
Newsline , Society

Everybody Knows

Posted on Tuesday, September 5, 2023
by AMAC Newsline
donald trump in suit with fist up

Regardless of how the 2024 presidential election turns out, it will be remembered as the time when the federal executive branch and its institutions of justice, encouraged by the president and abetted by a collaborative establishment media, attempted to eliminate their chief political opponent using the criminal justice system.

In the words of Leonard Cohen and Sharon Robinson’s haunting and iconic song “Everybody Knows,” this assertion is not credibly disputed by almost anyone, be they for or against Donald Trump.

Those who despise the former president know it, usually even admit it, and are glad it is happening. This group includes not just most Democrats, but also certain Republicans and independents who have always opposed Trump.

Some Republicans and independents and even a few Democrats who were not intending to vote for Mr. Trump in 2024 are nevertheless outraged by the unprecedented “weaponization” of the justice system at the highest level of government.

And, of course, Mr. Trump’s loyal base of supporters know this most of all. They consider the indictments and upcoming trials to be an obvious “kangaroo court” with the sole purpose of preventing Trump’s election.

The rationalization by the promulgators of these indictments is a self-congratulating statement of, “No one is above the law!’ While this is a valid and legitimate principle, everybody knows that the people going after Trump do not believe this standard applies to themselves, since the very acts cited by the numerous indictments have arguably also been committed by them.

Democrats repeatedly claimed that President Trump’s election in 2016 was illegal or stolen — and in its aftermath, attempted repeatedly to overturn it and prevent Mr. Trump from taking office. President Biden himself as vice president failed to return classified documents after he left office, and apparently stored them in an improper way. Everybody knows this.

Everybody knows, whether they admit it or not, that members of Mr. Biden’s family received enormous sums of money evidently to buy access to him. There is just no other reasonable explanation. Everybody knows why these family members were retained for their services. Everybody knows that.

Legal scholars and experts are divided about the validity of the indictments, usually by their political affiliation — although some otherwise very prominent liberal Democrat legal figures have denounced the indictments as baseless.

Without judging whether or not Mr. Trump is actually guilty of the crimes he is accused of, everybody knows that the various indictments were deliberately timed to interfere with the presidential election of 2024.

Most of the alleged “facts” of what Mr. Trump is charged to have done were well-known and highly publicized long before the actual indictments were made. Everybody knows these legal actions almost certainly would not have taken place if Mr. Trump were not running for president in 2024 — and was not clearly the frontrunner for his party’s nomination. Everybody knows this.

What everybody does not know — what no one really knows — is what will now take place in the four scheduled trials of Donald Trump.

In addition to questions about the motives of the political party now in power in Washington, D.C., questions have been raised about the prosecutors and some judges in these cases. Scheduled trial dates might be delayed or rescheduled by legal appeals. Trial venues might also be changed. Defense attorneys will need considerable time to review the various prosecutions’ very large quantity of trial documents. Unprejudiced juries will have to be selected, if such a thing is possible.

The issue of whether or not the trials can take place in the midst of a presidential election will also have to be settled — presumably ultimately by the U.S. Supreme Court. Nobody knows what that determination will be. (Even some Democrats have spoken out against the trials interfering with Trump’s campaign schedule.)

Finally, nobody knows what the ultimate judgement of these indictments by the voters will be in this unprecedented circumstance.

Mr. Trump could be found guilty of some of these charges, and still be nominated for president — even elected president. What then? The nation, fully aware of the results, would in effect have rebuked the legal process.

Mr. Trump could be found innocent of the charges against him — he is, after all, presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. What kind of public reaction might that provoke against his prosecutors? Mr. Trump’s partisans would be happy, but a general public reaction against the political party which pursued him could profoundly damage the U.S. two-party system for years, not to mention faith in the institutions of the federal government.

What precedents for public policy will result no matter what the outcome of the trials? Already, the previously very rare occurrence of presidential impeachment threatens to become routine.

The nation and its political and judicial institutions are not sleepwalking into unknown political consequences. They are going full speed ahead. That is what everybody knows.

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1 year ago

Sad. Our Constitution is intended to rule our nation as a balanced government, not a 3rd world country

Pam Martin
Pam Martin
1 year ago

If we had law enforcement at the DOJ who had a spine to confront this sort of garbage maybe things would be different. Reminds me of Hitlers move to the top, brown shirts, death camps, etc. It needs to be stopped very soon. These people who are doing this should be tried for treason to this country. The firing squad penalty should be reinstated as the penalty. If they don’t love the USA, maybe those people should go live in China and Russia They agree with that pollical practices in both of those countries so get out of our AMERICA!

1 year ago

We have already lost our confidence in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, State Dept. and the Pentagon. All were / are guilty of deceiving the American public and continue to do Obama’s and the DNC’s bidding! They do not believe in our Constitution or the actual “Rule of Law”. As Obama stated when Congress would not ratify his programs, “The Constitution is in my way” and this is when “Executive Orders” began to be abused by him to get what he wanted. Don`t forget Obama said that he “Fundamentally wanted to change America!” and now we can clearly see what he wanted to change, destroy and diminish. Our way of life, Our Constitution and our Justice system. Pray that President Trump is duly elected our President again and that he surrounds himself with REAL Patriots, people that will get the job done at house cleaning in DC, getting things done for Americans and repairing the damage done by the Socialist Democrats. Pray for Trumps safety, pray we get our country back without an uprising. Americans, real Americans, have had enough, they have pushed us too far and we want our Country back!

1 year ago

Everybody knows all this corruption and traitorous acts by Biden, Obama, and his evil filthy group of demoncrats, BUT YET NOTHING , NOTHING, IS DONE TO OVERTHROW THIS GROUP
Grab your weapons and fight back

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
1 year ago

The corrupt corporate main stream media is the reason there is so many never Trumpers. They’ve been attacking him negatively for nearly eight years. The never Trumpers drink the Blue Kool-Aid and are no longer capable of thinking for themselves, even after they got to the grocery stores or has stations. They put on their rose colored aviators glasses.

1 year ago

It was very clear how much Trump loves America and its citizens through his policies and work ethic. He was always working for America unlike Biden who has taken off more days than I can count. I remember Trump allowing the press into his Cabinet meetings almost weekly, I haven’t seen a Biden Cabinet meeting ever! Legally there must be a reason to stop these comical indictments that are blatantly ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

1 year ago

Personality I think with all praying going up for Trump he’s protected. I think with all the things the left is doing to take him out of the race more people with vote for him. I think too that more dems will loose their races that are coming up unless there is cheating or solidly non researching dems, because people are watching what is happening to Trump.
Only God knows the end and His will be done, always. ❤️

1 year ago


1 year ago


Barbara P. Turner
Barbara P. Turner
1 year ago

Careful with those “grab your weapons ” comments, they’ll be coming after you next for insurrection!

1 year ago

I don’t know if our nation will survive. I do know that God is in control, and there is nothing that will surprise Him! Take the time to read the 32nd Psalm, and take comfort in what King David says about who believers need to be putting their trust in.

1 year ago

I am much more concerned about the weaponization of the DOJ and other governmental agencies to be used against an opponent that Democrats have blatantly been trying to get rid of for years!! And the longer it takes, the more upset the Democrats get and the more idiot mistakes they make – like Jack Smith!!! I am more concerned that any of the Biden, Obama, Soros bunch can do what Biden has been doing for his three years – signing executive orders to get his agenda through since it has no chance otherwise!!!

1 year ago

the republicans who want trump arrested are just as corrupt as biden. mcconnell worth millions, romney worth millions, christie worth millions. trump was letting the cat out of the bag on this corruption, knew biden was corrupt and on the take and for this they illegally impeached him. the people of this country better wake up because america will no longer be great, but the millionaires won’t care.

1 year ago

I hope President Trump is elected no matter what the outcome of these “not” justice trials. I’m so tired of the threats of the Democrats and their radical, insane, lies. Their lies have corrupted very aspect of our lives…the medical profession, the education profession, and media. They do not believe in justice, we can see that they don’t. They want America broken. They want control and power. They are so desperate and afraid of losing power. It is up to us to make sure that they do lose. Only then can America be made whole again.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

The National archives sick the DOJ on Trump and yet they are currently ignoring Comeys FOIA request. So when’s the FBI kicking in THEIR doors? Or simply interviewing Brandon for the boxes of documents he didn’t even have legal access to have let alone store in his garage?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

The Democrats will stop at nothing to keep “that man” out of office. After 4 years of impeachment based on what they knew was manufactured “evidence”, you think elections can’t be manipulated? But if everything is “up and up”, where’s the DOJ/FBI on investigating Biden for influence peddling/selling his office? Nada! There ain’t one! But hey… you go on trusting your government. Good luck with that: how’s that old adage go? “They came for them then they came for me…”

1 year ago


Traditionalist Patriot
Traditionalist Patriot
1 year ago

The Biden Administration should focus on combatting China, not former President Trump. Right now, America is perceived to be like a third world dictatorship – the party in power eliminating their competition.

1 year ago

My question, are these two men the best picks for the country? 2nd question, for all those hoping Mr. Trump will win, have you looked at the polls? So far, DT has tied but has of yet, failed to beat Mr. Biden. Could a 3rd party candidate slip in? Are you encouraging your friends and family to vote, especially in the primary, that’s where this election will be won or lost.

NIcholas Elder
NIcholas Elder
1 year ago

the democraps are really worried that Trump will win the presidency in a landslide! The third world US DOJ is corrupt and complicit in this extortion, I have always thought that US was above this.

1 year ago

Even if Trump is found innocent they will invoke the 14th amendment. They did not indict Trump on any facts. They indicted him on the democrats interpretation of the facts. They are indicting his thoughts and backing it up with false documents. Why does it take 4 years to try him. Timing is everything. Ole Joe needs Trump to blame everything on. Especially when he lies. Ole Joe does what he accuses Trump off.
Trump was in the way since he won the election in 2016. Their plan, started under O, to destroy America and keep power forever, was thwarted and Trump pays for it every day
He will be found guilty and he will be jailed till his death. The Satanists are ruling the world, we used to call them nazis.

1 year ago

Uneducated partisan bonehead=Harvard graduate. Were you a, “diversity”, admittance?

1 year ago

George Bush Sr. presidential acceptance speech: “We must usher in the New World order.” The harassment and/or false accusations against Trump, attempts to jail, “lawsuits” after “lawsuits” will ramp up. The demorats destroyed the border for one reason and one reason only: “voters”. Nancy Pelosi a few months back; “Everyone should be able to vote.” The last “election” was a fraud of historic proportions and it WILL get worse. Expect the maniacal efforts to ramp up as we get closer to the next presidential “election”. The last one as many flat out know, was a total fraud and theft of a true election. The far left has no intention of giving up ultimate and complete control of this nation…it must at all costs be included in the “New World Order.” No borders, one “pandemic” behind us and more looming. We’re losing this Constitutional Republic at an alarming rate. I may be wrong but I believe it started in earnest under the questionable “presidency” of William Jefferson Clinton who literally with the help of the jack booted Janet Reno, ATF, military, law enforcement, murdered almost 86 American citizens including young children. Some have said quit living in the past, they’re fools. This mass murder happened, with full knowledge, under a dually elected American president!! Waco, Texas! Clinton was merely charged with messing with an intern in the oval office? We must not be so naive as to think this can’t or won’t happen again. Does anyone remember AOC’s comment about putting Americans in “re-education camps”?? I do, I heard it.

1 year ago

You say that the Democrats keep saying election in 2016 for Trump was stolen. This is what I remember 1) a few days before election Trump was asked if he would accept results & he said We Will See 2) Hillary Clinton call Trump in the middle of the night of election & conceded to Donald Trump. Form your own opinion, but that appeared to pass the baton to the winner as voters voted.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
1 year ago

This time in Ameria, unfortunately, reminds me of what happened in Germany prior to WWII. The Nazis were a party that disregarded human rights, prosecuted almost everyone unjustly, especially the Jews, and constantly raided homes with or without justification. Sounds like Mar a Lago to me. Kind of like the Gestapo we recently have called the American Department of Injustice and the Brown Shirts doing their dirty work, undistinguished from the FBI! We have a big flaw in our American system of governing and that is the way we enforce our laws, or in many cases, not enforcing our laws. Public officials that break the law should all go to jail! No one should be above the law. Period!

1 year ago

Truly a sad day when God,Family and Country are things that bring persecution and prosecution to Real Citizens in America.
When will the silent majority strike back and punish the marxist democrat party, rinos, and elites of Washington??
It’s time America – time for the anti American haters to be put down and out of EVERY office.

1 year ago

I am a Conservative Republican with degrees in History and Political Science and graduate work in Political Science and Computer Science. Does this make me an uneducated bonehead?

1 year ago

This from a Harvard educated idiot.

1 year ago

When you arrest your leading political opponent and their supporters you no longer have a democracy. You have a despotic banana republic. Those running the country at this time are no different than the rulers of Russia, Venezuela, China and North Korea.

1 year ago

I don’t much like the guy, but even he doesn’t deserve this treatment. IF he were to be elected POTUS, the “Demagogues” would treat him even worse than last time, making his life (and ours) miserable. Those Dumbassocrats have become a scourge on the USA and everyone’s lives.

1 year ago

Everybody knows that socialists must destroy individual freedom. They also know that socialists must control/corrupt elections so the pendulum can no longer swing. Quit calling them democrats people! They are socialists and they hate America!

Mark O Surprise, AZ
Mark O Surprise, AZ
1 year ago

Challenge all your anti-Trump friends to watch one of his rallies. They expect to see hate filled rhetoric, racist remarks and pro white supremacist language as drilled into them by the corporate media. What they will see is love. Love of his country and its citizens. And love returned to him.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Yeah who would believe such a fantasy after four years of “Russia, Russia, Russia” based on manufactured evidence they knew was a lie? Just like ACORN never existed in 2008 too. Silly us.

Ruby Fout
Ruby Fout
1 year ago

I’m just hoping and praying that God will fix our mess.

1 year ago

A P.S. Ben Franklin was asked; What is the best form of government?” His answer: “A Republic if you can keep it.”

1 year ago

Time to clean the things that go bang and cross cut the ammo !!

John D
John D
1 year ago

Like trump hate him it’s only because the democrats and rhinos fear for their jobs
TERM LIMITS NOW get rid of these life sucking scumbags that get rich off all the tax payers
given half a chance Mr Trump could right the ship
the constitution is supposed to be the law of the land but is totally ignored by scumbag Biden and his regime

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Funny how a guy proudly driving a 427cc 1967 Corvette is called “green”…

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
1 year ago

We, the American people, are now being told who we can and can not elect by our government. This is the communist way. Therfore it is already to late. We ARE a communist country. I do not believe any communist government has been removed but by armed revolution. The task is before us. What will we do?

Larry Gibson
Larry Gibson
1 year ago

It all falls into the Dems playbook of “Rule or Ruin!”

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Dems are in a full frontal assault mode Sheer desperation is driving them for they know they don’t have a leg to stand on

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
1 year ago

The election was not stolen by the usual method of falsifying results. It was stolen by the mainstream media that refused to investigate and report on Biden’s selling out the country through his son.

Morgan, Job K.
Morgan, Job K.
1 year ago

Wake up! There hasn’t been a two-party system since the Justified waylaid the Democrat Party. Any Democrat worthy of the name should have bailed years ago. I still don’t vote straight-ticket, although it’s been a long time since I had a real choice.–Creed2You

Bob L.
Bob L.
1 year ago

I wish Donald Trump would STOP giving the clinched fist salute. Doesn’t he know it’s the standard salute of communism?

frank dinatale
frank dinatale
1 year ago

Dangerous times

1 year ago


Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

All Made Public, Thanks to SM & Internet

1 year ago

Everybody Knows by Cohen is exactly what is happening. The important question is does anybody care? Too many do not. At least the FBI confirmed what Durham reported and he says apologized.

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