AMAC Magazine Exclusive - Child Tax Credits: Democrats' Dangerous Deception

Posted on Friday, March 11, 2022
by The Association of Mature American Citizens

By: Palmer Schoening

Following the collapse of Biden’s Build Back Better bill, Democrats have been left grasping for other ways to implement their planned massive expansion of government welfare. Heading into the midterm elections, they now appear to have zeroed in on child tax credits as a vehicle through which to accomplish that goal. On the surface, this initiative seems worthy enough. After all, who doesn’t support tax breaks for families and children? But make no mistake – Democrats’ proposed policy bears little resemblance to the fiscally sound child tax credits of  years past, like those passed by Republicans under President Donald Trump in 2017. Instead, Democrats’ latest scheme is no more than an ill-advised attempt at making every American family reliant on government handouts.

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