LETTER: Political Targeting and Lawlessness at IRS Should Not Be Rewarded

Posted on Tuesday, November 9, 2021
by Outside Contributor
IRS website

Lawmakers are raising questions about political targeting at the IRS, since it appears the agency violated a standing legal order when it denied a conservative organization tax exempt status, on the basis that certain Bible teachings are politically affiliated. Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Oversight Subcommittee Republican Leader Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) led Ways and Means Republicans in a letter to Commissioner Rettig: 

“We write to express serious concern that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) violated a valid consent order by initially denying the application for tax exempt status submitted by Christians Engaged. If the IRS has the power to violate a standing legal order without consequence, how can Americans trust the agency with greater authority and $80 billion more taxpayer dollars?”

CLICK HERE to read the full letter. CLICK HERE to watch the GOP meeting with expert testimony from the American Center for Law and Justice, Christians Engaged, and the First Liberty Institute. 

BRADY: With Its History of Political Targeting, Why Would We Reward the IRS with Greater Power Over Sensitive Taxpayer Data?


The IRS’s bad old days of tax discrimination are back.

President Biden’s plan to supercharge the IRS will result in more audits of taxpayers at all income levels. Farmers, families, and small businesses are the true targets of this dangerous expansion of the IRS.

READ: Myth vs Fact: Opposing Biden’s Bank Surveillance Scheme

Republicans are fighting to stop Democrats’ IRS snooping scheme, hold the agency accountable, and protect taxpayer privacy. 

Republicans have also introduced the Tax Gap Reform and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Enforcement Act, which allows for a better understanding of the tax gap, provides smarter enforcement, ensures the IRS uses all of the resources at its disposal, and addresses the expertise gap at the IRS.

URL : https://amac.us/newsline/society/letter-political-targeting-and-lawlessness-at-irs-should-not-be-rewarded/