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Maine’s LD 2283 – To Take Guns

Posted on Monday, April 8, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Maine State House, in Augusta, on a sunny day. The building was completed in 1832, one year after Augusta became the capital of Maine

“Setups” are not right. In Maine and the Nation, law-abiding gun owners – Republicans, Independents, and Democrats – are under attack, being legislatively “set up” for a 2nd Amendment takedown. How? In disguise, confiscation authority is being green-lighted as “red flag laws.”

Take Maine as a leading example of how the anti-gun ownership lobby works, how they twist the discussion, ignore facts, and push the idea that what is patently bad, fundamentally unconstitutional, inexcusable, and dangerous, is somehow good.

In Maine, the latest sleight-of-hand is LD 2283, a bill which cleverly – some might say, cynically – takes the 2023 tragedy in Lewiston, Maine, involving a guardsman with mental health issues, to whom “yellow flag laws” applied, and makes him into an excuse to strip Mainers of core gun rights.

The basic method used, which Democrats in Maine’s legislature know but seldom talk about, is to take a tragedy, fan the public fear that attended it, and turn that fear against law-abiding gun owners, thus chilling their defense of historic gun rights, and opening the door to confiscation.

This is, without a doubt, happening in Maine – and across the nation. LD 2283 aims to disenfranchise gun owners by allowing anyone to complain about them to the police, converting a strong disagreement, exchange of words, social post, or physical encounter into a “threat.”

With no more than an attestation that someone feels “threatened,” the official state harassment, police engagement, and confiscation can begin. This so-called “red flag law” is a foil, as in New Mexico where opposition was high, for gradually disarming those who differ with gun owners.

The difference in Maine is – or should be – that gun ownership is not correlated with political party, at least outside of left-leaning enclaves in the southeast part of the state, where fear of guns and former New York state citizenship both run high.

Throughout most of the state, whether someone grew up Democrat, Independent, Republican, or none-of-the-above, people tend to respect gun rights, gun ownership, gun utility, and know how to use a gun, just as they use cars, trucks, plows, chainsaws, hammers, axes, knives, and shovels.

Notably, everything on that list could be used by a mentally unstable person to do harm, a lot of harm, but Mainers would never think of depriving a fellow citizen – call them “old Americans” as opposed to “new Americans” – from use of an implement our Founders gave them rights to.

This LD 2283 is, frankly, written to be vague, understood to be likely unconstitutional, and is being pushed – with instate and out-of-state money – to turn Maine into a place where people are put in fear, made to fear, resent, complain about, and disrespect each other’s rights.

Is that who we are? Is that who the more thoughtful Democrats in the legislature really are? Independents? Republicans? Are we ready to be chided, cajoled, coerced, and chilled into being other than who we have been? We should not be.

Maine already has “yellow flag laws,” effective without more intrusion, lost rights, top-down direction about who can own guns, what gun owners say in public – or lose their guns. Existing laws cover the rare cases, cover the mentally unfit. We do not need more. We do not need progressive confiscation in Maine, snuck into law end of the session, just not right. EVERYONE should oppose LD 2283, a “setup.”

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
10 months ago

Gun control is not now, and has never been, about crime, criminals, or public safety.
Frankly, the Left doesn’t give a rat’s behind about crime, criminals, or public safety. Gun control is, and has always been, about disarming the populace so they cannot represent a threat to the government once the Left establishes the dictatorship they have been working toward since the end of WWII.
The key word in the term “gun control” is not “gun” – it is “control.”
There are now more than 24,000 gun control laws in effect at the federal, state, and local levels.
Every conceivable aspect of firearm purchase, ownership, and use is covered dozens of times.
Yet the Left constantly writes and pushes through ever more laws because law-abiding citizens still haven’t been disarmed.
I have been asking the following question for more than 40 years now, and have yet to receive any sort of rational, coherent response: Where in the wording of The Second Amendment is there any provision for, or even a suggestion of, restrictions, limitations, or exceptions?
Answer: There is none.
Thus, Court decisions notwithstanding, every one of those 24,000+ current gun control laws is flat out unconstitutional.
“Red flag” laws are blatantly unconstitutional. ANYONE can accuse another citizen of virtually anything, without the slightest shred of evidence, and that gives the police the authority to confiscate the accused’s firearms. No evidence necessary, no opportunity to confront the accuser, no day in court, not even an opportunity to dispute the matter until after confiscation takes place. How many parts of the Constitution does that violate? And yet more than half of all states now have these outrageous laws.

10 months ago

Of course they’re taking our guns, that way we can’t fight back or defend ourselves against China and other countries can take over our country as planned by biden and his criminal friendsThis is just as wrong as they’re cheating and bulling democrats

10 months ago

200 gun laws on the books and none work!! When the Dems continue to eliminate police ? And take away guns from law abiding citizens who will protect you??? The criminals who don’t follow laws, thats who ? If they put in s red flag law and people are eventually proven innocent? Then there should be the ability to file suite against the arresting individual snd the accuser!! Written into the law.

10 months ago

They have enough laws on the books, enforce what you have and leave everyone alone. Go to North Korea, they have a great life style and speak their mind! How is that working? They grabbed their guns and are pretty subservient to the government!

10 months ago

The Marxist dictators no that as long as the population is armed they cannot complete their takeover. They are chipping away at gun rights every place they can. Democrats and their policies have killed more people than guns ever will. They need to be classifies as a domestic terrorist organization

10 months ago

The is a horribly written article. It doesn’t say WHAT the legislation says. It’s written the way the left writes articles. Innuendo with no specifics.

Ken Paul
Ken Paul
10 months ago

Gun control laws are antithetical because the constitution is original law. The constitution clearly states our gun rights shall not be infringed.” Therefore, contradictory restrictions are illegal on their face. Accordingly, so called gun control laws are NOT law. They are merely invalid restrictions a gullible citizenry sheepishly accepts. Nice try demonrats.

10 months ago

The dems will never stop trying to disarm us. The reason is that they have plans for us that we wont like. So did the german govt in the 30s. The first group to suffer disarmament were the jews, even decorated ww1 vets. Bear in mind gun ownership then in germany wasnt as widespread as it is here. Still, they were taking no chances.

David Millikan
David Millikan
10 months ago

What part of …The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms, Shall Not Be Infringed do Fascist democrats not understand? Each one of them took Oath to Uphold and Protect the U.S. Constitution. Practically every one of them has BROKEN and VIOLATED their Oath of Office and the U.S. Constitution (Especially Dictator Beijing biden and Communist harris). Each so-called anti-gun law and so-called Red Flag laws are ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
The democrats work hard at disarming US but their Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion buddies run around the country constantly committing crimes killing Americans with guns they brought in crossing the Border Illegally.
The democrats don’t want you to Protect yourself, your Family, or your Country. Instead, they want you to be Victims and Dead so they can say they are here to protect you while they HIDE behind Barbwire and Armed Soldiers and Federal Agents with Assault Weapons.
Not to forget that the democrats are giving Aid and Comfort to our enemies and criminals with their Illegal and Unconstitutional anti-gun garbage.
Remember, their Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion is the same as them breaking into your house.

10 months ago

When the gun unconstitutional laws are implemented, the honest citizens will become victims to the invasion of the enemy and hoodlums. No protection source against the bullies or sieges from a foreign enemy. The only deterrent to this point in our history is the enemy has no idea if you are armed or not. Makes a citizen a little bit safer than a deer in the headlights.

10 months ago

Hey Maine, shape up!!!!!

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
10 months ago

I’m guessing there are people in Maine and their neighbors who are chomping at the bit hoping someone will try to take away theirs guns, that way they can help themselves and their neighbors get rid of the problem,the ones promoting this crap (Democrats) They are starting a civil war, a war that they will lose because Democrats do not know how to take care of themselves they only know how to take from the productive.

Dean Ross
Dean Ross
10 months ago

We have laws that address the mentally ill, no need for more.All have the God given right to self defense whether you use a shovel, knife or gun…

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
10 months ago

More control. The sad thing about all these gun grab laws will have no affect on crime! So sad!!

10 months ago

Don’t let this happen or we will be like sheep to slaughter.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
10 months ago

Its up to Maine citizens to fight for their rights… but I’m guessing many are still loyal little Democrats when there aren’t really any anymore.

10 months ago

Once they have the red flag laws we lose all 2A rights. That is how they plan on taking our guns!! Ever heard of MOLON LABE???

10 months ago

The Maine Motto in ” I lead”. Lead to what? Creating more division, give voices to snow flakes, condone and encourage talle telling ( ratting out) on your friends and neighbors in your community.
Allowing anyone who wants to ruin your life, usurp your constitutional rights.
This is just more indication that our Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party Comrade’s are intent on taking away our best defense against them and there thugs.
Prepare for them coming to your community and occupying it, with a force of arms.
Good luck!

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