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Democratic Strategists Sound Alarm Bells for November

Posted on Friday, July 8, 2022
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

Heading into the November 2022 midterm elections is quite a historic and unique time in our nation’s history. President Joe Biden, a year and a half into his term, seems aloof, confused, and running from one crisis to the next with a cheat sheet of notes in his coat pocket. Given that the President’s party historically suffers losses at the ballot box in the following midterm election, what are the Democratic strategists saying and will the Democrats’ top brass listen? 

Outside of a couple of special election races last year, there was really only one major race that strategists on both sides of the aisle were closely watching. The surprising (to Democrats) electoral outcome in Virginias’s off-year gubernatorial race last year saw Republican Glenn Youngkin, a political newcomer, narrowly defeat Democrat Terry McAuliffe, a former Virginia Governor and longtime Clinton loyalist, by over 63,000 votes. How could a state that President Joe Biden won in 2020 by over 10 points swing to the right in just 12 months?

Democratic polling firm ALG Research released a sharply worded memo after the race, based on a series of focus groups they conducted with suburban Washington, DC and Richmond-area voters who had voted for Joe Biden in 2020 and who had then voted for or considered voting for Glenn Youngkin in 2021. The top reason ALG Research concluded: “Our weak national brand left us vulnerable,” drawing attention to the fact that “voters couldn’t name anything that Democrats had done.” McAullife also failed in his attempt to make voters think that Glenn Youngkin was equal to Trump. ALG’s memo to Democrats was blunt, “if our most-effective message in 2022 is that Republicans = Trump, we’re going to get creamed.”  Another major point of ALG’s November 15, 2021 memo revealed their sentiments, how “voters are unhappy with the direction of the country and don’t think we get it.” Voters across the U.S. have been feeling this way for over a year now. Fast forward to today, and that same sentiment has only grown. A new AP-NORC poll found that 85% of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction. The biggest shift in the new numbers come from Democrats of whom 78% now say the country is headed in the wrong direction.

It appears that the elite’s high up in the Democratic Party headquarters aren’t getting the message, not only from the people they pretend to speak for, but from their own strategists. In Virginia, Democrats thought they knew better than parents about what children should be learning and that simply tying Youngkin to Trump would be effective. Similar dynamics are playing out all across the country.

Another memo released on February 24, 2022, by Democrat consulting firm IMPACT Research, again rang alarm bells for Democrats regarding their obsession with mask mandates and lockdowns. “When 99% of Americans can get vaccinated, we cause more harm than we prevent with voters by going into our third year talking about restrictions. And, if Democrats continue to hold a posture that prioritizes COVID precautions over learning how to live in a world where COVID exists, but does not dominate, they risk paying dearly for it in November.” 

These are just a few troubling signs for Democrats who just seem out of touch, incapable, and unworthy of being returned to power at the ballot box this November. The era of James Carville “common-sense” Democrats is over and voters have taken note. How many memos will it take for Democrat leaders to listen to voters who care more about paying the bills than how woke your masked four year old is? Democratic strategists are ringing alarm bells but it doesn’t seem like their party leaders are listening. That’s good news for Republicans’ efforts to stop many of the harmful policy ideas, like hiking taxes on small businesses and more inflationary spending, that continue to be pushed by President Biden against the will of the American people.

Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action

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David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

WHY hasn’t abc, cbs, nbc, msnbc, and Communist News Network and rest of FAKE News talked about Hunter Biden’s
VOICEMAIL from DICTATOR Beijing biden with CORRUPT dealings in Russia and other countries?

2 years ago

Since all this illegals are being paid by the Biden Administration because that is what they promised on his little campaigning that Biden did
Also the same illegals are the ones that are being paid to protest at different places Because they are training the Democratic Party on how to do it the way they bribe , threaten harassed people in government
Are the same tactics they used in this third world countries

No body have said anything about Colombia electing a socialist, communist, Marxist president
Do you really believe this Presiddnt of Colombia won the presidency by right voting
He Colombian President cheating his way to the presidency the same way our president cheated his way to the presidency you know it and I know it

For the judges to choose not to look at the evidence do not make it not true that it was not stolen
The republicans specially in the states where the voting Laws were not fallowed by this governors allowing the voting laws not to fallowed this is way they stole the presidency
The same software and computers that were used in this third world countries were used in USA by the democrats party

2 years ago

Duh. Only the most brainwashed will vote for more of this nonsense.

Dave Saucier
Dave Saucier
2 years ago

What was so sage and forward-looking about Carville era Democrats anyway? Just a shade or two less foul than the menagerie running the circus today. Leftism doesn’t work, guys. Truman knew it, JFK new it, and Democrat senators such as Daniel Patrick Moynihan, William Proxmire, and Joe Lieberman knew it. A thorough housecleaning is in order, starting with leftist university professors and newspaper editorialists.

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

Buy and read Kenny Xu’s “An Inconvenient Minority.” Then, visit any relevant article posted on Yahoo “News”, write a response and include in your comments mention of the Chinese-model hall monitors in Silicon Valley censoring comments and preventing participation in discussions. the results seem to indicate it is time for appropriatae alternatives to the currently biased and controlling Progressive platforms.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

2 rerun 2020

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

election fraud and abortion is that all there is to democrats??

2 years ago

If Biden and company were confident of a win, why would they feel the need to disallow voters to show proof of citizenship?
Because that was the whole purpose of all these illegal immigrants. If they vote Democrat, they swing the election to the left.

George Morgan
George Morgan
2 years ago

I wish someone would do a undercover operation and pose as a boarder crosser and then follow the process and track the COST and where the money is coming from and where do those people go ! And who is paying to keep them in the U.S.A.

2 years ago

Arrest and prosecute the whole biden administration for treason and murder

2 years ago

They aren’t listening because: they aren’t “democrats”! That party died in the 70s with my grandparents. These things are Communists. They will never listen. They order…. and exterminate if you won’t fall in line.
Note the people locked up without trials. Locked out of their jobs. Losing everything because the Commies are throwing stupid tantrums.
People have got to wise up and lock them out of office for a century! The same amount of time they’ve spent trying to turn America Communist.
BTW….they are succeeding.

2 years ago

We all know…those of us who have been here for many years…Biden is not the same man he was in his younger days. Most of the present time he does not know what he is saying..and the reality of our country’s overall status and the ruin his party is doing. Time to remove him from office. Only problem is in who would be put in his place. It’s pretty scary! We really have to vote in November to “save” our Republic..because we have 2 more years of suffering to endure. And what is also scary are the Rhinos in the Republican party who sway left and right when it suits them.

2 years ago

We all know any shift in the Democrats policies towards help and improving the economy would only be an election ploy and not a serious shift in policy.

Bob Charles
Bob Charles
2 years ago

It is time for REAL AMERICANS to take America BACK ! We have people from 135 Countries pouring into America and all Invited by this Illegal Administration, Fight Back Dammit !

2 years ago

doubt we’ll have a fair election in 2022 or beyond. feels like 2020 all over. prepare for the worst. their are no, NO public statements from anyone, anywhere assuring a fair election result this time. people are telling me they are at a breaking point on this takeover by the left crap and won’t stand for it much longer.

2 years ago

No matter what the Demorats do , if WE THE PEOPLE DONT GET OFF OUR BUTTS AND VOTE , there will be no need to complain about the planned recession on the way soon ,, and we will again be right where the NWO wants us , for the next two years ,, say so long to the future of AMERICA ,,, and hello to SOCIALISM

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
2 years ago

We’ll find out in November if Election Integrity is in jeopardy. With 85% of the country believing that the country is going in the wrong direction we should be seeing a massive turnover of defeated Democrats in both the House and Senate. You knew there was going to be a problem with Election Integrity when Joe Biden rarely campaigned as was isolated in his basement. On the rare few times he campaigned in public he was seen with a dozen or less reporters standing in painted circles, all wearing masks 20′ or more from Biden. Compare that to the large crowds that Trump had at his rallies. After the mid-term elections the DNC will find a way to get rid of Biden but the damage will continue. Mail In Ballots MUST be verified to be from actual, legal voters before they can be tabulated and illegal votes must be discarded. If the Democrats are allowed to control the election process as in the past, we can look forward to seeing this country slide into Socialism which is not an option.

2 years ago

Let’s drain the swamp in November. These jerks need to go!!!

2 years ago

“Voters couldn’t name anything that Democrats have done”. Well, voters can sure as heck name plenty that democrats have done TO America and none of it is good. Non democrat voters aren’t as stupid as many think. There will be shock and awe in November in the democrat camp. Couldn’t happen to nicer folks.

Laura Germani
Laura Germani
2 years ago

The United States has become a government by the Biden Administration, not the people. We have to vote Red in November. He thinks that he can create and change laws whenever he pulls out his pen. Laws are supposed to be created in the Congress by representatives voted in by the people, not by a puppet administration that was somehow rammed down our throats through a questionable election.

2 years ago

As a Democrat and dedicated to my party and future I would have no stress over next November but as a politician in the democratic barn I would be putting out my resume in hopes to eat next year. I won’t hold my breath over this election since the leaders fooled the American people last time and got away with it because no one talked or went to prison. Bend over and say ahhhh! Let us pray as dedicated patriots willing to water hallowed ground with the blood of freedom committed to the Republican people way of life and liberty. Met a liberal reporter in the jungles of Viet Nam writing his impression, wound up in an ambush and as the ak47 rounds are hitting above us one important change took place .He grabbed an m16 and returned fire just like us conservatives. Please note these liberal politicians change their tune when the heat is on them. Go Trump. Please Lord keep this man safe

2 years ago

Tika And Centurian. What you and tens of thousands of American are saying is true but I ask besides voters writing “X” what are we going to do ? Like last election ‘nothing’. We need a leader to enforce the will of the people institute term limits to remove future problems . Let’s say china attacks us we expect the President to handle it.To day there is no one able to stand against Biden Inc. And If it happens again I vote for marshal law just like F D R did to protect America . This is why I say I amAmerica needs a leader to protect the constitution.The word I am referring to is patriot. I’m old now but love my country want to die knowing it is in good hands. .Go. Trump

Andrew P
Andrew P
2 years ago

What the Democrats need is for a very deadly Midterm Variant to emerge all across the USA about 3 weeks before the election, so it is already too late to request a mail-in ballot, and the virus is deadly enough that most election workers refuse to work and holding an in-person election is impossible in every State. That way only people who already asked for a mail-in ballot (democrats) get to vote. Maybe the CCP virologists in Wuhan can help the Democrats out with this problem.

1 year ago

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