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It Will Be Hard for Biden to Undo Trump’s Gains. But Be Prepared.

Posted on Tuesday, December 1, 2020
by Outside Contributor

bidenEven if President Donald Trump isn’t in the White House for the next four years, he’s leaving the next president with a whole lot to remember him by.

As the days tick on, more liberals are starting to realize that even if Joe Biden wins, upending all that Trump did will be a much harder climb than many people thought. The roots of this administration’s policy run deep, and pulling them up will be a long, difficult slog—if the Democrat can manage it at all.

“There’s this assumption in Washington,” former Obama official Jim Messina said, “that it’s all going to change, and I just don’t think that’s how things work.” Not only is wholesale change going to be difficult to come by, he suspects, but it’s not what the American people want.

Just look at the GOP’s gains in state houses, governors’ mansions, and Congress. This election wasn’t a repudiation of the conservative message. If anything, it was a warning to the far left to put its extremism in park.

Are there things Biden could do right away? Absolutely. He’s already committed to throwing open the doors to taxpayer-funded abortion, reinstating former President Barack Obama’s transgender school mandate, and crushing freedom with a laundry list of health care orders.

But here’s the beauty of Trump’s legacy: We now have courts at every level dominated by constitutionalists who will be more than happy to respond when the Biden administration oversteps its authority.

“The ability of Biden to act, compared to where Trump has acted on executive power,” Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute warned, “may be very significantly constrained.” Even appointing hardcore liberals to key posts will be difficult if the GOP hangs on to the Senate.

Outlets like the HuffPost are already wringing their hands over the depth of Trump’s policies. Undoing what he’s been able to accomplish on issues like life “won’t be easy.” Especially on things like the Mexico City Policy, which bans overseas abortion funding, rescinding the farthest-reaching orders of its kind “is not like turning a light switch on and off,” lamented one international abortion activist.

As the HuffPost points out, “President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence not only reinstated the gag rule on day one of Trump’s presidency (an expected move from a Republican president), Trump expanded it twice and is currently looking to expand it once more before his term ends.”

This won’t be like past presidential handoffs, Alanna Vagianos complains. The “lasting effects” of this president’s pro-life stance—not just here, but around the world—will take years to erase.

But don’t expect the hard left to cut Biden’s team a break. It’s waited too long and despises conservative values too much to let a chance like this slip away. Even now, groups like the Human Rights Campaign are already out with their long lists of demands. And marginalizing Christians is priority number one.

“If there is a Biden administration,” Albert Mohler points out, “it will be, by Joe Biden’s own pledge, the most LGBTQ-positive administration in history.” But, he shakes his head in amazement, “at least we know what the game plan is.”

“I’m astounded,” Mohler went on, “at how clear and candid they are. It’s like discovering the German battle plans for the invasion of France. We’ve been told exactly what they intend in terms of stripping Christian schools of accreditation [and the] fundamental assault on religious liberty.”

They’re coming for Christian schools, colleges, and seminaries, he warns, and it will be an assault like we’ve never seen before. It’s right there in black and white, Mohler insisted.

“They want to force the Biden administration to use the power of executive orders through the Department of Education to deny any school that stands against the LGBTQ revolution [their] accreditation.”

And maybe there are Christians who say, “Well, no big deal.” It’s a huge deal, Mohler argued.

Accreditation has everything to do with “whether your school can accept students from the GI Bill, whether or not your school can participate in federal student aid programs. My school does not … but hundreds of Christian schools do. And whether or not your degrees and credits will be recognized to transfer to another institution or [whether] your graduates [are] able to apply to a graduation program elsewhere … This is the worldview conflict we’re facing.”

The only way a religious school will be recognized is if it folds on biblical teaching. “You’d have to recognize homosexuality [and transgenderism in housing and student life]. You’d have to recognize same-sex marriage. You’d have to hire without regard to a Christian understanding of sexuality. You’d have to deny science … in sexual identity and gender identity.”

Honestly, Mohler said, “the further you look at this document, the more you realize it really is diabolical.”

The problem is, people aren’t paying attention. Too many of them have their eyes glued to the election to look deeper at what Biden is proposing. Secondly, too many Americans are out there believing, “Oh, Biden would never do that.” I’m here to tell you he will. This is not theoretical.

“I think most American conservative Christians just don’t have any idea how all of the things that they’ve celebrated for the last four years are [all endangered],” Mohler agreed.

So what do we do about it? Well, as he said, “Knowledge is power.” If the enemy’s given you their war plan, there’s no excuse for not dealing with it. Christians need to come to grips with what’s coming.

If the Biden administration has a chance, it’s going to move on the church at warp speed. Men and women of faith need to understand that they might have to pay a price to defend religious freedom, as uncomfortable as that will be.

And, most importantly, we—as a community—need to make Biden and Kamala Harris fight for every inch. We may not be able to stop everything, but thanks to the sweeping victories we had in the states, we can at least slow it down.

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Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
4 years ago

I don’t think Biden and Harris care what the American people want. It’s obvious that Pelosi, Schumer and the rest don’t care.

4 years ago

Biden learned from Obama how to turn a silk purse into a sows ear, the economy will collapse under Biden, be very careful with investments, my wife and I suffered a $200,000 loss under Obama, not until President Donald Trump did we gain any of it back and that was when we sold our home and moved into a smaller one.

Linda King
Linda King
4 years ago

Father help them for they know not what they are doing

4 years ago

We truly need to be on guard, Biden is NOT the problem, Harris is.

4 years ago

Tried to contact AMAC to talk about shopping insurance before open enrollment ends. The agent that emailed me seemed to not be able to receive my email. Called and left a message but emailed they couldn’t get through. Would like to be in a better position with a possible new administration and would like to support AMAC because I’m not happy AARP and UHC. They ave zero respect for patients privacy.

Steven W. Anderson
Steven W. Anderson
4 years ago

Not only will they have a hard time undoing all of the Trump administration gains but also Joe has a hard time making decisions (track record of 47 years) and will only work 2-3 hours a day.

4 years ago

Too bad the bulk of the American electorate didn’t take the time or effort to understand what a Biden administration is going to do. Yes, social media did suppress the conservative view point, but there were other less known avenues that did present the conservative view. Ignorance is not an excuse. Now we arm ourselves with information and present a formidable front against the foe. We can because, as Mr. Perkins stated, we already know his battle plan. Onward, Christian soldiers!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Battle Plan to counter Biden:
Use lawfare
Protests when needed
Riot with leftists over issues NO more armed MAGA.
Use same tactics used on US for 4 years
Name names.
Revoke Section 230.
More Autonomous Zones for small business ( see NYC bar).
Name OUR Sancturary cties: Pro Gun, Life etc.
Fight Fight Fight.
Or lose for 2022, 2024

4 years ago

I suspect and hope that 4 years from now, the people will be clamoring for Trump or at least a Republican to return to the White House.

4 years ago

Sorry, but ‘where there is a will, there’s a way!” is an old saying that I firmly believe in. I WILL NEVER TRUST A COMMUNIST PERIOD!!! … if Jackass Joe Biden IS ALLOWED TO STEAL THE PRESIDENCY, they WILL FIND A WAY to undo anything and everything good President Trump accomplished. I don’t and won’t trust any so-called Progressive Democratic Socialist to have any fiber of decency in their thoughts, words or actions after the stunts they’ve pulled to “claim winning this Presidential Election” and if allowed this injustice they know they will be able to get away with all and all of their worst possible actions! FIGHT BACK NOW OR FOREVER IS A LONG TIME!!!

Kathryn DiPiazza
Kathryn DiPiazza
4 years ago

Biden is a Catholic in name only. He has done so many things to prove that he is not a Catholic. As a Catholic, I am disgusted with the Democrat Party and all who follow their Godless proclamations. America, wake up, you are seeing the anti Christ that we are warned about. It started with Obama and continues with Biden and Harris. You can’t have a republic without God. This is just the beginning of the end. Trump is our only hope. May shod Bless him.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

All very dire but I serve an OMNIPOTENT God! And it’s not over yet! Keep praying church! He’s listening!

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
4 years ago

Shed a tear for Huffington Post?
Not likely.
The writer quite perceptively notes that Mr Trump put in place structural changes not easily erased by presidential fiat during a Biden administration.
Of course, Mr Biden will try to nip around the edges to overturn Mr Trump’s policies on freedom of religion, one’s right to disagree with Liberal’s pet strange notions on marriage, LGBTQ. The right to live and practice one’s faith without being labeled as “bigoted”, “intolerant”, reactionary.
It will be interesting to see how the courts decide on many of the Liberal’s assaults on those values many of us live by.
Stay tuned

4 years ago

Be advised Biden is not the power in policy making. He is only a talking jackass head like Obama was. The real power is in the hands of the Socialist Democrats: Comrade Pelosi , Schummer, Harris etal. They are demonic and ungodly. What they did to the 2020 election is just a taste of what they are capable of. If this leads to civil war so be it. I am ready and willing are you ?

Patty L
Patty L
4 years ago


RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
4 years ago

The people wanted biden and now they have him. Don’t cry over what he does.

4 years ago

How can AMAC put out an article saying it will be hard for Comrade Joe and his flunkies to undo what President Trump did in his four years as President? I ask this because so far he’s stolen an election and hasn’t had any problem doing it. What make’s you think he’ll have any problem destroying the economy, the Constitution or anything else he pleases…there doesn’t seem to be any real opposition to stop him. A lot of talk, but nothing else. We can’t even call criminals, criminals, we keep referring to them as protesters!

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

Assaults on Christian values, Christian Education, and long-held objections to abortion are just part of the Democrat play book. I have a brother-in-law and his family who voted for Biden because they did not like the way that President Trump talked. He is a fully ordained minister with a doctorate from University of Chicago. He and his family have not been listening….and they voted for the Biden-Harris ticket without a second thought. So much for the educated left….they are just arrogant snobs.

Mark Jebe
Mark Jebe
4 years ago

This piece is complete and utter wishful thinking.

What great legislation did Trump pass that only Congress can undo?

…I’m waiting.

None. Trump spent most of his first two years fighting never-Trumpers in the House and most of his next two years fighting Pelosi and never-Trumpers in the Senate. What he accomplished he did by Executive Orders. What’s the problem with Executive Orders? The next executive can unorder them.

The Biden/Obama administration will be able to undo most of what Trump accomplished in a week.

4 years ago

Whoever is pulling the strings will do everything they can to bring this Country down. The demoncrats have long despised American Freedom.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

Once Biden and his cronies start doing things, perhaps the peoples eyeballs will be opened and then, maybe then, things will be done.

Mary L Sedwick
Mary L Sedwick
4 years ago

I’m really afraid of Biden and his cronies. I hope he is given as much opposition and frustration as they gave president Trump.
PS. Please make this available to post on
Facebook censor so much.

4 years ago

I still cannot believe the American people were/are stupid enough to put this garbage in control of OUR White House. Unfortunately, you get what you pay for and the USA will paying a very heavy price!

4 years ago

IF these socialist, anti-American, illegal election scum get into office, our resolve to battle them until in 2 years we the people can throw them out of the house,maintain the senate, a s in 4 years take back Our Country!
A MAJOR difference in President Trump supporters is we WILL NOT QUIT saving America!!
The useless democrats still dont understand that.

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

In judging their past antics, it seems these demonrats prefer violence and mayhem to push their “agendas”. So, I guess they won’t be surprised if they receive it back? I sure hope that doesn’t happen…

4 years ago

What has come over these people? WHY do they want to promote such things and promote sin? What are our young people learning? What will our country look like in 10 years? How can Pelosi, Biden and others pass this crap on to their grandkids? They may have power and lots of money, but that will not cleanse their souls, lift their morale or purify their morals. Sin breeds sin. These are warped sinful people. What has come over so many?

4 years ago

Biden isn’t going to run the show. He’s just a puppet for the leftist in his party. Harris will be behind the scenes pulling the strings. Democrats will prompt Biden up in a chair and he will just read a teleprompter! We have to keep the Senate as a wall against socialist policies pushed by these leftist thru legislation. All others, will have to be dealt with thru the courts! We all may have to do more protesting of our own too!!!! The article is correct in that the country may have voted Trump out of office but it did NOT vote in socialism!

And don’t forget all those State houses and senates that are in Republican hands! Redistricting is coming up in 2021 and most of it will be done by Republicans! If we can get to 2022 without too much pain, we have the chance to clean house, drain the swamp of a whole lot of Democrats out of the legislative branch! Regain the House, maybe a veto proof majority in the Senate and box those leftist in the White House in to become totally INEFFECTIVE until 2024 and then complete the picture!

Stay positive and remember God is the one we serve! He never lets his people down when they go to Him!

Darlene Joy Gwilliam
Darlene Joy Gwilliam
4 years ago

If Trump is not in office this country will be a tragedy.

Biden: MAO More Than Ever!
Biden: MAO More Than Ever!
4 years ago

This article is in basic conflict with itself. First the writer says that Crazy Joe’s ability to wreak havoc is limited, then it goes on to list just a few of the many awful and probably unconstitutional things that are likely to happen. Myself, i am highly skeptical of the first premise and all on board with the second. I’m not sure we can rely on the Republicans to hold true to the values we support. Yes, some are true stalwarts and supporters of liberty but how many are anxious to show that they are the “new” Republican party, all too ready to abandon principle in favor of “reaching across the aisle” as a show of solidarity with their opponents, something the left has NEVER done when Trump was in power? Margins are way too close for comfort even if we pull a rabbit out of a hat in Georgia. The same is true at the Supreme Court. Many conservatives are strutting around, crowing about a conservative majority. What conservative majority? Recent decisions have shown us that the best we can hope for is a tie, with that flake Roberts as likely to swing left as right to break the tie.

Don’t pay much attention to what Crazy Joe has said to date. To get a better idea of what his administration will do, look instead at Harris’ statements. Remember that these are not independent actors. They may try to create that illusion but in reality they are beholden to and subservient to their owners. obama was perfect proof of this. These clowns are going to say whatever they are told to say, and they will grin as they say it. Crazy Joe’s cabinet picks also hint at what I am saying. First off, does anyone really believe he is intelligent enough to even understand how government works, and what all these appointees do? He is, I believe, being handed lists and told to read from them then shut up.

Crazy Joe may make history, though, if I see this right. The way I look at it, he will be our first time-share president. Some days he will be beholden and subservient to his local masters, the people behind the progressive movement. But when necessary he will also respond to his other masters, the Chinese. No idea how this will work, will the progressives and the Chinese create a calendar to keep track of who owns Joe on any particular day? I’d love to be a fly on the wall as they sort that out!

We are in a mess.

Sally Easton-Humphries
Sally Easton-Humphries
4 years ago

Love the unbiased info and so glad i joined Amac.

4 years ago

Biden is just the stepping stone for a Harris take over the presidency. Pelosi is working on the 25th amendment to make it easier to remove a president from office. Harris identifies with the radical left/progressives. The Democrats have used the democratic process to get into power, it’s what they do after they are in office to watch out for.

Rigby Creedmor
Rigby Creedmor
4 years ago

This author is out of his tree .. Biden and his commie San Fran ho can undo alot in their first 100 days by rescinding a lot of Trumps executive orders .. like Obama, Trump had to use EO’s a lot due to lack of Congressional support. With the Biden plans for the fossil fuel industry and their globalist Demonic’rat and Wall St cronies they will send 10’s of thousands of jobs back overseas and kill millions of jobs in this country. The Chinese are cranking up their opioid labs again so unemployed Americans can once again medicate their depressions. But, no worries .. senile Joe will take care of us by giving away free stuff that nobody can pay for.

Richard I Pigott
Richard I Pigott
4 years ago

Regrettably Biden fractured the wrong part of his body. He should have fractured or better yet broken his neck. That would have been the best public service he could give!

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
4 years ago

It is hard to believe that at my age I am gong to say this. RESIST. I really do not know in what respect or how to even do it, but if it comes to it I want to do my part and make it difficult for the socialist communists.

Sharon Harrigan
Sharon Harrigan
4 years ago

Proverbs 21:1. “The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water, He turneth it whithersoever He will.”
We need to remember, God is in control of this election. We all must pray if Mr. Biden indeed is the victor, God can move in even his heart to do the right thing. He can move the hearts of all leaders, no matter what their political beliefs. So, Americans, get on your knees, and pray.
Many of our troubles come from too much time on our hands, and not enough time on our knees.

Lyric C.
Lyric C.
4 years ago

Understand that Biden WILL NOT be president of this country. If you look at even a small fraction of voter fraud it will be enough to put these clowns away. We are getting ready to see justice served on a warm plate of jail time. Who? The layers have not been peeled back far enough at this time. Amac please do not spew negativity we have enough of that with AARP, social media and news reporting. Justice will prevail and it will take many years to recover from the theft and rape of the American people. It was never on the Democrats agenda to have Biden serve as anything. He is the pawn and Harris was to replace the moron as soon as the move was made. Democrats, they felt that they were untouchable. Trump is sly as a fox and they got sloppy and fell right into the trap. With prayer, praise, endurance and faithfulness we are taking this country back. You cannot defeat GOD I guess the democrats forgot this.

4 years ago

Don’t be so optimistic. The greatest damage done by the Odumbo administration was to seed leftists throughout the government bureaucracy. This is the front line of the resistance movement against Trump. These same people that created friction for Trump will help push the agenda through for Harris…uh Biden. So if Harris, I mean Biden, takes office, the dismanteling of America will take place at a breathtaking speed. This is part of the reason the left hates Trump so much; Hillary was suppossed to complete that process but Trump had the bad manners to actually get elected. So when Harris, I mean Biden, takes office, a lot of the groundwork laid by the Odumbo administration will still be there to help her, uh him, turn us irrevocably towards socialist totalitarianism.

P.S. Don’t buy into all that crap about the left suddenly wanting to reach out to and make nice with Republicans and Trump supporters. That’s just code for “we won and now you’re going to submit.”

4 years ago

I’m betting the crate only let him live long enough to get the presidential benefits, and they’ll dispose of him. Cameltoe Harris will be in charge to usher in socialist globalism!

Danny Estridge
Danny Estridge
4 years ago

Ya know, there ain’t $hit I can do about this, therefore I’ll be talking to Dad and Bro a lot more. Hey nobody ever said “end times” would be easy. That’s why God is in charge. Even though these people screw up in both God’s and our eyes, they can still be forgiven. Only issue for them is I think their hearts are screwed.
I wasn’t “into God” for like 40 years, yet He accepted my back as far as I know. The thing is what is in your heart, remember something about a fat a$$ camel trying to get thru the eye of a needle, it’s all about Him and trying to understand Him and help our people, regardless. It’s in our Hearts where God lives. Pretty sure if we would see Him all together, we’d be screwed, but somehow He can do things by the individual and that “eye of the needle” sometimes seems a tad bigger. In other words, don’t give up, don’t get violent, just let God do the driving right now.
I know, I’m nuts and I even have a piece of paper somewhere that agrees.

4 years ago

Here’s what really ticks me off…apparently even some in AMAC are ready to write President Trump off! With all the voter fraud being investigated how can anybody with a conscience think this is over? If the writers of these articles are falling into the Left’s trap of repeating over and over Biden’s being the 46th POTUS totally ignoring our current President, somebody needs to knock somebody upside the head! Conservatives need to be REMINDING people on the Left that Donald Trump is the President of the United States until the final determination by the Supreme Court. It is not time to be acknowledging anything about a crook who is being ramrodded into the White House by filthy lying crooked deviants who call themselves Democrats. President Trump deserves our admonition now!

GT Patriot
GT Patriot
4 years ago

What the swamp loves to do is pass a bill with such benign names as” The Reenergize America ” bill. Who would oppose that ?
(except we are the United States, not “America”) In such bills would be huge tax increases along with the HIDDEN stuff such as
rejoining the Paris Accord or return to NAFTA or language such as no NATO member will be required to pay more for their defense by the
US than they can afford. As Nancy infamously said “You have to pass it to see what’s in it “. Right ? Thats DC.

GT Patriot
GT Patriot
4 years ago

Statehood for DC and Puerto America. Pack the Supreme Court. That,s Schumers agenda. Sell your house and contribute to
the repubs in the Jan 5 GA runoff.

GT Patriot
GT Patriot
4 years ago

This country has been going to hell for years. No increase in earnings and the transfer of most of our wealth to China.
Trump had started a turnaround and that frightened the hell out of the swamp. The swamp requires destitution supported by
meager federal handouts. We’re going back to that. There’s the rich who can take care of themselves no matter what and there’s
the low income which is defined by the dims as whatever they want it to be and the middle class, again defined by the dims as
whoever they want it to be. The dims are determined to destroy the middle class.

James McDowell
James McDowell
4 years ago

Biden isn’t the problem. Biden is incompetent and represents no real threat. His proposed staff, however, is another matter. Every Republican state and local leader must unite to resist the corrupt “progressive” agenda, since much of the voting public is apparently too dumb to understand.

John Beach
John Beach
4 years ago

Democratic liberalism promotes dysfunction and perverts the propriety of political process because it subverts the meaning and purpose of law with respect to regulating behavior where the exercise of liberty violates the security of others. The fundamental causalities having produced the controversial effects, which have been the overriding preoccupations of the media and democrats, are issues of their own making which run counter to common sense, in many cases, the law, the mutual security of the American people and purposeful, productive government which is representative of other than the offensive counter-cultures which are attempting to deny liberty and security to the great majority who adhere to the constitutional foundations and heritage of sacrifice which, by obedience and honor, secure the blessings of life and liberty. It is they who must change or leave. They have chosen to be incompatible and that must change because they are unconstitutional.

Carol Jean
Carol Jean
4 years ago

It doesn’t matter what the majority of Americans want. (I have never gotten a phone call survey asking my opinions) – the liberals blatantly ignore everyone
Who has an opinion that is not the same as theirs.

John Hall
John Hall
4 years ago

I do not think Biden will have the fortitude to resist the progressives aims,

John Z
John Z
4 years ago

The “Blue Wave” never materialized. It was more like a red wave below the presidential race. The dems know they are going to get their butts handed to them in 2022. We just have to hold them back the best we can for two years. God Bless President Trump and God Bless the USA!!!

4 years ago

The Democratic party supports full term abortion and I hope that everyone that voted for biden knows that and if they do I hope it haunts them for the rest of their lives. This country has lost it Godly grace and needs a lot of praying and repenting. If biden gets in we will be under the control of CCP and will lose our freedoms fast. (biden purposely left not capitalized) I have no respect.

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
4 years ago

This is a very disrupted period in American History. I have a feeling it is not going to end well.
…very sad.

Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Rep. James Comer (R-KY) participates in a panel discussion at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the Gaylord National Resort Hotel And Convention Center on February 20, 2025 in Oxon Hill, Maryland.
Shiri, Ariel and Kfir Bibas, who are believed to have been killed while in captivity under the terror group Hamas in Gaza.
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