By: Palmer Schoening

Following the collapse of Biden’s Build Back Better bill, Democrats have been left grasping for other ways to implement their planned massive expansion of government welfare. Heading into the midterm elections, they now appear to have zeroed in on child tax credits as a vehicle through which to accomplish that goal. On the surface, this initiative seems worthy enough. After all, who doesn’t support tax breaks for families and children? But make no mistake – Democrats’ proposed policy bears little resemblance to the fiscally sound child tax credits of years past, like those passed by Republicans under President Donald Trump in 2017. Instead, Democrats’ latest scheme is no more than an ill-advised attempt at making every American family reliant on government handouts.
Read the Full Article in the Digital Edition of the AMAC Magazine
Your digital magazine article contains one page. Not one thing in the tutorial works to locate the 2nd page. I get “Reason” & “Reader’s Digest” via Kindle. You could take a WHOLE LOT of lessons on digital print editions from Kindle.
I strongly suggest you do so. Some of us would like the chance to read the whole article, and in much larger print that doesn’t require double tapping then pinching it out, only to need magnifying devices to read it anyway.
What I liked about this article:
1- excellent explanation and illustration of differences between an above the line deduction and refundable credit.
2- gave a good overview of current situation and political squabbling.
The elephant in the room for me is Earned Income Tax Credit. It is refundable and extremely beneficial to families with children. Taxpayers without children are practically ignored. Seniors before this year, could not get EITC unless they had children. There are tons to loops and hoops to get EITC. The online tax programs have positive, negative and double negative questions to test the most sane.
What are the prospects of combining the two into one program so the average middle-class taxpayer doesn’t feel left thinking the poor are reaping double rewards while the middle-class are left to wither?