While it’s normal for the President’s party to suffer some losses in midterm elections, this year’s midterms are looking especially gloomy for Democrats. As the President’s reactionary style of governance has him playing whack-a-mole, jumping from crisis to crisis, the American people’s patience and hope may be irrecoverably lost. Nearly every week, a new poll is released showing President Biden’s approval plummeting.
By almost every metric, President Joe Biden’s presidency is taking America down the wrong path. A Real Clear Politics average of polls taken over the last month currently finds that only 18% of Americans think America is headed in the right direction. Contrast that with 75% of respondents who believe America is on the wrong path. A recent New York Times/Siena College poll provided even more bad news for the President, showing that 13% of Americans believe that America is headed in the right direction, compared to 77% who say America is on the wrong path. When broken down by party, only 27% of Democrats surveyed say America is headed in the right direction. These numbers spell trouble for President Biden and Democrats across the U.S. looking towards the November midterms.
The same NYT/Siena poll revealed another shocking statistic: only 26% of Democrats think President Biden should run for reelection. It found that 64% of Democrats surveyed have buyers’ remorse and want someone other than Joe Biden to lead them.
When we look at other metrics, Biden’s poll numbers are no better. According to a new CNBC poll, only 30% of Americans approve of the President’s handling of the economy. When it comes to the economy, only 11% say it is excellent or good, whereas 88% say the economy is only fair or poor, according to CNBC’s poll. 52% think the economy will get worse in the next year. The exploding inflation numbers, while concerning in their own right, do not even fully capture the reality for most Americans – consider that groceries and gas prices are up 60% and 12%, respectively, according to the June Consumer Price Index (CPI) Report. Almost all of the goods that families depend on for their weekly living have increased in cost more than inflation shows.
At the end of the day, the most significant metric we have to measure the potential success of the President, political leaders, or their party is job approval. According to the CNBC poll, President Biden’s approval rating sits at 36% among all adults – an all-time low in NBC/CNBC polling. They go on to say, “What’s more, Biden’s ratings are lower than the worst scores ever for Barack Obama (41% job rating, 37% economic handling) during the entire course of his Presidency, according to both the CNBC and NBC surveys.
Clearly, Republicans have a strong opportunity to take Congress and stop the massive tax and spending bill “build back better” in its tracks. Wall Street Journal writer Ted Rall summed things up nicely, stating that President “Biden’s Problem Is Deeper Than Pessimism. Like Jimmy Carter, but unlike Barack Obama, he exudes a sense of hopelessness.” Republicans must deliver in November and end the Democrats’ era of hopelessness for the good of America’s small businesses, seniors, and the country as a whole.
Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action
Who cares what Biden’s poll numbers are at this point? Seriously! Neither Biden nor Harris were fit to lead this country from Day One. That the American people have continued to tolerate this insanity for over 18 months, while a dementia patient stumbles about from one man-made crisis to another is far more concerning that whatever Biden’s poll numbers have to be at this time. When I speak with people in other countries, the question I get asked most frequently is “What is wrong with the American people, that they allow someone with obvious mental challenges to continue to be their leader?” When the world laughs and groans at Biden’s performances, they are also laughing at us for allowing him to be our POTUS.
Just watch,McConnell and his gutless”Rino” followers can still turn potential victory into defeat,mark my words.
These are FAKE News Polls. REAL Poll #’s are 13% for approval of DICTATOR Beijing biden with 6% approval for COMMUNIST INSURRECTION LEADER harris.
And even then those are high numbers for TREASONOUS TRAITORS.
Where are the Protest against these TRAITORS?
And the LIE of gasoline prices dropping for past 30 days is BS.
Gasoline kept INCREASING in Prices all the way to July 4th. Gasoline prices didn’t start dropping a FEW Cents till 5 days later.
Now the FASCIST liberals want to PACK the U.S. Supreme Court with 4 MORE FASCIST liberal Judges and are pushing legislation right now for it with DICTATOR Beijing biden set to bypass Congress and Senate with another ILLEGAL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL Executive Order for his GLOBAL WARMING LIE giving him CONTROL of FUEL PRICES (INCREASING THEM) and STEAL MORE MONEY from MEDICARE to give to his RICH buddies. That will make at least 528 ILLEGAL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL Executive Orders to date at a COST of OVER $600 BILLION to TAX PAYERS and CLIMBING.
All on Record.
I am so sick of polls. They are nothing but confusing news. I have been reading that the Democrats are ahead in fund raising in all the key states where there is a vote coming up. The game is since Roe was overturned, the Dems.are using that against all Republicans saying we hate women, causing them harm, and so on. They will use that as a tool to swing voters to their side. They are so obsessed with abortion, and Jan. 6th. Who cares about the rest. Wake up GOP. Better watch your back.
Not one individual in the WH cabal cares what the polls say, they are above all of what you and I think.
Poll’s Poll Numbers Reach Record Lows..Polls are useless
Democrats need to get rid of Obama who seems to be running the DNC behind the scene. At least he seems to be choosing their candidates. Remember how bad of a prez Obama was and no better using Biden as his front this time. Too bad the leadership is mostly so old in the DNC and young Obama has step in but then I think the leadership of the DNC are Commies.
No matter how low Biden’s approval rating gets, there will be plenty of apathetic, ignorant Americans voting for the party instead of the politicians. Every single one of my siblings are woefully incapable of actually looking at all the destruction that Biden and the Democrat Party are causing all over our country. The border, economic, and crime crises are totally off the radar for my brothers and sisters. They would much rather follow the disinformation and hate speech broadcast by NPR and CNN. They have absolutely no interest in finding the truth about the Marxist Democrats. They think that it will all work out in the end. Sad to say, each one of them is highly educated, and they all pride themselves in being intelligent, informed Americans.
Hey, Biden, this is not Golf, the lowest score DOES NOT WIN, you will be lucky to make it through the first term, on second thought keep up what you are doing, the sooner you are out of office the better, then we can elect a real President, anyone of a 100 Republicans that’s not a RINO.
This is the plan, it is by design, Joey’s a puppet, he will be gone soon, and the globalist communists will insert who they really want. Maybe Harris is their true choice, as she is ruthless, she will do anything for power and money, and will say whatever the globalist elitist communists want her to.
It’s too bad we can’t count on the majority of the GOP to do anythng good. Except for the few conservatives, they are we in the same pockets as the demonRats….china and Soros.
Polls don’t matter, have never mattered, and won’t matter, except as a propaganda tool. They may on occasion show some predictable results, but by and large it is just numbers being used to influence others. I for one, ignore polls…..like I ignore the background music on the elevator…..
Some moron thought that it would be a good idea to put a grifting, lying, plagiarizing and racist old dummy of a fool as their third-term presidential puppet into the White House and expected to have prominent results.
18%, and we are all swimming along with it all.
I don’t like for America to continue to experience the effects of Biden’s policies–BUT, just imagine what would happen NOW if things were to improve. Biden would be on the tube EVERY NIGHT telling the American people how his plans were working and that America should give HIM another term. The ridiculous thing is that MANY Americans would buy this snake oil salesman’s continued lies, as long as they receive some monetary reward!! These people don’t care if their children and grandchildren are enslaved to a LIFETIME of misery!!
I’m not surprised at those numbers based at all. Yet, Fox News (along w/the lame street media) is reporting higher numbers than the RCP average. Too bad the current Republicans aren’t out there beating the drums on a daily basis, solidifying, clarifying and announcing their platforms. Other than the old “we will investigate” line I don’t hear much in the way of Republicans out their screaming from the rooftops that they have better plans. What is truly needed is pro-America politicians and they seem to be sorely outnumbered.
Perhaps under this admin the low polls are a measurement of accomplishments as every policy has embolden our enemies and weakened America. I can just hear the puppeteers in the back room saying job well done Joey. Keep up the great work!
When something bad happens to biden, I feel really good, really-really good.
The pendulum of public opinion is swinging back to conservative values and the practices of decency and morality and personal integrity and being proud to be an American. Normals see this clearly. The leftist elitists see only their own wealth and power. They could care less about those who won’t buy into their nonsense. They only practice virtue signaling, not virtuous living. For the left, their time of foolish nonsense is coming to an end. They won’t be able to stop the pendulum swing. The American people will not be mocked. They won’t stand for the current President because they know he is a fool, a phoney and a fraud.
It is so aggravating that those who are supposed to be representing “we the people” only represent themselves. What happened to governing as Abraham Lincoln explained it: “government of the people, by the people, for the people”?
Patriot will summed it up pretty well. Most intellectuals are really over educated idiots posing as democrats!
biden is misster backwards.
Joe Hidin’ Biden’s election to POTUS seems to give credence to the DemocRat Party’s claim that the DemocRat Party can get a ham-sandwich elected to POTUS!