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For GOP Unity: Satisfy Constituents, Understand Trump

Posted on Sunday, July 21, 2024
by David P. Deavel

One of the most important rules for winning in politics is looking like you’re having fun. By that measure, this past week’s GOP Convention was a hit. While a lot of people were upset after the first night for various reasons, by the end of Donald Trump’s very, very long speech (the meme that has J. D. Vance’s beard having been grown during the speech is a joke, folks), there was a palpable sense of unity among those on the side of Trump. As Terry Bollea, better known to pro wrestling fans as Hulk Hogan, put it as he ripped off his shirt to reveal a “Trump-Vance 2024” shirt, “Trumpamania is running wild!”

Indeed, the coalition that is developing to defeat Biden—or whoever replaces him, if the current palace coup succeeds—is a particularly broad one and thus perhaps linked by thinner bonds than many on the right would like. That is a necessity because we still have a country that’s essentially evenly split. There is no strictly right-wing or conservative majority. And even on the right, the disagreements about economics, culture, and foreign policy that were always present, but manageable because of the unity given by the Cold War, have fully broken out over the last decade. There cannot be a completely ideologically united front if Republicans are to surmount the supremacy that is still held by the Democrats on multiple fronts. As The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland summed it up: “Dems still own legacy media and ballot harvesting. No matter how united Republicans are, how untethered Dems are, and how horribly Dems policies over last 4 years have been, scoring an R win will still be a challenge.”

But assuming the tactical and legal considerations are met, there will have to be a big voting coalition. In order to win, it’s important for the candidates to make sure that all parts of the coalition stay together. It’s also important for all those in this coalition to understand how Trump operates.

Those splits in the coalition are particularly visible when it comes to vice-presidential nominee J. D. Vance. During his speech at the convention, many of those more identified with the classical liberal/libertarian or free market camp of the party were moaning away on X (formerly Twitter) about Vance’s openness to tariffs, the rethinking of antitrust law, and various other positions often seen as verboten. While tariffs have a long history in the Republican Party—and were levied by none other than Ronald Reagan himself on other countries—many hold a position of absolute rejection of tariffs. At the same time, figures on the loosely labeled New Right, most conspicuously Compact founder and editor Sohrab Ahmari, were celebrating Vance’s speech as the death of free market language. Ahmari bragged, “JD’s speech contained exactly zero references to small government, tax cuts, ‘job creators.’”

Yet, in Trump’s speech, there were plenty of nods to traditional free market positions—including Ahmari’s dreaded tax cuts. As has been known for a long time, Trump is a non-dogmatic figure when it comes to policy. This sometimes becomes a weakness, as in his first-term support for a ban on bump stocks, which angered many gun owners. Yet, Trump’s ability to navigate different parts of his own coalition, as on economic matters, is very strong. Part of the reason why so many voters, if not establishment Republicans, came around to Trump during his first term was his ability to understand that deregulation and even tax cuts are still winners. At the same time, despite certain free market desires to turn Social Security into a private system, this does not seem to be a workable political policy.  

A more difficult position may be with social conservatives. The Trump position that abortion is now an issue for the states is certainly a defensible one. Even if it is possible to enact some legislation for the nation on this issue, it may not be prudent to pursue it, given the failure of ballot initiatives to severely limit abortion in a number of states. The big money on the side of abortion has consistently been able to scare enough voters, even in red states such as Kansas. Yet some experience the changes to the party platform as a blow. It opposes late-term abortion and refers to the 14th Amendment’s Due Process clause, implying that pre-birth humans deserve those protections. Some pro-lifers complain that the opposition to late-term abortion is not explicitly stated to be at the federal level. Further, the platform does pledge to protect IVF, which almost always involves destruction of embryos. And some were disappointed to hear J. D. Vance on July 7 on Meet the Press sounding as if he were personally in favor of making available the abortion drug Mifepristone.

I think many pro-life advocates were satisfied enough to work with the language of the platform. If the defense of IVF is still a problem, it is not clear that the platform precludes federal action on late-term abortions. After all, the invocation of the 14th Amendment points in the direction of something bigger than state legislation. And the bit about IVF is in the same sentence as opposition to late-term abortion, so federal-level action on this issue would not be precluded. The Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, a prominent pro-life organization, released a statement from their president, Marjorie Dannenfelser, observing that the platform gives them what they need to do in defeating abortion extremists: “The Republican Party remains strongly pro-life at the national level.”

I also think the Catholic scholar Pavlos Papadopoulos has made a good case that Vance was really saying that he defers to the Supreme Court decisions that the drug should be available, but Vance has not clarified his position. It would be good if he were to do so. Vance, a serious Catholic whose pro-life record is solid, can be a strong voice in a potential Trump Administration to press the pro-life case both inside and to the public. Signaling that Trump’s decision not to pursue further federal pro-life moves is not a reversal but a prudential decision to focus on other issues would help keep this part of the coalition together.  

Indeed, many of those other issues tie in with concerns of social conservatives. Then-Senator Vance, the Washington Post recently lamented, “was known in the most powerful offices of the State Department as the single biggest obstacle to confirming career ambassadors in the Senate.” And the reason he held up dozens of confirmations for the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America had to do with “gay and lesbian rights, gender transition care and hiring practices related to diversity, equity and inclusion.” In short, Vance was a wall against extreme racial and gender ideology being the dominating concern of America’s diplomatic corps. Emphasizing that role in defeating wokeness will be a great help in keeping the coalition together.

One issue that people in the coalition will have to understand—and indeed should understand from his first term—is that Trump’s art of the deal (the title of his famous book) involves some moves that might make his followers nervous. Trump’s rally speeches this week have cast the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 as something that he thinks of as “extreme,” but about which he doesn’t know much. There is no doubt that Trump probably agrees with many of the proposals in that agenda, but he also knows that it has been flogged about in the media as dangerous and radical. As at least one commentator has argued, by casting Project 2025 as the rightward end of the spectrum, just as the Democrats’ policies are at the leftward end, he can propose to the American people that his own policy agenda will be something conservative but also in the big middle and even moderate.

Besides this tactical aspect, it has the advantage of being true. After all, Trump has his own set of proposals under the name Agenda 47. Much as he has worked with the Heritage Foundation, including many who helped draft their agenda, Donald Trump will make the decisions.

The momentum and the fun that Hulk Hogan announced and displayed are still with the GOP. Big Tech titans such as Elon Musk and Bill Ackman are all in for Trump, while Mark Zuckerberg says he’s “neutral” while expressing admiration for Trump’s courage under fire. Ordinary Americans are also steadily less afraid to wear the famous red MAGA hats in public. Meanwhile, Democrats are at war with each other. Their media adjuncts have been revealed as entirely dishonest communicators—willing to dismiss doubts about Joe Biden’s mental capacity as disinformation one week, ready to shove him into the nursing home the next.                        

To keep that GOP momentum, Donald Trump and J. D. Vance will have to show that the various people assembled in their coalition really have a reason to support it and that they have input on the direction it should take. Meanwhile, voters will have to understand how Trump operates. His vision is patriotic and coherent, an attempt to bind together Americans who love America, reject radical and divisive leftist ideology, and want a government that serves them—not simply large corporations, elite operators, foreign nations, and illegal immigrants. It may not all be 4-D chess, but there’s usually a method to what appears to be his madness. As in his first campaign, it’s important to take Trump seriously if not always literally.

David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. A past Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute, he is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative. Follow him on X @davidpdeavel.

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7 months ago

I am excited for the next 4 years if the Trump/Vance ticket wins. Even better is growing the majority in the House and winning the majority in the Senate. Having Republicans in control of all 3 branches of government means progress for our nation. I trust Trump and Vance to pass sensible legislation more than I’d trust biden or harris to choose the paint color for my bathroom.

The Convention was a great success. Trump showed strength and determination by participating only days after a bullet ripped through his ear, nearly taking his life. He truly is dedicated to making America a better place to live for every one of us…and will stop at nothing to make that happen.

Republicans must stick together. Down-ballot elections also have consequences, so please vote for those Republicans as well.

Trump and Vance can’t do it alone; they require support from each of us. In order to unify our party and the country, we must reject single-issue concerns. For example:

  • If you’re not pleased with turning abortion back to the states, don’t dismiss Trump/Vance. If you’re 100% against abortion on the federal level, we will lose the race if you vote against Trump or sit out the election. As Nikii Haley said, we don’t need to agree 100% with our leaders to support the party.
  • On the environment, and as a nature-lover myself, don’t reject Trump/Vance because they want to “drill, baby, drill”. Cheaper energy production is the greatest stimulus for the economy, jobs, rising income, combating inflation, and security for our future. Plant a tree…or 10 trees. Save the environment in ways you can personally achieve in your own life instead of supporting government mandates that prohibit using the most abundant energy sources on the planet. Go ahead; buy that EV, if you desire, paid for by the savings you’ll realize when Trump/Vance improve the economy. But don’t take my gas-powered truck away from me! Freedom is about choosing from among all the options available to us based on what innovation offers us and on what each of us needs.
  • Reject the lies coming from the other side and from the legacy media–that Trump is a friend of Russia’s Putin and North Korea’s Kim. That he staged the attempted assassination. That Republicans want to kill Social Security and Medicare. That we’re racist, misogynist, homophobic white supremacists (they’ll say anything and push any button to create doubt and to win votes).
  • If student debt forgiveness is a deciding issue, ask yourself why it’s valid or moral for you to expect someone else to pay your bills that you alone should be responsible for. This program clearly is aimed at struggling graduates who can’t get ahead in their lives because of the horrible economy and runaway inflation the democrats have inflicted on this country. Don’t fall for the gimmicks that benefit you but hurt others. That’s not the American way!
  • The GOP is the big tent party. Everyone is welcome if they believe in Constitutional principles, decreasing the power of government in our personal lives, the free marketplace, a stable economy, national security, and earned respect on the global stage.
Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

I admit it. Aside the fact of his successful first term despite zero Congressional support (to say the least!), I picked Trump for the same reason I did in 2016: he’s one big middle finger to both the establishment Republicans + the left. They gate him… and I LIKE IT!

7 months ago

I am 100% in favor of a federal law prohibiting illegal aliens (non U.S. citizens) from voting in ANY election, in any state. Also a law requiring voter ID to vote. I am against ballot harvesting and drop boxes. But why on earth is early voting wrong in your opinion? If I am an American citizen, and show my valid ID, why can’t I vote early? Give me one good reason. A vote is a vote no matter when it was cast. Some people just can’t stand in line for an hour to vote, especially if it is raining or snowing. Here in Florida we have early voting, and thanks to Gov. DeSantis, we have zero problems. I will await your response.

7 months ago

The left should talk they signed off on UN Agenda 21, the WEF New World Order. How dangerous they are. They don’t talk about that, they just follow it in secret. To bring America down and elevate China into a world power. Otherwise the New World Order wil not work. Ole Joe and all the dems are all on the same page. How is that possible? Why has no one ever mentioned how all the dems talk the same dialogue like the MSM in their propaganda to support the dems. The same words are used when something happens. How is it possible that all the dems in the house and senate have no mind of their own. They all sound the same. But the people they represent back home do not think all the same. That is why they had to commit fraud in 2020 and 2022 to keep the power. And here we are. O the puppet master pulled all the strings till they pulled down the mask on ole Joe and the whole plan to keep the power forever and destroy America, came crashing down. One puppet is replaced with another puppet. One puppet had a mind that was mush, the other one who sold her body to rise in the political world. You know the passage of time is the passage of time. Vote Trump/Vance.

Dan W.
Dan W.
7 months ago

Palace coup succeeds. Biden endorses Harris.

7 months ago

Noted today that both Trump and Vance are in favor of Cryptocurrency. I want to hear from each of them of how this can be good for USA and our dollar. And article said that Vance hat $100K in crypto and would like to know why Trump has changed his mind to favorable. What is wrong with the system we have & crypto seems like another avenue for ransom, criminals, and hackers to lockdown our economy. NEED ANSWERS From GOP on this issue as I think this could determine the future history of this great country.

7 months ago

Well, Trump certainly is easier to take seriously than his liberal rivals. Whenever he’s not ensnared in some phony lawsuit, he’s typically boosting our economy, entrepreneurial climate, and national security.
On the other hand, the unwashed savages try to undo any worthwhile attributes of our economy by pursuing “goals” that boost spending and inflation, and lower our money supply… no offense to Cave Man Og on the Cocoa Crispies Label.

Pat R
Pat R
7 months ago

All patriots MUST stay the course and VOTE. All the talk about the GOP winning even to the point of referring to it as a ‘landslide’ needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Those were the polls and prognostications for the mid-term election and GOP just barely squeaked by with a majority in the House, but lost the Senate majority the GOP expected. So don’t think it won’t matter if you don’t take the time to go vote in Nov.
All that to say Patriots, Conservatives and all Republicans make sure you vote and encourage everyone you know to vote Hopefully GOP has taken enough measures and gotten enough volunteers to man the polls and keep watch on drop boxes to assure as legitimate an election as possible. All states must be required to clean up their registration lists prior to any election.
We truly do need to get back to single-day voting, photo ID verification to vote, paper ballots manually counted by members of both parties, and mail-in ballots ONLY if truly unable to vote in person; i.e., out of country.
The Dem establishment won’t give up trying every trick in the book and create more to stay in control. They care nothing for ethical practices; keeping unprotected drop boxes and early voting or mail-in ballots are best way to cheat. They did it before without consequences. So what’s to stop them from continuing the practice?

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
7 months ago

First,AMERICA as we have known it and loved it cannot survive under another democrat four year regime,or more.We AMERICANS that love our country better damn well get our doo-doo together,or we will be imitating marxist regimes.People that seem to be in the know think that with joey gone things might just get better,I don’t think so.The entities in charge will control her just like joey.Not all of the entities in charge are paid politicians,just high rollers.

7 months ago

Thank you for this piece. The democrats have been attacking Trump by fears about Project 2025 which has been framed as an attack on social security. All of us should pay attention to what he actually proposes.

Phillip Arnoldy
Phillip Arnoldy
7 months ago

There are many issues about Republicans I don’t agree with or don’t think they are conservative enough. However, there is no way I would consider not voting. Or, horror of horrors, voting for a Democrat. We can work out out differences, but 1st we need to win the election!!!

7 months ago

Come together? Mitch McConnell has done more damage to President Trump and the MAGA movement than any Democrat. Mitch controls the money. He cuts off funds for MAGA candidates even if it cost us that particular seat. Look what he did in Arizona. Alaska actually voted and censored him. Mitch and the rinos are not done . Why do you think Mitch is not giving up the leadership position until after the election? Why has he no gotten in front of a camera every day since 2016 and slammed the Democrats for there lies and there rotten policies? Nothing but crickets. I for one will leave the Republican Party if President Trump loses for any reason. I have been a Republican since registered to vote in 1980.

7 months ago

I’ve read this scenario somewhere: SC justice Sonia Sotomayor will be compelled to resign for health reasons. Ms. Harris will be nominated as her replacement, freeing the Democratic ticket to be whomever is nominated at their free-for-all convention. Watch out for HRC redux, Gov. Gruesome, Gov. Whitmire, Michelle, etc.

7 months ago

“As The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland summed it up: “Dems still own legacy media and ballot harvesting. No matter how united Republicans are, how untethered Dems are, and how horribly Dems policies over last 4 years have been, scoring an R win will still be a challenge.””

That’s because the communist’s voter fraud machine is still intact and being reinforced and built up now as we speak.

6 months ago

The answer to all those Q’s is one: the Dems did this to us in ALL DEM STATES! giving them the stark ADVANTAGE over ALL ELECTIONS! because their Dem State Govts. and Judiciaries are all CORRUPT (because that’s what Dem Power DOES). The answer to EVERYTHING that’s WRONG is: Dems. And it’s TRUE. Everything was running GREAT with Trump in Office – before Covid hit! But you may not remember because the Media never credited him with anything but the Dem impeachments and the Dem lawfare! My suggestion for you is to PRAY TO GOD to SAVE AMERICA!!! America needs to turn back to God who GAVE THIS LAND TO US, when He helped us WIN IT BACK from England’s slavish grasp!

7 months ago

We need a party that fully supports the unborn. No morning after pill, that is murder anyway you look at it. What ever happened to abstinence and birth control for those who were not ready to have children. Anything else is murder of a fetus (person). Sorry , This is my strongest issue. I’m fighting for the unborns rights because they can’t. More of us should take this stance to uphold the rights of the unborn.They have a right to survive and thrive.

7 months ago

Convention was good in my opinion, but not so sure that everyone really liked the Kid Rock, Hulk Hogan and Tucker Carlson segments. All three are too radical for me and act too angry to ever unite this country. Trump seems to have taken a liking to the Rap music, which is his perogative but not the favorite music of many generations.

7 months ago

Great article David. I appreciate your take on some concerning shifts in the Republican convention rhetoric. I have heard it said, the Republican party has embraced “wokeness”. If that is true, it is a very sad day. If it is not true, there is hope for this country. A nation “under God” must honor God and follow HIS rules above all! OUR opinions aren’t as important as we think.

7 months ago

And now, the Haley PAC is going with Harris. So much for unified party. Some people just hate Trump. Doubt that will change. They hated him in 2016-2020 and now they hate him more with MSM vilifying him throughout the Biden “non” Presidency. Don’t see a way back from that. People believe all those lies. Heck, they probably now think the Hunter Biden trial was staged! Biden’s stepping down may have just lost Trump the race. And, lost US our country. I honestly don’t see America coming back from 4 more years of liberal policies and kowtowing to the new world order at the UN and WHO. And, as soon as they feel like it, after Trump loses, China will invade Taiwan, Russia will keep going west into more of eastern Europe. Israel will keep getting bombed by the same. There will be wars all over the world and they’ll probably try to blame THAT on Trump too. And 20 years down the road, the liberals will say “What happened?”

7 months ago

Vance, a serious Catholic whose pro-life record is solid, can be a strong voice….”

I predict Trump will convert to Catholicism during his next term. Melania will have much influence on this. Plus Devine Intervention protected him from being assassinated. This will be a big consideration.

7 months ago

Go ahead and distance yourself, but for Gods sake, vote.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

Cheer up, Eeyore, Trump is here!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
7 months ago

Have Never Trumpers work for Dems alone
Reach out RNC
Use online more

N. Noyes
N. Noyes
7 months ago

My guess is that the democratic candidate will be Michelle Obama. She will be a formidable candidate.

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WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 28: U.S. President Donald Trump takes a question from a reporter before boarding Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump spoke about his contentious Oval Office meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)
President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meet in the Oval Office at the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump and Zelensky are meeting today to negotiate a preliminary agreement on sharing Ukraine’s mineral resources that Trump says will allow America to recoup aid provided to Kyiv while supporting Ukraine’s economy.

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