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Biden Disgraces the Medal of Freedom

Posted on Monday, January 6, 2025
by Shane Harris

Apparently not satisfied with pardoning his son in one of the most blatantly corrupt moves ever from a sitting president, Joe Biden on Saturday continued to make a mockery of his office by bestowing the Medal of Freedom – the nation’s highest civilian honor – on Hillary Clinton and George Soros.

Clinton and Soros were among 19 honorees who received the award, but those two garnered by far the most attention because both plainly represent the precise opposite of everything the medal stands for. According to President John F. Kennedy’s 1963 executive order establishing the medal, recipients should be individuals who have “made an especially meritorious contribution to (1) the security or national interests of the United States, or (2) world peace, or (3) cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.”

Some previous noteworthy recipients of the medal include Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Ronald Reagan, Walt Disney, Bob Dylan, Michael Jordan, Pope John Paul II, and Neil Armstrong. Now, Clinton and Soros have joined their ranks.

Presidential decisions about who receives the medal have often been controversial, more so in recent years as the award (along with seemingly everything else) has become more politicized. Barack Obama’s decision to present Joe Biden – then his vice president – with the medal in 2017 just before leaving office was particularly contentious. But never before has the medal been awarded to two individuals whose careers and actions have been so directly harmful to the United States.

Clinton, a White House press release said, was honored for having “made history many times over decades in public service, including as the first First Lady elected to the United States Senate.”

Clinton has indeed made history but for all the wrong reasons. As Secretary of State, Clinton oversaw the infamous debacle in Benghazi that left four Americans dead, with questions still lingering about her knowledge of the attack on the U.S. embassy in Libya and her failure to stop it. She also used a private email server for official communications while Secretary of State, with the FBI concluding that she was “extremely careless” with classified information.

In both of these cases, Clinton’s actions directly undermined “the security or national interests of the United States” and endangered the lives of U.S. service members and civil servants.

Then there was the Russiagate hoax of 2016. While the Biden White House celebrates Clinton as the first female presidential nominee for a major party, it fails to mention her campaign’s role in conspiring with the intelligence community to manufacture a narrative that Donald Trump was somehow a Russian agent – thereby intentionally misleading the American people and threatening to undermine the democratic process. So much for an “especially meritorious contribution to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.”

As shameful as giving the medal to Clinton is, bestowing it on Soros is perhaps even worse. For at least the last decade, Soros has been engaged in a crusade to “remake” America and the entire Western world – and not for the better. Every crisis the United States faces today is a direct result of policies that Soros supports.

Soros’s most infamous scheme has been a years-long effort to install far-left prosecutors in major cities throughout the United States. Those prosecutors have then flatly refused to prosecute entire categories of crime while working to eliminate cash bail and institute any other policy that would see violent criminals released back onto the streets en masse. The result has been untold chaos and suffering as the country’s urban centers have been overrun with drugs and crime.

“In my opinion, he fundamentally hates humanity,” Elon Musk once said of Soros on The Joe Rogan Experience. “He’s doing things that erode the fabric of civilization.” As National Review reported, Soros, who is of Jewish heritage, has also “supported groups that lead school walkouts ‘for Gaza,’ organize ‘All out for Palestine’ protests in cities, and profess support for Hamas.” Additionally, the Soros-backed group Arab Resource and Organizing Center “tried to blockade a U.S. military ship headed for Israel last year.”

During the Biden administration, Soros-linked groups have also directly facilitated the entry of illegal aliens into the United States, effectively funding the border crisis that has destabilized American society and threatened American national security. Biden officials were in constant contact with Soros activists as they allowed millions of unvetted migrants to flood into the country.

In total, Soros-linked groups have donated some $32 billion to left-wing candidates and causes over the years – perhaps the real reason Biden decided Soros deserved the award. After all, Biden has repeatedly proven that his top priority in public office is ensuring his friends and family get paid.

In two weeks, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 47th president, and Joe Biden will no longer have the power to disgrace the highest office in the land. But repairing the damage Biden has done will be one of Trump’s most important tasks over the next four years.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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2 months ago

When I first heard this honor was about to be bestowed upon the likes of Clinton, Soros, and Cheney, I knew it would be another act of vengeance rather than recognition of excellence. This president is incapable of discerning between the two, and has made a mockery of any merit based system. Funny that, as usual, he was guided by the Deep State, populated by people like these recipients…a closed circle, members only, deplorables need not apply.

I can’t wait to see how President Trump and his administration will clean up the filth that has been poisoning our government, our country, our psyche. Happy 2025 indeed.

Uncle Bruce
Uncle Bruce
2 months ago

Yep, Biden just reduced the Medal of Freedom to just another useless trinket. Same as the Nobel Peace Prize was made worthless when they gave one to Obama.

2 months ago

George Soros, a former Nazi collaborator who should never have been allowed into this country. He seems to want to finish the work of his former masters.

M. Proctor
M. Proctor
2 months ago

a traitor giving a traitor a freedom medal? par for the course for this goofball!

2 months ago

Time to arrest and convict Soros for treason. Confiscate everything he has and put it toward the national debt.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
2 months ago

Biden is doing his best to do even more horrendous things before he leaves the White House. He is a vengeful, hateful, evil person who has not a grain of sense. If he had any respect for his party, he would have made the “transfer of power” graciously. It is clear, he is a hater and has no thought about how he is affecting his party or his family. He will always be known as the worst president ever and he and his regime is responsible for nearly destroying our Democratic Republic. January 20th cannot come quickly enough. Join me in praying for President Trump’s safety at his inauguration and during his time in office. The far left has tried to kill him before and they will try again!! He needs to have his own private security team. He should not trust the FBI or CIA til he gets rid of the scum in those two organizations.

Poppa John
Poppa John
2 months ago

Who’s next? His hero’s Hitler, Stalin, and Marx posthumously?
How about Kamala and Hunter?
He is a bitter old swamp creature poking us all in the eyes on his way out.

2 months ago

This ‘man’ is a disgrace and an embarrassment to the country and every one of us. He needs to be tried for treason along with Hillary and Barack. Where is the accountability??!!

USN Retired
USN Retired
2 months ago

As an American, and military Veteran that has participated in war for my country, this makes me sick.

2 months ago


2 months ago

no one wants the medal now. soros son engaged to hillary’s BFF who was married to antony weiner. low rent crowd

2 months ago

Perhaps the worst nominees ever selected in the history if the medal.

2 months ago

biden should be executed by firing squad for high treason.

2 months ago

The value and prestige associated with this award has just dropped to zero.

2 months ago

What a disgrace, honoring 2 truly despicable scumbags like this.

2 months ago

What a surprise! NOT!!!! Two more weeks of this foolishness. It would be nice to negate these obvious travesties like criminal indictments against them. Only a thought.

Hugh Johnson
Hugh Johnson
2 months ago

The man doesn’t have a brain so everything he does should be NULL and VOID!!! As for Hillary and Soros the only thing the government should be giving them a necktie party!!!

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 months ago

He’s a traitor and a disgusting example of a decent human being. He’s also trying to sabotage Trump’s second term. He should be in prison. Good riddance on January 20th and I hope we never hear from him again. Loser!

2 months ago

Hey, Biden is just giving the American people the middle finger as he’s heading out the door. No one should be shocked by any of this. Giving Hillary, the author of the Russia, Russia hoax of 2016, and George Soros, a man dedicated to the destruction of the United States, medals just signifies what Biden and the entire Democrat Party are all about.

2 months ago

So much for well-deserved honor, it’s now just all my good buddies get a prize. IMO

2 months ago

Joe’s family and close friends should have stopped this nonsense months ago, but it appears they needed to maximize their “free stuff” as long as possible. Just when you thought it couldn’t be more embarrassing …

2 months ago

By adding Soros and Clinton Biden really down graded mean of Medal of Freedom, Biden made it total joke!

Richard Vogel
Richard Vogel
2 months ago

PLEASE let January 20 COME !!!

Buddy Eoc
Buddy Eoc
2 months ago

Awarding George Soros the United States Medal of Freedom is, in my opinion, a slap in the face to every God-fearing, Freedom-loving American Citizen.
What a total and complete disgrace.
“May freedom be seen, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to please to do what is right” —Peter Marshall
Donald J. Trump’s Inauguration as the 47th President of the United States cannot get here soon enough.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

No biggies, I was given a “major award” as well when I went to Burger King and was presented with a cardboard “Royal crown”. Just like the one Hillary got in 2016…

2 months ago

The only thing those 3 should get is an orange jumpsuit for their lifetime stint they should be serving in a MAXIMUM security prison. I can’t put here what I wanted to because if I had it wouldn’t be posted.

2 months ago

January 20 can’t come soon enough!! He still has 2 weeks of destruction left!

2 months ago

Biden has stooped to a new low with these medals given out like candy. He’s disgusting along with the recipients (Clinton, Soros).

2 months ago

Idiots, Anarchists, Constitution haters and a few A-holes thrown in for good measure. Thats like giving an award to mass shooters and Child molesters!
God Bless America, my we overcome this Embarrassment, of America!

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
2 months ago

Biden, Clinton, Soros. Literally, how many Americans have died as a direct result of the actions, inactions, or ineptitude of just these three people? Appalling.

2 months ago

From the picture, it looks like he was sniffing HER hair…Yuck!!!

Donald King
Donald King
2 months ago

He’d run our constitution through the paper shredder if only he could get his decrepit hands on it. Worst part is that he, his family, and his party are laughing their heads off at the rest of us because they’re getting away with it.

2 months ago

BIDEN- What an A==hole! Giving the Medal of Freedom to Crooked Hillary and Soros. That man has no conscience. I will be glad when he slithers out of the White House. What a deplorable human being.

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
2 months ago

I first heard about this on another website and I just about lost my dinner. The guy who wrote this article forgot to mention Rush Limbaugh that was given the medal just before Trump left office in 2020.

David Lyday
David Lyday
2 months ago

So…the medal of Freedom to Killary for getting the Ambassador and his team of guards murdered in Benghazi, and to Soros for working to destroy America and replace it with the Marxist States of America?

2 months ago

Time to arrest and convict Soros for treason. Confiscate everything he has an put toward the national debt.

Mary E Larson
Mary E Larson
2 months ago

How dare Biden give the liar of the year the Congressional Medal of Honor. Hillary Clinton? Then he gave it for a Billionaire who bought himself a seat in the Legislature of the USA? Hells bells who are you people? CCP? Russian Cartel?
Please God save us.

Michael J
Michael J
2 months ago

The only thing around their necks should be a noose, for treason.

2 months ago

This should be no surprise to anyone, Democrats tarnish everything they touch.

2 months ago

U.S. Medal of Freedom turned into a piece of junk overnight. So sad.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

DC Swamp awards the Swamp

Bernard Paul Giroux
Bernard Paul Giroux
2 months ago

My comment about Joseph Biden and his handlers is not printable. No moral compass. No common sense. basically anti-American. Folks trying to lead us all on the Road To Serfdom. It is time for real American Patriots to stand up and respond to this tyranny.

philip myers
philip myers
2 months ago

Maybe Joe should frame the hammers Hillary used to destroy the cell phone sim cards so her private and public statements would be hidden. She sold 20% of our nations uranium stockpile to Russia and got a donation to the Clinton Foundation. She and Soros are communist’s

2 months ago

Awards like the Medal of Freedom, Pulitzer and the Noble Prize have gone the way of the Oscars. No one is interested because these awards have become MEANINGLESS! They have become political and mean NOTHING! The Noble Peace Prize was given to Obama FOR WHAT?!
Those that deserve the Medal of Freedom and have integrity should BOYCOTT the award.

Kathleen Phillips-Hellman
Kathleen Phillips-Hellman
2 months ago

Typical of SOBiden and his handlers.

2 months ago

You know you’ve head of parents disowning children and breaking all relations with them, I wonder if there is a way for a country to disown those who degrade a country and constantly want to go against the majority, could we not round all of them up and take their citizenship away and deport them to their own land where they could develop the kind of land they want America to become and leave us alone to make America like she truly use to be, the land of the free and brave AND Great Again!!! I’m so tired of the left and their weird destructive policies. Just think…they could have their own land and weird policies and not have any policies they would have to cram down anyone’s throats. I don’t know if they could handle such freedom or not, I think they are happiest when they are in or are causing chaos! And you know what…it will be like that someday and not too far off.

2 months ago

His Depends buckled as he shat all over the Medal of Honor and honored those who hate America!

Kathryn Davis
Kathryn Davis
2 months ago

Soooooo Sad! Biden and the gang should all go to jail. Maybe Hillary’s medal was also for her awesome face lift funded by tax dollars.

Linda Meyer
Linda Meyer
2 months ago

Now it’ll mean nothing, just like the cover of Time magazine!

2 months ago

Clinton – Who hates Americans and America? Disgraceful, but then Biden was just taking orders. I hope the staff or whomever is prosecuted for their crimes and toss in Soros and son and all other travesties Good news, the American votes have been enlightened and the democrats (the tiny few who see to ruin us are identified and tossed out)!

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