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Donald Trump, Global Titan

Posted on Thursday, January 30, 2025
by Walter Samuel

President Donald Trump’s spat with Colombian leader Gustavo Petro earlier this week further underscored a truth that has already become obvious just a few days into his second term: the 47th president is confronting a very different world than the one that greeted him in 2016 or even the one he left in early 2021.

That world is one in which foreign leaders were quick to make pilgrimages to Florida and now Washington to gain his approval before he even officially re-entered the Oval Office. It is also a world where Israel and its enemies were eager to cooperate with the wishes of its Middle Eastern Emissary in Trump. A world where tongue-in-cheek references to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as a “Governor of Canada” resulted not in a nationalist backlash that saved Trudeau but a rush by his party to throw him overboard while his provincial premiers undertook pilgrimages to Trump’s inauguration.

And finally, that world is one in which Petro’s efforts to haggle over deportation flights resulted not in apologies or extended negotiations, but in the rapid imposition of tariffs and a humiliating surrender encapsulated by the Colombian President retweeting White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt’s declaration of victory.

Petro learned the lesson that other leaders grasped months ago: Donald Trump enters office as perhaps the most potent global leader in a century, if not longer.

What changed? The short answer is that Trump is more powerful at home than in 2017, while virtually every potential rival is weaker within their own countries. Eight years ago, the global political establishment viewed Trump as an aberration, the accidental byproduct of America’s Electoral College.

At every level, representatives of America’s elites – businessmen, politicians, career civil servants, even some of the president’s appointees – urged foreign governments to treat Trump as a transient figure. In their view, they, not the elected president, represented the actual center of American policymaking power. They may even have deluded themselves into believing it. No one would make the same mistake today.

If international leaders recognize that Trump and only Trump represents American policy in 2025, they will be far less able to resist his influence than in 2017.

Two things have now changed. First, whereas Trump confronted foreign governments that, in many cases, were at the peak of their domestic political legitimacy and strength in 2017, in 2025, he now confronts deeply unpopular governments presiding over a status quo viewed as unsustainable. Second, whereas Trump enjoyed even less support abroad than the typical American Republican in 2017, in 2025, he arguably has a greater personal following abroad than any Republican president in history. 

A good illustration of how these two factors interact is the case of Canada. In 2017, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was still basking in the glow of his 2015 electoral victory. He had a large majority and won after nine years of Conservative rule. Trudeau was enjoying an economic boom that allowed him to paint the Canadian model as a superior alternative to then American model and thereby use opposition to Trump to rally Canadian nationalism by associating national pride with far-left ideology.

Trump, meanwhile, had few allies in Canada. The Canadian Conservatives were deeply divided after losing power in 2015. Rather than presenting a bold alternative, they were determined to apologize for their government policies and assure Canadians that they would never dare do anything different from Trudeau if given the chance to retake power. It went without saying that the Canadian Conservatives would bend over backward to denounce Trump, and by picking fights with Trump, Trudeau could force the Conservatives to go even further in an anti-Trump direction.

The result was a situation in which Trudeau could rally left-wing Americans seeking a successor to Barack Obama against their own president. Still, even the most right-wing Canadians didn’t view Trump as a hero.

The situation this time around could not be more different. Trudeau was already profoundly unpopular during the 2024 election, presiding over a housing crisis primarily caused by his mass migration policies, a declining economy, and deteriorating government services and public safety.

In 2017, the message that Canadians should feel smugly superior to Americans could sell Trudeau as a nationalist, and the idea that Canada should join America would have elicited mockery. In 2024, Trump’s half-joking suggestion that Canada should become the 51st state drew some serious praise up north. Canadians were, on average, $15,000 poorer relative to Americans than in 2017, their cost of living was higher, and things looked like they were only getting worse.

Rather than rallying around Trudeau in the face of Trump’s criticisms, Trudeau’s party dumped him, while the Premier of Alberta traveled to Florida and then to the inauguration. Mark Carney, the leading candidate to succeed Trudeau as leader of Liberal Party, now cites Trump’s dislike of his rival, Chrystia Freeland, as a reason why voters should side with him.

Canada is probably the most extreme example of this phenomenon, but it is far from the only one. Trump’s interventions in British politics have met with efforts to placate his team, even before the election. Current British Foreign Secretary David Lammy, who six years ago called Trump a “woman-hating, neo-Nazi-sympathizing sociopath,” has spent the past year trying to fawn over him, traveling to Mar-a-Lago and declaring that “The Donald Trump I met was a man who had incredible grace, generosity, very keen to be a good host, very funny, very friendly, very warm about the U.K., our royal family, Scotland.”

When Trump’s team hinted they might reject the appointment Peter Mandelson, a Labour Partisan with links to the Chinese Communist Party, as Ambassador to the U.S., the British government began canvassing for an alternative ahead of time. A deal to hand over the Chagos Islands to Mauritius is also on hold under pressure from the Trump team.

Like Trudeau’s government in Canada, the British Labor government is deeply unpopular, with some polls showing it commands the backing of less than a quarter of the electorate. A similar situation afflicts Germany, where Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democratic Party is polling between 15 percent and 19 percent. In 2017, Trudeau, Germany’s Angela Merkel, and France’s Emmanuel Macron were all able to parlay Trump’s criticisms of their domestic governance into attacks on their respective nations as a whole. In 2025, those criticisms elicit the response, “you know, Trump is kind of right.”

Even Trump’s unelected rivals are humbled. Russia’s Vladimir Putin faces a deteriorating economic situation and a stalemate in Ukraine, and his forces have suffered a humiliating rout in Syria. China’s Xi Jinping presides over an economic recession and increasing social unrest.

In India, the world’s largest democracy, Narendra Modi saw his party lose its majority in elections last spring, shattering his aura of invincibility.

Trump, meanwhile, can now command a genuinely international base of support, having bent the global conservative movement to his will in the same way he did American Republicans in 2016. In 2017, virtually every major center-right party was dominated by counterparts of Trump’s banished opponents from the 2016 primary.

Even in Britain, where Brexit had passed in 2016, both Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage had been cast into the political wilderness, only to reemerge during the crisis of 2019. In France, Marine Le Pen, while gaining strength, remained a fringe figure, winning 33 percent of the vote in the 2017 presidential elections and only eight seats in that year’s parliamentary races. In the years since, a transformation has taken place.

The failures of Merkelism in Germany, traditional Toryism in Britain, and Macronism in France have discredited the establishment center-right. To the extent there are divisions, they are divisions over who is best equipped to lead the pivot into Trumpism. Hence, the division between Nigel Farage’s Reform Party and Kemi Badenoch’s Conservative party in the U.K. is over who best serves as a partner for Trump, not over whether the next leader of Britain should do so.

In Germany, Friedrich Merz, the leader of Merkel’s old Christian Democratic Union, argues not in defense of Merkel’s legacy (he had been her enemy for decades) but that he, unlike the Alternative for Germany, is a more effective partner for Trump. Factions in the current political disputes in South Korea and Taiwan likewise compete over who is more aligned with Trump.

The net effect is to make Trump something that Barack Obama could only aspire to be, and that Joe Biden deluded himself into asserting himself to be. Trump is, in other words, the unquestioned leader of what might be termed “the free world.”

When Trump jokingly referred to Justin Trudeau as a “governor,” he nonetheless expressed a profound truth. Trudeau’s relationship to Trump was more akin to that of a governor in the United States than a fellow national leader in that Trump had loyal followers within Trudeau’s legislature and provinces eager to do his bidding. It was impossible for Trudeau to keep a finance minister in office and for Keir Starmer to send an ambassador to Washington whom Trump found distasteful. As Mark Carney, the man likely to be the country’s next prime minister for at least a short time, has asserted, it may not be possible for Canada to be led effectively by an individual Trump disapproves of.

Trump’s power abroad is no more absolute than it is at home. But both abroad and at home, Trump wields more power than any president in decades, perhaps in history, as even Franklin Roosevelt had to contend with Stalin. That is a marked difference from 2017 and will define global geopolitics over the next few years.

Walter Samuel is the pseudonym of a prolific international affairs writer and academic. He has worked in Washington as well as in London and Asia, and holds a Doctorate in International History.

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1 month ago

Isn’t it GREAT to have a president with a spine and the kahunas to stand up to foreign/political adversaries? MAGA!!!

1 month ago

I hope Trump will cut foreign aid and global policing dramatically to reduce the projected $2 trillion deficits which certainly aren’t benefitting everyday Americans.

1 month ago

The average Joes and Jills of the world had been waiting the past 4 years for Trump to return. Only the leaders of the free world wouldn’t acknowledge that. Deep down they knew it. And dang he was re-elected and all of them raced to Mar A Largo. They thought they could save their jobs. Well they found out. Trump is in the White House and they are on the way out. Their plan for a global world has been squashed. The Jack and Jill’s have spoken.

1 month ago

Perhaps those who are hesitant about Trump’s presidency will wait to see what he accomplishes for this nation before second guessing him. Trump is not unaware of what’s been done to this nation by those on the left who’s one goal is their one world order…sadly there are so-called “Republicans” who are on board with it. I listened to a speech by Bush Sr. some years ago where he said; “We must usher in the New World Order.” For those now doubting what Trump is doing I suggest they think about the above statement, and hold judgements. I seriously doubt that President Trump is going to disclose every detail of his plans to the world until it’s time… he is not unaware of our present situation, he’s not unaware of the leftist democrats and rinos who will no doubt try to undermine him at every opportunity. He is a business man, not a politician…that in and of itself is a plus. He’s not unaware of a far leftist, bordering on treasonous “news media” who will twist, lie, prevaricate and fabricate. Considering the silence from Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong after he visited each personally during his first term, the fact that none of them uttered a peep for 4 years as he basically warned them, and as soon as Biden stole office Putin attacked Ukraine…should speak volumes of the respect and maybe even a bit of fear from Communist nations. No doubt he has a well trained protection detail. Maybe armchair “presidents” might consider not second guessing him.

Melinda C
Melinda C
1 month ago

It’s too bad it takes so long for people to see the results of ineffective leadership. But Trump’s loss in 2020, whether legitimate or not, paved the way for his resurgence in an improved version of himself. May he live long and prosper even more.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
1 month ago

Great article and great analysis. A very honest observation on what is going on with Pres. Trump’s world influence. He is truly sent by God to promote World Peace through strength, goodwill &Christian values.

Franklin Werkheiser
Franklin Werkheiser
1 month ago

We will return to the Constitution and a Glorious and again Prosperous America these next 4 years under Trump, but I shudder at the thought of the next election in 4 years. Where we now have relief and a great leader, I hope that they are looking ahead to the next Presidential election, and they will have someone to run that is in the Trump mold. God Bless President Trump and God Bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 month ago

I hope that Trump succeeds in redirecting our country. In the past, when Republicans won a majority in Congress they promised the world but chose not to deliver (no tax cuts, no reduction in government deficit spending, etc.). The Republican Party has been a follower rather than a leader in policy. I hope the Republican Party stands behind the Cabinet choices advocated by Trump. I was a committed Democratic until the Democratic Party deserted me. And the Republican Party before Trump had also deserted me. Several of the Republicans in Congress talk a good story to get elected and then act more like Democrats when in office. I want to see progress in reducing inflation, cutting government spending, and reducing the impact of the large Pharmaceutical Companies.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

Any country with a good solid economy will end up with creditors breathing down it’s neck if the clueless socialist ideologue is put behind the wheel. Not once had there been a different outcome.

1 month ago

Trump needs to declare the EVILS OF COMMUNISM and did everything in his power to “protect” America from having the Democratic Party Leadership embracing it!!!

1 month ago

What a great article about a great human being. Go Pres Trump, family and team!!!

Pat R
Pat R
1 month ago

There is a sad part to all the ‘new’ respect for Trump and his motives and plans for our nation, and albeit the world. It is that it took four years of globalistic OWO, inflation, enemy infiltration of our southern border by millions, attacks on individual freedoms and Constitutional rights, etc., etc., before people the world over woke up to reality. After these last four years, US citizens and the world as a whole realized the REAL implications of the WEF’s agenda for a One World Order and their hold over nations’ leaders.
No doubt all the usual wealthy elites were still in attendance at the latest Davos meeting. And I’m sure they, as a group, would never acknowledge any deterrent to or loss of their agenda timeline due to President Trump’s popularity and strength of purpose. But individually, if they have a brain and common sense must admit WEF’s agenda has suffered a major beating.
God bless President Trump, keep him safe, and diminish into near non-existence the WEF, WHO, and the UN as a whole.

1 month ago

Ya gotta love The Donald, and watch the Democrats cry.

Trump meets with Zelensky of Ukraine in the oval office
trump and the drug and opioid epidemic

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