
Economy , Newsline

American Families Bear Financial Burden of Biden’s Border Catastrophe

Posted on Saturday, May 11, 2024
by Ben Solis


An elderly woman holds an empty purse or wallet on wooden vintage table. Black and white photo.The concept of poverty. An elderly woman holds an empty purse or wallet on wooden vintage table. Black and white photo.The concept of poverty in retirement. Global Extreme poverty. No money help me. Global Financial crisis.

As House Republicans consider new legislation to guard against the threat of non-citizens voting in elections, urgent action is also needed to stop the federal government from raiding Americans’ pocketbooks to fund welfare and other programs for illegal aliens.

While estimates vary widely, there are likely at least 15 million individuals illegally residing in the United States following four years of the worst border crisis in history under Joe Biden. According to some calculations, the number of illegal aliens in the country has already more than doubled under Biden, and could double again if he wins another term.

The tragic human cost of this invasion, seen clearly in horrific violent crimes like the murder of Laken Riley and the record high number of fentanyl overdoses last year, is obvious.

But the border crisis is also decimating American families and communities in ways that don’t make as many headlines. One of the most harmful is the sheer financial cost to American taxpayers of taking in tens of millions of illegal immigrants.

According to a report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), U.S. taxpayers are now shelling out at least $150.7 billion annually for illegal aliens – a figure greater than the annual GDP of 15 states, and equivalent to more than $1.5 trillion over a 10-year budget window.

Put another way, each illegal alien costs U.S. taxpayers about $8,776 each year. That means each U.S. taxpayer is on the hook for about $956 every year to pay for services for illegal aliens.

In some states, that number is even higher. In California, the cost per illegal alien to state taxpayers is $7,074. In Massachusetts it’s $7,396. In Hawaii it’s a staggering $9,178.

While pro-immigration groups have argued that illegal aliens still pay some taxes, FAIR found that “taxes paid by illegal aliens only cover around 17.2 percent of the costs they create for American citizens.”

Many of these costs come from welfare programs. Although illegal aliens themselves are ineligible for most welfare, their U.S.-born children are not – in effect creating a loophole allowing millions of illegal aliens to obtain taxpayer-funded welfare benefits.

According to testimony delivered to Congress earlier this year from Steven Camarota, Director of the Center for Immigration Studies, “59 percent of households headed by illegal immigrants use one or more major welfare programs, compared to 39 percent of households headed by the U.S.-born.” Camarota also reported that the lifetime cost of each illegal alien to U.S. taxpayers is about $68,000.

More specifically, according to FAIR, each year illegal aliens with U.S.-born children receive about $5.8 billion in food stamps, $1.6 billion from the Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service, $1.4 billion from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program, and $1 billion from the WIC program.

But it’s not just illegal alien welfare that’s impacting Americans’ finances. The children of illegal aliens, many of whom qualify for special programs for children who don’t speak English as their first language, cost the education system about $73 billion per year. While children deserve an opportunity to receive an education, it is only right that American taxpayer dollars should go toward funding the education of the children of American taxpaying citizens. The populations of illegal aliens coming in across the southern border are overwhelmingly a net-drain on local resources and social services.

Taxpayers are also being forced to shell out their hard-earned dollars to pay for medical care for illegal aliens. The total cost of just improper Medicaid payouts to illegal aliens is estimated to be north of $8 billion annually. As of this March, six states also offer fully state-funded coverage to eligible residents regardless of immigration status.

The added strain on the justice system from Biden’s migrant invasion is also costing Americans. States are now spending about $3.1 billion annually on border security, while the federal government spends $1.6 billion per year on incarcerated illegal aliens.

Numbers aside, news stories on the Biden administration providing smartphones to illegal aliens and housing them in luxury accommodations are also sure to elicit outrage from hard-working Americans struggling under the weight of inflation and a stagnant economy.

Retired Professor of Economics Theo Hiltraud Gutermuth, a former German and Italian university lecturer who also led a German Christian Democrat committee on migration analysis in the 1980s, told me, “America has to decide soon whether it can assimilate this inflow.”

“Until the end of the Cold War, immigrants were typically hesitant about benefiting from welfare,” Professor Gutermuth noted. “They had their pride, but this has changed,” he added, suggesting that the U.S. should consider a temporary pause in immigration. “This solution is not only politically sound but also economically viable,” said Professor Gutermuth, expressing his concern that “this immense burden is becoming unsustainable, even for America.”

With Biden in office, the surge of illegal aliens into the country will almost certainly continue. But as American voters increasingly feel the weight of Biden’s border crisis in their communities and more importantly in their wallets, they will likely be eager to make a change in leadership.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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4 months ago

Deport the whole bunch!

4 months ago

Yes! The corrupt criminal Biden the Inept traitor to every decent hard working American is the cause.The administration has nothing but contempt for veterans, homeless, working people of meger means.All the while supporting criminals, corporate Monopolies, lawfare, Hamas, Iran, terrorist, CCP, murders, rapist, pedophiles,illegal immigrants and giving away trillions of We the Peoples money.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

..and he didn’t even take America to dinner before he f-ed us! What kind of idiot party loyalist can actually vote to re-elect this ass? And WE’RE the “cultists”? At least Trump has SUCCESS to run on! What’s Biden’s? Nothing.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
4 months ago

Praise to Ben Solis for writing this important article. Civilization is being threatened in many ways, irresponsible behavior by those in the executive positions of government and business will contribute to a decline in the idea that responsibility is important.Building a strong National character is the intelligent thing to do . Survival depends on having a high level of intelligence, courage, and being resourceful.Recognizing allies and enemies, being able to determine friend from foe is vital. One example of a very bad policy that should be abolished is in the medical profession concerning hospitals that have a Fall Risk policy for patients.Basically a Fall Risk policy is. based on the idea that most Americans have such a low level of intelligence that they are incapable of doing anything to prevent falling so the hospital takes over ,takes control – and what that control involves is making it difficult for the patient to use the rest room.And the patient is unable to get out of the bed, for any sort of exercise, even just standing next to the bed sets off an alarm and hospital staff respond.The patient is kept on intravenous saline solution the entire time and has a heart monitor attached the entire time.This causes suffering.This compromises the healing that is what medicine, health care, hospitals are supposed to be all about. Many other ways are possible to minimize someone falling without violating a patient ‘s right to personal freedom and insulting them with this disrespectful policy. This matter is one of those things that needs to be thought of as an example of an attitude that goes against the spirit of Faith, Family and Freedom . I am thinking in the spirit of what Paul Revere was all about on this topic. This issue connects with the strength, courage and wisdom needed to build a National Character that reflects all that is honorable. Let Liberty be the. Watchword, in the spirit of God Bless America, land of the free, home of the brave.

Armed Patriot
Armed Patriot
4 months ago


David Millikan
David Millikan
4 months ago

Now Dictator Beijing biden is issuing Thousands upon Thousands of ID’s to Illegal Aliens to Vote ILLEGALLY in the 2024 Presidential Election. Another form of Election Fraud and Election Interference by Violating the Law and U.S. Constitution. Dictator Beijing biden and the Communist democrats are doing everything they can to rig the Presidential Election since they know they can’t beat President Trump.
None of the Illegal Alien Votes Count in any way, shape or form.
Just more evidence of Corruption by Dictator Beijing biden and his Communist Party.

4 months ago

That “loophole” that Democrats are using to make citizens out of illegal children is a farce.
The writers of The 14th Amendment specified that it was only to legalize the children of American Slaves after the Civil War. But of course crooked, corrupt Democrats will use any means to further their illegal methods.

4 months ago

All brought to you by DemocRATS. Such a wonderful, Caring. compassionate bunch. Let’s vote more of them into office, shall we? NOT.

4 months ago

20 years ago there were ’11 million illegals”. and now you’re saying it’s doubled since sleepy joe took over??? i live in phoenix and used to drive a school bus before i retired over 10 years ago, and illegals were always a part of my bus. i used to drop off illegals at a special school on 7ave, that cost about 30 g’s a years then, a whole neighborhood off of 19ave was illegals. if there aren’t over 50 million illegals now, we don’t have any!!!

Ranch wife
Ranch wife
4 months ago

Another thing that should be done is the end of birthright citizenship. Whereas, I’m NO FAN of Canada, they got something right. They did away with birthright citizenship many years ago.

Roger Long
Roger Long
4 months ago

Why has the Government “by the people” not removed this President from office? Sixteen million illegals and growing, when will something be done? When will congress do what is right?

4 months ago

ALL Americans are carrying this burden. Some can’t figure it out, and never will, but not my problem.

4 months ago

Joe and his black and jewish supporters will be in for a rude shock come Nov. His party is a sick and vile congeries of the ignorant, arrogant and self righteous.

4 months ago

I cannot figure out why We are paying over $150 Billion to support illegal aliens but we are NOT supporting our own citizens.

Jack Davis m
Jack Davis m
4 months ago

The cost of living is a huge problem, many are cutting their budgets to eat and buy gasoline . Yet many illegal migrants are living a better lifestyle, we’re being forced to pay for taking car of illegals, many are living a lifestyle that they don’t need and are living a life of luxury.
many of the working people with families can’t support their families, does President Biden care.
Some are saying it’s OK they’re paying taxes , I believe many of the illegals are being paid under the table in cash and not paying any tax.
the quote in the article says they aren’t paying as much in tax.
A smaller business if they do business that way would be forced out of business with expensive penalties and an extreme interest rate. The little business are under a different rule…
I would like to know how politicians can purchase expensive homes and get away with them. Is it called payola
. I believe Americans are doing without go to to the grocery store and check and se how much they can afford.
our Social Security wen up five percent , our rent increases was more than or raise. Our snap went from $169 to $29 you can’t buy a sack of groceries.
thin what a five percent raise cost us.

4 months ago

Too bad the GOP can not do much to change the direction we are going in. We have to win the election. Four more years of Biden will probably get us the really smart (??) vice-president. God help us.

4 months ago

Yes Deport the all including the Biden Bunch.

John Shipway
John Shipway
4 months ago

Quit whining. Since when did the citizenry of this country matter under the administration of the dessicated, brain dead pedo America is “enjoying” now? And you know the funny part? Despite almost EVERYONE hating the creature I bet he wins by an even larger number of “voters” than was invented last time.
The country is GONE.

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

Who else would carry the burden be it in 1324 or 2024 Peasant

Joe Cogan
Joe Cogan
4 months ago

“As House Republicans consider new legislation to guard against the threat of non-citizens voting in elections…”

Which isn’t happening now, and is already illegal. This is performance art from the GOP to throw red meat to their paranoid MAGA base, and disguise the fact that they have no actual agenda.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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