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America Is in Deep Trouble

Posted on Wednesday, February 14, 2024
by Outside Contributor
Joe Biden and Antony Blinken

The 2024 election took another unpredictable turn on February 8 when Justice Department special counsel Robert Hur concluded that President Biden had willfully retained and disclosed classified information but did not deserve prosecution because a jury would see him as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” The special counsel report reinforced GOP criticisms of a two-tier system of justice while amplifying widespread doubts that Biden is up to the job of president.

And how did Biden respond? With a defiant, combative statement and press conference where he read from notes, caustically dismissed the report’s findings that his memory is fading, insulted reporters, and then, in unscripted comments, confused the presidents of Egypt and Mexico and said that Israel’s response to the Hamas atrocities of October 7 has been “over the top.”

It may have been the worst Oval Office address in my recollection. Only Bill Clinton’s “I did not have sex with that woman” screed springs to mind as competition. In a spur-of-the-moment decision, Biden tried to debunk concerns over his age and ability—and promptly confirmed our worst fears about what is happening inside the White House.

Now we know why his staff has kept Biden under wraps. Why he won’t do a Super Bowl pregame interview—reaching the massive NFL audience on an unofficial holiday—for the second straight year. It’s not just that his aides worry he’ll confuse Travis and Taylor. They’re petrified he might cause a national security crisis.

Here’s why America is in trouble. We are headed toward a general-election showdown that the public would prefer to avoid. And the Democratic incumbent’s condition is growing worse. Americans aren’t the only ones who read Hur’s report or watched Biden’s televised meltdown. America’s enemies did too. The world was a dangerous place before this afternoon. It has grown more dangerous since.

There’s another reason for concern. Who is running the White House? It is hard to believe it is the sad and defeated man who addressed the nation Thursday evening. As Biden’s situation has worsened, he’s become more reliant on the progressive Democratic base. His latest policy blunders have weakened the country to further his bitter hopes of a second term.

On January 26, for example, the Biden administration said it would freeze permits for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export projects. The decision was jaw-dropping. Cheap and bountiful energy is the basis of strong, noninflationary economic growth. America’s shale revolution creates jobs, made this country “energy independent,” and built the world’s biggest LNG export industry.

American LNG is cleaner than oil and coal. It contributes to global security by offering our allies and partners an energy source derived from a commercial republic under the rule of law. American LNG shielded Europe from Russia’s oil and gas weapon. It’s a classic tale of American innovation and entrepreneurship making the world a better place. What’s not to like?

A lot, it turns out—if you are a climate catastrophist bent on crippling America’s domestic production of carbon fuels. The sort of person who funds Joe Biden’s campaigns and serves as a political appointee in his administration. Exactly the type that the president fears.

The green-energy lobby scares Biden. He could spend more time crowing about the tremendous amount of carbon-based energy produced during his tenure. It might improve his numbers. Yet he remains silent. Why? Not just because he keeps out of the public eye. Because of the potential backlash from greens who finance the Democratic Party and micromanage his environmental, industrial, transportation, and tax policies.

Biden plays their game. Kills the Keystone Pipeline. Closes the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling. Drains and fails to replenish the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Restricts offshore drilling. And now, with this latest move, hampers a key node of the world economy, empowers Russia, Venezuela, and Iran and other autocratic energy producers, shifts LNG transport lanes toward a Houthi-terrorized Red Sea, and denies Americans jobs and a better standard of living. Just to rustle up some votes.

Brilliant, Joe.

Executive orders can be reversed, but a fractured foreign policy is hard to repair. Especially if that policy is, as Secretary of State Antony Blinken put it this week during his fifth trip to the region since the October 7 terrorist attack on Israel, “a concrete, time-bound, irreversible path to a Palestinian state.”

Blinken is delusional. There won’t be a Palestinian state so long as Israel considers one to be a security threat. And it is the height of folly to push Palestinian statehood as Israel conducts an existential war against Hamas, readies its forces against Hezbollah, and cracks down on brewing threats in the West Bank. As the U.N. and UNRWA are exposed as dens of anti-Semitism and complicity in violence against Jews. As America sinks into low-intensity conflict with Iran’s proxies in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen.

Like many secretaries of state, BIinken wants to recapitulate Henry Kissinger’s legendary shuttle diplomacy of the mid-’70s. Back then, the late, great American statesman traversed the Greater Middle East and laid the foundations for peace between Israel and Egypt. Blinken has replaced shuttle diplomacy with shuffle diplomacy: He limps from country to country, getting nowhere.

Worse, Blinken indulged in some appalling moral equivalence while in Tel Aviv, saying, “Israelis were dehumanized in the most horrific way on October 7. The hostages have been dehumanized every day since. But that cannot be a license to dehumanize others.” As if there were any similarity, in any respect, between the atrocities Hamas committed that day and since and the way in which Israel has behaved as it tries to minimize civilian casualties and deliver aid—that Hamas steals—to Gaza.

Worse yet: Biden’s comment that Israel’s response has been “over the top.” Is he serious?

Domestic politics explains Blinken’s and Biden’s remarks, their frenzied pursuit of a Palestinian mirage, and the general incoherence of President Biden’s actions in the Middle East. Biden is petrified that Arab Americans living in Michigan won’t vote for him in November, thereby cracking the Blue Wall and handing the election to Trump. He assumes their votes can be bought by pandering, by removing the conditions for Palestinian statehood, by taking a tough rhetorical line against Israel. That’s why Samantha Power engaged in her own version of shuffle diplomacy this week, flying to Dearborn as Tony “Too Nice” Blinken flailed overseas.

Here I thought this was another case of a troubled incumbent flailing to command events. What the Hur report and the Biden speech reveal is far more troubling. Remember the liberal media catchline during Trump’s presidency? “This is not normal.” Yes, indeed. America is in deep trouble.

Matthew Continetti is the director of domestic policy studies and the inaugural Patrick and Charlene Neal Chair in American Prosperity at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where his work is focused on American political thought and history, with a particular focus on the development of the Republican Party and the American conservative movement in the 20th century.

Reprinted with Permission from – By Matthew Continetti

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7 months ago

“…but did not deserve prosecution because a jury would see him as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” So, which is it? Is biden to be judged on his personality, age, and mental state or for the crimes he committed? Why would the law allow him to get away with it while others (ahem…Trump) could potentially be locked up for the rest of his life? This is yet one more example of the double standard when it comes to applying the law to democrats and to Republicans.

And, of course, biden as Senator and as Vice President was not permitted by law to take those files home when he left those offices. President Trump was, and those documents were neatly stored in special rooms with tons of security all around his property. Biden’s sensitive documents are piled, on the other hand, in broken boxes where Hunter had access to them…and one wonders why the Chinese and other countries have given him and his family millions of dollars.

Presumably, biden’s mind was in much better shape all those years ago, so shouldn’t he be judged based on his health at the time? He had all those years to clean up his act, but didn’t. He blames his staff for putting those papers in various unsecured places, so if I were working for him, I’d have resigned the moment he said that.

Nothing this president has done inspires confidence in his ability to run the country over the next 4 years. Most of us–R’s and D’s alike–are seeing this as a factual reality. If the election in November isn’t rigged and if biden remains the D candidate, Trump will be elected to the office. Can’t wait.

MAGA 2024

David Millikan
David Millikan
6 months ago

What was your first clue the United States was in trouble? Let’s start with the 2020 Presidential Election and on the day of 1-21-21, with the Destruction of our Energy Independence, INFLATION, TAX INCREASES, U.S. Constitutional Rights and Americans constantly ATTACKED and SPIED on, Illegally charging Americans without Due Process, Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion (flown all over the country in the middle of the night with no mask, no vaccine, no ID, no whereabouts committing crimes being here ILLEGALLY living free off taxpayers, and killing Americans), Illegal Chinese Police Stations in the USA, Chinese Spy Ballon’s, Surrendering to Terrorist (Giving Terrorist $86 Billion in U.S. Weapons and Military Equipment with the largest Runway in the world while getting 13 U.S. Marines killed and abandoning Americans), Abandon our allies, Pardon Terrorist, Election Interference, Americans killed, etc., etc., etc..
Not to mention being on the brink of WWIII and going from NUMBER ONE with PRESIDENT TRUMP and the World SAFER to last with Dictator Beijing biden and the World in turmoil while he’s working hard to rig the 2024 Presidential Election to maintain Power and Control over YOU, so YOU can remain LAST and stay in debt, pay more taxes, and not afford gasoline or food or medicine. Not to mention a car or home.
Let’s not also forget the insanity of continuing to brainwash our children to hate America and other garbage by the Dept. of DUHMACATION at taxpayer expense.
Almost forgot one of the most important things, OUR SOVEREIGNTY.
So yes, the United States is in DEEP TROUBLE.
Democrats created the nightmare and only care about Power and Control over YOU regardless of the cost to the United States and her legal citizens.

John Beach
John Beach
6 months ago

The one undeniable truth about Biden’s cognitive ability and reasoning is the fact that he did not have the good sense to not run for office after having, effectively, retired from public office after 2017. That Putin believes that a Biden presidency is better for Russia is proof of the insanity of Biden’s policies, particularly, as they relate to energy and fuels. Biden has enriched Russia and made America infinitely poorer by his policies of uncontrolled, illegal immigration and the utter stupidity and ignorance of his energy policies. Nothing proves the fraudulence of the election of 2020 more than the policies which have been allowed or implemented since Biden took office in January, 2021. You don’t have to have exceptional, cognitive abilities to recognize this fact.

6 months ago

There is nothing “well-meaning” about Joe Biden!!! His entire existence is about himself, his family, his wealth, his power and his legacy!!! At this point, his legacy is shot to hell!! And Joe was an “elderly man with a poor memory” when he was hiding from everyone in the 2020 election!!! So, in my mind, that’s no excuse not to try him, he wasn’t that when he committed those crimes!!! This is Joe Biden getting away with everything he has ever done wrong in his entire life!!! It’s disgusting!!! As for Israel and Hamas – there shouldn’t be any decision here and I don’t know why Biden and Blinken think there is!!! Hamas is a terrorist organization who preys on average, ordinary citizens wherever they are!!! Hamas kills, rapes, kidnaps, steals and then wants to be praised on the international stage!!! I can’t understand those who want to protect Hamas or give them what they want – Biden, Blinken, that makes you no better than they!!!
Then there is the Biden papers – he knew better!!!! He skirts the law and has since he was a child!! He has known for years that those papers didn’t belong in his garage next to his precious Corvette and yet, he pushed, tested to see if he would get caught!!! Now that he is caught, he is too old to prosecute – then he is definitely too old to be President!!! Jill, I blame you for a lot of what has happened to our country because, you let your coveting of the First Lady position take over when you should have kept your husband away from all of this nastiness of the past three years!! This was an extremely selfish act on your part, bordering on elder abuse, Jill!!!!!

Donald K Dalton
Donald K Dalton
6 months ago

Does not the Samantha Power comment speak volumes about who is running the Whitehouse? Joe Biden has been a professional politician as long as I have been able to vote. I’m 72. Joe Biden has never been bright enough to run the country, even before his glaringly apparent decline. For anyone who doesn’t believe this is an Obama third term, I have a bridge for sale.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
6 months ago

AS I said, if he is not fit to stand trail, he is certanly not fit to be Presedent. Kyle L.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
6 months ago

“America Is In Deep Trouble”
We are being led (and I use the term loosely) by the most corrupt, criminal, treasonous, and incompetent administration in this nation’s history. Our ‘leader’ is a corrupt, criminal, treasonous, senile, low-IQ piece of pond scum who has spent his life getting rich by stealing from the nation and the taxpayers and making deals with our enemies. Those who suggest he is actually making decisions and creating policy are willingly self-delusional – or lying. But with 95+% Leftist control of the media, he can say or do whatever he wants and the media will lie and run cover for him. We are in so much trouble…

6 months ago

I get frustrated with every post anywhere suggesting that the presidential race being a rehash of 2020. Does that mean, the dems intend to fluff their accounting with inflated numbers, including multiple votes by one person, and including the votes of those dead? First off … there is no way … none … nada … that biden will be the candidate running against Donald Trump (given the dems don’t find some obscure law from 1794 that suggests that a person with a tan, can’t run for president twice in the same century.)
Joe will not be the democrat candidate, get that through your heads folks. He will not run for a repeat failure in office. Kamala has been nothing but an embarrassment as VP, and at this point, Putin is more popular, and would have better chances to win the presidency of the US than Kamala.
The endorsement of Putin, saying that biden’s reelection as president in 2024 is the best for Russia, says a lot. Everyone is cheering for biden / the fall of America. Putting aside, the actual non AI stats of the last 3 years, his criminal connection with his son Hunter, him being forgiven for a faux pas that Trump has been ostracized for … and his failing memory and inability to form a coherent sentence.
Biden will not be on the ballot in November … nor will Kamala. I have guesses as to whom might be …. but stop suggesting ‘the big race’ biden vs trump 2.0 in 2024. It ain’t happening, and is absurd to even suggest it could.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
6 months ago

Joey was of sound mind when as a Senator and again when he was V.P. stole documents out of Washington D.C.. The DOJ is trying to give Biden a get out of jail free card. Now he’s screwing that up.

6 months ago

Absolutely Correct ???????? Impeach Biden and All American f The DemonRats and Rhinos! The Time for The Next Great Patriot Revolution is Now!

6 months ago

I believe Biden is a puppet. It’s easy to use him because he has dementia.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 months ago

OUR Troubles:
Turned back on God, 1962
Trump trials
National Debt
Forever War Dems
Biden as Tyrant

David Millikan
David Millikan
6 months ago

Dictator Beijing biden creates a new political Commie Correct Term; ‘Shrinkflation’ so he can blame Corporations for his HIGH INFLATION he and his Communist Party created with their ‘INFLATION INCREASE (so-called decrease) ACT’ they RAMMED down America’s throat as soon as they took control of both houses and the White House in 2021.
Can always count on Dictator Beijing biden and his Communist Party to blame everyone else except themselves since they are too self righteous and can do no wrong.
The correct term is ‘Bidenflation’ as his INFLATION continues to SOAR along with every FAILED policy of his.

6 months ago

Who is running the White House? obama that’s who

6 months ago

“…a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” This comment should repel everyone. Biden is a callous, self-dealing, hypocritical political animal and neither age nor feeble-mindedness should excuse him from the full application of the law as the consequence of his treacherous actions and activities. He is the President of the United States, not a 3rd world country, and he should be held accountable for his attempted destruction of this Constitutional Republic. His behavior is far more egregious and ruinous to the People of the U.S. than anything Donald Trump ever did. The border issue alone should be cause for Biden’s Impeachment, as well as that of many state governors in this country.

6 months ago

This man is SELLING OUT OUR COUNTRY he’s giving our country to China and Irac all our weapons , our jobs and any thing else they wantI wanted to be president do bad he’s willing to be the WORST PRESIDENT EVER G

6 months ago

When Biden illegally took these documents, he was not an elderly person with poor memory!

6 months ago

American IGNORANCE is blazing on high- even a 2 year old could do better —kinda reminds me of a Schiff et al show bonanza!
We are the LAUGHING Stock of The World and Motha Russia has BIG plans…as Joe and the gang sinks off into the Ukraine sunset????????????’s galore and this beat goes on. ????????????????‼️

6 months ago

As Biden gets closer to the end of his term he becomes much more desperate and dangerous. At Xi’s urging he is intent on destroying America’s ability to defend itself. The ban on LNG is the latest. When he makes these decisions that seem counter to America’s interests you can bet there is a reason behind the scenes. Biden and todays democrat party are maybe the biggest threat America has ever faced.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

Its not the first time an incapacitated POTUS was shielded by handlers to retain power and project faux strength. Ask Woodrow or Franklin Delano about that.

6 months ago

Come off of it! Maybe TRUMP can use the same excuse?? Yeah, Right! If the man is that incompetent [which he is!] then why is he in charge of the country? Or maybe Obama is pulling the strings huh?

6 months ago


Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
6 months ago

A picture of two people that have no business being in government all the people that Biden picked do nothing for this country all are failures Biden looks at the TV and it is one lie after another he makes like he has done so much for this country but when you have his team and social media helping him with his lies that is sick. The people are getting screwed over when you see Biden he walks and looks and talks like a old man and when you cannot remember simple things this is our great president time for him to go

6 months ago

Let’s go Brandon .

Capn Bob
Capn Bob
6 months ago

The amazing thing is the people, including some of the most Left wing socialist leaders of the sanctuary cities are turning on Biden because of the crime and expenses of the massive illegal immigration flood. Power to the people will be returned by Trump in November!

6 months ago

Here’s a question How come Bidens eyes are brown if you go back and look at his eyes they’re BLUE

6 months ago

Thanks a lot, DemonRats.

6 months ago

The Blinken-Biden strategy is one of trying to have policies where everyone likes you all of the time.
It never works! NEVER!
Peace, tranquility and any agreement consists of two things.
Understanding and compromise. Any belief that peace is supported by anything else is rediculous.
This is a political battle right now. Politics being the art of the possible we should strive to keep it that way, if possible.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
6 months ago

Sloppy joey is not only mentally challenged,he does not like the way AMERICA has worked for many years.BUT,deal with it,patriotic AMERICANS will endure.

John Shipway
John Shipway
6 months ago

I guess its the product of having WAAYY too many “T’s” in ones name, but for goodness sake this author is either ignorant or a blatant liar.
From not mentioning that Bidens cut off of LNG permits will destroy our so called European allies after WE blew up the Nordstream pipeline which had provided affordable and reliable energy to the morons in Europe that are vassals to America. Now? I guess they are Sh*t out of luck….get more coats. The author is also a bought and sold Zionist and though sorta kinda criticizing Blinken he in effects echoes that evil SOB by seeing only evil in calling out Israel for the genocide that everyone with eyeballs and a television can see.
Does Mr…….Continetti work on the cheap? If not, why is he appearing on an AMAC site?

Irma Wiza
Irma Wiza
6 months ago

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