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Grateful Nation: Celebrating Thanksgiving Amid Historic Change

Posted on Wednesday, November 27, 2024
by Tammy Bruce

There is always something to be grateful for as we approach Thanksgiving. As we’ve experienced over the past four years, the things to be grateful for have sometimes been eclipsed by extraordinary difficulties.
But as a quintessentially American holiday, it provides another opportunity to bask in the aftermath of November 5th which has given us much more to be grateful for than we could have imagined.

Yes, putting together the traditional Thanksgiving spread will again cost us more than in other years. But we can smile and laugh through it knowing that we took charge of this nation and have decided that the way we have been living is not good enough. Next Thanksgiving will be more affordable.

In the meantime, President Trump has chosen more people for his team, most recently Stanford professor Dr. Jay Bhattacharya to lead the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This is another fine example of Trump nominating people to lead the agencies that had targeted them during the Biden/Harris regime. “The NIH employs roughly 20,000 people at 27 institutions and centers focused on specific disease and research areas, such as the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases – formerly headed by Anthony Fauci – and the National Cancer Institute,” reminded the New York Post.

As Jeffrey Tucker, the president of the Brownstone Institute noted on the social media platform X, “Whatever happens now, there is a beautiful poetic justice with the ascendence of @DrJBhattacharya to the position of the man at NIH who called him a “fringe epidemiologist” and triggered a grotesque tech and academic boycott of his ideas. Let the new era begin!” Think about this: We have experienced such a turn of events that a doctor who was targeted by the establishment and blacklisted on Twitter for wrong speaking about Covid and the government’s catastrophic response, will lead the agency that had attacked him and considered, in large part, responsible for the debacle.

This is something we should all be eternally grateful for.

In last week’s column, I reminded everyone of just how close Kamala Harris came to being the president of the United States. And now as the numbers continue to come in we are also getting a more comprehensive perspective about just how impressive Donald Trump’s reelection really was.

Harris received an extraordinary number of votes, but the revolutionary event in this election was the shift in how Americans perceived their future and their understanding they had to do something about it. Even more dramatically, average Americans overcame the gaslighting and fearmongering and decided we were worthy of a future that was exciting and full of promise, and we voted accordingly.
To this point, the Washington Times reports that Trump “scored the GOP’s biggest win in 36 years” while

“Democrats bailed on Harris.” This was a result that was far from guaranteed and being thrilled isn’t about being a mean partisan. During a time when reality itself was deliberately being called into question with rhetorical and language shenanigans by the left, Americans still rejected the bullying and stood up for themselves, their neighbors, and our nation. That is what we celebrate.

In my new book, “Fear Itself,” I write about the extraordinary lengths to which our own government has gone in an effort to kneecap us into compliance with the leftist agenda. To see how decidedly Americans said enough is enough goes on my list of powerful things for which all of us should be eternally grateful this Thanksgiving.

Even more good news and a sign of growing unity: Trump’s popularity has increased even more since the election. “He now has a 54% approval rating in the Emerson College poll, up 6 percentage points over Emerson’s preelection poll,” reported the Times. “A YouGov/CBS News survey over the weekend found striking optimism about Mr. Trump’s upcoming term, with 59% approving of how he has handled the election aftermath.”

So while legacy and social media tend to focus on the unhinged reactions by leftist extremists to Trump’s reelection, the fact of the matter is this nation is unifying for two reasons: the first is because those doing harm to us, our families, and the country have been fired, and secondly, people have watched Trump put together a team that is a reflection of the promises and passion he exhibited during the campaign itself. All of this reflects a growing unity worthy of celebrating during this week of Thanksgiving.
Beyond our reflections about the extremely difficult years we’ve had and the exciting change we are about to go through as a nation, it is the simple daily things worth looking for and focusing on during Thanksgiving.

It is not a cliché to say that you’re grateful to be an American. Our lives at this time in this country deliver the greatest life experience and potential in human history. No other great nation or period of time offers human beings such opportunity and potential. I am grateful, as I know you are, to live in a nation where we can still safely throw out the bums currently in political office and elevate people who have been targeted for destruction by that same government. That is a remarkable gift given to us by our Founding Fathers.

Despite, or because of, our difficulties with the pandemic and then with a hostile and incompetent government, I have found my life has been enriched considerably by focusing on friends and family, and getting to know you, people through my social and media work that I normally would never have the pleasure to meet. For that, I am tremendously grateful.

And as a political analyst and critic, I have to admit that it was something very simple during one of my walks in my new neighborhood that coalesced with a certain quiet thrill. While walking Ruby, my mini Aussie, I came face-to-face with a home flying a Gadsden flag next to the Stars and Stripes. A lone Trump/Vance yard sign was planted on the porch. For many of you, that’s a daily occurrence, but when living in New York City for over a decade, it is a rarity. It took finally leaving the city to come upon and enjoy that sight. Talk about being grateful. It was a simple but beautiful reminder that after everything we’ve been through, standing up for our country and all she stands for, has prevailed.

Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

This will be Thanksgiving to be remembered. Thank you American voter for doing the right thing May God bless us all.

3 months ago

The people have spoken and saved America from the destructive leftist that has ruled America since 2008. We feel happy again. We all let a huge sigh of relief. After November 5th. We had our America back our forefathers had envisioned. Unity is back. That feeling we have a president for the people in the White House. A man who does what he says. Who feels what we all are feeling. The past 4 years for me personally was a nightmare. I ended up with congestive heart failure. Due to stress and the COVID vaccine. I am feeling like a big yoke has been removed and maybe an enjoyable time lies ahead in the time I have left. I am still afraid that the dems will find a way to eliminate Trump. We the people have to stay vigilant and show up wherever the dems are going to push there illegal policies through. May it be at the local city council, state legislature or in the House and Senate. Tell your delegates you don’t agree. And let those that are fighting for the Republic to keep on keeping on. The dems are evil and have to be stopped for they don’t see the errors of their way.

Christine Blasbichler
Christine Blasbichler
3 months ago

I absolutely love this… Thank you, Tammy Bruce! ❤️????????

Dave O'Neil
Dave O'Neil
3 months ago

God Blees You Tammy Bruce and may GOD continue to Bless This Great country the USA. Happy Thanksgiving EVERYBODY.

3 months ago

This, to me, is a very gratifying article from Ms. Bruce. How “Beautiful” it truly is to see clear signs of our national consciousness being grounded more in values and quality of living, as opposed to delusion, political sleight of hand, and empty platitudes.

3 months ago

I am thankful for everything this great nation has done for me, while some of our leaders have not performed up to pare, in the long run I was lucky to be born in the greatest nation ever conceived by man, a nation where opportunities are endless.
America has done more for people around the world, than any other country on Earth, we have not only done this with money, but we did it with the most important commodity of all, the life blood of our men and women in uniform. The greatest treasure any country can give.
We have opened our doors and allowed freedom loving people to come here legally and be part of our joy of citizenship.
I wish all of AMAC members a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving.
God Bless and keep America free for ever!

3 months ago

Tammy, it is a delight to read your columns and listen to you speak. You have much wisdom and common sense to share. That is just one more thing to be grateful for, among many. America is still a beacon to the world. I dearly love her, in spite of the problems and opposition.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

Thanks be to God and those who followed His leading and got out and voted for someone who actually believes in Him! Hopefully, our nation can make some progress in overthrowing the disciples of Satan, the father of lies.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
3 months ago

That understanding,that feeling of knowing that standing up for this Country and all she stands for has prevailed — that surely is reason for gratitude. This article is appreciated Tammy . .Good that you mentioned the improvements that are on the way for the health of the Nation. All aspects of the medical establishment need improvement, especially public health . Healing is something that requires honesty at all levels , Keeping a sense of humor that is respectful and uplifting helps to maintain the right spirit for all endeavors. Being thankful improves life and I do believe that God’s plan for people involves people having the sense of initiative to do what is needed to contribute to the betterment of life in as many ways as possible.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Happy Thanksgiving!

3 months ago

Beautiful article Tammy.Happy Thanksgiving to you!

3 months ago

God Bless America!
Divine intervention saved Trumps life.
Trump was Elected President because,it’s God’s will!

3 months ago

Harris only got as many votes as she did because there was so much cheating that even the Republicans best efforts could not stop all of it. But they prevented enough to matter. We certainly did not get any help in this from the Democrats! I’m all for a two party system but can we please replace the Democrat Party with the Libertarians please?

3 months ago

Excellent article! This is what a true journalist looks like!

Deborah P
Deborah P
3 months ago

Thank you, Tammy, for your wonderful message! This year, I am thankful to all the patriotic Americans who stepped up to vote overwhelmingly to throw out the present devilish administration. Most thanks goes to God for blessing us and allowing us more time as a free nation. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Veteran John Victorine
Veteran John Victorine
3 months ago

Awesome article !!!

3 months ago

That is an inspirational article Tammy. Well done! I am beyond thankful for the mercy Almighty God has granted to this nation once again in turning back the madness that could have been our fate without those tender mercies. Let’s continue to pray for protection for President Trump, JD Vance, the cabinet picks and all their families. The swamp won’t be drained without a fight! Praises to the King of kings, the Lord Jesus Christ!

C,G. Pyper
C,G. Pyper
3 months ago

Thank you, Ms. Bruce, for such a sensitive, truthful, insightful, and complimentary to True Americans commentary. I have been hoping for, and working on, today for about 60 years.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
3 months ago

We must be thankful most, not for all who opposed the Socialist attempt to overthrow the U.S. government, but more for those who were seduced by it who saw it for what it is and turned against everything they believed in the past to oppose it. We must be thankful for those who realized they had been lied to and deceived. And now, we must help those who still don’t understand the evils they support to actually wake up for real and heal.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
3 months ago

Many have expressed to me that they are so thankful for the election results allowing them to be much less anxious about life in the U.S. Just an FYI, I converse with people from all walks of life, many who are legal immigrants due to my position as an HVAC instructor for a local college working mostly with immigrant adults.

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