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Dems Dumping Biden/Harris?

Posted on Tuesday, November 30, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Herald Boas


It now appears almost inevitable that after the Biden-Harris current and first term in office, very many Democrats will be seeking a new ticket for their party in 2024. Of course, circumstances can change, but considering their extreme unfavourability ratings now, the crises they are currently facing and likely will face, and the fact that Joe Biden would be 82-years-old at the beginning of a second term, the prospects for Biden-Harris in 2024 are dim indeed.

Vice President Kamala Harris has been so unimpressive so far, and her poll numbers so low, that the likelihood of her being nominated in Biden’s place in 2024 is also very low.

So who, then, might be nominated, and how might the Democrats accomplish such a rare and politically acrobatic process? The last truly one full-term president not to be renominated for a second term either voluntarily or not was Rutherford Hayes in 1884. (Several vice presidents who succeeded to the presidency on the death of the president and then had a full team of their own before leaving office were Teddy Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Harry Truman, and Lyndon Johnson.) Not renominating a sitting first term president would thus be unprecedented for the past 140 years.

Mr. Biden could announce his decision not to run in late 2023 because of health reasons or because it will be obvious he could not be renominated. That is the most likely scenario. Until then, as he is doing now, he will likely continue to say he is running in 2024 to avoid being perceived as a “lame duck” too early.

Another possible scenario would be for Mr. Biden and his supporters to believe they can win in 2024, and run again — perhaps with a new vice president. Biden would then likely face an intraparty challenge — probably from his left (but it could also come from Joe Manchin to his right). Win or lose, Biden would enter the general election severely weakened, as did Gerald Ford in 1976 and Jimmy Carter in 1980.

If Biden loses renomination or chooses not to run, who might the Democrats run for president in 2024?

The commonplace belief today is that the Democratic Party has no “bench.” That’s not exactly fair. They do have some notable personalities, including several who surfaced in 2020, but most of them are at varying shades of the more radical left — which is unlikely to provide a winning ticket in 2024. The two leading moderates, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, would seem unacceptable to party’s progressives. A new figure might also emerge, especially if they have success in an otherwise likely GOP wave year in the 2022 mid-term elections.

Vice President Harris would likely run if Joe Biden elected not to, but like Henry Wallace and Dan Quayle in earlier cycles, she may not find much traction in her own party. As happened in 2020, the field of Democrats is likely to be very large if Biden does not run, perhaps more than 20 major figures.

In any event, the substantial advantage enjoyed by a president running for re-election will likely not be available to Democrats in 2024. Of course, Republicans have the challenge of determining their own ticket, which could be led again by Donald Trump, or by one from the deep GOP bench, which includes Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Mike Pompeo, Tom Cotton, Mike Pence, Marco Rubio, and Tim Scott, among many others. This too may be a more heavily contested primary than many observers are expecting, given the vulnerability of the Democrat ticket.

The current level of decline in support for President Biden can be seen in a recent poll by a usually Democratic-leaning pollster in which Donald Trump now leads Joe Biden by double digits. That’s a poll of the popular vote. The former President himself released a poll by Republican pollster Tony Fabrizio last week that showed Trump up dramatically over Biden in virtually every major swing state.

If Republicans do enjoy the dimensions of wave election victories in 2022, especially if they regain control of Congress, the dilemma for the Democrats to determine their presidential ticket next time would likely enhance GOP prospects in 2024. History would seem to be on their side as their opponents effect the dumping of their own president and vice president.

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Manuela Abendroth
Manuela Abendroth
2 years ago

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Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
2 years ago

Who give a crap about Joe Biden and kamala Harris? I don’t as far as I am concern they both need to go to jail.

2 years ago

There are so many Republicans who can run in 2024 and who could win that one does not which one to support. I only hope that due to the abundance of good candidates, it will not cause the wrong person to be nominated.

Rodney Ernst
Rodney Ernst
2 years ago

We better wake up and see what’s going on. This next election better be “TheRed wave.” I cannot believe we have let down our guard and come to this. Stand up people, it’s time to take our country back.

2 years ago

Another likely team could be Cankles & Cackles (Clinton, Harris)…

2 years ago

The Democrats screwed up royalty. Had they nominated anyone else they had a chance to win another term. But their self serving hate for Pres Trump and group of five blinded the goal line.

If the Republicans don’t screw it up. Republicans will win the next 8 elections. AND WE WILL GET OUR COUNTRY BACK


2 years ago

Dump them, for whom else? . . . People, please realize this possibility: Biden nominates Harris to replace a retiring Justice Stephen Breyer because he’s already promised to put a Black female judge on the Supreme Court. Then he can make Hillary his vice president and then step down with her replacing him! . . . That really scares me!!!

2 years ago

Failure to recognize the inaccuracy of the emergency election during the pandemic may cause many states to issue paper ballots without identifying voters carefully. If future elections are full of paper ballots, the same people smashing windows and stealing merchandise will run the country.

2 years ago

If the Republicans sweep the elections of 2022 and 2024, they will flounder with the power just as they did before when they owned the House, the Senate, and the White House. Nothing Biden has done will be reversed, and there will be such infighting that nothing will be accomplished just as in 2016 to 2020. There will be extreme disloyalty to the President and his agenda. They are a hopeless cause. And, I am a lifelong Republican.

2 years ago

Everyone is so disgusted and disheartened over the corruption…on both sides…never thought that the government dysfunction would cause so many to become Independent voters…
I have to remember that God is still in charge…the only thing keeping so many sane…

Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

Conservatism is the only answer, not only for the GOP, but for the survival of the country as we know (or maybe i should say…knew) it. haley, pence, rubio and even scott?! OH H3LL NO!

Furthermore, per the Constitution, rubio isn’t eligible to be POTUS. Sadly, neither is Ted Cruz. But hey, why should a little ole thing like the Constitution stop the GOP. It hasn’t stopped the dims. barry choom wasn’t, and that worthless mess kamala harris isn’t Constitutionally eligible for the office of POTUS or veep. But like I’ve said, the dims haven’t let the Constitution stand in their way…on ANYTHING…for multiple decades. All the more reason we NEED Conservative, Constitutionalists in that rancid sewer known as DC…as soon as possible!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Who ever Dems choose its ON them all the way day 1
Watch em burn down all the way Hoorah

2 years ago

Joe needs to move into the Old Folks House and get out of the White House.

2 years ago

Here’s the Democrat Party dream ticket for 2024: AOC for President (she’ll be 35 right before the election) and Bernie Sanders as V.P.. Don’t laugh. I know it would be the worst ticket for the country’s future, but when has that ever stopped the Democrats? Especially when the Party is openly embracing socialism. Given Bernie has almost gotten the Democrat nomination twice already (the DNC had to out their hand on the scale and push down hard to give the nomination to someone else) and AOC is the media’s darling for being the posture child for “the next generation”, I think the Millennials and the Gen Zers, who are the largest segment of the Democrat Party, would vote 100 percent for that combo.

On the GOP side, I think 95 percent of the Republican base already knows who they want back in the Oval Office in 2025. The 5 percent that don’t can do what they did in 2020: Either sit at home and sulk or vote for the dementia patient being paraded around as our POTUS.

Ralph S
Ralph S
2 years ago

Suburban housewives deplored the tweets of Trump and voted him OUT.
They got rid of Trump and got Biden’s lies and inflation,
Trump should forget his ego and instead of running for a “lame duck” four-year term…
He would be wise to promote a conservative moderate like Gov. Huckabee or Nicky Haley.
Wouldn’t it be terrific Karma if Trump would be put in charge of the IRS and led the investigations of the swamp slime-balls and how they acquire their hidden assets. How long would the Biden oligarchy and the Clinton cartel survive with transparent supervision properly applied?

David Spade
David Spade
2 years ago

Lame Duck, Lame Geese, Lame Brain…..synonymous names for O’Biden and Harris. Perhaps we could call them late for dinner. They are the most anti-American folks to ever “lead” the United States. They have no one behind them on the bench as replacements. Who would really like to be on the next ticket with either of them? The citizens are very tired of their hypocrisy and lying. It is a daily crisis that they have created, and the Marxist Democrats who voted for them should be ashamed. The political steam roller is already circling in front of the Red Wave wagons.

2 years ago

Anyone with common sense should drop all Democrats!!

2 years ago

Personally, I think the smart choice for the Dems to nominate for Pres. In 2024 would be a Smart Woman – Kyrsten Synema, Or, even better (more experience) – Senator Manchineel from Virginia!

Mark R
Mark R
2 years ago

One of the reasons, discounting the apparent fraud, is the psychology or misuse of the marketing tactic for President Trump. One of the strongest assets that the American people stand for is supporting an underdog. The campaign by the republican party to character assassinate the Democratic candidate did not sit well with many voters. I have spoken to many people who disagreed with the debates and the negative implications toward Biden.
My very first election, many years ago, I attended a debate. The Dem incumbent attacked the republican candidate’s character and the Republican stuck to the issues. Guess who won? The Republican. If you have a fantastic/incredible history of saving the country and making it great – why was that not the platform. Keep focused on the true debate issues and stay away from character assassination. Typically, the genral population isn’t stupid. We now have a leader that sleeps at the wheel, now the only thing the Progressive (communist) party has will be if their candidate can complete Intelligible sentences.

2 years ago

Hopefully, Biden will retire in 2022. He needs to go to an old-folks home!

2 years ago

Who CARES!!! And the unsure or don’t like him , guess what your stuck with Uncle Joe for three more years !

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

The only one I found who had any decency and common sense was Tulsi Gabbard and she was willing to work with both parties and find common ground. She couldn’t stand the rabid left and still can’t. She speaks out against them constantly.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

What took them so long, I was tired of them long before they took office!
The question is who are they going to pick, to replace them, Buttigieg,
(Boot her jugs) maybe, Elizabeth Warren, or maybe OMAR, they have no real American’s that believe in American sovereignty and our freedoms or the Constitution as it is written, they only believe in POWER, AND CONTROL!
NEVER, never, never for Democrats and watch out for RINO’s they are just as worthless, maybe more so as they tell you what you want to hear, and stab you in the back, people like fat, Lis Cheney, and a dozen more just like her.
American leaders are getting worse!
God Save America because we are not doing a particularly good job at doing it.

2 years ago

The one saving grace for the Communist Party is their member voters’ non-existent memory and short term attention span.
By the next election, the Party of Stupid will have forgotten how miserable these Communists have left America. The Party of Stupid would re-elect these braindead dolts in a New York minute……..

2 years ago

Ya know, the damage this administration has done in just one year is so bad, I can’t imagine what three more years of destroying America will look like. Guess that old saying is right, “be careful what you wish for, you might get it”.

2 years ago

If these devils are driven out it means more wicked ones will take their place. Such is the dem party today. Also, counting chickens this far out is the stuff of tabloid astrology. Too many variables including a war or pseudo war engaged in to bring the proud moderates back in the fold. Stalin invited the orthodox church back in 41. The dems are not above flag waving if it suites their purpose

2 years ago

It would appear that Pelosi and her cohorts aren’t achieving the goal they had in mind when they chose Biden/Harris as their puppets. They thought they could achieve a complete and total takeover of our country and turn it into a Socialist nation. They had no idea how quickly the country could turn on them. Let’s keep putting the pressure on them and hopefully get rid of all or most of them come the next election. It’s time to take our country back! TRUMP 2024 MAGA

Proud American
Proud American
2 years ago

Maybe the Dem’s could get Trump to run on their ticket. That would be funny, he would straighten them out!
Unless you are a Communist, there is no reason to have a Democrat party anyway. And if you ARE a Communist (Biden voters), how about leaving the United States. Go live in one of your “communist utopias,” like Venezuela.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Democratic party as such oi longer exists it became organized chaos without purpose unless socialism American style is it.They don’t have ideas,ideals or vision no brain between them and no spine

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

Pelosi and Schumer are power hungry opportunists, but they are not crazy. In another 3 years Biden will bat crap crazy and Harris will be fully exposed and unelectable. The party is not going to commit suicide by running either of them again.

2 years ago

And so the speculation begins. The dems are out of their minds if they run the same Biden/Harris ticket in the future. Neither of these two have any drawing power, having said that, remember Obama and Clinton….who both finished first terms with real problems, but were re-elected in spite of their poor performances in office. The media is hinting at Harris and Budigieg, and for me they are both loosers politically, and morally. While I do not intend on voting for any democrat at any level without their proof that they are right of center or moderate and believe in this country, I struggle as well with republican choices. While this may stick in the craw of some, I most likely will not vote for Trump, should he run if there are other choices (ie. DeSantis, Cotton, and others). Much of Trumps policies were excellent and should serve as patterns for true leaders that can turn this Republic back to its best track. The rub is that we have so few true patriotic states persons in the place of potential success and too many polititians who walk the same walk as many dems. and weak repubs. So as the clock ticks down on the first term of Biden/Harris and the disaster continues to unfold….mid-terms appear to be the first step in challenging the left and progressives. Dems do seem to have the uncanny capacity to pull things out of the hat in a pinch and they will do all they can to win…..even break the law (past examples abound). So conservatives need to get off their duffs and do the work needed to take control at every opportunity, and see to the needs of this nation and her citizens before all other considerations.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
2 years ago

Whether they dump Biden/Harris or not, the Democrats in general are the problem not just the two “leaders”. In fact, those “leaders” appear to be puppets controlled by others, and not for our nation’s benefit.Don’t be misled. Dumping Biden/Harris solves nothing for our nation. Dumping the entire Democratic Party is what’s needed. The GOP has a lot of flaws for sure, but they are all far superior to anyone offered as a Democrat.

2 years ago

I think the powers-that-be in the Dempcrap Commune know that Joe Hidin’ Biden and Camel Hairs have less chance of winning the next POTUS election than a candle in a windstorm. So far they’ve pulled enough strings attached to Biden to get pretty much most of what they wanted, knowing that almost any other Democrat would have not been quite as willing to sabotage their own reelection as China Joe and Camel Hairs have done. I truly believe that when the next POTUS elections come around, Joe Hidin’ Biden will not be in the POTUS position. And the junta that runs the Democrap Party will not as easily control Camel Hairs. I believe the next POTUS elections will have the major issue of whether the majority of American citizens want to continue the move towards Democrap Communism RULE or move back to Republican Constitutional Democratic GOVERNANCE. There are only two choices and I already sense that many Americans are starting to wise up as to the reard of the aims of the Democrap Party. ‘Tis a matter of choice between being RULED or being GOVERNED. Caution… the elections must be fixed to wipe out at least most of the rigging tactics that wound up with our present inept Presidential duo.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

I maintain what I have said from the very beginning, I don’t believe Trump will run for POTUS in 2024. I just don’t see that in the cards…Who does that leave other than Trump running? Not much IMHO…Ron DeSantis is still doing excellent work as gov. of Florida, however he needs to get a rein on his GOP SOS, for she is working quietly on the Dominion voting machines being kept in Florida…
She can NOT be trusted, so just like Trump, DeSantis has traitors in his midst that are heavily involved in getting FL to go BLUE again…
There is one more topic of conversation that has once again been conveniently avoided by all of MSM outlets, conservative talking heads, etc. What is to be done about the rigged 2020 Presidential Election with the associated down ballots, all skewered because of the vote switches, not forgetting the1/5/21 Georgia Senate Runoff Election? Everything that IS to date, should NOT be to date…
The premise of the article is the Dems dumping Biden/Harris & on that score I whole heartily agree…
What is to come of this nation under her current conditions?
Are the 2022 midterms the answer to America’s woes? Not so fast, that is a full year away & Biden & company are NOT done yet inflicting as much damage they are capable of upon the citizens of our country for having the Gaul to reelect the the greatest POTUS in most of our lifetimes…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
2 years ago

But they will do immeasurable damage before their term is over.

2 years ago

What te Dems have done and continue to do is unacceptable. We need them out of the White House asap. So many people are tired of all the B.S., that they say why vote. That mentality has to be changed. Everyone needs to vote! Nothing will change things will be much worse if they don’t. A Trump/DeSantis ticket would be great. Yes Trump can be crass but you can not forget what he did for the country. Our country was booming and no one can deny that. Sitting back and watching has been the best thing because he knows now how to drain the swamp permanently! Keep praying that Biden doesn’t destroy the country anymore than he already has.

2 years ago

After over 40 years in politics, Biden’s brain has never been something he could brag about and now it is failing even more rapidly. Harris is an evil, Godless socialist. She has no human feelings for humanity. They only care about their one-world government agenda. They never should have been where they are. However, the demo/socialist party has nothing better to offer. They are a party of Marxists bent on destroying America and getting us into the Global Reset. I have no faith in the GOP since they no longer have any grit or guts to change things.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

We could have an interesting candidate in Lauren Boebert. Check her out.

Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson
2 years ago

America is in real trouble, Putin is rattling his sabre and China likewise is pressing Taiwan coming into their fold and putting immense pressure with fly overs, verbal innuendo as well as physical strong arm tactics which Biden seems to want to ignore. We will need strong leadership which seems Democrats are unable to produce at the high level of government. Trump would not stand for what’s going on and we actually need a miracle to get him back in office before it’s too late. America is going through terrible mismanagement of the Covid-19 problem and with Biden’s lack of any ability to do what’s right for America, we need to make some immediate changes. God help us.

2 years ago

I agree with J.C. The Communist Dems picked true losers in Biden & Harris. Can anyone name three things these Communists did positive for the American people in all the years of their political career? They sold out our Great Country. I cannot believe the American people are on the hook to pay their salaries for such incompetence. I am convinced that Biden & Harris are only in office due to fraudulent voting. Who can trust this government! Who the heck voted for these traitors and who is really running and ruining our country? Could it be China??? Finally, what doctor gave Biden a clean bill of health? What a Scam!!!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 years ago

We can PRAY that Camel-Toe and Buck Fiden do run!!

Dave Krueger
Dave Krueger
2 years ago

They are illegitimate President & Vice President!

2 years ago


2 years ago

Read yesterday that the democratic ticket for the next election could very well be Hillary Clinton for president & Michelle Obama for vice president. Wouldn’t that make for a “wonderful” ticket!!!

2 years ago

Dump ALL the democrats!
The party of anti American marxists!

2 years ago

Joe was unpopular before the election, yet here he sits in the WH. And Kamala dropped out with less than 3% of the vote, the Dems do not care if they have a popular President, they will cheat to win anyway. Get them all out in 2022, including Nancy and we may be able to save America.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Less hear it for Biden for 24. He sure as Hell aint done nothing for us in 21 but sink us in debt. Maby the Oval Office will be in a nursing home. Kyle L.

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

It’s not just the Biden/Harris ticket, which was the only sorry duo the Dems could come up with for 2020, it’s also the agenda. Biden and Harris were never more than the front faces for the radical regime behind the curtain that is actually running/ruining the country. As long as the agenda remains it won’t make any difference who the Dems run in the 2024 election. What WILL matter, if there is even an election, is who will be counting the ballots. If there is another massive domestic multifaceted and internationally linked steal again, this country, as it exists now will be no more.

I firmly believe there isn’t enough being done and will not be done to decertify the 2020 election. The evidence to throw out the election is overwhelming and there’s nothing being done other than meekly saying: “We have to make sure it never happens again”. That’s like having Fort Knox robbed and saying the same thing.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

By the way,A statement like I made would get baned on AOL. Kyle L.

2 years ago

The entire demoncrat party is worthless.

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