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Democrats’ Crisis: White, Woke Elites Have Alienated Everyone

Posted on Wednesday, December 8, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive- By Daniel Roman


Now falls the winter of Democrats’ discontent. Supply chains are broken. If the empty shelves as Christmas approaches don’t ruin the holidays, fear over the new Omicron variant of COVID-19 might do the trick – at least in Democratic states where the usual suspects are already calling for renewed restrictions. At least another COVID-induced economic slowdown might halt the inexorable rise of gas prices. For Democrats who believed that losing Virginia and almost losing New Jersey on November 3 was rock bottom, the last four weeks must have raised the question, “How much worse can it get?” The answer is worse. Much worse.

The Democrats and the American Left are fighting something more powerful than merely issues, events, or a resurgent Republican Party. The trouble is something more general; two things, in fact.

First, Democrats are fighting a widespread feeling of exhaustion among Americans. Not merely with COVID, but with the political and cultural warfare of the past decade. Those conflicts predated Donald Trump. From the left, there has been a concerted effort to make everything political, from media and education to workplaces, sports, and even language.

Backlash against this effort helped elect Donald Trump in 2016, just as desire for a break from this conflict hurt Donald Trump in 2020. Some voters thought if they just took away the target of the left’s aggression, the fighting would end. But the culture wars didn’t end. They got worse.

And here lies the true “feeling” Democrats are fighting against—the second big problem for the Democrats. Americans of all stripes increasingly blame a specific demographic for the divisions in American society: college-educated, liberal “woke” whites. This is the cultural clique of elite liberal arts college graduates that takes pride in showing how little they care about the practical challenges facing everyday Americans. And unfortunately for Democrats, Americans correctly associate this group with the Democratic Party.        

The Democrat association with college-educated white voters has been a long time coming. Some Democrats celebrated the trend of these voters moving toward Democrats as early as Obama’s first run in 2008. Democrats trumpeted their gains with white college grads among Romney-Clinton-Biden voters in 2018 and 2020. The 2020 results, however, also showed exactly how bad the “trade” was for Democrats when they abandoned working-class and rural voters in the electoral college in exchange for college educated whites. But ultimately the real problem for Democrats is that, in allowing college educated whites to dominate the party, they have created an intellectual climate that is out of touch with everyone else—way out of touch.

The unifying cultural feature of the American elite since the 1980s has been a pride in seeing themselves as able to look beyond such petty concerns as employment, roads, and public safety in favor of “big picture issues.” The very concept of Liberal Arts education, where you study a bit of everything rather than specializing in any one field, is to create the impression (and given the state of today’s higher education, it is only an impression) that one has well-informed views on everything. Universities are money-making entities and one way they have justified their increasingly absurd fees is by embracing this idea. Hence, universities want students to care about climate change, Palestine, colonialism, racial inequality, and the very concept of gender itself, because caring about those issues demonstrates that they can afford to not care about housing, or food, or work, or crime. (If you doubt this, ask any student at an elite university what kind of career counseling they are getting. The answer is none.) Caring about these “meta-causes” instead of practical concerns became a class signifier core to the identity of a generation. And that carried over into politics.

During the 1990s and 2000s, this manifested in different ways in both parties. The Democratic elite would obsess over climate change, or global inequality, or same-sex marriage. These issues might not have broad appeal, but they were opposed by a Republican elite which concluded that it was their divine duty to act as the world’s policeman. The Neoconservatism of the Bush/McCain GOP saw concerns about which politicians governed Iraq or Afghanistan or Lebanon, and tiny border disputes in the Caucuses, as more important than the loss of U.S. jobs to China or mass illegal immigration. This elite culture was nearly as toxic as the left’s. Neither party’s establishment figures spoke to what voters were concerned with. That is why Donald Trump won in 2016.

Donald Trump’s victory largely unified both sides of the American elite—Republican and Democrat—in opposition to him. While Democrats reveled in their newfound support among wealthy suburbanites and former Republican elites like Jennifer Rubin and the Lincoln Project founders, the actual impact on the intellectual health of the Democrat Party and elite culture was poisonous. The unification of the American college-educated elite under the auspices of the Democrat Party was conducted in a manner which merged the obsession of both neoconservatives and woke liberals into a set of conspiracy theories. Russiagate allowed neoconservatives to continue their obsession with foreign enemies everywhere and their belief that ending any wars could only be motivated by treason. For liberals, the obsession with January 6th allowed them to believe their domestic culture war against those who weren’t like them was a struggle to defend democracy itself, and more important than concerns about jobs, the economy, or bread-and-butter issues. The commonality between both camps of elites was that, just as they learned in college, both took pride in caring about their “big issues” and not about the lesser bread-and-butter concerns of the average American voter.

On COVID restrictions, they fell easily into this trap. Wearing masks was an easy sacrifice for them, as was remote education. Just as being able to care about climate change at college rather than paychecks was a point of class pride, so too was being able to show that they could afford to care more about “science” than livelihoods.

For everyone else, however, such elitism reinforces an impression that the dominant group within the Democratic Party is one that does not care about real issues, and perhaps even reality itself. They do not care about whether schools are open, whether kids get a good education, or whether crime rates skyrocket. All that matters is their progressive social agenda. The virtue signaling is nothing but class status-signaling. Their niche political opinions are like luxury personal accessories. They can have them because they can afford to have them.

When it comes to culture, white, woke, college educated elites are the ones pushing left-wing social policy. One of the major controversies in the entertainment industry recently was the effort to cancel Dave Chappelle, a black comic, after he suggested that trans women were in many cases former white men who managed to leapfrog over black men (and women) because of a hierarchy of oppression defined by white liberal elites. This was not a new charge. It had been made by British feminists for years who argued that efforts to put transgender individuals into sports and women’s spaces were actually power-plays by predominantly male, predominantly white elites. The backlash to Chappelle’s comedy routine seemed to prove him right. The elite networks in the media mobilized to condemn him, corporate HR and tech “diversity networks” moved to try and organize boycotts, and demands were made for apologies. In almost all these cases, those attacking Chappelle were white, college-educated, and from what the left – if it was true to its own critical theory – would have called “privileged backgrounds.” That the African American community, and a large portion of the public rallied to defend Chappelle demonstrated how isolated the white woke left is.

Americans of all backgrounds do not believe the Democratic Party does or can care about their issues because they do not believe the demographic that dominates it cares. And unless and until the party stands up to the woke left-wing elite and puts them in their place, that lack of trust will drive virtually everyone else away.

In 1992, Bill Clinton, then running for President, condemned Sister Soujah, a black rapper, in an effort to show he would stand up to what was seen as his party’s extreme left wing. It was an effort to prove Clinton could be trusted by wealthy, college-educated, white suburbanites. In 2024, or likely later, the next Democrat to win will need to do the same in reverse. They will need to confront the representatives of their college-educated “elitist” woke base – on crime, on COVID restrictions, on CRT, on gender, and most importantly, tell them to shut up about their conspiracy theories about the end of democracy and the world. Only by doing so can they hope to appeal to anyone else.

That may be a long time in the future. Biden can whine about forces beyond his control. Buttigieg and Harris can fight for the right to lose in 2024. But Democrats have once again become associated with an out of touch elite class that disdains, and is disdained by, ordinary Americans. And until they address that problem, it will continue to cost them at the ballot box.

Daniel Roman is the pen name of a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics.

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3 years ago

Another excellent and insightful article from Daniel Roman. It pairs well with Rob Henderson’s expose on “The Leisure Class”

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

And they are so serious about it!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Defund Woke companies IE cut tax breaks alone, loans

Retired USN
Retired USN
3 years ago

Maybe, just maybe the blind ignorant sheep in America, that elected these Democrats, are starting to see the error of their ways. As most of us that take the time to seek the truth know, the Democrats are hell bent to destroy our Republic and bring communism here. The ignorant “Elites” actually think they will be in charge, but they are in for a rude awakening when the Chinese move in to take over the communist rule. My hope is Americans like myself will not let this happen, we fight and take our country back, and make America great again. Hum, seems I’ve heard a great man say that. We need him, or someone like him, in office.

3 years ago

Its all about instilling fear within the useful idiots known as the general public.

3 years ago

Yes, I did enjoy reading this article. Well informed, well written and covered so many issues facing us today. Until “real” Americans start standing up for our Constitution and Bill of Rights, the only voices that 90% will continue to hear are the 10% who want to destroy this great nation.

3 years ago

I agree with this article and do find problematic issues with both parties. That being said the democratic party has allowed the so called zealots to take control of ideology of the party. Thus , this will be the demise of upcoming elections and no one could be happier than this Red Blooded American. The Republican Party would be wise to take note that America is sick and tired of the Elite factions having the control they purport inside the party.

3 years ago

It is time for an Article V Convention of States to remove the power drunk drivers in the White House, Congress, and the bureaucracy out of the driver’s seat, get a full assessment of their overreach and abuse, and have them referred to face charges for the damage they have done to the nation and the people. This is absolutely necessary to restore law and order, and so they, and their party can pay reparations and make restitution to the individuals, families, cities, and businesses for the damages and distress they have caused, as well as the fraud, corruption, graft, and in some instances treason in alliance with foreign enemies of the United States of America, even acts of crimes against humanity in relation to gain of function research, and the origin of the COVID 19 virus. We need the Convention to ensure that there are consequences when you require the nation to do the “Hokey Wokey” to turn it into a dystopian “transformation” for your own purposes against the will of the people.

3 years ago

From the top down demonrats proudly demonstrate their lacking of a basic necessity known as COMMON SENSE.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
3 years ago

Well spoken. Perhaps when everyone has a broken furnace, the rich, spoiled, brainwashed liberal, left woke people may come to their senses, but I doubt it.

3 years ago

I’m thinking DeSantis is the man for our times.

3 years ago

I would imagine, as a white, college grad, some may shade their opinion of me…..but for this, my degrees came in the early 70’s and 80’s and access to college was far less costly, and far more a matter of tool gathering, and skill development basics that augmented what I already had learned in life. I am a veteran, whose military experiences were both tragic and foundational. When I confronted “liberal” professors, my maturity allowed me to challenge them directly and in most cases shame them in their lack of understanding, wisdom and conectedness to reality. That may be one place where students today lack the capacity and gumption to stand up and face off with these elitists. I find that students today, having gone through high school with little or no work ethic instilled in them, and few practical skills that apply to living life, enter college with no inner strength, no common sense, and no discernment of what they hear or learn. They are clay….they are ignorant of life….they are, for the most part the perfect seed bed for the furtherance of liberal elitism. While this may not apply to ALL students, I believe the majority of them are inherently ignorant and blind to the truth about life. Like cattle being lead by the nose ring….they plod along in a dream world, separated from moral compasses, legitimate thinking and common sense. Give me an empty headed young person and I can do the same with them….because they are what they are…..empty, void of self awareness and lacking in all things righteous. To assess blame may be a waste of time, but our culture has helped develop these bobble heads. Our educational institutions have co-opted the agenda and in many cases parents as alumni promoted their offspring into oblivion. I tell people that higher education today is a moral black hole and students who are in these institutions are already lost by just being there.
Am I a pessimist? Probably. Am I a cynic, most likely…..and why not. This past day, I visited with some of these “educated” idiots and brought up Dec. 7 and what it was about…..few had a clue. Fewer understood it’s significance to the history of our nation….and could care less. That makes me sad and a little angry……the education these young people received all but ignores why this nation is what it is, and they will suffer the consequences of ignoring history, by repeating it.

3 years ago

Most unfortunate for the real America, it has taken six decades too long for most to figure out this strategy. It’s even more saddening and awful because the demonRats made this obvious in the 1980s!
Now the rest of us get to pay for this ignorance and head-in-the-sand approach to life.

3 years ago

And this ‘lack’ is happening all over America!

3 years ago

Very well written and powerful. “Roman” reveals, very directly, the many-faceted problem created by a delusional woke and radical Left wing. …and spotlights, too, a bug-eyed, ideological sect of the neo-Conservative “Right.” Just not a lot to add. A very small group of people on this planet want an enormous and disproportionate amount of power. It will not, cannot, work. That’s not the way God fixed it up. Big problems to solve…

3 years ago

So absolutely true, Will. The article highlighted just such a problem, and there is no accountability to those in academia; quite the opposite.

3 years ago

The arrogance of the liberal elite is beyond insulting, they truly believe anyone who thinks differently is unworthy of an opinion. They are also ruthless in their methods of promoting their agenda. I wear the badge of “deplorable” with pride, thanks Hillary.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

This is what America is really waking up to: a royally screwed up mess! Woke Philosophy was not devised to aid and assist minorities. It was not devised to educate the masses. There is only one reason and one reason ONLY. Communism needed a new label. A different looking ‘cereal box’. This was all accompanied with the most base, lame propaganda ever created. The goal of Marxist/Communists when taking over a country is to collapse it. Collapse is the goal. Eradication of the countries’: Flag, Pledge of Allegiance, Religious Beliefs, Constitution, Bill of Rights, destroying the reputation of Our Founding Fathers; by eliminating all images and writings, destroying our history by rewriting history text books to brainwash our children, destroying the American Police Force; by demonizing and defunding them, destroying commerce between States, causing strife and upheaval. There is a clear picture developing here. Marxists don’t care what is being collapsed whilst they are taking over the country. How can young people develop their employment skills in this type of environment? We live in terror, fear, censorship, and uncertainty; every single moment in this administration. This is deliberate, metered destruction. We are within months of an economic collapse as well. This is not inadvertent ineptitude. We are being asked to embrace Communism and be good compliant little Marxists. However, the shoe doesn’t fit. Americans are NOT buying it. This administration will fail. Truth & Justice & The American Way Will Win!

Lauren R MacArthur
Lauren R MacArthur
3 years ago

“College educated white, woke” folks! What a joke! They physically attended colleges, but educated they were not. Instead, they have received college indoctrination. They know not much, and have no idea how to think and research. Pathetic group.

3 years ago

Its often been said that the greatest generation wanted their kids to have a much easier life. They inadvertently gave boomers too much time on their hands. They were more than happy to pay for college because college was a distant dream to them and a good in and of itself. Boomers adopted endless ‘ becoming’ via psychotherapy and new age mysticism and came to believe that happiness in the here and now was a right. Can it be any wonder then that their kids who never had chores, who twaddled about on the soccer fields to adoring screams from parents for whom self esteem was uncoupled from achievement are now spoiled rotten? These kids herd themselves into four story rabbit hutches, dont date but assume communism will provide fine wine, strong coffee, endless porn and free rent (with granite countertops). Boomers thought their role was to be buddies to their kids and to ensure that life was nothing but smiles and affirmations. Of course millennials want nothing to do with trades.

Al Cope
Al Cope
3 years ago

Demos will continue to rule as long as they can cheat voting.

3 years ago

I don’t think they need to worry about whether or not they are in touch with the typical American. I don’t think they will be ‘losing’ another election again.

Lew Boyd
Lew Boyd
3 years ago

I agree with your analysis. But, I’m not sure that Democrats care about elections, let alone their constituents. They managed the last election with massive voter fraud in five largely Republican states. In no case were these elections really challenged or overturned. And, although some states have moved to make voter ID laws stronger, that is not the case with the states where the fraud occurred, If this abuse is allowed to continue without any consequences or real push-back the elections will become as meaningless as they are now in Venezuela or any other dictatorship.

Democracy and the rule of law used to be the standard in America. It was what made America stand apart from most other countries around the world. America was the beacon for these concepts and actively pushed them around the world. Can we actually say this is still the case?

We had better start actively doing something to right the ship of state rather than rearranging the deck chairs before the light from that “shining city on a hill” goes out.

3 years ago

The Left (the Communists) do not care about short term losses. Instead, they see the long term goal of destroying the foundations of our Republic as their primary objective. They are at war with our institutions, our way of life and the American people in general. They gained power from 2018 to 2020 and have done what they can in that timeframe until now to re-make our society into the image that allows them to hold onto power, while decimating the power of Main Street USA in favor of Woke Wall Street.

3 years ago

Thanks to the elite woke Americans, I no longer donate any of my white racist money to any group or organization, after all, I don’t want to offend them!

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
3 years ago

Send your kids to Christian colleges but NOT notre dame.
obama was a guest speaker there. Nuff’ sed. ( no caps
intended out of disrespect ). Todays “Ivory league” dumps
are nothing more than communist training camps. Hail soros ?
$40K a year to clean your financial clock ? C’mon man . . . .

3 years ago

An excellent thought-provoking piece. Thank you. Shame that Marxist “Critical Theory” quietly jumped from useless liberal arts fields (CriticalFeministTheory, cGenderT, CRaceT, etc) to other fields of study (CLegalT, CEconomicT, etc.), tarnishing all “college educated” with the same damning brush.
Our K-12 and higher ed systems need Critical Theory destruction and rebuilding, starting with unfettered school choice of public, private, and home schools for ALL children beginning with Kindergarten — let public $$ follow the child. Only when parents have better K-12 options can we hope to drive demand for colleges of serious scholarship again.

3 years ago

As long as the education system keeps cranking out indoctrinated leftists, America will continue to move extreme left hurting many citizens along the way!

3 years ago

I’m glad that people are waking up to the obvious. However, if we don’t get the voting process fixed, none of this will matter very much. So sad. God of the universe help us!

3 years ago

…and the Republican elite continue to let a crisis go to waste. Always playing by the Marquis of Queensberry rules, so they won’t be called one of the left’s many”ist” or “obia” names. They keep telling us how the Big Win is coming. They seem to have missed the coup d’etat that passed for peaceful demonstrations and election in 2020.

3 years ago

Looting, Streetmurder, Abortion, Graft, Influence peddling, vote rigging, DeepState Corruption; all standard operating procedure for Democrats.

David Tate
David Tate
3 years ago

I think that it is too late. The Democrats (National Socialists) have no intention of ever transitioning political power ever again. They essentially seem to have “won” the revolution that took place in 2020. I suspect that we may see Left Wing Democrat (National Socialist) domination of elections in 2022 and 2024 based on the behaviors of 2020. This will enable the Democrats (National Socialists) establish single party governance in perpetuity.

3 years ago

My sister (8 year my junior) went to an elite private university. Her undergraduate (as far as she went) was More than my medical school. The little white mice they were pumping out kind of reminded me of the millions of high school students who graduated without the ability to read. She got a degree is liberal arts psychology minor and honestly believed that she was more knowledgeable than myself regarding all mental health. She voted for obama Only because he was black.
Loved this article because it finally put into published words what I have been saying for 30 years.

Charles Waters
Charles Waters
3 years ago

Can’t we just start a 3rd party and get rid of so much of the crap that is out there

3 years ago

Give us the child for eight years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.

Larry W.
Larry W.
3 years ago

We better WAKE up and get the WOKE out

3 years ago

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Lets not tell the Democrat Party why they are losing elections and their polling is so horrible. I would rather keep seeing them double down on their own stupidity!

3 years ago

The Dems don’t have to worry about elections, at least presidential elections. They’re importing 100,000 Dem voters every month. Postal voting and early voting will allow them to win elections in key states. With control of the presidency, they can get their tentacles into every nook and cranny of the federal government, and, more and more, into state governments.

John W Egan
John W Egan
3 years ago

Any columnist who hides behind a pen name –
is not worth being taken seriously.

Veritas et Lux
Veritas et Lux
3 years ago

“Let them twist slowly in the wind.”
Clearly the open borders strategy is their long-term ploy to import mucho “undocumented Democrats”. The next Congress must reverse that ASAP.

3 years ago

How come they control the presidency and Congress if what this asinine writer says is true??

3 years ago

Democrats have been out of touch with middle America since the 1960’s. Those “woke people” are really brain dead, ignorant of the past, hostile to the present and despairing of the future. Having a degree means nothing unless it is accompanied by common sense and real world experience. Todays white millenials know little about anything outside of the mush they get form their leftist professors and the ignorant rantings of the twitter crowd.

3 years ago

All this article proves is that anti-intellectualism is still alive and well in America. The anti-intellectuals have proved their lack of knowledge on many fronts recently: COVID vaccines, de-wormer medications, total ignorance of the electoral process in America, bizarre misconceptions about what is in the U. S. Constitution, belief in enormous fraud in the 2020 election without the need for a single fact, slavish adherence to Q-Anon nonsense (no, JFK, Jr. is NOT going to return from the dead to reinstate Trump as president), to name a few areas. And yet, the anti-intellectuals in America somehow have convinced themselves that they are smarter than those who have actually applied themselves to learning.

The reason that anti-intellectuals mistrust intellectuals is that they actually have no way of measuring what others know against what they do not know.

3 years ago

As a non-college educated, non-liberal white millennial male who rails about woke, college-indoctrinated white liberals being wolves in sheep’s clothing, it has been really refreshing to see my formerly-liberal black girlfriend wake up to what a bunch of hypocrites they are, namely through Defund the Police and the Dave Chapelle crusade. These people really are alienating themselves.

As for importing Democrat voters from Central America, that’s going to bite the left in the a** when second and third generation Latinos move right as they appear to be doing.

I was at one point of the belief that we would morph into the north-most banana republic, but I’ve come to realize that if Republicans ditch the mojito’ sippin’, Izod-shirt wearing country club white boys like Mitch, Mitt and Paul (who most middle and working class white guys loathe anyway) and build on the broad multiracial coalition that Trump started for them – the Hispanic descendants of illegal immigrants ironically enough might be what save us from the Bolshevik autocracy that rich white college grads seek to turn us into.

If 38% of Latinos went for Trump – a nearly 30% gain in spite of negative media coverage and his diuretic mouth – and that included California Hispanics, who are the most liberal of their demographic in the USA, that likely means that close to or over 50% voted red in the other 49 states.

Daryl Weaver
Daryl Weaver
3 years ago

Brilliant article! I’m a white, master’s-educated male, but I don’t fit in with the woke/elitist crowd for a couple of reasons: 1) I’m only 1 generation removed from blue-collar steelworkers and other tradesmen and only 2 generations from poor, rural Alabama farmers and coal miners. My family was proud of my education and accomplishments but never afraid to remind me of whence I come. 2) my undergraduate education was gained at a conservative Christian school, where I learned that there is a God and the wisdom of “walking humbly before him.” The wisest among us are mere fools before God’s wisdom. It’s the story of the “Tower of Babel” relived over and over. Humans elevate other humans who convince the gullible to follow them in creating a society where we can create a collective humanist “god” in our own image, but it never works. It just multiplies the sin producing poison fruit from corrupt seeds.

Keiffer Brenda
Keiffer Brenda
3 years ago

Great news

Susan Vaillanat
Susan Vaillanat
3 years ago

On average, about 30% Americans are college students who actually graduate with a degree, as is also the case in most western countries.
That leaves (by any 3rd grade calculation) 70% of the population who are not part of any woke, elitist brain washing in college. Then let’s guesstimate that another 10% (or better) of the graduates don’t buy into the woke wash, so we’re at about 73-75% of the adults in America who missed out on the indoctrination. 73-75% of voting Americans are not in this group. Yet the pollsters and political parties discuss them as if they are the only voting people in the USA. As usual, wrong again. And why ? Because, as in all things woke the ability to see outside of one’s own perspective is non-existent, as in zippo…

Just to be clear, they, the plumbers, teachers aides, bus drivers, retail folks,small business owners and their employees, the dry cleaner, restaurant warehouse workers, IT repair folks, ad infinitum, are the very vast majority in this country, yet the talking heads and loony left media would have the world believe that the elites are the majority.. They dismiss them as unimportant, second class citizens, until they need them for service or repairs… Why is a roofer more important than Bruce Springsteen, cause there are millions more of them, and they vote.

They (we) are not forgotten, they (we) are ignored. For they(we) are not one of “them”.
What is so obvious, and so overlooked is the sheer and timeless simplicity of how we vote; which is to say everyone, that is everyone, gets just one vote. It’s comical actually how stupid the elite are….

The big mouths with megaphones from Behar to Streep, the heads of Silicon valley, producing all of the woke media (exhausting), only get one single vote. All of the money, all of the resources, only one vote gets each big mouth. They then divide up the rest of country into never ending ladders and groups, ages, sex, color/race, ethnicity, religion, education, aided and encouraged by the majority of left leaning pollsters and media. And ironically, they still can’t convince the majority of the population,to vote with them.. though they are unquestionably majority left … and they don’t see it or learn. Witness Virginia, New Jersey and the majority of the country outside of a handful of major cities (all of which are riddled with crime, horrific education statistics, murder, drugs, and all Democrat run cities) Even Pelosi doesn’t want to be there, bought a 23 million dollar house in Florida, not California… speaks volumes.

Had a lovely shipper from Wisconsin pick up items from our warehouse 2 days ago, 20 min talk on the state of the country. He is a former marine (now in his 40’s) 15 tours in Afghanistan and other distant dangerous countries…. synopsis, he assured me that 95% of the military want nothing to do with this woke nonsense. That they are horrified by the woke administration, and more, the woke generals and brass who no longer represent their own forces. A moderate father of 3 10-15 year old kids, believes we will all live to see some version of civil war in the relatively near future. Couldn’t say I disagreed.

3 years ago

I’m going to add an asterisk below in parentheses for every tear I’m going to shed regarding potential tough times for the Democraps: ()

3 years ago

The ones dividing and destroying the US are the blacks.

3 years ago

Democrats need to become an extinct species in politics. Biden and the Democrats cheated their way into power in 2020 and the American people know this as more an more audits of votes shows that Trump was actually the winner. If anyone should be taken out of office it is Biden….the man needs to be in a nursing home, not the White House. Obama is having his third term in office through China Cheating Joe.

Rep. Jake Auchincloss (D-MA), Alex Vindman and Ryan O’Leary outside the US Captiol on March 13, 2024 in Washington, DC.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) leaves the Democratic caucus lunch at the U.S. Capitol on March 13, 2025 in Washington, DC.
Parkinson disease patient, Alzheimer elderly senior, Arthritis person hand in support of nursing family caregiver care for disability awareness day, National care givers month, ageing society concept

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