WASHINGTON DC, June 14 — According to the Cambridge Dictionary the word “trump” means “to be better than or have more importance or power than another person or thing.” In America’s political circles Trump, as in President Donald Trump, is gaining in popularity among voters, despite the extreme efforts of his enemies. The news source, Vox, writes that “across multiple kinds of polling and public opinion surveys, Trump’s favorability appears to have stabilized at a higher place than three years ago. Views of Trump have been improving for most Americans and have actually increased significantly among Black and Latino Americans, younger voters, and working-class people.”
What makes his popularity significant is that it is happening in the aftermath of efforts to take him down. President Trump has faced four criminal court charges, one of which has found him guilty. He is the first former president in American history to be charged with crimes. Some argue that the charges were brought in an effort to take him down and the convictions will ultimately be overturned.
According to consultant Billy Pierce, it was “an abuse of the justice system. Biden and the Democrats can’t win the 2024 election in the polls, so they will use the prosecution of Trump to try to keep him out of office. This verdict will not hold up through appeals.”

Support for Trump has even been declared by voters such as Betsy Sarcone who said she didn’t even like him. As she put it, “I’ve been following this sideshow semi-closely. This does not impact my plans to vote Republican. I don’t even like Donald Trump and this was a witch hunt, made-up crimes on the part of the judge and DA. It will never stand on appeal. … I actually don’t think it will hurt him. People are so sick of the sideshows to distract, avoid [and] gaslight people away from the real problems in this country. To be clear, I’m still not a Trump fan, but it’s pretty clear these cases are being motivated politically.”
The fact of the matter is that Donald Trump’s guilty verdict has rallied support for the former president. Ron Bonjean, a Republican strategist, told The Hill that it had “the same dramatic effect across the country like President Clinton’s impeachment. They are very different scenarios, but both caused a massive rally effect. With Clinton it was Democrats, and now with Trump, it’s Republicans who believe there is judicial overreach … [it gave] establishment Republicans permission to be supportive of Trump going into November”
Even Trump’s former VP, Mike Pence, said Donald Trump’s verdict was based on “politically motivated charges [and] is an outrage and disservice to the nation. No one is above the law, but our courts must not become a tool to be used against political opponents.”
John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.
The number of words in your comment is higher than your IQ. You shouldn’t be so eager to put your profound ignorance on public display. ;-))
Our elections in the USA should be honored and conducted by the rule of law. But that’s not what happened in the New York City “Hush Money” trial of Donald Trump, a clear attempt at election interference by a radical Soros backed D.A. who actually campaigned on his pledge to “get Trump.” The former president’s 34-count conviction will ultimately be overturned on appeal for the travesty it is, but this sorry episode represents a huge injustice to all Americans. Our choice for who will lead our nation must be determined at the ballot box, not in the jury box.
Understanding the root cause,the reason why things happen is always a good idea. And the more complex a situation is the more important it is to determine the reason why it happened. Various kinds of influences present to people ways of thinking, that can have profound effect on their decision making. The more independent minded someone is the more likely they will be to decide for themselves and other influences will not be a major factor in their outlook. So, in the political sense , especially the voting aspect involved in politics, understanding the power of influence is of great importance. Those who are accustomed to having other people make decisions for them will be subject to choosing a candidate based on what kind of information is presented to them , and they may not size up the circumstances as accurately as they should in order to determine what is true and what is not. It would be far better to have the majority of citizens who are independent minded and are very concerned about the truth of matters, who have an understanding of what good management is all about. Good management, of anything, involves planning, organization, coordination and scheduling – all connected by clear , intelligent communication. That is what makes for good decision making and that is the foundation of good management. This tactic , that involved wrong – doing , connected with the trial in New York of Donald Trump is most definitely an Outrage and Disservice to the Nation. The ethical thing to do now is to just proceed on a course that will exonerate Donald Trump and restore Integrity as a major part of the National Character of the United States of America.
The Communist DOJ won’t prosecute Garland but go after President Trump. On top of it Dictator Beijing biden authorized use of Deadly Force by the Fascist Bureaucrats of Intimidation (fbi) against President Trump and his family.
The Communist DOJ still hasn’t charged h. clinton, obama, and holder for contempt of Congress among Destruction of Government Property while transmitting Classified Information on a personal cell phone, etc., etc.. Then let’s not forget Dictator Beijing biden’s Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion which he has violated National Security among countless other acts of espionage and treason.
The Fascist democrats think the law and Constitution doesn’t apply to them. They are WRONG.
Always good to hear some who don’t even like President Trump, have been able to see what the vindictive left has been doing to him, unjustly. But they have nothing else. Voters aren’t supporting the lefts redistribution of their income, nor the socialism the left seeks to put in place.