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Can The GOP Take Advantage of Its Big Opportunity?

Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive by David P. Deaval

GOPDon’t get cocky, GOP. The wind is at their back at the moment—or at least blowing in the other guy’s face. The disastrous Biden presidency is mired in approval ratings in the upper-30s. In the House, 29 Democrats are not running for reelection (21 of whom are retiring). Even CNN analysts are saying that it’s unlikely the Republicans will lose any Senate seats while Josh Krashaar of National Journal observes that they could pick up four. A Harvard/Harris poll shows major realignments possible in the electorate with Republican approval/disapproval at 48/52 (-4) and Democrats at 40/60 (-20). But whether Republicans will use this wind to make progress will depend on whether they do something more than watch the Democrats implode and their base shrivel a bit. They must make the case to independents and disaffected liberals that they actually will do something about the problems that are making Biden and the Dems only slightly more popular than head lice. They must make the case to people who are currently Republican-curious not only that they want their votes but that they have ideas and a will to enact them.

It’s important to note from the beginning that the answer is not to betray traditional GOP principles in order to appeal to people on the left. There are still traditional Democrats who have not gone left to satisfy national party leaders and who still hold traditional American values. In November 2021 Texas State Representative Ryan Guillen switched from the Democrats to the Republicans because, as he said, “many of us are waking up to the fact that the values of those in Washington, D.C., are not our values, not the values of most Texans. He cited the movements to defund the police, the destruction of the oil and gas industry, and the policy-driven chaos at the southern border.It’s also noteworthy that Guillen had a strong Second Amendment and pro-life voting record, something that in the past might have been tolerated in the Democratic party but is no longer despite the fact that a new Marist poll shows that even 49% of Democrats (71% of all Americans) want abortion limited to the first three months of pregnancy at most.

All this economic and social destruction, combined with an insistence on moral positions directly in conflict with what many Catholic and Evangelical Hispanics believe, is part of why Hispanic voters in South Texas and around the country—Glenn Youngkin won them in Virginiaare shifting and why A. B. Stoddard has written of the “brutal reckoning” Democrats facewith regard to this demographic.

What is true of South Texas and the Hispanic vote is true elsewhere and with others. North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee, another pro-life, pro-gun Democrat, just announced that he too was migrating to the Republican Party. After 25 years he is leavingnot just because of two issues, but because he sees the Democrats as no longer even remotely concerned with ordinary people. “The working class, or working men and women of this country, and also the small business owners are not a part of the conversation anymore,” he said, referring to his old party. It all has to do with the elitists and it has to do with the socialists. That is not the agenda that I have in mind for this country of the future.

No doubt crime is a part of this, as Democrat support for defunding police and for district attorneys with rather novel theories of law enforcement has resulted in massive increases in violent crime. Republican law-and-order is a potent tool for gaining back ordinary suburbanites who have seen crime spreading from the cities.

But it is concern especially for parents that is driving and can drive a reconsideration of voting for the Grand Old Party. It propelled Glenn Youngkin to the governor’s office in Virginia and is moving a number of moms to rethink their liberal or progressive politics. Youngkin’s win was based on his willingness to stand up to the educational blob on both the level of curriculum and the bare willingness to open schools and fight the mask mandates that are now admitted as both unnecessary and bad for children. Rebecca Bodenheimer caused a stir earlier in January when the “self-described progressive” admitted that pandemic policy and school-reopening debates have “thrown me into an ideological mid-life crisis, questioning all my prior political assumptions.” She’s not ready to vote Republican yet, though the Californian sounds pretty bullish on Glenn Youngkin and pretty angry that her call to open schools got her labeled as a “racist.”

Writer Bethany Mandel recorded her conversations with other lefty moms like Bodenheimer in an article that savvily noted that the place on the chart where party identification started to favor the Republicans was in the third quarter of 2021—when kids went back to school. She tells the story of Tracy Compton, a life-long Democrat in Fairfax County who wanted the schools to be fully reopened. When she started a recall petition for school board members determined to keep the schools’ doors closed, she was yelled at by local Democratic party officials and welcomed by Republicans. Compton and her friend Bethany Wagner won’t say they are Republicans just yet. . .but have both begun to question their own political worldviews and foresee voting for the GOP in the near term.

Economic, social, and law-and-order issues, along with a basic attention to what parents want in terms of schools that respond to what parents think proper Covid risks are and provide education that is not simply indoctrination, provide a solid basis for Republicans to court the large number of independents and disaffected liberals and progressives. One final connected issue is important, however. That is the freedom to speak.

Long-time leftist Naomi Wolf has been blasting what she calls the “Nazification of public discourse” around issues of Covid policy. She’s not alone in this regard. Because corporate media outlets now restrict speech and even news that does not hew to a preferred political narrative, a whole gang of people on the political left have become fellow travelers of Republicans at the very least. Bari Weiss of the New York Times, Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone, and Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept are just three of the biggest names who have left corporate media and begun to write on the easily-monetized blogging platform Substack. Other figures such as podcasters Joe Rogan, Bret Weinstein, and Dave Rubin have developed large followings across political lines for their courageous refusal to speak the Democratic Party’s lines and their willingness to speak their own minds.

That freedom is something that is appealing not just to Republicans but to Democrats. A 2020 poll done by the libertarian Cato Institute showed that not just Republicans (77%) but Independents (59%) and Democrats (52%) fear sharing their political opinions. A Republican Party that holds to its own principles but is willing to defend the free speech of Americans of all political stripes against the titans of big tech and woke corporate HR offices and is willing to argue its case forcefully has a chance of actually keeping a number of demographics that right now simply hate the destruction wrought by the party beginning with D. A party that shows it is open to talking to onetime Bernie bro Joe Rogan and ready to read Bari Weiss or Glenn Greenwald’s clear-eyed reporting and applaud is the party that will show that it is interested in the unity of the country and the freedom of its people.

Realignments can be temporary. Convincing somebody that the other side are the bad guys won’t put them in your camp for long if you don’t convince them that you are the good guy. Republicans shouldn’t interrupt their opponents while they are making mistakes. They should, however, be listening to their opponents’ voters carefully so that they can govern with an eye to showing them which party is pitching real progress and which party is setting them back and explaining, “Shut up.” Republicans should be the party that really does explain their positions and embraces disaffected Democrats as part of one United States.

David P. Deavel is editor of Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, co-director of the Terrence J. Murphy Institute for Catholic Thought, Law, and Public Policy, and a visiting professor at the University of St. Thomas (MN). He is the co-host of the Deep Down Things podcast.

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Frank Bort
Frank Bort
2 years ago

Excellent ; very informative; thank you. Right On!!!bort

2 years ago

yikes! people who can even believe in voting in the most rigged and corrupt to the core voting elections systems in the develop
world outside CCP CHINA! both the lesser of 2 evils establishment
Parties have been doing such multi pronged rigging, cheating for decades and they all own their own brands touch screen malware infested elecctronic voting machines flippable results. Look it up.. Bushes invaded with their Diebold super insecure made to rob votes, the Clinton crime family
sure ordered theirs, the Obama crime family sure knew and used them, the Trump crime family had Ivanka go to China and got their patented in China brands… look it up.. Ivanka went in early 2017… stupid American voters and elections officials just think they’re wow high tech snazzy and never research you know where their votes go or get ballots scanned.
see: Blockchain: Cyber Wars On etAmerica’s Elections. Look up HBO Documentary 2020

We are so screwed!!!
All election Reform in WA, DC
it’s all just more ways to assassinate we the 99%common goods and get more criminals elected at very overpriced costs.

they’re all owned by NWO Globalists BIG POISON PHARMA and garbage propaganda Lame Stream Media and BIG TECH and government censorship shit. they all mega warmongers profiteers for immoral, illegal and insane bloody wars 24/7.

Don’t even tell me you hope Trump
gets elected 2024! He’s so owned by NWO GLOBALISTS DEEP STATE CULT OF TYRANNY.

2 years ago

It had to happen eventually, when more people do the sensible thing and switch to the party that welcomes all voices. Maybe they’re catching on to the futility of groupthink. When you follow leaders who take you that close to the brink, the only viable option is to turn back and to follow a different route. Heck, we might even see a resurgence of support for the Constitution!

Biden wasn’t the first to usher in a wave of contempt for liberal thought, but his disastrous policies in just one year of his leadership sent that tsunami rolling. As Mr. Deavel noted, Republicans have to give voters a reason to vote for them instead of merely against the Democrats. This is a golden opportunity for the GOP to advance its standing, as long as we don’t blow it. Give us that “Conservative Proclamation” so everyone knows exactly what we stand for and how every American stands to gain.

2 years ago

I certainly hope the GOP can take advantage. However, if the crooked liberals can rig the national vote for president, state elections should be a no brainer for them!

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
2 years ago

It will not matter, if they (the Republicans), don’t govern as Constitutional conservatives.

2 years ago

The Republicans can win big if they get rid of the baggage placed on them by former President Trump and his attempted coup in January. It was a blatant attempt at subversion of our system of Government. I have been a Republican for years, but regard Trump as a traitor to all the Republicans should stand for in his refusal to accept his election loss.

2 years ago

Not one word about the President. That is to say, the President of the United States, not the usurper currently taking his place.

I suppose this is clever after a fashion. And perhaps the best you could do, attempting not to take sides. What was it about being neither hot nor cold?

Lee Anne
Lee Anne
2 years ago

The Republicans are excellent at snatching failure from the jaws of victory.

2 years ago

The GOP are masters of snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory. Then, if they do win, they will reach across the aisle in compromise and get their arms chopped off. They will grovel and assist the just defeated Dems in accomplishing the Dem agenda. That is what the jellyfish-spined GOP does.

2 years ago

It is interesting. Everybody seems to have forgotten about the voter fraud issue and the Dems do not appear to be the least concerned on the 29 open seats. Hum, I wonder why!?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

BUT will it? Dont trust Mitch & McCarthy
NO new Blood
Jordan et al cant do IT all themselves

2 years ago

Sure hope Republicans fight back and speak out and be seen. There are lots of RHINO’s. We will see how much spine and backbone they have. Checkout Liberty Score. com and see who will step up.

2 years ago

I have lost faith in the GOP…too many Rinos. Refuse to support the organization in spite of their endless begging. I support the candidate of my choice. They need to show some moxie when it comes to defending against the corruption of the Dems. Conservatives are fed up with their cowering.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

As much as he appeals to conservatives like me, don’t overlook the Trump factor. It pains me to say it, but millions of voters cast their ballots for a total incompetent like Biden who won because of the unfair reporting of the mainstream press. That is not going to change in the next Presidential election.

2 years ago

Is ET Censoring? I Thought it’s Free platform! Why can’t I ???? people’s comment? Get a little Commie Red box telling me not allowed! Really? Have been reading other people having similar issues! EPOCH TIMES Are You Listening? if you go on to be like FB, Twitter I’ll Cancel my Subscription!

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
2 years ago

One of my favorite articles: Thank you. My sentiments exactly. Dimwits/Communists moved into Washington D.C. and acted like Mafia Marxists. They taught conservatives to tip-toe through the First Amendment with fear, dread, and many times silence. As a conservative, you’re afraid to order a book of any kind, and a conservative magazine. Fear, Censorship, Political Correctness, and even necessary farting. The Dimwits, have even went so far; as to ‘connect’ with social-websites to ‘influence’ who, what, or may be allowed to participate. They make no pretense, about even making an attempt to pass legislation that is labeled: ‘sedition’. They just muscled their way in like a mafia of sorts. “You don’t even think to call me Godfather”. Grovel in fear; that is what democrats want. Grovel and keep your mouths shut. Or, like bullies they will label you a racist, misogynist; (and oh, the best part called a Republican!) So, much to everyone’s surprise my kitchen wall has pictures of: President Jefferson, Walt Disney, & George Washington Carver. Its all worth it; to see that quizzical look of confusion, when a Republican/Conservative doesn’t quite live up to their stereotypical ideals and prejudices. What can Conservatives do to win both Houses In Washington D.C.? Communicate, discuss, write, read our views openly; not tip-toeing through the tulips afraid and fearful. Dig up the issues openly for Groundhog Day!

2 years ago

Until the likes of McConnell, Graham, et. al. are primaried out and replaced by true Constitutional Populists nothing is going to change. The corrupted system currently enjoyed by those who are now in office needs a complete overhaul and until that happens then nothing different happens.

2 years ago

And don’t forget about the money. Dems easily rake in tons and tons of money. Republicans are always begging for more. Why that matters when it’s time to vote, I have never figured out, but it’s clear whoever has the most money usually wins.

2 years ago

Everyone who votes this year should be very, very careful. Don’t forget there are elitist Socialists who do not belong in our government and they’re likely to be running in this election! Do your research! We must protect our country from these people!!!

2 years ago

I’m sure there will be once again, a handful of outstanding performers with the rest being once again, the ardent collectors of loot. They will have personnel who will let you rest assured that the official is personally fighting for you, while in fact they will take orders from them who have cash to include with their wish lists. The excellent performers will burn themselves out and leave in disgust after one term. It is as predictable as the story of Mr. Smith told long ago.

2 years ago

No because the democrats will go back to their election ace called election fraud. The democrats know they are now enemy number one and will pull every trick imaginable. A 2020 repeat.

2 years ago

Lets say the gop takes the house by four and the senate by two. The way rinos think is that because theyre only barely in the majority they need to consider what the dems want. Compare that attitude with what we’ve seen for a year, with ‘rule or ruin’ dem moves. Yes, ill rejoice if the commies are slowed down a bit, but dont expect much from the rino party. It certainly wont be time to nap.

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
2 years ago

Have to wait and see.

2 years ago

The only way (my thinking) is to set at the state level term limits the same as the President.
Two terms for a Senator and two terms for a Representative. If each state would set term limits then the insider trading by Congress and the deep, deep corruption would be checked and the career politician would have to live with the same laws (that they passed) like every ordinary citizen. Congress would never approve this from the Federal level because they would lose their gravy boat.

2 years ago

What the heck is Trump thinking this week? He said that if elected again that he might pardon the people that stormed Capitol Jan 6th —as they are arrested & charged unfairly. He claims to back the police , but now he condones the mob that injured over 100 of Capitol police. Trump blew it this time & will cost him some votes from the police in United States.

2 years ago

Biden has performed poorly & therefore Republicans should pick up a lot of seats in mid-term. But Trump announce yesterday that he might pardon Jan 6th mob, makes me think GOP must get away from Trump and his party pressures. He is losing it.

Michael Venaccio
Michael Venaccio
2 years ago

Would encourage everyone to read Mollie Hemmingway’s book. “Rigged”. the GOP let the Democrats get to this point by not pushing back on each and every attempt to water down election security a la Marl Ellis. This has been 40 years in the making. So unless people at the state level vote for local legislators who will push for voting reform, we could see a replay of 2020.

Joe Hilgart
Joe Hilgart
2 years ago

The Republicans won’t gain the projected number of seats in the House or Senate and the primary reason is the poor leadership at the RNC. I challenge any radio or TV talk show host to interview the RNC chairperson and ask her for their plans to gain a greater share of the Black and Hispanic communities’ votes. How much is planned for national advertising on the big issues? Does she have a list of House and Senate candidates they plan to support? They don’t have any strategy. We lost the Georgia and Alabama Senate seats due to their inaction and failure to coordinate efforts with state and local officials. They’re sitting on hundreds of millions in cash and won’t help the up- and-coming conservative candidates for the House. They have failed miserably to leverage the really big educational and crime issues. Ask any independent (or Republican) who George Soros is and what party he supports and odds are they won’t know his connection to the many soft-on-crime big city District Attorneys and related crime sprees across the county and his direct linkage to the Democrats—which is something they should be jumping on NOW in a big way. They should be starting this now and pound the message home repeatedly over the next 9 months. It would keep the Democrats on the defensive and mitigate any improvement in the economy or other areas. But, they won’t. The RNC is a joke—it is run by east coast elites pulling down high 6-figure salaries.

2 years ago

Where are Republican leaders? Why are they so silent? Why aren’t Republicans coming out swinging? Conservative and center right news outlets are too busy analyzing what mistakes Progressive/Socialist/Communists are making as a way to tell them how to clean up their acts-not that they care, but. We should let them implode and watch the free show while aggressively pushing our views and doing some street fighting.

2 years ago

How can Biden have an approval rating near 40%? American voters are dumb, that’s how….

Dennis M Struk
Dennis M Struk
2 years ago

The Republicans CAN do it, but they won’t. Suffice to say, the Republican record for any constructive activity is LETHARGIC, at best. I’ve seen more active bumps on logs during my long lifetime… My outlook on this subject is bleak…

2 years ago

A B S O L U T E L Y . .N O T H I N G . W I L L . .B E . D O N E !

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
2 years ago

If the Republicans/conservatives don’t get their poop together AMERICA will continue on its downhill slide and end up being a non entity in the world,we are not far from there now,so,republicans get some backbone and stand up to these”grifters”.

2 years ago

Because of temptation and the ‘love’ of money being the root of ALL evil, says the ‘Good Book,’ with political campaigning it’s gotten way out of hand. Once they get that money they spend it how they see fit. Too much rediculous waste and payoffs to lobbyists and those who do favors. The ‘Good ‘Ol Boys’ are just not the Good ‘Ol Boys of our days past. Seems everything evolves around the Almighty Dollar, which isn’t so mighty anymore and why they need double and triple what they used to. Good charachter and honorable integrity are no longer what the focus is to those campaigning. What the RNC actually does, I discovered, is back the candidate that has raised the most money for their campaign. That really ticked me off, and why I no longer contribute to them. If I contribute at all, it’s to the individual candidate who has a track record of honesty and moral integrity, and THAT was when we had legal voting! More candidates in red states need to start bartering for backing, say for a Bill Board agency like, throwing customers their way from their campaign supports they get. The Bill Board agencies could also work deals and special discounts during campaign season. Everybody needs money, but solely depending on that to win a nomination will always come at a price for those who contribute right along with the rest of us. Settling for a ‘MODERATE’ candidate instead of one who could really make a difference doing what’s morally and Constitutionally right.

2 years ago


Denise Murray
Denise Murray
2 years ago

Many decades ago in the 60’s, George Wallace who seemed to gravitate between the demorats and the republicanites (mostly demorats)…opined “There isn’t a dimes worth of difference between Democrats and Republicans’…in a way there is one difference: as ugly and anti-American as the demorats are they excel in hypocrisy, lying, cheating and manipulating the “justice” system…the Repubs on the other hand, can’t even manage to draw their guns without shooting themselves in the foot….a great feat since those like McConnell have their foot firmly planted in their mouth…

2 years ago

Not sure if I can trust the Republicans to follow thru. They seem to be getting very cocky. WRONG!
They haven’t even made any positive positions enough to convince they are capable of anything. Winning Georgia and almost winning NJ isn’t the full answer. We can only hope that we see a lot more work to capture the 2022 votes.

2 years ago

NO! The “republican party” has become as useless as the whig party they replaced. It is time for them to go the way of the dodo(an appropriate comparison) as they are only worried about their own sorry ass careers,(which our founders did not intend to happen) just like corporate bigwigs.

Lynne Pace
Lynne Pace
2 years ago

Until they get off their collective dead a**es and start pushing back, we have little hope of any change. Where is the outrage & pushback on our open southern border? The talk about Ukraine? The Americans still in Afghanistan? Inflation? and every other MONUMENTAL issue we are facing and they are staying silent on? DO SOMETHING or you will have no guarantee of reelection regardless of party! Americans have had ENOUGH and we WILLhold you accountable!

2 years ago

I have been hounded for over 5 years by GOP / RNC to give money to them , using Trump’s name to do it all , What results have we seen ? – NOTHING ! , but them lining their pockets while the liberal / socialists & communists take over anyway . Are the fraudulent Dominion & Smartmatic voting equipment been replaced ? NO ! So how will voting results be any different than last time ? ! Some of the GOP / RNC , i.e. RINOS , like LIndsey Graham , are , for many years , on G.Soros’s “Open Society” list of who Soros funds to do his bidding to destroy America . You expect me to contribute to complicit criminals like that ?

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

The mid term election this November is for FREEDOM. If the Republicans will only discuss the FACTS and tell what these tyrants have done to America, we will win. If the Republicans try to counter the liberal lies, and shy away from the facts we could lose. In any case, watch how the liberals will bring more lies, fear and deceit to the table before November. That may include someone to replace Biden. If they can only confuse a few more “voters” or pull something out again from their hat……..except that the world will be watching this one.

2 years ago

republicans have shown over and over again that they are worse than useless. If anything, they are among the stupidest people in the United States.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

Trump sold me after the first debates where everyone answered those same old questions with prepackaged canned responses… except Trump. That’s who I’m backing: the one who sees stupid things and CALLS IT STUPID and doesn’t kiss up to the constituent.

2 years ago

November is a LONG way off still. Personally, I don’t think Republicans, in their glee, can keep from screwing up this chance. They are already shooting off their mouth about impeachment, investigations, etc, just rocking the boat in the extreme. Speaking only for myself here, I’d prefer to see some governance from them, instead of merely ‘payback’…..

2 years ago

Beijing Biden closed our schools and opened our Southern Border so illegal aliens from everywhere can flood our country!

If this continues, eventually illegals may outnumber American Citizens!

God help us all.

Bev Minich
Bev Minich
2 years ago

This is a situation in the USA, brought on by democrats and not stopped by republicans. Tens of millions of disabled Americans are suffering and dying from untreated incurable chronic painful conditions.
Genocide of the disabled has been happening in the country for over a decade and, although most people know the media lies, they DO believe the lies about the “opioid epidemic.” Narcotics have been used for millennia for pain relief and SUDDENLY they’re bad?! Only in THIS country. I’m in Pain Groups on Fakebook and people from other countries can’t believe THIS is common in the good ole USA. FAR TOO COMMON. HOLOCAUST 2.0.


Frank Bort
Frank Bort
2 years ago

Excellent ; very informative; thank you. Right On!!!bort

2 years ago

yikes! people who can even believe in voting in the most rigged and corrupt to the core voting elections systems in the develop
world outside CCP CHINA! both the lesser of 2 evils establishment
Parties have been doing such multi pronged rigging, cheating for decades and they all own their own brands touch screen malware infested elecctronic voting machines flippable results. Look it up.. Bushes invaded with their Diebold super insecure made to rob votes, the Clinton crime family
sure ordered theirs, the Obama crime family sure knew and used them, the Trump crime family had Ivanka go to China and got their patented in China brands… look it up.. Ivanka went in early 2017… stupid American voters and elections officials just think they’re wow high tech snazzy and never research you know where their votes go or get ballots scanned.
see: Blockchain: Cyber Wars On etAmerica’s Elections. Look up HBO Documentary 2020

We are so screwed!!!
All election Reform in WA, DC
it’s all just more ways to assassinate we the 99%common goods and get more criminals elected at very overpriced costs.

they’re all owned by NWO Globalists BIG POISON PHARMA and garbage propaganda Lame Stream Media and BIG TECH and government censorship shit. they all mega warmongers profiteers for immoral, illegal and insane bloody wars 24/7.

Don’t even tell me you hope Trump
gets elected 2024! He’s so owned by NWO GLOBALISTS DEEP STATE CULT OF TYRANNY.

2 years ago

It had to happen eventually, when more people do the sensible thing and switch to the party that welcomes all voices. Maybe they’re catching on to the futility of groupthink. When you follow leaders who take you that close to the brink, the only viable option is to turn back and to follow a different route. Heck, we might even see a resurgence of support for the Constitution!

Biden wasn’t the first to usher in a wave of contempt for liberal thought, but his disastrous policies in just one year of his leadership sent that tsunami rolling. As Mr. Deavel noted, Republicans have to give voters a reason to vote for them instead of merely against the Democrats. This is a golden opportunity for the GOP to advance its standing, as long as we don’t blow it. Give us that “Conservative Proclamation” so everyone knows exactly what we stand for and how every American stands to gain.

2 years ago

I certainly hope the GOP can take advantage. However, if the crooked liberals can rig the national vote for president, state elections should be a no brainer for them!

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