not touching Social security and/or Medicare. If negotiations fail or are refused, the U.S. should default. No more continuing resolutions as that, over time, just makes the debt larger. Stop the spending now!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

If dems are playing blame game is that not the admission that all is not well? They are running out of places to hide

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
1 year ago

Every time the Dems attack the Republicans by accusing them of anything is because they’re the once guilty of it! The only people that colluded with the Russians was the DNC and Hillary Clinton, RUSSIA, RUSSIA RUSSIA. She claims she lost because of Russia. No she lost because the Dems didn’t cheat enough in the election. They learned a valuable, and made sure they cheated enough in the 2020 election.

1 year ago

Joseph Goebbles would be so proud that the Dems, and their media lackies, are playing by the Nazi rule book for propaganda. Tell a lie often enough and loud enough, and it becomes truth. I think that is a quote from Pelosi

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

For Biden and the Marxist Democrats to blame Republicans for the economic woes of our country is beyond farcical. Biden and his far left zealots are doing everything possible to destroy our standard of living. Spending trillions that we don’t have on programs that we don’t need is pure insanity. Also, Biden is purposely making life difficult for the oil and gas industries in favor of technologies that are still very experimental in nature. Biden is doing the very opposite of what he should be doing, so in a strange way, it makes sense for him to try to shift the blame for our failing economy to the very groups that are actually helping our economy. If ever there was a president who acts like the Manchurian candidate, Biden fits the description perfectly. He is an unmitigated failure.

1 year ago

Congress needs to call out Brandon and MSM to explain how this crazy, senseless, needless spending of the federal government that keeps on building up our debt limit will save social security and Medicare! Basic economics, common sense and math points to an eventual collapse of the economy, and the eventual loss of the dollar being the standard in the world. When that happens our nation’s economy will become like that of Venezuela, with the dollar worth hardly anything. Then what will happen to Social Security and Medicare? I’m not joking.

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

Why is it that the democrats lie about everything. I am so tired of the constant 100% percent of the time lying. Further why do so many people support the democrats knowing that the democrats constantly lie.

You know how you know man made global warming is a lie? Because the democrats are pushing it.

very single thing the democrat support is a lie.

1 year ago

Anyone, with even a rudimentary understanding of basic economics. fully understands that the policies implemented by Team Biden and the Democrats over the last two years caused the overwhelming majority of the damage to our economy. Of course, neither Biden nor the Democrats will accept responsibility for what they have done, as at least half the country is dumb enough to completely buy the lies Team Biden and the Democrats are telling. An ignorant population is vitally important to Socialists being able to get their legislative and societal changes enacted into law. In virtually country after country that has preceded us down this path towards becoming a socialist nation, the most ignorant, least educated and frankly dumb percentage of the population has always led the way to helping the Socialists gain and expand their power until the country itself became a socialist he!!hole. The promise of a “free lunch” and endlessly flowing government provided goodies is very attractive to people who are usually very envious of what others have but lack either the skills or the personal drive to attain the same themselves. So, we are repeating the same pattern here in our own country at present.

Let us not forget that some of the most destructive and transformative legislation enacted over the last 2 years was done with the willing assist of Mitch McConnell and his merry band of 18 or 19 Senate RINOs, who raced across the aisle to ensure passage of several of the spending bills that have caused so much damage to this nation in so little time.

As for the debt ceiling, I expect it will play out exactly as it has in the past. The Democrats will refuse to negotiate on anything, knowing full well the MSM will push the well-worn narrative that Republicans are holding the country hostage and that the world will come to end, if the nasty, evil Republicans don’t simply give the Democrats everything they want without any conditions. In other words, the Republicans have to surrender unconditionally, or we are doomed. The closer we come to June 5th, the louder and more persistent that message will be echoed by the entire MSM.

This is of course just more lies and distortions but remember, half the country is dumb enough to buy every word of it. Even Mitch McConnell will join with congressional Democrats starting in March or April, to urge the House Republicans to just fold and give in. That’s just who McConnell is. So, faced with the results of 6 month media blitz painting the House Republicans as destroyers of everything and pushing both grandma and grandpa over the cliff into oblivion, McCarthy will end up folding at midnight on June 5th.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

America is on the precipice of going bankrupt and Brandon is telling fairy tales again. The big bad wolf, the Republican Party, is taking away his cash register to appease his base. Vote buying is expensive.

Sharon Reynolds
Sharon Reynolds
1 year ago

Sounds about right. The dems blame the GOP for every disaster they create, amazing.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
1 year ago

You live to be a Senior Citizen; and what do you get to witness? President George Washington’s Statue ripped down with claps and cheers from the demons/communists. (And, on the major communist networks!) You witness a blind mandate which destroys the airline industry; (all without approval from the legislature!) Nobody wants to take a plane or go anywhere! You witness an 800% increase in the violence and crime in this country; (would it have anything to do with the democrats demonizing the police departments or defunding them?) Who wants to visit any of the major or minor cities with the proliferation of pickpockets and murders everywhere? This has been a major hamper on the economy. Now, you’ve waited all your life to travel and cannot; because of the damnable democrats/communists/Marxists? Who has destroyed the economy? What audacity of the worse kind! President George Washington rolls around in his grave; as the demons get ready to sandblast Mount Rushmore in their Self Righteous Indignation!

1 year ago

All you have to do is take one look at any Democrat run city or state and it is all the proof you need to see that everything they touch they destroy. All the big Democrats cities are sewers.

1 year ago

When will we be able to have a responsible and logical thinking representative or senator, who takes their oath of office seriously.
They are stuck into a toddler’s mentality of more, more. Spend more $ than what is available.
They think raising the tax rate will solve the problem, so raise their percentage rate, to be the highest if they fail to balance the spending with the income.
Living on a fixed income, we are forced to cut our expenses to match our income, age is not a desirable applicant for the job.

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

This is the first article I didn’t need to read to comment on. The title told me everything I needed to know.

It’s common practice for the far left dems to blame everyone, especially the Republicans for things they themselves do. So why not blame the Republicans for the horrible economy we have, it only makes sense to do so.

It started with the repeal of every policy Trump put in place…Republicans fault. Next, the attack on the oil industry…Republicans fault. Then the tearing down and opening up of the southern boarder…again, Republicans fault. All of these and more, including just about every decision this administration has made has had a direct impact to the well-being of this nations economy…still, it’s the Republicans fault.

Someone go ahead, tell me I should have read the article.

1 year ago

Given that the majority of Media is patently pro DemocRat Party, what other claim could be expected from those sources. The only real conclusion is that the DemocRats acknowledge the economy is “screwed up” …. and they predictably blame others before the heat gets full blown. We can only hope the Republicans and non-partisans put a stop to the DemocRat’s rigging future election???

1 year ago

Well since no one listens to them, it does not matter

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

DIMMs accept blame for NOTHING and will take credit for anything even tangentially related to their program! The death of soldiers in the failed Afghanistan withdrawal, the loss of $82 billion in military equipment, the high inflation rate, failing schools and infrastructure, having to beg other countries for oil, and the endless billions going to a corrupt European nation. Just the start of DIMM failures!

1 year ago

Anything the Democrats blame someone else for is known to all to be something they are doing themselves. That has been proven over and over again. Just rplace the word Republicans with Democrats and you’ll know the truth about the situation.

Irv C
Irv C
1 year ago

It’s sad that many from the left believe this but not surprising. Ignorance is a bad thing. At least this Republican Congress speaks up over lies from the left.

1 year ago

The Dems cannot fix the problems we are facing because to do so would mean abandoning their radical plans for energy and boarders and green new “deals” which are all sing holes for trillions of dollars. They have no choice but to blame any one else.Borrowing even more trillions to keep the government afloat is a terrible idea, it’s like putting more people into a sinking raft.

1 year ago

These people need to learn how to budget just like everyone else. I’m tired of their reckless spending and glad someone is trying to rein them in.
I saw a news article yesterday in which Yellen said social security recipients will feel the pinch first if they don’t raise the debt ceiling. Why is it social security is always the first thing to çut? Why not cut some of the reckless spending on other non essential programs first?

1 year ago

These people can narrate all they want. I’ve watched our economy not just sabotaged but destroyed by the dems in the house, senate and the White House and they did it in short order, after Biden was installed. Now they have the gall to say any effort to curtail the binge spending economic sabotage. democrat newspeak.

1 year ago

Ridiculous and idiotic. Try it all you want you lying, evil bunch of control freaks. Anyone with any sense at all will not go for this line of bull….!

1 year ago

this is what happens when you give control of your mind over to to the state. you have no mind of your own.

1 year ago


1 year ago
  • Its sad to see our country becoming a Socialistic State. Socialism leads to Communism rule 1increase Dept to an unsustainable level. 2 Education take control of what we read and what children learn in school. 3 Gun Control Remove the ability to defend ourselves. 4 Religion remove the belief in God from government so we only believe that in the Government.5 Class Warfare Divide the people into wealthy poor eliminate the middle class. This is Democrats agenda.
1 year ago

All I can say is that I was doing better under Trump. Baby formula was available..merchandise was flowing freely…in and outgoing commercial flights flowed freely…can we say that now?

1 year ago

Surprise, surprise!!! Who would have throught the DemocRats would blame the Republicans for the present financial mess. Answer: Dyed-in-the-wool DemocRots, idiots, Commie sympat hizers, hate mongers, libtards, etc. That is standard OP in the DemocRot Party. Hmm … when you have rigged elections, expect the dishonesty and the worst.

1 year ago

Democrats are good for nothing EXCEPT lying. That is their forte.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Hilarious. The Economy SUCKS because of DICTATOR Beijing biden and the Fascist liberals.
The Economy was GREAT with PRESIDENT TRUMP and TAX CUTS including eliminating USELESS Regulations.
Not to mention we were ENERGY INDEPENDENT and NUMBER 1 in the World.
Gasoline was less than $2/gal. and Diesel was under $3/gal.
There was FOOD and SUPPLIES too.
Inflation was at 1.7% with PRESIDENT TRUMP.
INFLATION is OVER 25% (REAL Number) and CONTINUES TO CLIMB with DICTATOR Beijing biden and WILL CONTINUE TO CLIMB thanks to his and Fascist liberals INFLATION INCREASE ACT.
So as usual. The FAKE news, Fascist liberals, and DICTATOR Beijing biden blame everybody else for the Sabotage of our economy that THEY CREATED.
Remember, the Stock Market DROPPED 200 points the day after DICTATOR Beijing biden’s address because WE ALL KNOW HE IS LYING.
When PRESIDENT TRUMP did his Nation Address the Stock Market
JUMPED UP 600 points the next day.
With PRESIDENT TRUMP we had money.
With DICTATOR Beijing biden we have NO MONEY.
So as we see with REAL FACTS.
DICTATOR Beijing biden, Fascist liberals, and FAKE news are the TRUE SABOTEURS of our economy.

1 year ago

I admit that I am what many of you call a RINO, but I have my own opinions & do not bend to 100% of how the party wants you to vote. Both parties are responsible for our National Debt & I would like to throw out some common sense (and scary facts) to our debt issue. The American Main Street Initiative says: the OBAMA, TRUMP & BIDEN administrations compiled more debt (adjusted for inflation) than all previous Presidents combined. Look back at National Debt during the WWII years & how the Democrats & Republicans backed this debt & paid it down because that is what Americans do. What part of spending more money than you have do not both parties understand?????????????

teresa Ann d'alessandro
teresa Ann d'alessandro
1 year ago

as usual sick mentality – more like mental illness – they actually belive their lies

1 year ago

We can’t be surprised at them yelling TRUMP at the tops of their voices every time they do something stupid. OBama did the same with Bush for eight years and it seemed to work for them, so why wouldn’t they try it again. If the Republicans don’t put their collective feet down about budget cuts and get a handle on graft, corruption and fraud, we can expect more and more inflation and incompetence to come. They must also insist on getting rid of the incompetent people not doing heir jobs like Buttedgeedge and the man dressed like a woman who steals luggage and the press sec who is a constant embarrassment and Millie who is a shame of a general. Where is the government in Ohio where people are in terrible danger? What’s with the whole “we’re shooting stuff down but have no idea what it is we’re shooting down” NORAD and Air Force. They look like a clown show and that did not happen under TRUMP.
We really need some competent leadership.

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
1 year ago

In reality the problem began when many Republicans did not support our president and then allowed globalist Marxist to take over our country with a fraudulent election.

James H
James H
1 year ago

The GOP needs to call out their lies and make sure blame rests where it should. Cut all discretionary spending! Virtually all of it is spent on un-American projects and entities. The GOP cannot continue to let the Lying Left set the narrative. Get tough. Help America!

1 year ago

Democrats own it, so we ALL have to live with it. Media only reports what THEY want us to believe..

1 year ago

Go over those over priced docs and pick out the pork.

1 year ago

Duckin’ Femonrats. ????

1 year ago

It is sad but the American people have been hurt by both parties as it relates to our National Debt. At this point we are in a very difficult spot between irresponsible spending and collapsing the US and Global economy. If the debt ceiling is not raised and there is a default the Country will quickly become bankrupt and US citizens will lose Trillions of their net worth as the dollar collapses.

Will Smith
Will Smith
1 year ago

This is the dems plan in the first place they don’t care what happens to America they want the dollar to collapse so that China can take over the dollar because the dems have sold out America including the president. This has been the plan all along, and what kills me we are letting them get away with it. This has been one Cluster Muck after another every since Biden has come in to office , when he should have been taken out after Afghanistan blunder. My question is when is something gonna be done about this junk when our great nation collapse or when world War 3 starts do to the stupidity, and no commen since of the Biden administration. This should have never been taken this far period .

Mike S
Mike S
1 year ago

The Dems are all about staying in power and continuing deficit spending to satisfy pet liberal projects. They could care less if the debt burden is forced upon our children since they’ll be long gone. They envision a world economy and a new world order where American pride and individual freedoms are a thing of the past. Conservatives are in the way of that vision. They are willing to lie and cheat using their devious friends in the media to advance their philosophies. Our future is at risk.

1 year ago

The republicans need to tell the Democrats to
cut their own budget if they want the debt ceiling
raised. Our country is in serious financial trouble,
what’s it going to take to reverse this trend ? May
as well start here and now putting the Dems on
notice that they’ll have to cut the budget if they
want the debt ceiling raised. 1/3 of our federal
taxes go toward the debt . We need a debt reduction plan that can be forced on the Dems .
As long as the Republicans are operating in the best interest of the American people, we will be
ok. There are more conservatives than liberals,
so get in there and get sluggin ‘

1 year ago

Jackass Joe really earned his nickname! . . . He will go down in American history as the WORST PRESIDENT EVER! . . . And it couldn’t happen to a bigger Jackass!

1 year ago

How can we ever have a true history of events given most media’s twisted version of anything that happens? I’ve read that liberal TV outlets are losing viewers, but not sure about newspapers, altho many people don’t read them anymore. I’ve been reading the Epoch Times for a couple of years, and they seem to have a more conservative, positive view.

John Paul II after assassination attempt
NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby attend a press briefing Tuesday, October 3, 2023, in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House. (Official White House Photo by Oliver Contreras)

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