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Biden Address Falls Flat, TV Ratings Flop

Posted on Friday, April 30, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive

BidenOn Wednesday night, President Biden turned what could have been a moment of triumph into 70 minutes of harumph. His Address to Congress had only about half the number of viewers as Trump’s first speech to Congress and was down nearly 30 percent compared to Trump’s State of the Union just last year. Biden garnered a truly pathetic audience of 26.9 million, compared with approximately 40 million-50 million in the last four years of Trump. Thus Biden’s speech was likely the least-watched Address to Congress in modern history–by a longshot.

It seems that 100 days into his administration, almost no one cares to hear what the new president has to say.

The chamber was nearly empty. The proposals were even emptier.

“America is on the move again,” Biden said, leaving out how far left he wants us to move. He described the first hundred days of that journey as a period of “rescue and renewal.”

But the things Biden is rescuing and renewing are left-wing ideas that have been declared dead so many times for so many years that they can’t even vote in Chicago.

For Americans who don’t follow politics closely, this is what whiplash feels like.

As a candidate, the media told us Biden was the second coming of Bill Clinton, promising to incorporate popular Republican proposals into his agenda. Now that he’s president, he sounds like the second coming of George McGovern.

In his campaign, Bill Clinton promised to “end welfare as we know it.” In his address to Congress this week, Biden promised to “end cancer as we know it.” Of course, we all hope to end cancer. As a goal, it’s laudable. As another entry on Biden’s utopian big government wish-list, it’s laughable. Biden had that portfolio as Vice President–when Barack Obama used practically the same applause line in his speeches.

But as long as we’re making promises and spitballing ideas, why stop with cancer? Why not spend a quadrillion or two? Why not promise the end of loneliness, bleakness, and baldness? Let’s make 8-minute abs 5-minute abs once and for all!

Those of us who remain boringly tethered to reality watched the address, wondering the same thing over and over again. How on earth will we pay for all this?

Biden repeated his promise not to raise any taxes on “people making less than $400,000” per year. But even if we put aside massive non-tax costs his agenda will impose on families under that threshold in mandates like job-killing minimum-wage increases; we see the same essential fact.

It simply doesn’t add up.

Biden’s three big agenda items so far—the American Rescue Plan, the American Jobs Plan, and the American Families Plan—cost $6 trillion. But these are just his top three priorities in his first 100 days.

If Joe Biden’s ultimate spending binge turns out to be just one-third as radical as Bernie Sanders’ $97 trillion plan, that’s still over $30 trillion.

Despite the rhetoric, we cannot tax the wealthy enough to pay for this, even if we call it their “fair share.” Taxes must increase for working for middle-class families.

Even if we raised the tax rate to 100 percent and confiscated every penny of net worth belonging to the top 1 percent of Americans, we’d only rake in about $34 trillion.

Think about that. In an alternate dimension—but one getting closer and closer to our own—if the IRS formed wealth squads and went door to door in Greenwich, Palm Beach, and Malibu and snatched all the income and bank accounts, homes and cars, boats, and artwork, and, magically, that scheme had zero impact on our economy otherwise, we might have just enough for a down payment on the left’s agenda.

Of course, it wasn’t all unspooled tripe. To his credit, Biden framed our recovery as one test in our ongoing competition with China.  This was a natural opportunity for Biden to show some bipartisanship and praise his predecessor.

After all, we only started grappling with China’s rise realistically because of the Trump administration. After writing that great-power competition “no longer exists,” Barack Obama’s administration acted like they actually believed that. Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work even said that competition, as a word, “didn’t convey what we were trying to do.”

Competition perfectly conveyed what the Trump administration tried to do. But Biden offered no credit to his predecessor for Trump’s much-needed course correction.

In fact, if Biden had stronger communication skills and less fear of the reflexively anti-American voices who enjoy COVID-generated power in his own party, this could have been a victory speech in that competition.

As the public becomes fully vaccinated, and normal life returns, this is a story of American innovation saving the world from a dangerous byproduct of communist repression.

If we find ourselves engaged in a new cold war, can’t you just hear Ronald Reagan gleaming at the podium, saying, “this pandemic began in China, and it’s ending in America”?

Instead, Biden was most passionate when he closed by saying, “We the People are the government. You and I…It’s us!” This eerie turn of phrase, uttered by a 48-year professional politician to a room full of other professional politicians, wouldn’t have made it through the first round of edits in previous Democratic administrations.

It’s the more serious and more sinister version of an old, cringe-inducing line, often attributed to Barney Frank, that “government is simply the name we give to the things we choose to do together.”

For those who say drawing parallels between the left today and the destructive socialism of failed communist states goes too far, let phrases like “we the people are the government” sit with you for a moment.

If you put that phrase on a poster, the hammer and sickle will draw themselves.  Just don’t ask how we the people will pay for it.

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3 years ago

I guess all the dead people who voted him into office don’t have TVs in their coffins

Richard Voeljl
Richard Voeljl
3 years ago

Nobody wants to listen the most Corrupt liberal in the history of Government!!
Joe Biden is a con-man who’s destroying all the good Trump did for America

3 years ago

Everyone knows Biden is lying. They always have. The difference is that more are admitting to this fact than ever before.

3 years ago

I thought I’d watch the Biden address on TV – did, but got so tired of the BS, I just started playing cards on my tablet. Did enjoy Tim’s totally true comments at the end! Glad I watched that part – think he would make a great VP for Trump!

Steven W. Anderson
Steven W. Anderson
3 years ago

Good article. My wife and I are two people that didn’t watch.

3 years ago

Sounds like Biden is creating many “shovel in hand” jobs for all the illegals he’s ‘welcoming’ into our once beautiful country! (he is ‘trying’ to make it UGLY!”

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

None of us should bury our heads or cover our ears and hope this disgusting, pathetic attempted destruction of America will not happen. But sometimes the best sign of what is to come is to look at how many are turning their backs. It seems the Democrats may already know this regime is not popular but do not care. There is a plan for a few to use the rest of us to support their lifestyle. This can’t be constitutional. But if the Supreme Court does not respond, that will not matter.
Heaven help us.

Jonathon W Hood
Jonathon W Hood
3 years ago

I found it to be typical of the Democratic policies and stances. Don’t really try and resolve anything, just throw money at it. Since acquiring office, this seems to be the biggest thing that I have seen from anything attempted. Sad but, true, in my opinion.

3 years ago

Biden is not our president , nor we he ever be , same goes for Kamila Harris .
You don’t get to steel a US election and call your self leader of the free world

Nancy Jo
Nancy Jo
3 years ago

I haven’t listened to dementia Joe and hyena Kamala at all. I can’t stand them, and everything coming out if their mouths are lies and fake promises. Nobody believes he will cure cancer, or eradicate Covid. He is a moron and has cost hard working Americans jobs in his forst 100 days. We are weaker in the world and our security is at higher risk as the Taliban will begin to soar, the Iranians will chant death to Americans, and China and Russia are building up their forces. Thanks for killing America, Joe.

3 years ago

We had just gotten rain after a long dry spell, so I chose to watch the grass grow instead… MUCH more entertaining, comparitively exciting too!

Jim Yowell
Jim Yowell
3 years ago

Government “Stimulus Bills” It never ceases to make me MAD AS HELL when the government starts with “what are we going to do, or how much are we going to spend?”….. Instead of “Where in the CONSTITUTION does it give us THE AUTHORITY to do what we’re about to do / spend!” What not only makes me mad as hell, but never ceases to amaze AND sadden me is the American people gushing rhapsodic over whatever new power the governemnt has just SEIZED, or how much money the government has decided to “spend.”* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * So, the government has decided it needs  *ANOTHER* THREE TRILLION DOLLARS “pumped into our economy”…  In addition to the *TWO TRILLION DOLLARS* they’ve already spent! (most of which is going to THEIR pet projects… Including those measures that make voter fraud easier)???? MY question is simple…. Since the government doesn’t have *two freaking pennies* to rub together, where in the HELL do you think the money is coming from?! Don’t get me wrong…  In times of “National Emergencies” there are SOME things the Federal Government “might” be able to do easier LOGISTICALLY than the individual States (although I have my serious doubts about even that), but spending money is NOT one of them! How could they?!  It’s not THEIR money, and they couldn’t care less how much is wasted! For GODS SAKE people, every single dollar the federal government puts “into the economy,” MUST FIRST BE TAKEN *** OUT OF THE ECONOMY!!! *** *OR* they have to BORROW IT. Today our government has over 22 TRILLION DOLLARS of *actual* debt, and over 125 TRILLION DOLLARS of “unfunded liabilities” coming due in the next 10-15 years that the government HAS *NO* WAY TO PAY! (hence the term UNFUNDED!) By the way…  We are currently paying OVER ONE BILLION DOLLARS *A DAY* just in INTEREST on that 22 TRILLION dollar debt! So every time the government talks about “stimulus” you MUST understand their definition! What they’re “stimulating” is THEIR ABILITY TO BE REELECTED! Every SINGLE DOLLAR they put into a “stimulus bill,” must first be TAKEN from a working American, American business both big AND small, or borrowed which adds to the debt! A debt that must be repaid…  Just NOT BY THEM! It must be repaid by the same people and businesses they’re STEALING THE REST OF THE “STIMULUS” FROM! Yes, the Democrats are the worst, but the Republicans have their faults as well. It’s only the fact that the Democrats ARE SO FREAKING BAD, that the Republicans are even remotely tolerable to me! They ALL think THEY know how to spend YOUR money better, And if they’re wrong, its NOT a big deal!  After all, it’s YOUR money they’ve just thrown away…  IT’S *YOURS*!

Carol Murphy
Carol Murphy
3 years ago

I didn’t watch. He has nothing to say that I am interested in. This country today makes me cry. Thnx for keeping us updated with the truth.

3 years ago

Why would the American people tune in to see a national embarrassment (Biden with Harris and Pelosi behind him) stumble through a speech that was nothing but a repeat of every Democrat trope, lie or obfuscation of the last 50 years? Answer: They wouldn’t. Which is why the ratings were abysmal.

3 years ago

Watched just to see how really foolish the 3 stooges would look, I was not

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
3 years ago

And we’re supposed to believe that Dementia Joe actually
won the election ?
Me thinks not.

John Wesley
John Wesley
3 years ago

This shows the incompetence of our Federal Government. Even during the Trump Administration, the DOJ had White Supremacy (fiction of the left) as the biggest terror threat while BLM and Antifa were only ideas. With Biden/Harris, being a Patriot, a Christian, or a FOT (friend of Trump) makes you a target of the FBI and other 3 letter agencies of our(?) government. The Biden/Harris Administration is not exciting–it is horrifying.

Eamonn Thomas Smyth
Eamonn Thomas Smyth
3 years ago

I did not watch his speech, I don’trealy care about President Biden. Like President Carter he is one trick pony,stuck in groove that only common sense will get him out of it!.

3 years ago

watched part of it and was totally disgusted at how bold face they could all lie and clap an stand for such disguest….God help our nation return to common sense, before its to late.

3 years ago

All I can say is after watching that speech the Russians and the Chinese must be rolling on the floor and laughter at Joe Biden.

3 years ago

Could not, would not watch. And this is the man who supposedly won the election.

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

I suspect that President “Zero Years in the Real World” Bidense was truly spared from one significant embarrassment during his so-call speech before Congress. And that was that since everyone was wearing a face mask, no one could count all the YAWNS in the audience that repeatedly occurred during his blabber fest!

3 years ago

Biden’s empty head fit right in with the empty chambers!

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
3 years ago

Biden is a demon possess guy

3 years ago

Same old platitudes, nothing original, boring as heck. I fell asleep 3 or 4 times.

Patricia Salinas
Patricia Salinas
3 years ago

Biden either takes credit for anything good PRESIDENT TRUMP accomplished or he destroys it. The pipeline, the border, the price of gas all destroyed. Vaccines in 2 million people, schools STARTING to open (President Trump) would have had them all open, Biden takes credit for. What a loser. I hope we make it through the next 4 years.

3 years ago

I am so proud to be a deplorable! 2022 is coming! 2022 is coming! Hopefully we will have some country left when we vote.

3 years ago

Well DUH, Biden is just describing himself.

Just Asking....
Just Asking....
3 years ago

Would it be possible to have a recall election to get Biden and Harris out of office? Just asking……

3 years ago

Ha! See ya Biden…… are a real loser.

3 years ago

Down the road to America’s economic destruction in only 100 days.

Waving colorful national flag of united states of america on a gray maine state map background.
Button with graduation cap icon on a modern computer keyboard. Online education concept.
Ship entering lock at the Panama Canal.
Empty polling station with white voting booths and American flag. Elections in the United States. Empty polling station with row of white voting booths decorated with American flag at vote center. Presidential American elections in the United States. Democracy and election day concept.

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