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Rescinding the Second Amendment – Grisham’s Folly

Posted on Monday, October 16, 2023
by AMAC Action
US Constitution 2nd Amendment with New Mexico Governor Michelle Grisham

By – Michael Teninty, Chief Policy Analyst of AMAC Action

The Second Amendment of our United States Constitution is unique in that it really has very limited exceptions. It describes what is possibly the most unassailable codified human right among the others listed in the Constitution. Consider, the First Amendment guarantees your freedom to exercise your religion, and your “faith;” but not so far as to infringe on another person’s free exercise of their faith. This concept is echoed in the requirement that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” therefore the free exercise of your religion does not allow you (or Congress) to command the government by it, nor does it allow you to command others under the auspices of the exercise of faith. 

Similarly, you are guaranteed the right of freedom of speech, except when that speech runs afoul of another person’s equal freedom of speech, libel, lies, or perjury, etc. These are just two examples of how the rights documented in the First Amendment are not absolute. Consider further, as another example, the Third Amendment; “No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house […] but in a matter to be prescribed by law.” In this case, the exception is actually codified in the Amendment.

But the Second Amendment is different. It includes a statement in no uncertain terms that the right to bear arms “shall not be infringed.” Let us follow Ariadne’s thread out of the labyrinth of tyrannical ideology to emerge from the confusion, and recognize, that there is no provision of the Second Amendment that infringes on the Constitutional rights of others; therefore, it is not personally limited.

Americans have long allowed, because the evil [is] “sufferable,” governments at every level to slowly “infringe” on their right to bear arms. For example, a law abiding gun owner will submit to a background check, and/or conceal their arms, not carry them in school or government zones, or surrender them if law enforcement recognizes them as mentally infirm (whether they are or not), or criminal (again, whether they are or not;) and many other examples; and none of these examples are considered by the Second Amendment; they are therefore unconstitutional by their very nature. Note, a law-abiding gun owner will obey the law until it is rescinded, and they may certainly, and they should, work within the structure of our government to rescind it. As an aside, the measures in the Second Amendment extend to state and local governments as documented in the 10th Amendment, and promulgated by the 14th; neither states, counties, nor localities may infringe on your right to bear arms.

With that in mind, the Governor of New Mexico, in September, issued (via her Secretary of the Department of Health,) an edict based on “emergency authority” rescinding the right to bear arms for certain areas of the State. Before further discourse, I respectfully quote anonymous:

“If you let the government break the law for an emergency, government will create an emergency to break the law.”

In the spirit of the phrase “What have you done? (Gen. 4:10)” as directed to Governor Grisham, I offer the following:

Succinctly, natural law leads to a natural right to life; and by extension, a right to defend life. Our founding is replete with documents discussing this and I’ll refer you to them for further review. Nevertheless, the Second Amendment codifies this right as granted by God and it is immutable, indeed unalienable. Governor Grisham, in what I hope is a genuine effort to protect life, has chosen an action against the Constitution and many Supreme Court adjudications, to curtail the liberties of the citizens of New Mexico in a drastic and awful way, in a way “repugnant to the Constitution” by issuing an 8 September 2023 Public Health Order suspending the right to bear arms. In the face of a Federal Court decision to nullify her actions she issued yet another order on the 15th of September with the same intent. The second order, although not fully in effect, is more restrictive than the first in that it adds areas of the prohibition to bear arms and removes areas where it was excepted in the 8 September order. Issuing the same order twice indicates conviction and intent to commit this folly against the citizens of New Mexico. 

The sum total of these events justifies the cliché “death by 1,000 paper cuts” because every slight infringement on our right to bear arms has led to this actual prohibition, by a sitting governor, who, to add insult to constitutional injury, took an oath to support and defend our law of the land. 

Why is it that liberal progressives generally look to restrict our liberties instead of leveraging them. Contemplate this: If there were concern over public safety, why would you not encourage the public to arm themselves instead of purposefully disarming those who may stop gun violence before or during the act? This has happened on many occasions already, and recently

An apostle of liberty, Thomas Jefferson, a revered founder of our nation and a draftsman of the Declaration of Independence remarked in a letter to his nephew, “let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks.” My fellow Americans, and governors of states, heed this advice: instead of restricting liberty, seek to apply it in every way.

Addressing my fellow Americans again now I urge you to take action in situations like this, to apply your liberties in person. Communicate with your elected officials, express your concerns and opinions through your freedom of speech, do not sit idly by, but participate with others through your right to peaceably assemble. Pray for our nation, you have that right too. Connect with your friends and fellow citizens and join with other like-minded people through AMAC Action chapter meetings and campaigns and perhaps you can prevent events like Governor Grisham’s folly.

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USN Retired
USN Retired
1 year ago

It’s a well known military fact that you have to disarm the citizenry to take over a country. The Communist (Democrats) know this. They will try to chisel away at our 2nd amendment rights until they achieve this goal. The American public accepts it, because it is done in gradual steps. For example, if you are a felon, you should not own a weapon, right? Those tax evasion people are real dangerous . . . uh, right. It’s just another chip at the rights of Americans, felon or not.
All American citizens should be able to own any firearm they so desire to own. The world would be a safer place if criminals know their victims will shoot back. Criminals do not care about gun laws. They own and use weapons as they please. Only law abiding citizens are allowing their 2nd amendment rights curtailed.
The argument that someday all weapons will be eliminated (physically) is ludicrous. No where in the world is this the case, and any argument to the contrary is only that of ignorance.
Abolish gun laws, allow the 2nd amendment to stand unencumbered. The world would be a safer place. Both the prevent crime, and to prevent communist take over, such as is occurring in our country now.

1 year ago

Simple action. Get all the guns you can and several for your children and grandchildren
Take them to a range and teach them gun safety and how to shoot. I have 6 shotguns now and plan to get more. What do I do with them ? I’ve hunted once in the past 2 years but it is essential that I have several guns for defense.

1 year ago

I only carry a Gun when I am Alone or With Somebody!
It’s Better to have a Gun and not need it, than to need a Gun and not have one!
God Bless America, don’t give up your Right to Keep and Bear Arms!

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

Well Done with this important article Mr.Teninty . I reckon I will keep my comment brief, right to the point , by saying when it comes to this clear to understand issue — let history be like an aid to navigation , and the history provides the right course to follow . And, Let Liberty be the watchword.

1 year ago

Does it seem that the dumbest individuals in our society seek public office? They are so dumb they don’t realize they are dumb. It’s dumbfounding. Dumbmocrats.

Rick Jory
Rick Jory
1 year ago

Great article. We can learn something from the former leader of Israel. If Hamas gives up their guns, there will be no more war. If Israel gives up her guns, there will be no more Israel. And this is true of the citizenry of America. Evil will not give up their guns–but will flourish if civilized society does (ask the citizens of Venezuela what happened when their guns were taken away).

1 year ago

Here is the simple truth, most Politicians, can’t read and that includes some members of the Supreme Court, the words in the 2nd Amendment are iron clad, in spelling out the right to keep and Bear Arms, the only people that can possibly, be prohibited from owning a firearm are people who have proven they can’t be trusted, but if you have committed no crime and are a Citizen of the United States, you are guaranteed the 2nd Amendment right.
The Government will have to shoot me to take my guns!
Gon Bless America, Protect the 2nd Amendment!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Slaves in Rome were not allowed to own a knife

Jeff F. in CA
Jeff F. in CA
1 year ago

Very well articulated!

1 year ago

Why isn’t she currently in jail, and under impeachment procedures? New Mexico’s law enforcement community needs to replace that noodle of a backbone with some solid bone, and start enforcing the law, especially the county sheriffs should have immediately requested a warrant for her arrest, and pressed charges to protect the people who voted for them.

1 year ago

grisham, another politician who thinks THEY are all seeing, all knowing and who has forgotten who they work for!
The Constitution they swear to uphold is NOT something they can choose to ignore or compromise, to fit with their marxist democrat party doctrine.
Who the heck do these employees of OUR’S think they are?
OUR God Given and Constitutional Rights are NOT up for discussion, changing or interpretation by these LOSERS.
These traitorous actions MUST be met with removal from office.
It’s simple, if you attack,demean or disparage the Constitution or OUR God given Rights, you are removed!
Wake up America, it’s Our Country and these public servants do what WE tell them!

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
1 year ago

For more than 40 years, I have been asking the following question without receiving a single coherent response: Where in the wording of The Second Amendment is there a provision for, or even a suggestion of, restrictions, limitations, or exceptions?
There are now more than 24,000 gun control laws in effect in this nation at the federal, state, and local levels. Every conceivable aspect of firearm purchase, ownership, and use is coveted dozens of times over. Based on a strict interpretation of The Second Amendment, a strong argument can be made that every one of those laws is flat out unconstitutional.

William Hodge
William Hodge
1 year ago

I think we should outlaw governors in New Mexico named Grisham. Then outlaw women governors, left or right handed women governors or socialists. She has about as much chance as I do so she can pee up a rope.

James DeBona
James DeBona
1 year ago

Because in point of fact, the left’s wish list of gun restrictions has never been associated with public safety or saving lives, NEVER! They couldn’t care any less about safety or saving lives! It’s always been about power and control of the population. If and when the time ever comes that they (the left) should ever achieve their goal of “fundamentally changing America”, (Obama & Bidens words) they are fully aware that the greater percentage of this population will be livid and angry! Possibly enough to go to war with their own government! The left knows this very well. And they also know that the only thing that can potentially stand in the way of this Utopian wet dream of theirs is our firearms freedom. And, no Mr. President, we wouldn’t need F-15’s and Nukes to accomplish it. The Russian military spent about ten years in Afghanistan fighting cave dwellers that used archaic small arms and were eventually repelled from the country! The 2nd amendment is the only thing standing in the way of the left and the Democrat’s dream of a socialist one-party system (theirs), with equal misery for all, running the show!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

My belief is: The jackboots can come take them forcibly from me but I will not voluntarily surrender them!

1 year ago

Which means ALL the gun laws in kommiefornia are illegal and unconstitutional!

1 year ago

Interesting article ???? WHY is it liberals seek to downplay OUR VOICES? Perhaps their hyper egos will not permit a different logical fact based opinion! TO EXIST!!!!

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