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Angry President – Indignant, Wrong

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

An angry president? Not angry at a foreign power, like China or now terrorist-controlled Afghanistan –but at the American People, for whom he works – demands “respect” for government, “patience worn thin,” unveils constitutional violations, and tries to lock Americans into their safety seat. What is up?

Answer: Biden’s White House has become patriarchal, unapologetically autocratic, indifferent to popular will, Supreme Court, or the Constitution. This approach does not align with our history.

A president who left hundreds (perhaps thousands) to die in enemy hands, gives China a pass on COVID, trade, aims of nuclear dominance, does not properly enforce immigration or drug laws, pushed federal spending that sidelines labor and accelerates inflation, with taxes about to jump, socialist programs poised for passage, now demands employers violate fundamental rights of employees or be punished.

Specifically, the President’s “plan” demands:

  • Penalties on employers with over 100 employees who do not assure vaccine compliance (or testing), affecting 80 million Americans;
  • Similar mandate for federal workers, contractors, and healthcare workers, affecting another 28 million;
  • Pressing vaccine passports for attendance at any public event venue (inside or out), affecting untold millions;
  • Double fines for those flying without a mask (up to $3000 per violation);
  • Employer-covered pay for time off to be vaccinated;
  • Staff in federally supported schools (Head Start to Defense) be vaccinated;
  • Federal control over local teacher salaries when states will not pay, due to state laws;
  • Accelerated FDA vaccine development for those under 12;
  • Federalizing of private sector test kit production; and
  • Expanding punishments for violation of mask mandates.

If this federal usurpation of individual, private sector, local, and States rights – all assured by the US Constitution – was not sufficiently breathtaking, the bombshell comes on the 20th anniversary of an attack that unified America, on heels of a disgraceful abandonment of Americans, and with anger.

One is hard-pressed to properly digest, or place in context, this knowing offense against popular will, national sovereignty, and our Constitution. Even less clear is why a president would accost the American people, blithely condemning them – or more than half of them – for exercising clear rights.

Only explanations: Either the President and those around him are sufficiently out of touch with reality that they think we are at war, somehow justifying constitutional deprivations on this order, or they do not care whether they are legally entitled to oppress well-established rights but are resolved to do so with outsized arrogance and hubris, inebriated by power, angry at those who assert established rights.

To be clear – since so much else from our government is not – this virus, however described, is not war and cannot be imagined as justification for the kind of profound deprivations of war. As in prior days, if vaccines work, the vaccinated are protected. If they do not, there is no use getting one. As side effects occur and affect individuals differently, information consistently inconsistent – the choice is personal.

As many informed doctors, not those politicians who have lied to Americans, confirm – viruses of all kinds come with uncertainty, as do vaccines hoping to mitigate them. Thousands of coronaviruses exist, and always will. This one appears engineered but acts as others – raising antibodies once caught and over it. 

Like many coronaviruses, original and variants affect those with underlying health conditions disproportionately, variants readily transmissible. Like many, most who catch it recover, few dying, those vaccinated less likely to catch it, and if they do, likely to see more modest symptoms.

All this is a matter of record, much rehashed – along with broad understanding, slow in coming, that we do not know long-term effects of the virus, nor of vaccines created to mitigate it, as honest doctors will admit. As with so much else in medicine, this explains why we leave decisions to individuals.

All this returns us to the stunning Biden press conference of September 9th – stumbling but angry, brash and indignant, occasionally incoherent, consistently defiant – as it ready to take on the US Constitution, Supreme Court, and American people, later blurting “have at it,” in an odd, last lurch of a windup doll.

And that is where we are, with the likelihood of lawsuits flying, individuals, companies, schools, towns, and states suing each other and the federal government, interlocutory appeals made by those trying to stay afloat, avoid bankruptcy, continue operations, honoring the well-founded liberties of their employees, and their own rights.

Bottom line: This President, who recently swatted down a Supreme Court ruling, only to be swiftly reversed by the Court, who indulges talk of political court-packing to undermine law, who pretends an interest in unity while dictating disunity, who has himself above law, history, the People, is out of line.

An old Washington saw says, “what goes around comes around,” another “there is always a reckoning.” The Constitution has not changed, nor your rights. The People are not stupid, and it is rather their patience – not Mr. Biden’s – which is growing thin. This slap at the Constitution will not stand. Angry, arrogant, and indignant, his view is also legally wrong.

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3 years ago

Yep, and the American people best be ready to stand up for what is right or be ready to be run over by those of us who are ready!

3 years ago

Well Mr. Charles, this is pretty much what you get when the American people allow a dementia patient to play at being POTUS. Even before his decline in mental faculties, Joe Biden was considered one of the dumbest, if not THE dumbest, people in Washington, D.C.. He was also well known for being a something of a bully and short tempered when off camera. Biden was also known for having incredibly bad judgement in the foreign affairs area, that he was supposedly an “expert” in with his decades of Washington “experience”. So when you put it all together and add in his early to moderate stage dementia, what about his behavior since being sworn in as POTUS is really surprising?

What I find surprising is that the American people allow this farce of a presidency to continue. Biden has erased our southern border and is allowing what will be 2 million illegals a year to stream across our borders. He has shutdown a significant portion of our domestic energy sector and destroyed our energy independence for no good reason. Biden has made us dependent once again on OPEC and nations that are hostile to us. We’re pretty much back to “business as usual” with China and the CCP has been emboldened enough to seize Hong Kong and they are now prepping to do the same with Taiwan. Biden has created the biggest international humiliation and American hostage situation in Afghanistan and empowered terrorists around the world. His mishandling of Covid-19 and his view that he is a king, not a president, is just one more example of his unfitness to hold the office of POTUS. Yet the American people have chosen to allow this farce to continue.

So where exactly is the downside for the Democrats on a long-term basis? Biden is expendable and that is why the Democrats chose him. He’s easily replaceable with another puppet. What the Democrats are focused on is their $6 trillion dollar budget reconciliation bill, that is basically a socialist transformation of the United States when you read the details. Which of course almost no one in the general public is paying attention to. Everything from granting legalization of some portion of the 40 million illegals in this country to federalization of voting to creating nearly half a dozen new entitlement programs to regulating nearly all aspects of our lives going forward are in the bill. All while the media and the WH keep hyping Covid-19 to divert the public’s attention. The Biden administration knows much of what they are imposing via Biden’s latest rant is unconstitutional and that the Supreme Court will rule on it that way. However, they also know that the court system is slow and will take months for the any cases to be before the Court. By then, the reconciliation bill will have passed and been signed into law. The Democrats then won’t have to worry about any election backlash at the polls down the road.

G Schalk
G Schalk
3 years ago

I, as a law abiding US citizen, non-union tax payer working in the private sector am the subject of these unconstitutional dictates. Why not the invaders coming across the Reo-Grande river? Why not those taking welfare benefits (paid for with my taxes)? Why not convicted and incarserated criminals? No drug test or mandatory shots for them? Mean-while, nobody really knows how many people are REALLY dying from COVID each day, yet we continue to kill more unborn babies. The REAL killer is abortion. Science already knows that the human soul weighs 22 grams. When will they find out when a fetus acquires a soul? I believe sooner than we think.

3 years ago

I totally agree!!! I know people that have their heads in the sand as to what is going on in. Their motto is “It doesn’t affect me”. Oh, really, think again!

3 years ago

What blows my mind is we have thousands of migrants coming across the border now afghans refugees why aren’t they required to get vaccinated before entering the country.

3 years ago

Joe Biden has been an arrogant, corrupt politician for over 42 years. I believe Biden to be the type of personality that is completely narcissistic, and believes himself to be entitled. He obviously enjoys his power and abuses it routinely. I find him to be incompetent to the point of dangerous and it is sad what is being done to this country by a group of obnoxious, self-serving, political thugs.

3 years ago

Unfortunately Americans do not have a party smart enough to stand up to the overreach or the liberals who are overturning every civil, moral and value the country was built on.

The Deep State or Swamp impacts, influences or dictates what both parties do with big tech and BIGGER money. Somehow, the American taxpayer Republican party missed this boat.

Until we come together in a party of unified values and direction this will continue.


3 years ago

Those who don’t do politics, will be done in by politics. Think about it.

David Oakes
David Oakes
3 years ago

RESPECT IS EARNED!!! They don’t have it!!! All should be arrested an hung for treason!!!!

3 years ago

I’m concerned there is something else going on here. What does he and his lynch team know about Covid and the Variant that they aren’t telling the American people. They’re letting unvaccinated illegals into our country

3 years ago

Biden campaigned as a moderate. Now that he is elected, he shows himself to be a far left autocrat wanting to rule not serve.

3 years ago

Simply said:Doing nothing is the same as willfully forfeiting your liberty; are you really ok with that..

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

NOT Fit to lead day 1 & 50 years in DC U get a fossilized Mind

3 years ago

“Bottom line…this president is out of line”.
Now. What is being done to stop this administration’s constant violations of our own Laws?
Many of us are aware these are Communists in fact and behavior, that Communists believe They are the ‘Law’ and God all rolled into one, but they are not.
WHAT is being done to STOP them?

Sally C.
Sally C.
3 years ago

It’s one thing about revealing Mr Biden’s lack of following the Constitution and really knowing who is truly behind the curtain like in the wizard of Oz. Soros, Obama, Susan Rice and who knows who else will be revealed in the coming days.
Such tricky as has played on the American public.

Bob L.
Bob L.
3 years ago

Remember the acronym O.B.A.M.A that was applied to # 44?
Well we now have O.B.A.M.A II with #46.
In case there are folks who don’t know what it stands for – One Big Ass Mistake America.

3 years ago


J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

He’s not a President, he is a little Dictator, want-a be, he and the rest of the Liberal Left, want to destroy America and our way of life, those that follow him are on a pathway to HELL, on second thought why don’t they go there

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Vacene record for in or outside event. Meaning, you go to a baseball or NFL game ,you gotta have it to get in. Your papers please and shot record. Thats dictatership plain and simple. Joe needs to go,quicker the better. Kyle L.

3 years ago

EXACTLY. 100% agree.

3 years ago

Hey, Loopey Joe, I’ve got a message for you. But I can’t print it in a respectable tabloid like AMAC.

3 years ago

When the candidate is pathetic, his performance will be pathetic. Whoever is responsible for his ascendancy is to blame.

Gary Reed
Gary Reed
3 years ago

Great article. Walter Corrupt Slow Joe, our Surrender-in-Chief, takes his orders directly from Soros, whose main goal is the destruction of the USA. The author has great confidence in the American people to recognize and take action against Biden’s treasonous actions. I hope the American people can differentiate between needed government subsidies and give aways that destroy our country. Our weakness in the world and especially Biden’s disregard for our former allies opens the door for Biden’s payer, China, to take over the world. I fear for my. Hold rem and grandchildren.

3 years ago

We have no President. What we have is a puppet installed in an office stolen by Barack Hussein and the CCP, just as he stole two previous elections. His first day in office, 2009/01/20 he began a pre -determined plan to destroy the United States of America, our capitalist system, the economy and anything or anyone that stood in his way.He and his present administration, every one involved with it are guilty of treason. There should be a very large necktie party very soon.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

Trump didn’t force anyone to do ANYTHING but he was a “Hitler.” Senile Joe wants to force everybody to bow before him and he’s a good Catholic!

3 years ago

By forcing the American people to be vaccinated, isn’t that practicing medicine without a license?

3 years ago

I had my COVID-19 shots.

The shots should not be mandatory. This is just one more step in the wrong direction.

The media and others are hard at work weaving a web of confusion, misinformation, and conspiracy surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

3 years ago

We know of a pastor in his 70’s. He and his wife received the covid shots. They both got covid. And he died of it!

Peter K
Peter K
3 years ago

All of the writers assumptions would be fine IF, and only IF the people from both sides of the coin contact their representatives in COngress and demand they stop the nonsensical spending to appease their base, their attack on our Constitution, close our Southern border, and properly vet EVERY PERSON that we allow to enter the USA as a refugee. Democrars and Republicans alike have sworn an oath to defend our Constitution and what it represents. They are intentinally ignoring it knowing full well that WE will forget when 2022 rolls around. Pretty sad, isn’t it?

Betsy t
Betsy t
3 years ago

We may have reached the point of no return. First there will be a revolution within America…then WW3.

3 years ago

Perfectly articulated! Nothing need be added.

jim mims
jim mims
3 years ago

Somebody has to stop this lunatic !!

3 years ago

Want a definition of “overreach?” Just go down the list of his “demands>” Demands, now there’s a word that has to be the one thing that is contrary to an elected official…..I demand….proper representation. I demand reasonable and fair taxation. I demand to be left to live my life as a free citizen. I demand a balanced budget, term limits and Constitutional law. None of which hurts anyone, except the likes of our current administration…..whose rights are no higher than any of us on the scale.
“He demands!”——stufff it!

3 years ago

He’s diablo’s right hand man. Our war is with powers and principalities. God is judging our country and the world for not giving Him the honor He deserves and obeying His laws. The bible says clearly that God controls the weather. He also allows things to happen as from the beginning when He saw humans submit to Satan by disobeying Him. Our salvation is up to each of us individually, and we can either claim the grace offered by God through the death of Christ on the cross, or turn the gift down. That is the one sin that can’t be forgiven, saying no to His gift, the offer of salvation. God is love, and He alone is good. It’s time to make a decision if you have not yet done so, as so much of what is happening has been predicted. For answers to most of today’s questions about the world, look on line at where do we go from here with David Jeremiah preorder. I can’t put an address here as it won’t be allowed.

3 years ago

I demand that all in the Biden admin along with just about every Democrat politician be removed from office and deported. And send a few of the RINOs along as well. Oh yea, and lets not forget to also deport the lying deceitful media. Oops, almost forgot to include all the communist loving teachers and university professors brainwashing the youth. And lets not forget all the Hollywood and entertainment industry idiots. Almost forgot to include all the race baiters like Rev Al Sharpton who’ve made millions exploiting their black community teaching them they’re all victims.
Geeez, that deportation boats gotta be getting pretty full. It’ll probably sink before it get to Communist China. Oh well

Peter J Keep
Peter J Keep
3 years ago

Please stop referring to these actions as “Mandates” – allowing that term “softens” the true nature of what is happening. These are dictates, totally bypassing the legislative branch to enact laws.

Stop allowing the left to control the dialogue – refer to things as they are – you know – honestly.

Lindsey C Goff
Lindsey C Goff
3 years ago

Americans’ apathy led us to this. Their “I don’t vote because it doesn’t matter” attitude has nearly brought our great country to its knees. Study the candidates, read between their lying lines, get off your butts, and go VOTE, dummies! You can’t fix stupid, but you can VOTE them out of office!

3 years ago

Most of the time I see the following statement without any explanation of what Supreme Court or President action took place.
‘Bottom line: This President, who recently swatted down a Supreme Court ruling, only to be swiftly reversed by the Court, who indulges talk of political court-packing to undermine law, who pretends an interest in unity while dictating disunity, who has himself above law, history, the People, is out of line.’
Please leave emotional, unclear remarks out or explain what is meant.

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