
Lawmakers are raising questions about political targeting at the IRS, since it appears the agency violated a standing legal order when it denied a conservative organization tax exempt status, on the basis that certain Bible teachings are politically affiliated. Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Oversight Subcommittee Republican Leader Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) led Ways and Means Republicans in a letter to Commissioner Rettig:
“We write to express serious concern that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) violated a valid consent order by initially denying the application for tax exempt status submitted by Christians Engaged. If the IRS has the power to violate a standing legal order without consequence, how can Americans trust the agency with greater authority and $80 billion more taxpayer dollars?”
CLICK HERE to read the full letter. CLICK HERE to watch the GOP meeting with expert testimony from the American Center for Law and Justice, Christians Engaged, and the First Liberty Institute.
The IRS’s bad old days of tax discrimination are back.
- The last time President Biden was in the White House, the IRS spent years targeting conservative tax-exempt groups.
- Reportedly, the IRS believes certain Bible teachings are “affiliated with the [republican] party and candidates” and used this as a basis to deny tax exempt status to a non-profit organization.
President Biden’s plan to supercharge the IRS will result in more audits of taxpayers at all income levels. Farmers, families, and small businesses are the true targets of this dangerous expansion of the IRS.
- President Biden’s proposal to spend $80 billion on an army of auditors and to turn local banks into chapters of the IRS to report on the gross transactions of your personal and business bank account is unacceptable to the American people.
- Nonpartisan CBO analysis assumes that under the President’s proposal audit rates would “rise for all taxpayers”–including EITC audits and those of other lower and middle-income workers.
- As Republicans wrote in a recent letter, “Even the $10,000 de minimis annual threshold would sweep up the bank information of nearly every American with a job.”
- According to local banks, the President’s financial reporting regime would expand the types of account holders currently subject to reporting and would require significant system changes.
- Because the reporting is different from current reporting, taxpayers will face substantial increases in tax preparation time and costs.
READ: Myth vs Fact: Opposing Biden’s Bank Surveillance Scheme
Republicans are fighting to stop Democrats’ IRS snooping scheme, hold the agency accountable, and protect taxpayer privacy.
- Ways and Means Republicans are committed to protecting American taxpayers from government overreach and from breaches of privacy like the one being proposed by the Biden Administration.
- In June, Reps. Brady and Kelly called on Commissioner Rettig to address their concerns surrounding the tax-exempt denial for Christians Engaged.
- Republicans have introduced the Prohibiting IRS Financial Surveillance Act to stop the Biden Administration’s invasive snooping scheme.
Republicans have also introduced the Tax Gap Reform and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Enforcement Act, which allows for a better understanding of the tax gap, provides smarter enforcement, ensures the IRS uses all of the resources at its disposal, and addresses the expertise gap at the IRS.
The IRS will do anything the LEFT tells them to do. So many cowards in our government, but not a surprise. We need SMALL government!!! Not this huge mass of self-serving people. Help……..
Time to eliminate the thousands of pages of the tax code and go to a flat tax. Doing so would eliminate the IRS and allow taxpayers to fill out a tax return in a post card.
It wont be unless Dems feel” same pain” as others to under IRS Or NO ONE should suffer
The Federal Tax code is so complicated that even the IRS agents could not compute and agree on how to figure out the correct and truthful calculation and the reporting of tax liability, so OBiden is going to enpower more IRS agents to scrutinize and “correct” our tax reporting. so as to collect more taxes to “Build Back Better” our country. LETS GO BRANDON”!
The Communist Party should get ZERO dollars to use to wreak more destruction on America.
Shut the NAZIs down!
barack and the Commie Party have weaponized the whole government. Give them nothing more.
And Upton? You Michigan TRAITOR….. that means you, too.
You deserve a recall, now.
The “Leadership” in ALL Government Agencies has been “infiltrated” by Democratic Communists planted by past Presidents! . . . But now because of so-called Government Covid Restrictions, the Commies think that now is the time to force their doctrine upon a willful population and they are finding out differently, thankfully! Rise Up, People or forever lose your freedoms!!!
I don’t know how many “local” folks read AMAC articles but if anyone reads this, please join the donttreadonindiana.org group on Nov 20, 2021, 11-3 pm for Southern Indiana World Wide Freedom Rally, 5181 St Rd 46E Nashville In, near Gnaw Bone, IN. We are tired of the IRS, the current administration using covid to take away our basic freedoms. The world is watching and participating. Come join us, please.
Unfortunately, this is all prophesied in the Good Book. It’s sad but true.
Every American should not only wary about not only the IRS, but should wary equally about the Justices Department, these two Government groups together have the power to take everything you have over night, and when they get their tag team partner the FBI, involved, its game over for you, We the American people have let the Federal Government get out of hand and what I said at the time, we should not have let the Patriot Act pass, it is used as one of the tools to go after everyday Americans, and protect the terrorists.
God Save America!!!!!!
Under Resident Biden every agency is being weaponized to target patriots/maga voters. FBI, IRS, Capitol Police, EPA, and on and on. Meanwhile, after harassing school board meeting parents, J6 rally attendees, journalists like Project Veritas, they are allowing an invasion of our southern border, and illegally reward them with a million dollars a piece. If there is Democrat voter left among middle America after all this, well then they are brain dead morons with no ability to learn.
Can you spell S-T-A-S-I?
Flat tax for everyone!
IMPEACH BIDEN/HARRIS!!!! Both are incapable of anything rational.
Are they hiring the Master of IRS targeting, Loretta Lynch, back?? This is one person they wouldn’t have to spend any time training! So, the employment and training of all these anticipated IRS workers is going to cost us the taxpayers how much?, and what will be the “quota” these employees will have to meet on a daily basis in order to keep their jobs? And if the quota is not met, will they be replaced? And for how long will these people have a job? I’m guessing maybe until O’Biden is out of office, and Trump takes over again. Make America Great Again!
Republicans are fighting to stop Dem IRS snooping scheme hold the agcy accountable and protect taxpayer privacy your jokes are killing me
Defund the IRS. Every government agency the politicians create makes government more powerful and citizens less free. Not much freedom left. The IRS was certainly one of the worse.
The performance of the IRS agency is POOR and directly related to control by BIDEN AND SOCIALIST COMRADES !!
Even when the IRS was engaged in actions to harm non-Democrats when Obummer was POTUS, it never got punished (embarrassed, maybe). And on that occasion the News Media, with a few exceptions, ignored it like it was an enraged skunk.
In hindsight, cleaning out the IRS and FBO and CIA should have been done at the onset of Trump’s presidency. And if the next Republican POTUS doesn’t do that, he will be asking for discord and political sabotage for the major time of his Presidency.
First of all, the graduated income tax was unconstitutional in the U.S. Constitution until the progressives added it via the 16th amendment. The graduated income tax is listed in Karl Marx communist manifesto. There are serious questions about flaws in the process by which it was added. For more information, visit Sheriff Richard Mack at the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA). Also order a copy of Sheriff Mack’s book The County Sheriff, America’s Last Hope.
One might also check America’s Founding Documents | National Archives
for information on both the 16th and 17th Amendments. the 17th changed the election of U S senators from state legislators (electoral college) to popular vote. Not a good idea.
I wasn’t clear about the remark I made about Karl Marx and the next sentence. There were no flaws regarding Marx’s communist manifesto. I meant that sentence to be about the process for adding the 16th and 17th amendments to the U S Constitution (USCon). I don’t think having a constitutional convention would be a good idea at this time because things could get out of hand. Rather investigate how they were added to see if they can just be eliminated because of fraud or mishandling of the process. Thanks for your patience regarding my poor writing. God bless you all.
The IRS should be disbanded. They routinely refuse to go after politicians who owe millions in unpaid taxes, yet don’t hesitate for a minute to prosecute Americans who make an honest mistake when filing!
Who has the greatest number of crooks- the IRS or the FBI?
Flat tax.
Why is it that when Democrats are in power they always target Republicans! And they use the IRS, DOJ and FBI to do it! Their Fear Tactics are disgusting! And People can only stop the intimidation by not voting for these Fear Mongers! They only care about themselves and controlling American citizens by making people dependent on them by giving them free stuff!