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Don’t Believe the Spin, Republicans Had a Better Election Night Than Democrats

Posted on Friday, November 11, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

What exactly happened on election day? All over the media, every platform, you are being inundated with crackerjack gaslighting telling you the Republicans got walloped and the Democrats had the best night ever. GOPers are clutching their pearls lamenting that the red wave didn’t happen. Forget there were victories. Convince yourself everything is Super Awful MAGA Bad Bad. “Why, why?!” they cry. “Because TRUMP” is the answer whispered from the corner of the room. “Because TRUMP endorsed people who didn’t win” growl shadows that look strangely like Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, the Lincoln Project’s professional trolls, MSDNC, the New York Times, along with others afflicted with Chronic Trump Derangement Syndrome.

It’s very strange for a party that is on the precipice of winning the House and very possibly the Senate to be moping around as though they’ve seen Four Horsemen galloping through that fluffy cumulus cloud, heading right for them. The truth of the matter is victories and defeats offer important lessons, and ours are allowing just enough time for the Republicans to get their act together for the 2024 presidential race.

Meanwhile, they’ll have to suffer with control of the House, the flipping of a purple and nerve-wracking Florida into a beautiful red courtesy of Ron DeSantis, and inroads made in multiple states including deep-blue New York. Lee Zeldin’s bold and clear campaign was key, helping the GOP win several New York congressional seats and contributed in large part to the ability of the GOP’s likely taking of the House.

Significantly for the GOP, and therefore generally ignored by the mainstream media, is the defeat of Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, one of the most powerful Democrats in Congress, by Republican Mike Lawler. It’s a bad night for Democrats when the man who is responsible for getting Democrats elected gets himself fired. Are the Democrats moping around? No. They’re pretending they won a basketful of puppies.

I appeared on Fox News’ “Outnumbered” the day after the election and noted that Biden and Gang will completely misread the election and vow to stay their catastrophic course. After all, they haven’t cared about the disastrous polls for the last two years, why would they care now?

As predicted, just a few hours after that program Biden held a press conference wearing a smug grin as though he just received a mandate as opposed to having lost the House. Asked by an AP reporter what he will do differently during the next two years considering the staggering poll numbers showing Americans by a 70-80 percent margin believe America is on the wrong course. His answer? “Nothing, because they’re just finding out what we’re doing,” Biden responded. 

Oh, we’ve known for quite some time what they’re doing, every time we go to the grocery store, get gas for the car, or have to remember to put the pepper spray in our pocket before heading out, we know. Biden’s disconnected attitude does not bode well for the economy, their war on energy will proceed, and our enemies will continue with their tyranny and looting of the world.

And what about that loss of Oz to Fetterman? Yes, it was shocking, but not so much when you know what transpired. It wasn’t because Trump endorsed a flawed candidate but in part because close to 50 percent of the Democratic mail-in vote had already been cast prior to the debate which was a debacle for the stroke afflicted Fetterman. When the stroke first happened, the Fetterman campaign misled the public by insisting it wasn’t severe at all. They then delayed the debate until the majority of early voting had taken place.

This is an example of the structural voting problem expanded by Democrats using COVID to implement and extend vote-by-mail and early voting schemes. This is an issue impacting the entire the country and which the GOP must work aggressively to remedy.

Another longtime GOP issue is the belief that they can win simply because the Democrats are so awful. Arguably, while voters rejected the Democrats’ extremism, they didn’t vote overwhelmingly for Republicans because there was no widely articulated statement of values, plans, and intentions if elected. Trump was embraced in large part because he had clear plans about the issues and wasn’t shy in explaining how he would get things done. Like Trump, DeSantis delivered on promises, was unafraid, and secures his work in the conservative ideal.

As long as those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome see everything as an opportunity to get Trump, they will never address the voting infrastructure changes the Democrats have been installing for years. GOP bosses keep saying it’s time to move on from Trump. Maybe it’s time to move on from the GOP bosses who couldn’t (or wouldn’t?) turn the national rejection of the Democrats into an actual red wave. Senate Leader Tim Scott has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

One of the most exciting and promising events of the election was the red wave of Florida. Ron DeSantis and Florida Republicans were rewarded for delivering unapologetically conservative governance for the people of that state. It is truly a template for a national Republican Party which can benefit from seeing what governing for the people really looks like.

As far as that zero-sum argument out there that DeSantis is the new, better Trump and both cannot exist on the same planet at the same time– that’s nonsense. Both men represent the power and promise of a better and safer America. Our path forward involves all our talent, which includes both of them. A Trump/DeSantis ticket for 2024 term would be unbeatable. DeSantis can then handle 2028 and 2032. Undoing generations of Democratic Party vandalism to this country will take several cycles, a generation. It’s going to take discipline, patience, focus, and all our America First talent working together to overcome the corruption and malevolence of a cancerous bureaucratic establishment.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
1 year ago

Thank you Tammy Bruce… The Red Wave didn’t turn out exactly the way most of us anticipated it would, myself included, however, consider this please, the 210 MAGA, America First candidates went on to WIN their respective races with only ( 9 ) losses… I’m seeing very little reporting on this from FAKE NEWS & I’m not the least bit surprised by this…Currently the GOP is inches away from controlling both Houses of Congress, with the House of Representatives looking like a sure bet in either case…Two important states are PA & AZ with election shenanigan’s in full play in both these states once again playing itself out…Dr. Oz NEVER should have conceded as quickly as he did, I’m guessing he got BAD advise from his so-called advisors. As Tammy has pointed out, the early MAIL-IN ballot fiasco in PA is what pushed Fetterman over the top prior to his dismal debate performance with Dr. Oz, i.e. the man was ” brain dead ” & resoundingly lost that debate, hands down, yet he wins, only in PA., sadly enough…
Kari Lake in AZ is on a tear & stands more than a good chance of eliminating Hobbs, another Democrat that REFUSED to debate Lake…
Maricopa County elections are RIPE with fraud & the Dems & the RINO’s will use every trick in the toolbox to once again thwart the elections…
I expect to see a WIN for Kari Lake as she will NOT back down & she will become AZ’s next governor after the disastrous damage done by the current RINO governor, Doug Ducey…
Once again GA makes the news with arguably the most corrupt elections in US history with respect to the 2020 Presidential Election & the GA Senate runoffs with once again both candidates heading for yet another Senate runoff between Warnock & Walker…
Between SOS Raffensberger & Gov, Kemp, expect more of the same, I smell a rat where both these men are concerned & deservedly so…
The (4) Democrat seats lost in NY to Republicans is a first in ( 40 ) years, unfortunately we are stuck with the Squad members once again…
We didn’t win it all, but the GOP did in fact have wins all over the nation & I have to profoundly thank Donald J. Trump for playing a huge part in those wins…
Trump whom is a master at winning the long game, do NOT under estimate the man, whether or not he runs again in 2024 or not, he has played a huge part in us getting the House & hopefully the Senate back under control & putting a STOP to the current, endless madness currently dragging our country into oblivion…Getting the House back takes away Biden’s veto power & forces him into going the Executive Order route as we are all fully aware of what that has done to this once great nation in a relatively short amount of time…Is the damage reparable? I believe it is & it might take whole a generation to make it happen…
Bill… :~)

Frank Bort
Frank Bort
1 year ago

Great article ????????????God is into ENCOURAGEMENT; the devil is into discouragement!!!!

Frank Bort
Frank Bort
1 year ago

Yes Great article Yes our God of ENCOURAGEMENT!!!!

Lynette Blackwell
Lynette Blackwell
1 year ago

Tammy gets it right once again.

1 year ago

I Totally agree with this editorial about the elections. Still have to admit, there were some disappointments. Thought for sure Mastriano would have won Minnesota Governor. We were praying for the Red Tsunami. We were looking forward to Marcy Kapter, the NAFTA pusher would be retired after 40 years of basically doing nothing especially for the farmers. Too many people believed the disinformation put out about Majewski. Was totally shocked that Oprah made comments against Dr. Oz! All that said, Look at the fact we Flipped Governors in some long standing Blue states in the East! We have the House And possibly the Senate. The Tyrannical Regime of the Reprobate Minded Democrats is coming to an end. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!

1 year ago

I totally agree. I’ve written to Trumps contact site and expressed my concern of have a female running mate at this time. They’re not strong enough to get us through a war with either China or Russia at this time, if it were to happen. Ron DeSantis is the ONLY running mate for Trump, then as stated above that gives us 4 strong years with the greatest team to get America back to where WE need to be and 8 years with Ron DeSantis and whoever he perceives strong at that time to continue.

Joe Kennedy
Joe Kennedy
1 year ago

Why is the governor’s race so close in AZ, the Senate race in GA, and several others that were lost but just barely? Even the Governor’s race in New York was impressive. I believe the lack of strategic funding and support from the party showed poor judgement. We did well but we could have done better. Party leadership leaves a lot to be desired. Great article!

1 year ago

It’s the beginning of bigger things to come. The country is beginning to awaken and see what many of us have seen for a long time.

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
1 year ago

Tammy Bruce wrote a brilliant article and I really wish that I could share her enthusiasm over this election and elections in the future. The truth is that the Democrats and the Media have been able to divide the Republican Party. They have successfully made Trump the scapegoat for the poor performance of his endorsed candidates. But the real issue is that Mitch McConnell withheld vital funding for a number of those candidates which cost us in this election. The Republican Party itself is self destructing in their attempt to move on from Donald Trump. They failed to use Joe Biden’s poisonous policies affecting our economy, our values, our foreign policy, our military and the American people against the Democrats. There was no cohesive message but rather an internal division over a possible 2024 Presidential run for Donald Trump. We desperately need to rid the Republican Party of selfish politicians like McConnell if we are ever going to put conservative patriots into Congress and reverse this chaos we are in now. I’m not sure that Trump is electable despite all that he has done to make America great again. If we simply gave the voters a choice of which policies they preferred we would win overwhelmingly. Instead both the Democrats and Republicans have made Trump the issue. How is that working out for us now?

Jeannette J Wagner
Jeannette J Wagner
1 year ago

Thank you Tammy, great, positive article!

John Jackson
John Jackson
1 year ago

Well it’s the beginning of the end of the country that I grew up in. It’s just that simple!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Then why does Trump jump on Desantis??
No Unity seen
Or media trying divide plan

1 year ago

it wasn’t President Trump, many people vote the party line and don’t think about consequences of a liberal government, they just vote democratic.

the other was miss informed population on abortion, it wasn’t taken away, it was given back to the states where it belongs, it is a local decision not a national decision. We can choose live among people we politically agree with, it’s that simple.

1 year ago

I have two words for Trump: SHUT UP!!!! If he had only learned from his experiences while President and become less offensive, stopped the name calling, and appreciated those who were supporting him instead of putting anyone and everyone down, he would probably be a shoe-in again. But he has to keep running his mouth. He, too, is getting too old to hold the prestigious office of President. Don’t get me wrong, I very much backed his policies and how he was turning our country around. But now he seems hell bent on destroying the good he did by alienating those who had his back, i.e. DeSantis and Pence. Some people learn from their mistakes, others believe they don’t make any mistakes and blame others. Need to grow up sometime. It’s really unfortunate that he’s chosen the path he has. We needed a strong leader, which he once was, but now he’s lost his grip.

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
1 year ago

How about a consensus Republican ticket of Mike Pence and Tulsi Gabbard? A true Republican conservative and a conservative independent.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Very interesting that DICTATOR Beijing biden is meeting with DICTATOR Xi this coming Monday after our Midterm Elections.
NO LEGAL U.S. President has ever met with a COMMUNIST leader immediately after a Midterm Election.
So now, DICTATOR Beijing biden has to get instructions on what to do next in DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY.

Connie Gordon
Connie Gordon
1 year ago

Great column, Ms. Bruce. Thank you!

sean connelly
sean connelly
1 year ago

The stark reality is(as Romney was pilloried for hinting) that nearly 50% of the people pay no federal taxes and many of them get tax refunds on taxes they never paid. Add to this the various classes of people who benefit from big government; government vendors,the hordes of bureaucrats,local, state and federal,government employees,including public school teachers,public office holders,the vast armies of regulators and quasi governmental agencies and the giant corporations that benefit therefrom and more and the result is that private sector taxpayers are in the minority and untill we stem the growth of the nanny state,we can never expect to be competitive.
An observer of Constitutional Convention quipped that it was a good document but when the people learned that they could vote themselves benefits it would fail. Sadly we are on that precipice.

1 year ago

Sometimes President Trump is his own worst enemy by the way he runs his mouth. DeSantis is a good guy and Trump should knock off the snarky remarks. He should remember what President Reagan said ” THOU SHALL NOT SPEAK EVIL OF ANOTHER REPUBLICAN”. On DeSantis’s part I think he should come out and say that if Trump runs in 2024 he will not and put an end to the speculation. Also I think DeSantis has been an excellent Florida governor and would make a good president some day.

1 year ago

The Republicans made some inroads, but with the state of the economy and the country, there should have been a red wave. 2 reasons that didn’t happen: polarizing Trump and Republicans portrayed as reactionaries, particularly with abortion. The Republicans are going to have to do some redefining of themselves.

Deploreable Sam
Deploreable Sam
1 year ago

This article just about says it all, most especially the last paragraph.
fjb etc etc

1 year ago

Your sentiments’ about a Trump/DeSantis ticket crossed my mine, but I didn’t say anything about it. And the 2028 and 2032 ticket with Desantis on top would probably kill a lot of Dems, but it might would make America great again. But would Floridians let us have their great leader ? There are a lot of new people just elected that could surely help, if we could quiet the hateful Dems and get the GOOD word out that America does much better if we work together .

Donald A Colongeli
Donald A Colongeli
1 year ago


1 year ago

My opinion & looking at the breakdown of voters at mid-term: Republicans missed out how important abortion was to women voters & especially those under 50 and the other thing is maybe plan to forgive student loans probably impacted some of the younger generation a lot more than the older generation.

1 year ago

Thank you, Tammy Bruce for your article, suggestions, and I like Senator Tim Scott too as reflecting the good spirit we need. Also, very much like the Trump/DeSantis ticket, and shutting up the nay-sayers!

1 year ago

Trump has a problem in that his personality does not like to see another person that is just as good or better than him with the voters. Trump is totally wrong & will hurt Republican party if he keeps bashing fellow Republican Gov. DeSantis. He will not listen, but someone needs to convince Trump that this world has more than one great person & he should enjoy the competition.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

ALL Votes should have been counted on Midterm Election Night. NOT DAYS LATER. This is how FASCIST liberals
CHEATED in 2020. So now, they are using same tactics. Shows how STUPID they are if they don’t know how to count. 1,2,3,4,etc., NOT HARD unless you were educated by the Dept of DUHMACATION and INDOCTRINATION.
Guess they had a water leak in the Desert to CHEAT AGAIN.

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
1 year ago

It has been stated, the real red wave will occur in 2024, after 2 more years of biden and company. This is a possibility, but if the RNC, and the elected leaders do not change the red wave will not happen, even after biden’s last 2 years. Even with change we are facing a corrupt news media and democrat favored voting laws.

1 year ago

FIRST of all people MUST begin really LOOKING at candidates, not just pushing buttons for a party…LOOK AT THE PLATFORM and see if that is what you WANT – centralized government demands or government BY THE PEOPLE – do you want top down government as democrats demand or the opposite mandating the PEOPLE demand what the GOVERNMENT does!? PAY attention people!!! It doesn’t matter HOW grandpa and grandma or even mom & dad voted…DO YOUR due diligence to teach YOUR children the why and how to vote better than just flicking a party!!! PAY ATTENTION to HOW each candidate stands on YOUR IMPORTANT issues…I adopted two special needs babies because I believe EVERY LIFE matters and should be given a chance – so I VOTE that way – and find out BEFORE I cast my vote how the candidates stand of my important issues…GET SMART PEOPLE and PUT IN THE TIME that is needed to FIX this country!!! It does not take a life time to review what a candidate stands for – and don’t take anyone’s word for it – RESEARCH what is said and what is DONE!

Michael Venaccio
Michael Venaccio
1 year ago

Dick Morris has an interesting comment on this and it has to do with the $$$$ spent by Ds Vs Rs. If I have the numbers correct, the Ds spent $360M on Senate and other campaigns. IN NH, Maggie Hassan outspent Boldoc $26M to $2 and McConnell withdrew $5M from Boldoc because McConnell did not think he would be supported as Majority Leader. Same for Masters and others.So, it is a matter of $$$$.
Also Rs need to start voting early instead of waiting for one day when other things could intervene.
So, there are a lot of things to consider.
From what I have read, the cheating machine is again in full operation because the Rs did less than nothing to investigate credible claims fro 2020 or for local legislatures to tighten up mail in balloting,
So, the R leadership needs to be changed to people who are willing to fight and not accommodate. That is how we got ourselves here.
Thanks to all our veterans who have served.

Paul W
Paul W
1 year ago

The article brings up a lot of great points. I have to admit, however, I don’t want to see a Trump-DeSantis ticket in ’24. I want Guv D to stay in Tallahassee for the full four years. All but 5 of the 67 counties voted for DeSantis for governor…I’m hoping that’s what he’s going to be…for FOUR years.
PS DJT has been saying some really stupid things about both DeSantis and Youngkin, lately. His ego just can’t tolerate any other Republican leader being praised. His ego is part of his strength, but unchecked, it can wreck you in a heartbeat.

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
1 year ago

If one is a Republican or Democrat, it depends on your point of view. Patriotic Americans took it on the chin again. As usual, the Democrats have pulled a number of tricks from their baskets to delay the election results and revealed more ways they can cheat and not give us legitimate elections. No media has yet to show the American conservatives how many positions in the House and Senate they would need to win to get fair representation in Congress. They quid pro quo of not drafting important legislation will continue. Sad to say, the American people are just too lazy to get involved in our government while we inch closer and closer to losing our Constitutional Republic.

1 year ago

Better but not Great, Disappointing at best!

1 year ago

Pennsylvania sure didn’t. We became the California of the east coast. The next person that complains to me I will ask him or her if they voted and if they say no what will come out of my mouth will not be pleasant. They said republican turnout was down and there is NO EXCUSE for it. Now we have a senator that is the younger version of Biden even though he has an excuse. This country and her Constitution are finished because the democrats’ have the brainless liberals, and we are stuck with the brainless liberal rhinos.

teresa Ann d'alessandro
teresa Ann d'alessandro
1 year ago

i like desantis but he sounds like he is getting a big head – why doens’t he just be the gov of Fla. then when 2024 comes around be Trumps vp and in 2028 be the president. does anyone with common sense thing that the media and dems will be kind to desantis that they keep bashing trump

1 year ago


1 year ago

I usually agree with Tammy Bruce, but there is no way to spin this positively for Republicans. Dems will do anything for power and will always support their candidates no matter how bitter the primary was. Republicans are crybabies if they get insulted during the primaries and don’t vote for the party candidate. Also, Democrats play chess while Repubs play checkers. The Dems put a ton money in 8 key state primaries to support the inferior candidate. All 8 of those lost to Dems. Republicans have to stop bringing a penknife to fight Scarface.

Di Kennedy
Di Kennedy
1 year ago

Frankly I am concerned about Trump splitting the GOP with his rants against other Republicans. I voted for Herschel Walker because Warnock was absolutely not a choice I could make. But I could not understand why we didn’t have a candidate with much less baggage and a lot more experience to put our trust in. I figure Trump played a big part in that. I don’t appreciate the way he has run Gov. Kemp down either. And now he is going after Florida’s Republican Governor. Foul ball. Mr. Trump, I put much hope in you over the years but I don’t want to think of putting a Republican “Biden” in the White House. I am 75 years old and I want someone that is a person of boldness, strength, integrity and wisdom and, a least, some kindness and politeness. Show me that if you want the seniors’ vote.

1 year ago

Addendum: I read thru most of the responses. I live in PA. Unfortunately the mail in voting isn’t going away so Repubs better figure out how to take advantage. Also, no excuse mail in voting came to PA thru an election reform in 2019 prior to covid that the Dems duped the Repubs, including state senator Mastriano, into passing. Chess vs. checkers again. Never trust Democrats.

1 year ago

Overall, the Republicans shot themselves in the foot for not having a solidified party platform. The will have the House barely and possibly the Senate. Any legislation passed will be subject to Biden’s veto power and the Republicans don’t have the strength to override it. TWO MORE YEARS OF TURMOIL AHEAD.

Larry W.
Larry W.
1 year ago

No President has ever led so poorly in his first 2 years as Biden, yet I did not see the push back of the people in this election. Too many younger folks think what we are experiencing is “normal”. They are used to change, in fact they thrive on change. They don’t have the perspective of living in a time when things were much more stable and made sense.

1 year ago

Yes, a Trump/DeSantis ticket WOULD be unbeatable but for some insane reason Trump is working very hard to sabotage that teamwork. Is it ego in the way or what? Quite disheartening when so many of us were looking forward to such am unbeatable pairing.

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

the democrats took second place in a two person race.

they also sunk to a new low. for six months prior to the election they spewed out a continuous string of lies about all republicans. Its the end of democracy republicans will take away your social security they take your medicare. they will start world war three.

They did tell one true thing. the republican house is going to impeach biden over and over and over.

but even worse then all that the democrat not only had dead people voting, which is a standard for them, then voted for dead people. they also voted for a brain damage cognitively impaired person.

Yup the democrats fell to a new low in their ridiculous voting behaviors. Like I said it earned them second place to a two man race.

Terry Courtney
Terry Courtney
1 year ago

AMAC is spot on! The GOP leadership needs to get their heads out of their collective rear ends and practice what they SAY they believe in, BOLDLY! The American people are sick & tired of namby-pamby politicians that set-in office for 10-20 years and do nothing constructive for THIS COUNTRY. They are scared to death of people like President Trump because he’s not beholden to anyone. They ALL; both Dems & Republicans, are afraid that when he moves forward to “clean the swamp”, the guilty will all be exposed. I get why politicians want to stay elected. It’s a great gig! The best medical & retirement plans, practically unlimited vacation time, travel around the country on our dime, insider trading information that take their magnitude $170,000 / year salaries to make them MILLIONAIRES in a few terms! We need politicians like Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis & a few others fighting for “WE IN PEOPLE” and “MAKE AMERICA FIRST”. The China is doing just what they said that they would do; defeat us from WITHIN! They are allowed to buy up farmland at an alarming rate which is only one point of the spear to destroy America. Instead of Energy independence we are begging other countries to sell us oil when we have the oil here. It is insanity and I think that there are way too many politicians with China’s hands in their pockets. I’m a veteran. I love this country & it breaks my heart to see her being raped the way that she is. Those that are being deceived by the leftist liberal communists need to wake up before it’s too late.

1 year ago

Sorry Tammy, although I agree with you that Republicans didn’t get “walloped” as well as in the significance of the defeat of Rep. Maloney, the fact remains that Republicans didn’t do nearly as well as expected. After all the hype about a Red Wave, the results show the 2022 referendum turned out to be just a regular run-of-the-mill first midterm of the party-in-power election, and the Red wave turned into a pink puddle. What happened to the 50+ House majority, or the 54-46 advantage in the Senate so widely advertised? Sadly I must say that the Republican Party was disunited and unprepared to face a cunning, Machiavellian, and duplicitous enemy. The outcome clearly demonstrates it.

As Just one example, we have a top party “leader” who pulls an enormous amount of funding from a key and extremely competitive race in Arizona and sends it to an unloved but friendly candidate in Alaska where a Republican candidate (two were on the ballot, which is possible in a ranked election) was likely to win. Does this mean this “leader” is willing to sacrifice the possibility of a party majority in the Senate for the victory of a benignant colleague? At best, this conduct is incredibly injudicious; at worst it is unprincipled and perfidious.

On the other hand, we have another “leader” choosing candidates based only on one quality: whether or not they are supportive of him. Doesn’t that come uncomfortably close to choosing contenders using only the criteria of race or sex, a vile behavior worthy only of progressives?

Finally, we have those who are willing to do anything, even joining our adversaries and opponents, to promote their own agenda and prevent the GOP and its leaders from fulfilling their objectives and aspirations. Why? Because they are the patriciate and always know better. Sound familiar?

Conservatives, more than knowing what we want, know what we don’t want, and this is precisely the type of comportment we don’t want in our struggle against radical progressivism, totalitarian socialism, and oppressive globalism. Let’s get it together. Too many and far too much depend on us not to.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

The DIMMS, with their billionaire supporters, outspent the GOP by a wide margin. I saw that in one race it was 20 to 1. Even with good policies and good people, the deluge of ads will have an effect. I live in the Louisville TV area and saw loads of ads AGAINST the proposed constitutional amendment which simply said “Nothing will imply that there IS a right to abortion.” The LEFT baby killers ran ads saying it would BAN ALL abortions which was patently FALSE. I did not see ANY pro-Amendment ads!

1 year ago

What is very apparent is the anti Trump forces had a plan to spin the election results into a narrative against Trump. Democrats, the media(I repeat myself) and never Trump RINO’s are conspiring to make it appear MAGA failed. They are wrong and hope spewing the lie over and over will make it true. It will not.

1 year ago

One good encouraging statistic in this election, is that voters over the age of 30 and up, predominately voting CONSERVATIVE!

John Wagoner
John Wagoner
1 year ago

The best and most rapid solution to this countries problems is to call an Article 5 Convention of States. If the 50 state legislatures can’t get together and call a Convention of States, then we don’t deserve to be the United States of America!!!!

Steve Clinton
Steve Clinton
1 year ago

The MSM reports are one-sided and slanted towards the left.

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