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Democrats in Chaos

Posted on Thursday, June 17, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

DemocratsFormer Representative and presidential candidate “Mo” Udall (D-AZ) said – at the 1976 Democratic Convention – Democrats form firing squads “in a circle.” Of course, he would be “canceled” for that joke today – guns, death penalty, trivializing “squads”? – and he was white. His point endures. Democrats are in chaos today.

As their pro-socialism, pro-spending, pro-taxes, anti-white, anti-police, anti-Israel wing gains the upper hand – putting Nancy Pelosi on defense for 2022 – media call it a “civil war.” Moderate Democrats – like Joe Manchin – are under fire, while radicals are on the rise. See, e.g., Get ready for a full-scale Democratic civil war; The looming Democrat Civil War; Is Wokeness ‘Kryptonite for Democrats’?.

On the one hand, it sure looks that way. If old Democrat patriots were alive – like Presidents Harry Truman or John F. Kennedy, Senators Scoop Jackson (D-WA) or John Glenn (D-OH) – they would likely be quietly voting Republican. Democrats have never been so far off or so far away from patriotic roots.

At every level of government, and on a dozen top issues – illegal immigration to higher taxes, fiscal responsibility to law enforcement, foreign policy to national security, race relations to genders, local control to education – elected Democrats are being outflanked by their own constituents. Polling shows the Democrats’ radical turn is not popular, even in Democrat strongholds.

Thus, only 18 percent of Americans support “defunding police,” despite ballyhoos to keep doing so. See, e.g., Fewer than 1 in 5 support ‘defund the police’ movement, USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll finds. Even in radicalized cities, like Portland, Oregon, citizens – as opposed to activists – want the police up-funded, not defunded. See, e.g., Amid calls to ‘defund the police,’ most Portland residents want police presence maintained or increased, poll finds.

Likewise, more than half of Americans think taxes are too high. Many are circumspect when reminded higher taxes translate to fewer jobs, lower growth, more insecurity, spending that drives inflation. Reminded of “stagflation” and Carter’s “misery index” – high inflation, unemployment, and interest rates, an energy crisis, a declining dollar, uncontrolled government spending, and listless leadership – opinions shift. See Half of Americans say their tax payments are too high, poll shows; Jimmy Carter and the “Malaise” Speech; What Was Old Is Now New – The Misery Index.

While some see politics as cyclic and just overreaching, others see a profound problem. The Democratic Party is losing traction with its base and a growing number of moderates, as well as minorities, city and suburban families, parents with kids in public schools, small businesses, veterans, and single-issue voters concerned about everything from gun rights to speech rights, pro-life to patriotism, and especially faith.

In that last category, Democrats – from governors and mayors to Congress and media – seem to misunderstand the temperament, tendencies, and demographics of our nation.

More than 240 million Americans are Christians. Ten million Americans are Jewish, and – while Democrat members of Congress demean America and Israel, 80 percent of all the world’s Jews live in America or Israel.

The overarching point is that Democrats are increasingly “out of sync” with America. Democrat leaders in Washington, States, and cities seem to underestimate how much the public cares about civil order, stopping crime, educational integrity, fidelity to the rule of law, American history, tradition, and faith.

This disconnect – Democrat leaders giddy with power and self-consumed – is a sign that 2022 elections may tip hard for Republicans. The nagging question – in a larger sense – is why the division persists?

The answer may be that power is blinding. Democrats control the White House, Senate, and House, creating political blindness, disinterest in the Heartland – not happy with where Democrats are leading.

A parallel question – one at least worth asking – is why Democrats are allowing the Biden-Harris White House to continue blundering on? Why are leading Congressional Democrats happy to watch Biden’s fragility on display? Why do they allow Harris to go unchecked, her transparent inexperience and immaturity – giggling at the most serious issues of our time – without comment?

This may be the tip of another spear, another division – this one between congressional and administration Democrats. We are not yet in 2022 and have three and a half years before 2024.

Many believe Biden will not last to 2024, which elevates Harris – if Biden resigns. Others disdain Harris, the last candidate in the field until selected by Biden. Some see a feint within the feint, media taking Harris down for failures. They think she is in retrograde, being “set up” to fail – although she is doing a fine job of failing without help. See, e.g., Kamala Harris Is Being Set Up – RedState.

As the Democrats devolve into chaos, a final intriguing question: Why would Nancy Pelosi – current Speaker – be letting media and the left take bites out of Biden and Harris if she wished them well?

As the tide turns against Democrats for 2022, Pelosi is oddly quiet – if accusatory toward Republicans. She is not being particularly supportive of either Biden or Harris. Why? One answer is that she does not care, another sees no need, and a third calculating.

This House Speaker orchestrated two anti-constitutional impeachments, devoid of due process. She is third in line to the presidency.

As the Democratic Party lives up to Senator Udall’s “circular firing squad,” – it makes one wonder.

Udall’s phrase is apt. So is “no honor among thieves.” Democrats have surprises coming in 2022 – which is not keeping them from mutual recrimination, eating their own, fanning the chaos.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

Robert B. Charles of AMAC has presented an interesting opinion on the current state of the Democrat Party as a whole in America. Essentially what he is saying in not so many words is the Democrats are cannibalizing themselves into extinction…It is quite obvious by now for any able bodied person to see, the Democrats have utterly & completely LOST touch with the American people as a whole…There is currently a groundswell of things happening around the nation within individual states that will bring all of this nonsense to a screeching halt. This small minority of people within our US government will & should be gone in short order…
The day of reckoning is upon them & they know it & this somewhat explains why they, the Democrats & RINO’s are running around like the petrified rats, i.e. cock roaches that they are looking for cover…
In summary, I’m looking west for the moment at the Phoenix, AZ audit & knowing that ( 13 ) additional states want their audits done too…
God Bless America…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago


The Democrat party of the likes of JFK and other moderate Democrats is long dead. None would even be electable by today’s Democrat voter base, which has moved to the far left in almost all aspects. Today, with the exception of two Democrat Senators in Congress, the Democrat party in Washington moves in lock-step with the “Progressive” (Socialist) wing that dominates the Democrat party. If it weren’t for those two Senators pushing back against the more overt socialist legislation coming from the House, this country would already look much different than it does today. The big question is “How long until they cave to the pressure from their party?”

If you look at the state and local level, you’ll also find that same conformity to the progressive stance on all issues in the Democrat party. The reality is and has been for quite some time that we live in a country where we have allowed the left to indoctrinate whole generations of Americans into accepting the premise that Socialism is the way to go. Wishing for the “good old days” isn’t a strategy for putting this country back on the right course.

As always your article was well written.

3 years ago

Another good article, the comments that follow by PaulE and Bill are spot on. The only reason I can think of that Rep Pelosi is hanging back from comments is that she is eyeing for that position at 1600 when the Pres and VP are nixed.

3 years ago

The longer Biden is allowed to continue his ‘scorched earth lead by executive order agenda’, the more difficult it will be for American citizens to pull the Republic out of the mess created. Just rounding up and deporting the mass of illegals back to the 55 countries they have come from will be a mammoth task. Undoing the mass of executive orders, none of which have been legislated into real law, will take a battery of lawyers and Constitutional experts. In the meantime citizens have to be alert to the Democrats massive push back that will try to unravel our progress.

3 years ago

Democrats and chaos are synonymous!!!

Gloria P. Sterling
Gloria P. Sterling
3 years ago

I would erase John Glenn from that list. He constantly voted against true family values. I always checked voting records at that time, so I know exactly how he voted.

Roger P Van Alyne
Roger P Van Alyne
3 years ago

This description of the Democrat party is all fine and good, but the Republican party is not in better shape. The Republicans need to step up and stand FOR something – give those moderate Democrats something to migrate towards! There is no reason for Democrats to abandon their party, as there is nowhere to go.

3 years ago

Hopefully the “democratic” party will go down. It couldn’t happen to a finer group. Many people from other countries that will vote may not like what the Democrats stand for. This could be a BIG problem for the “party”.

3 years ago

Apparently the Democrats got what they wanted, since as BAD as he is, and sadly he was the best they had to offer (?!), he’s “not Trump”. Much to the detriment of the country…..

3 years ago

This is the best thing to happen. Dems against Dems. Keep it up!!!!!!!

3 years ago

They would not be where they are now if they had not done it illegally.

3 years ago

Dems will get Biden to two years and then oust him. That gives Harris the rest of his term plus two more. After reading the comments in the article about Pelosi, I’m now thinking she may the the ten year POTUS. I am concerned for our country.

3 years ago

We can only HOPE the “Democrats” are in chaos. Despite what it “looks like”, they have brain dead individuals that continue to support them. Many supposedly “educated” people will go down the socialist/Marxist path and not even question it. Why do so many young people support socialism? We know the answer. If we cannot turn around this ideology, American is done; especially with the great influx of illegal voters. Pray hard folks.

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