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‘We Look Back at What We Now Realize Was Gaslighting,’ Says Tammy Bruce

Posted on Friday, January 26, 2024
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON DC, Jan 26 — The Associated Press described former President Donald Trump’s outcome in the Iowa caucuses earlier this month as “a record-setting win … a victory that affirmed his grip on the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.” All the more reason for the “Bidenites” to double-down on their efforts to renew Joe Biden’s lease on the White House. As Tammy Bruce, a Fox News contributor and an AMAC news line columnist, put it in an interview with Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens, on her Better For America podcast: “Americans traditionally want justice, we want bad guys dealt with, but we don’t like unfairness.” 

Meanwhile, she said, the anti-Trump elements are sending “a message to the average person, and this has been the point all along, that if you support, if you engage with, if you join with, if you assist, if you get on a campaign, if you are a lawyer and represent him, we will destroy your lives. We’re going to call you MAGA white extremist… everyone who gave Donald Trump a platform or anyone who, even if you never shook his hand or went to an event or a rally, if you just tweeted him and said good work, suddenly you’re in the purview of the federal government.”

Bruce said that Americans are a trusting people and “we don’t expect to be lied to by people like the director of the FBI. We just don’t expect that. So, when these things were happening, Americans were overwhelmed. The problem now for them is that we know we were lied to. We see the condition of the country. The biggest issue now is how have these people affected our daily lives. [We have] a horrible economy [and] they tell you lies about what’s going on with the economy. So, the things that affect your life on a day-to-day basis — heating oil for the house, natural gas, gasoline, of course, food for the table, lunch boxes — are driving American budgets into the stratosphere. So every day we’re aware of it and every day they tell us lies. We look back at what we now realize was gaslighting. It was making you not believe your lying eyes. And so they think they can do it again.”

She went on to say that “the establishment and the Democrats, and sometimes the Republicans, are so disconnected from the American people, they really don’t understand that we have lives and that we are watching them, [and having] this conversation. Millions of people who might view this and be quiet and maybe don’t engage, but they’re making up their minds, and that’s what they don’t like. They want people to be afraid. They want people to not vote. They want people to be too afraid to go outside. It’s about how they can manipulate the system so that it works to their benefit and control people so that the voting dynamic moves in their direction. They did not expect Trump. No one. I don’t know who else could have withstood what the government has done. And yet there he is. I think that also impresses the American people. They see politicians all the time who back down. And with Donald Trump, not only is he not backing down, he seems to be thriving again. And he is still focused, and he’s delivered on the things that matter to us. If Joe Biden turned around and the economy was great and the border got closed, he could be fine. It’s what Americans want. When we hire someone to do a job, we don’t expect them to punch us in the face.”

In conclusion, Bruce said that “Donald Trump’s win in Iowa is not a surprise. He will be the nominee. I have liked his energy when he’s been doing the interviews, and when he’s with a rally or a group of people. He’s clear. But more than that he’s enjoying himself. I saw this in the first time around. This is a man who’s enjoying it and that comes from confidence. And, I would argue, from love. Remember those giant rallies 2015 and 16?  He met the American people everywhere. And I saw a change in him in his conversations, at the rallies, in his interviews, in his nature of beyond the policy issues, but about how these things affect people as individuals. And I think he fell in love with the country and he appreciated us how we appreciated him.  So I think that there is something that other politicians don’t have. They have ambition. They have intelligence. Some, not all. They have a goal. And they’re maybe really focused on policy, and that’s important. Loving this country means that you have to love her people.  And I see that in no one else at this point other than Donald Trump.”

John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.

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1 year ago

First off, most Americans capable of critical thinking knew, from Day One of the Biden administration, what this country would be in for once the Democrats regained the Oval Office. The Democrats were actually bold enough and sure enough of the general apathy and laziness of the American public to NOT pay attention during the primary phase of their own party’s selection process to write a 110-page outline of their objectives should they regain control of Washington and put it on-line for months ahead of the election. So, there was more than enough ample time for those on the Democrat side, if they actually cared about this country, to make a more intelligent decision that helping Old Joe and the Democrats back into power. They had more than enough time to familiarize themselves with what would be in store under ANY Democrat sitting in the Oval Office.

During the Obama administration, the Democrats are NOT subtle in outlining their overall agenda and putting as much of it in practice at the time by any means necessary. So Americans had ample warning of what returning such people to power would mean for this country. That is why I find this quote from this article so thoroughly absurd on its face: “Bruce said that Americans are a trusting people and “we don’t expect to be lied to by people like the director of the FBI. We just don’t expect that. So, when these things were happening, Americans were overwhelmed.” All the Obama administration did for 8 years was lie (She calls it gaslighting) and use the power of the federal government to enact one onerous policy after another, while at the same time using the power of the federal government to attack anyone opposed to their agenda.

The problem isn’t on our side of the political spectrum, but rather on the other side that continues to be driven by emotional manipulation and an endless belief that somehow, some way, if the Democrats are kept in power and allowed to raise enough taxes, increase enough regulations, take away enough rights and freedoms and control enough of everyone’s lives to the point of grinding this nation to a halt, that magically everything will be sunshine and rainbows as America and Americans are reduced to third-world poverty and misery.

Yes, obviously Trump is the better and only real choice to salvage what is left of this country, but the half of the country that can’t think or make rational decisions on their own will still gravitate towards the shiny ball of a dressed Marxism being positioned as DEI, ESG, Climate Change, etc., that is being constantly waved in front of their faces. You CANNOT expect such people, who have been intentionally conditioned to believe in such nonsense, to make suddenly “wake up” and make better decisions. This will be a real dogfight of an election no matter how you look at it. The Democrats in power will certainly be doing everything they can, both legally and illegally, to retain control of this country to finish the job of taking down the United States.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

only the fools and hardcore moronic leftists believed the lying (not gaslighting – lying) democrats BS. you do not put your candidate in the basement for the entire campaign if you have nothign to hide. you did not see trump hiding did you?
The fact is that the complete corruption of the democrat party goes way back to before Kennedy. it was just as robust and evil then as now. simple example. truman did not need to drip the atomic bombs. the japanese wanted to surrender to us because the Russians were breathing down their necks and Russia woudl not have given them their country back. Russia would have said we own you. truman choose to drop the bombs to prove he was tough and get reelected.
A party made up of people who woudl kill millions to get reelected will do anything to be reelected. lying does not even tip the scale of democrat corruption. if you don’t think the covid 19 release for the lab was planned you are a fool. If you don;t think the democrats paid the rioters in 2019 and 2020 you are a fool. those are all small indiscretions from a democrat view point. Further, every democrat /leftist voter woudl agree with the tactics if they were directly asked. The Antifa crowd is proof of that.

1 year ago

Well written, well said. Our fight back to normalcy, honesty & integrity will be a tough one. And unfortunately a too long one. But we must prevail.

1 year ago

I always liked Tammy Bruce. She is Conservative, Gay, and Packs Heat.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
1 year ago

joe cannot run on his record. All he has is character assassination and a weaponized DOJ/FBI/Gestapo and the support of the media. Will that be enough? Or will he have to cheat again? That is the question.

Linda Joyner
Linda Joyner
1 year ago

Right on target. Thank you, Tommy!

1 year ago

Gaslight sounds too playful…too innocent! Let’s use the correct term…LIE!
We have been blatantly lied to since a Democrat took office. Here’s why. Leftists simply cannot tell the truth! Their ideology is so repulsive, they don’t dare be forthcoming.
Republicans are honest to a fault! Dems use our honesty against us. They have no limits. Our sense of doing what’s right has made us vulnerable to the enemy’s assault.

1 year ago

Prayers for you, Tammy

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Gaslight since Obama right

William Hodge
William Hodge
1 year ago

So they’re calling me a, MAGA White Extremist? Huh, I can live with that.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

How nany American troops and US contractors have been killed ir seriously injured by Houthi missile attacks supported by Iran? Joe Biden = guilty of treason.

John Shipway
John Shipway
1 year ago

A question might be posed in light of recent and ongoing events down Texas way as to whether the tyrants currently ensconced in the White House might use the Texas State Governments decision to enforce existing law despite a close decision by the Supreme Court to cancel elections or even to declare martial law.
This can’t happen? Look at the madness that has been unveiled since the brain dead puppet was selected to play President. Ever thought your college age daughter would be forced to share bathrooms and showers with males that merely suggest they are females? How about the growing wave of hypnosis used by a number of school districts that indoctrinate your kids into wondering what sex they are……….too mind numbed to merely check between their legs. Look at all the perverse changes that have occurred in less than 4 years under the desiccated corrupt old husk named Brandon. “We” are not even “we” any longer.
It can be asked if perhaps a civil war kicked off by current events in Texas might be a very good thing. There are worse things than death and if true patriots wish to risk their lives for the welfare of their country……so be it. The Feds seem to want a fight so lets give it to them. They should show no fear as we are merely “the deplorables”.

1 year ago

Politics and politians!…both are usually dirty. Forr forty years I voted as an Independent.. Knowing how crucial the 2016 election was, I really prayed; asked for guidance; and changed from Independent to Republican, just so I could vote for DJT. Watching his campaigns I saw a man who was honest. My daugher heard negative comments and believed them. She tried to convince me to change my vote. She finally decided to watch him and point out all his flaws. After listening a couple times, she realized everything she had heard had been lies. The only way the Recesssive progressives can win is by deception and cheating. Everyone must demand our Congress pass bills that adhere to their constituents wishes (not to lobbyists). The people want:: NO ballot counting devices; voter I.D.; in-person voting; NO vote-by-mail; NO drop boxes; Contact your representatives and demand bills in Congress to support election integrity. People must not believe anything without qustioning the source; and doing their own research.

1 year ago

Tammy Bruce is right.

1 year ago

I with all my heart agree, however I don’t express my feelings in writing as many below do.

1 year ago

Ole Joe hates people and especially the Trump supporters or Maga people. He doesn’t want America be great again. He wants her destroyed. I have said this for the past 3 years. The hatred that they heaped on Trump during his presidency was Satan at work. Then the fraudulent 2020 election happened and for the past three years we have seen ole Joe putting the blame on Trump for everything that went wrong. First the pandemic, which showed what ole Joe is really like, a dictator. Then the Afghanistan debacle was blamed on Trump. Ole Joe himself called this plan a success. Nobody else did. In meantime people were coming across the border in droves but not to worry sloppy and Kameltoe had it under control. If there was a problem they inherited it from Trump. My question is why didn’t they correct the problem to show Trump and the American people this is the way to success with the migrants. No sloppy had no plan. He thought Texas can take care of the millions and millions that have come across the border. And he could take the credit for the millions of voters the dems gained with his plan. Till Texas said this is not a Texas problem this is a national problem. Only ole Joe didn’t agree and began suing Texas so that the judges, bought by Soros could rule in sloppy’s favor. Talk about brainwashing. He weaponized the MSM, the FBI, CIA, Justice Dept., IRS. Raised the debt by trillions of dollars, inflation went through the roof and is still not at a manageable level. 100 dollars worth of groceries for a week does not include any meat. But the cattle ranches are not getting any of that money. No that goes to the middle man. Because we all have to stop eating meat, and the ranchers are being pushed out of business. We need to eat Bill Gates cricket burgers and other so-called lab grown meat. Everybody using only electric vehicles, appliances etc etc. Is wanting control over the people’s coming and going. In Europe they have ordered a speed limit of 30 km in the center of big cities. In CA they want chips in your car. where your car slows down automatically when you drive 10 miles over the speed limit. Only that is the beginning. When you have driven further than your monthly limit you are allowed they can just stop your car. Wherever you are, good luck fellow getting home. Dit is the plan of the deep state behind ole Joe who run the country with O into the ground. We extreme whites have got to go. And dang if Trump is not standing in their way. With all they have hung on him, slung at him and he still loves America and above all the people. The dems can’t even come close to him as human beings. They take children away from their parents and mutilate them for life all in the name of trans. Parents who act like caring parents are tagged as domestic terrorists. The justice dept lists them as such. You don’t agree with the dems put them on a list, or the FBI will come by your house for a visit to check you out. Someone hijacks your car it is your fault. The perp becomes the victim and the victim the perp. Trans men are allowed to compete in women’s sport. Take that you biological women. Men can get pregnant. No they can’t. But the dems strategy is say a lie often enough it becomes the truth. This brainwashing started under O. Continued during Trump’s presidency by calling him a Nazi and much much worse. And continued under ole Joe because the dem plan is to destroy America and blame Trump. The WEF who want a global world order, has ordered the deep state and O to accomplish this. After all it was the WEF that pushed O to become president of the US. Just like Tony Blair was made Prime Minister of Britain. Or Mark Rutte in the Netherlands or Macron in France. All this is a plan and as long as nobody says anything their brainwashing is working. One day soon the truth will be revealed. The WEF 3 years ago called those, who saw thru them and exposed them for what they were, complot thinkers. Now they call it mis or disinformation. See they are running scared. President of the Heritage Foundation, called them out and told them what they are. We complot thinkers have been vindicated. Now if we can only get the sheep and the woke see what is really going on. And that is. The elite want to rule us, we are expendable and they will kill us with fake viruses, and killing vaccines. 4 million extra deaths from the COVID vaccine have already occurred in the US. The holocaust of the 21st century.

Clifford U
Clifford U
1 year ago

We are especially getting tired of the squad which should be renamed the Hamas caucus. The Hamas caucus does more to promote violence than anybody and few democrats even stand up to them. The likes of AOC, Rashida Tlaib, Ihlan Omar, Cori Bush and friends getting power is horrible for America, horrible for out ally Israel, and horrible for every decent thinking person. These lunatics need to be put in their place and have their power stripped and be expelled from congress.

Cliff usa
Cliff usa
1 year ago

DeSantis would have reserved women’s sports for women

1 year ago

My brother recommended I might like this web site He was totally right This post actually made my day You cannt imagine just how much time I had spent for this information Thanks

1 year ago

We act as if this began with BIden. Political misdirection became the norm in DC with George Bush in order to justify his middle east invasion (weapons of mass destruction) and exploded with Obama. Its now a race to see which side can misdirect the most.
After all the establishment must provide enough matter to support at least 3 24/7 news outlets. That requires a lot of “content” ( or misdirection) to keep these networks going so they can continue their ad revenue.

1 year ago

Only the most ignorant, foolish, and dull among us trust Biden and the utterly depraved Democratic Party. The rest who support them are the worst criminals and ideologically duped, perverse, and depraved.

1 year ago

This current administration certainly seems to be following the Obama playbook. Who is now running our country? Biden or Obama?

1 year ago

American people should never be told lies from the WH administration either. What happened to telling the truth to Americans? Please read The Ten Commandments !!!!!!

1 year ago

Satan is in charge of the world. The bible says this in at least 5 places. Look it up. This doesn’t mean God doesn’t have control. God is simply giving people their choice. Satan has a lot of minions. Most probably don’t know that is the side they are working for, but with grounding in God’s word, you can tell.. Prepare for the end by asking Christ Jesus to be your Savior. You will then have eternal joy.

1 year ago

Trump 47…With God’s help.

corbin douthitt
corbin douthitt
1 year ago

It;s the RINO WAY..

1 year ago

A jury found Trump guilty of defamation today & along with +$80 Million to the defendant. Many people like the way that Trump does not back down from anybody & bashes and bullies them. This is the outcome of a court that does allow defamation of others. Has Trump learned a lesson or will he stay bittier & defiant? The abuse of power to hurt others is wrong & just go back & look at Trump comments on Senator John McCain in the past.

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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