
Newsline , Society

Democrats’ Bad Month Keeps Getting Worse

Posted on Thursday, March 13, 2025
by Shane Harris

Democrats just keep stepping in it, and Republicans are taking full advantage of the liberal party’s mounting pile of political errors.

The battle to fund the government has become the latest PR headache for Democrats, as House Republicans remained united to pass a continuing resolution on Tuesday. As Friday’s funding deadline approached, Democrats gloated over apparent dissent within the House GOP caucus, suggesting that Republicans were incapable of governing and would send Washington into a shutdown.

But Republicans ultimately stuck together, and instead it was Democrats who voted for a shutdown, as all but one (Jared Golden of Maine) voted against the continuing resolution. After weeks of manufactured outrage over the Trump administration trimming the federal workforce, House Democrats ultimately voted against funding the salary of virtually every remaining federal worker.

That irony was not lost on the National Republican Congressional Committee, which quickly launched ads against 34 vulnerable House Democrats for voting to shut down the government.

House Republicans’ success at ushering through a funding bill also put the pressure on Senate Democrats, forcing them to either vote with Republicans to keep the government open or filibuster the bill and be entirely responsible for a shutdown.

If only that were the end of Democrats’ problems.

Things got off to a rough start early in the month during President Donald Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress on March 4. Despite pleas from Democrat leaders to avoid theatrics during the speech, Rep. Al Green of Texas stood up and began shouting and shaking his cane at Trump before House Speaker Mike Johnson ordered him removed from the chamber.

Two days later, the House censured Green for his outburst – a motion that 10 Democrats crossed the aisle to vote in favor of, only adding to the sense of chaos and division gripping a party that has failed to find its footing following Republicans’ sweeping victories last November.

But Green’s antics were far from the only bad press for Democrats following Trump’s speech. Several Democrat lawmakers also brought signs reading “false,” “lies,” “save Medicaid,” and “Musk steals,” holding them up at various points throughout the remarks.

As could be expected by anyone with a modicum of common sense, conservative meme-makers quickly photoshopped images of Democrats holding the signs to read things like “I love war,” “America last,” “I steal from taxpayers,” “illegals first,” and “I voted against women.”

As embarrassing as that fiasco was, it was nothing compared to the backlash over Democrats’ refusal to clap for and show respect to any of the president’s guests, including Allyson and Lauren Phillips, the mother and sister of Laken Riley, Alexis Nungaray, the mother of a 12-year-old girl who was murdered by two illegal immigrants, and 13-year-old DJ Daniel, who was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2018.

Even Democrat Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania admitted, “I don’t think that was the best look for our party.”

But while Democrats refused to clap for any of these heroes, they have heaped praise on Mahmoud Khalil, a radical pro-Hamas activist who was detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and is facing deportation.

Khalil is a leading agitator and spokesperson for Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD). Among CUAD’s publicly stated goals is “the total eradication of Western civilization.” CUAD has also called the October 7, 2023 massacre of more than 1,200 Israeli civilians a “moral, military, and political victory” and has declared that “violence is the only path forward.”

“These are the same Democrats who wouldn’t stand to honor the memory of Laken Riley and Jocelyn Nungaray,” White House Deputy Chief of Staff Stephen Miller responded to a March 10 X post from the official Senate Judiciary Democrats account calling to “free Mahmoud Khalil.”

“Of course Dems stand with non-citizen pro-Hamas radicals. Choosing the 20 of another 80/20 issue. Smdh,” added conservative commentator Scott Jennings.

Unsurprisingly, polling shows that the label of “Democrat” effectively means “out of touch” for the vast majority of Americans. According to Politico, “an internal poll conducted by the Democratic group Navigator Research” shows that “among independents, just 27 percent believe Democrats are focused on helping them, compared with 55 percent who said they’re focused on others.”

Moreover, “Just 44 percent of those polled said they think Democrats respect work, while even fewer – 39 percent – said the party values work. Only 42 percent said Democrats share their values. A majority, meanwhile – 56 percent – said Democrats are not looking out for working people.”

In short, Democrats have a major, major image issue – and continuing to take stances that appease only a small group of far-left activists isn’t likely to help matters. The party has no clear leaders and no clear message.

Democrats’ only saving grace is that the 2026 midterm elections are still well over a year away. But they have a lot of ground to make up, and with the Republican Party firmly united behind President Trump’s popular agenda, their chances of closing the gap become more remote by the day.

Shane Harris is the Editor in Chief of AMAC Newsline. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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4 hours ago

Democrats are done. Their true colors are finally showing. They are pro trans, pro war in the Ukraine and pro Hamas and anti American. Their hatred for Trump shows how incapable they are to govern the country. Their theatrics of today is their last stance to hold onto what little power they perceive they still have. So much more will come out about what they did under Obama and Biden. Explain to me why they hate DOGE so much. Anything good for America and its people they vote against. They clap for a terrorist. And sit on their hands for victims of illegal migrants. The democrats are done.

4 hours ago

Democrat doesn’t mean “out of touch” to me, the first thing I think of is anti-American.

4 hours ago

The Democratic Party could well be called the No Common Sense Party.

4 hours ago

Democrats are the anti-America, pro-taxation, anti-women, anti-family, anti-Christian, pro-death, anti-worker, pro-division,pro- pigmentation du jour favorite racist, pro-totalitarian party. They don’t share any values with the common American.

4 hours ago

I LOVE watching the crybaby libtards coming unhinged!!! It’s fun watching DJT purchase a Tesla when he knows he’s going to cause a meltdown in unicorn land. Did anyone see the stupid video of the “fighting women” in Congress who looked like they were trying to crap on the floor? You know, the same ones who want transgender biological males playing in women’s sports? If this is the best message they can send to Americans, we’re in for a fun time leading up to the midterms. MAGA!!!!

4 hours ago

now is the time for republicans to hammer home by every means possible 24/7 how the demorats dont care about their voters and are anti american and anti christian.. show all americans how useless most of the demorats are. they are the true enemy along with their bought and paid for press. make all their voters aware of all of these things in this post above .make them aware of all the anti american and human haterid they have for their voters. HAMMER it on every network and radio station and blog they can find. sink their already sinking boat. they are a true discrace to the human race. uncaring, crooked, haters selfcentered, people one and all. lock them all up. republicans speak out loud and proud NOW !

4 hours ago

“If today you hear God’s voice, harden not your hearts” . We sing that response at our Catholic Masses. Obviously the Democrats aren’t even paying attention to God’s voice. They’re Godless!! Evil!

Donald King
Donald King
3 hours ago

It has reached a point where you can no longer declare yourself Democrat and, at the same time, declare yourself as pro-American, because, clearly, you can’t be.

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 hours ago

These are true so called democrats. For decades they were able to present a false image, to keep up appearances ,to smile and pretend to stand for working man. The mask is off and here they stand naked, but not down. Still kicking and screaming fighting for survival .Time for working man to wake up and see them for what they really are. Treacherous, dangerous and ruthless. Should they return the furry and revenge will be insatiable.

4 hours ago

Reading Bloomberg’s Morning Briefing this morning. Talking about the rent explosion because of the population increase in NYC. They actually said it was in part from “International Arrivals.” Well there is a new name for illegals entering the country………….How much lower is the left gonna go?

USN Retired
USN Retired
4 hours ago

Democrats can take a stand on their socialist / communist leanings at least.
Hitler claimed “National Socialist Party” ie “NAZI”
Democrats call themselves “Democrat Socialist Party” would that be “DEZI’s?

Toni Jacques
Toni Jacques
3 hours ago

I would love to see the parties come together to work for the people, instead of for their party. It’s awful that the democrats continue to battle against a president who want’s nothing more than to improve our country and benefit the people through his efforts. I pray for all our elected officials that they would use the wisdom that God provided for them to lead this country.

3 hours ago

When Democrats have no valid complaint, they make up stuff.

Richard Ryan
Richard Ryan
2 hours ago

Well said. I don’t recall who said it, but totally agree with the sentiment: ‘Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself.’

Philip S. Hammersley
Philip S. Hammersley
2 hours ago

DIMMs support TERRORISM–both international and domestic. The idiots who invaded Trump Tower wear shirts decrying “fascism” while urging the release of a supporter of one of Hitler’s allied groups! The Grand Mufti in Jerusalem was in league with Hitler as they both wished and worked for the elimination of all Jews! Are these [mainly] PUNKS ignorant of history? Guess so! [Or they are just totally EVIL.]

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
3 hours ago

I don’t understand the democ rats hate for AMERICA and their love for illegals,illegals that murder and most criminals.It must be to spite conservatives.I hope people see this when comes to voting for these entities.

Ed J
Ed J
3 hours ago

The optimum outcome for America of all this Democratic nonsense would be if the Democratic Party continues to completely implode, wither away and finally cease to exist altogether. This would leave our country free to move forward to new greatness unfettered by this national albatross hanging around our necks. After all, the Democrats’ certified motto is “We will snatch DEFEAT out of the jaws of VICTORY!” in every effort they put forth. The Democrat Party of today has practically NOTHING to contribute to moving our nation forward, and are mostly an impediment to any real progress.

2 hours ago

IF I were still a democrat I’d be ashamed to admit it. They are truly a hateful bunch of Anti-American Morons. They don’t care about the average person, they only care about themselves.

Kay Brown
Kay Brown
3 hours ago

Them swearing at us just shows how idiotic they are, and how unprofessional. Thinking that by cussing all the time is going to get them anywhere is beyond me. Just shows their ignorance and their true colors. And they are the party of radicals who oppose anything American, especially us people. I WAS a life-long Democrat, but no more. Would not vote for one if someone paid me to!!!

Sara Chana Altman
Sara Chana Altman
2 hours ago

The Democrat Party is a disgrace to the United States. They hate this country so much they could care less why the American Citizens voted against them and they lost in 2024. Americans with any intelligence should continue to vote against Democrats they are a Socialist Party and could care less about American Citizens. They are showing their true colors going after supreme court members if they don’t vote in their favor. This is corruption of the law and the constitution.
Why isn’t Pam and Mr. Patel going after Chuck Shumer, AOC, Al Green, and other representatives along with George Soros and his members creating riots/demonstrations in America. They are edging along anti-American riots/demonstrate on the streets/school campuses against Jews. Since when were elected representatives allowed to demonstrate to cause terrorism in America? Why aren’t they being removed from political office or arrested for promoting terrorism to commit crimes to American citizens. Isn’t this treason? Are these members in the house and senate above the law? And why are they permitted to threaten Supreme Court members and their families if they don’t vote for what they want. Also, saying we know where you live. This is a threat that should not be tolerated by any official officer representing the people of the United States especially those elected members to congress and the senate. If it were Republicans, we know what would happen another January 6.

4 hours ago

Repentence and full trust in the one living God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, God the Son, is the only hope for all nations and people.

2 hours ago

Democrats are comprised of several groups, all wanting to destroy America and what it stands for as a nation! Democrats are comprised of Socialists, Communists, Marxist and Muslims that have terrorizing tendencies! The Democratic Party as a whole must be stopped at all cost! 

Mark Lancaster
Mark Lancaster
4 hours ago

Keep the pedal to the metal, democrats! LMAO

57 minutes ago

The Democrats hate Trump more than they love America. And it is starting to show that they hated the average American even before Trump won again. Term limits is a MUST and ASAP!!! Someone NOT running again in 2026 can be a real hero by introducing that legislation, since they will have nothing to lose! They’ll be a HERO!

john a guzzi
john a guzzi
1 hour ago

We have to realize that these are not the Democrats of yesteryear. They are a whole different group today. They have been hijacked by a powerful network with different ideals. These ideals are in demand by many people as people go along they become powerful and influencial.Most people want this idealogy because it makes people attractive. Most people are not very attractive and as far as good looking forget about it! Unfortunealy the methods they use through technollogy by playing the dating game are very powerful affecting the nervous system: BUT for every action there is a reaction and the reaction is what’s causing our problems. Rage, quick tempers, jealously, anger this is the flip side of A.I. the dangers. So this is the outcome now affecting the American way of life making our country vulnerable and a joke to the rest of this world. Not to mention the outrageous spending. I salute Mr. Trump and his and you. The left’s incompetemce method was just not doing the right thing!

2 hours ago

I say let’s stop trying to help Democrats find out what’s wrong with their party. For me I hope they keep doing what they’re doing. Maybe more people will stop forwarding for Democrats.

4 hours ago

The Democratic Party is the very worst and most dangerous enemy of the United States and all citizens thereof. If not stopped, they will orchestrate the demise of individual freedom and prosperity for citizens of USA and the rest of the world.

john a guzzi
john a guzzi
1 hour ago

If you get a chance see the movie “They Live” with Rowdy Piper in it and how their is some relationshipto what is going on in America.

1 hour ago

I thank God everyday for Demok-RAT’s crazed antics guaranteeing MAGA’s total domination last November.

1 hour ago

Seriously, who the F— calls themself a Demok-RAT nowadays?

Michael Baloun
Michael Baloun
3 hours ago

The Republicans ultimately will blow it.

4 hours ago

I don’t think Trump is having a great month,with stocks in freefall.All this attacking foreign nations with tariffs sure isn’t helping.Blaming other countries for our problems,isn’t cutting it.

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