
National Security , Newsline

“Useful Idiots” – Recruited and Used by the American Leftists

Posted on Monday, May 10, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi
useful idiots

WASHINGTON, DC, May 10 — The “useful idiots” are at it again.  Lenin is said to have used the term “useful idiots” to describe the gullible believers in his socialist paradise.  He used them to overthrow the Czar and turn Russia into a Communist stronghold that eventually became the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  This time, since we don’t have a Czar to blame, they are being recruited and used by American leftist national socialists such as the militant leaders of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, who use the term “white supremacy” to entice them, according to a couple of authoritative observers.

The growing surge of racial unrest throughout the country in recent years appears on the surface to be a backlash against what the rioters and protestors call “white supremacy.” 

Indeed, Mike Gonzalez, a global politics expert at the Heritage Foundation, says that the “charter members of the ultra-left speak of overthrowing white supremacy.”  But, he notes, “what they really mean is replacing America’s economic and cultural system with one that redistributes wealth, no longer has the individual at its center and recognizes only government-granted positive rights, not pre-political natural rights.”

And, if you think it is going to be a hard sell, think again.  More than 4,500 schools across the country are already teaching the next generations how to be “useful idiots” in what might be the next American Revolution, having adopted a new, distorted way to teach our nation’s history.  It’s called the 1619 Project, and Gonzales says it rewrites the way and the why America was founded. 

Our kids are being taught that the Fourth of July 1776 is not America’s birthday; rather, they are learning that our country was supposedly founded in 1619.  That’s when African slaves first arrived. 

The American Revolution Institute is not on board with that, noting that “academic reviewers, including some of the nation’s leading historians, have been unyielding in their criticism of the 1619 Project, pointing to numerous errors of fact and interpretation and rejecting its fundamental claim that the nation is defined by racism and was conceived in oppression.”

Meanwhile, author and political activist, Trevor Loudon tells us that America’s communist revolution is already underway and that the Communist Party of China may be aiding and abetting the revolutionaries.  Russia’s revolution used class to fire up the proletariat pitting the haves and have nots against each other.  That is not likely to work in America, but playing the race card just might.

In a recent interview with the Epoch Times, he explained that the communist or national socialist movement in the U.S. seeks to get its way by centralizing government power under a dictator, for lack of a better term.  “The independence of the legislature, the independence of the Supreme Court, the independence of the sheriffs and the police must all be destroyed, and the loyalty of the army to the Constitution must be transferred to loyalty to the president.”

According to Loudon, progressive Democrats are seeking a way to keep their party in control in perpetuity.  “To make sure they can never be voted out of office, the Democrats plan to enfranchise 22 million illegal immigrants, abolish the Electoral College, gain at least four more far-left senators through Puerto Rico and D.C. statehood, and flood the country with tens of millions more refugees and illegal immigrants. They also plan to nationally introduce voting ‘reforms,’ i.e., mass mail-in balloting, abolition of ID requirements, etc., that will guarantee eternal Democratic Party control.”

Loudon got the 22 million illegal figure from a study conducted by Yale, noting that most elections are won or lost by less than 5 million votes, and illegal immigrants are more likely to pledge their allegiance to the Democratic party.   Thus, ultimately giving them the right to vote could help ensure that the Democrats stay in power for a very long time.  


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3 years ago

Unfortunately many “so-called” conservative politicians line up with the Progressives when it comes to public schools. I was just on a live call with a local Republican Representative on Monday and he took the normal liberal stance of, “Oh, that’s a theocracy and I am for freedom of religion.

I was only allowed to make a statement and so tried to intervene when he was making wrong assertions or assumptions but to no avail. Our Founders were “not” interested in a “so-called” theocracy but we wise in their belief that the Bible and it’s general principles were necessary for an orderly and just society. They were for freedom of religion but the 1st. Amendment was written to protect the church from the government, ie, which would oppress those who were not of a certain denomination but that the government and it’s laws needed to be run by the general Biblical principles, ie, The Ten Commandments.

What today’s executives and legislatures do not understand today is that Marxism/Leninism has a theology about God and are are as much “religious” as Christianity. Though they are atheistic they have definite religious values. Where the Christian has special creation by God, they have the theory of evolution by Darwin.

In the pamphlet, “Why Communism Kills, The Legacy of Karl Marx”, by Dr. Fred C. Schwarz, under the concept, There is no God, he quotes Lenin: “Atheism is a natural and inseparable portion of Marxism, of the theory and practice of Scientific Socialism.” The Bible “returned” to the Public Schools, which has been replaced by Marx’s atheism and Darwin’s evolution for over half a century now or we are doomed. The young need to listen to the elderly’s cries or the naive popularity of their own demise.

Under the term Revolution, Schwarz himself states: “Marx taught that a revolution to destroy Capitalism was both necessary and inevitable. He acknowledged the possibility that the revolution in England and the United States might be peaceful but he believed that most revolutions would be violent. Lenin dismissed the possibility of peaceful revolution and declared that violence was essential.”

Taken from, “Understanding The Times”, by David Noebel, pg. 19, “In an article titled ‘Marxism in US Classrooms’, U.S. News and World Report reported that there are ten thousand Marxist professors on America’s campuses.”

Americans should have Protested long ago but their indifference has led to this awful situation.

The strong Christian origins of Harvard, Dartmouth and Yale.
Marx and Lenin, the educated young now hail!
Money to the education system to no avail,
Unless returning to God, heaven and hell!

3 years ago

What we are experiencing in this country is the standard socialist playbook being executed to bring about the wholesale changes articulated by Mr. Loudon. Virtually every country, of the last half century, that has gone down the path of adopting socialism has been taken over in this exact same manner. The Socialists in this country have been working towards this moment for well over a 100 years at this point. While the vast majority of the American public has largely ignored the threat. Decades of willful ignorance and apathy does have a very real cost, as most Americans are starting to learn. Unfortunately, that knowledge may be coming too late to do most any good.

A series of gradual, incremental changes over decades, increasing in both frequency and intensity, until we have reached this point where the Socialists have total control over the Executive and Legislative branches of our government and the top of the Judicial branch as been cowed into submission through the threat of personal, physical harm. For socialism to firmly cement itself in a nation, all existing societal structures have to be either taken over (federal agencies and the military) or collapsed (the police through defunding and political vilification) and any state and local government resistance marginalized to the new order to allow for the rise of the replacement centralized socialist government. A government with virtually unlimited power and control over everything. Rule by executive edict.

Nothing happening in this country right now is either new or inventive from the perspective of the standard socialist model. All that is being done is they are just substituting race baiting (calling everything “systemic racism”) to justify the need to teardown every institutional and societal barrier to their ultimate goal of a socialist Utopia. Like some other countries that have gone down this path, those that oppose this transformation, most of the people on our side are doing little to nothing to actively push back against this threat. Read the histories of pre Mao China, 1930s Germany, Peron’s early years in Argentina, Mugabe’s rise to power in Zimbabwe, etc., etc.. Virtually every socialist movement over the last 100 years could have been stopped early on, if only the vast majority of the people in their countries had only actively pushed back instead of meekly waiting around for “somebody else to save us”. When everyone is waiting for “somebody else” to do something, ultimately nobody does anything and the left takes control. The outcomes in every single socialist country are the same. Only the degree of suffering and misery for the average citizen varying slightly.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Useful idiots= college, media, govt.
See Rules for Radicals by Alinksy apply to Dems make=

3 years ago


Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

Spot on! So many “useful idiots” who spout leftist tripe and have ZERO idea about anything involving intelligence or critical thinking! Must “feel” everything.
We started this chain years ago when we first “tolerated” amoral policies in the name of “being nice.” Liberals/Marxists/ communists never settle for some, they want all!

Charlotte A Mahin
Charlotte A Mahin
3 years ago

This article is exactly correct. I am 76 and remember when our country fought and lost thousands of young men to stop this threat. Everything these “progressives” are doing is from the playbook on how to make a Communist Country. The thing I find appalling is how willing they are to work with China in their endeavor. I believe that the Covid Virus Pandemic was a project that the Chinese Communist and the Extreme Left of our country worked on together to stop Trump from winning. ALL or our major corporations, 90% of our media, and most of our entertainment business is working hand-in-had with China. Why is Biden not calling out China for all of their transgressions? Because he and his family and others on the left in DC have taken Chinese money and still are. Unless the GOP can find a way to keep these evil monsters out of our upcoming elections, they will perpetually be in charge. It is a sad and dangerous time for our Republic and it makes me sick that we have allowed this to happen. The uber-left has been indoctrinating our kids for 40 years and while they slowly changed our laws, our elected Republican politicians were too scared to stand up to them. That’s the reason they HAD to get Trump out…..he loves our nation and its people and wants them to survive.

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
3 years ago

I don’t think the country can be saved. Recent survey I read said 60% of millenials were happy with what biden was doing. They are the future of the country. We are destroying our own history and the fact socialists were elected to control the govt should say volumes. I am watching history unfold, the fall of the once greatest country on earth.

3 years ago

“Useful Idiots”, a great phrase that exactly describes today’s so-called “sports heroes” especially Lamebrain Lebron James backing Socialist politicians! … The SAME Socialist Politicians who would “kill” ALL Professional Sports with Socialist policies. Hey Lebron, which Socialist countries can afford ANY Professional Sports???? … The answer: NONE! … But you are a Useful Idiot!

3 years ago

The “useful idiots” won’t like it when they realize they have built a prison of their own making! By then it will be too late!

3 years ago

Lenin, Phineas Taylor Barnum and George Soros have each known the measure of their potential followers. They all have one thing in common, change for changes’ sake, regardless of the consequences. Things are coming closer and closer to armed confrontation, being fueled by the “news” outlets, hell bent on generating armed warfare on our streets. Death maiming and destruction are good filler for a news program, but those of us who have to contend with it get nothing of any value in this madness. Some lawsuits need to be brought against the 4th estate war mongers before things go completely out of control. It nearly is now.

3 years ago

The official number of illegals in the country at the end of 2018, per government records, was 40.3 million. Where the author got 22 million from is anyone’s guess, but it is wildly inaccurate. Today we must have north of 41 million in the country, with thousands more streaming in each day thanks to Biden reversing all the border controls Trump put in place.

3 years ago

We have federal government that allows illegals (I don’t want to label them immigrants because we don’t have a clue who they are) flooding the southern boarder, wants to take away our freedom of speech and the right to bear arms, defund the police, release convicted murders and rapist, reverse our energy dependence in the world, creating inflation in the price of gas, food, electricity, pay people more money to not work, which not only uses tax money, but reduces the flow of taxes to pay for them not working, renegotiate the Iran nuclear agreement, with a country calling for the destruction of the great satin, the USA, China our enemy in trade military and human rights, while the president and his son receive millions of dollars from business deals with the CCP teaches our children that the founding of our country happened in 1619 because of some pirates sold a dozen Africans as slaves to white extremist, they want to change election laws making it harder to screen people from voting illegally and many other things like packing the Supreme Court, uncontrolled spending of trillions of dollars that will only devalue the dollar and make it impossible to pay back even at a 100% tax rate, and the MSM that is suppose to call out and report things that the government is doing, is looking the other way. Yet, the Rasmussen poll on Monday, May 10 has Biden’s Job approval rate at 50% and a disapprove of 48%. PEOPLE, OUR COUNTRY IS IN DEEP, DEEP TROUBLE BECAUSE OF ALL THE “USEFUL IDIOTS”!

3 years ago

“useful idiots” = Liz Cheney & Mitt Romney

3 years ago

For me, the race card was overused and now is irrelevant and non=functional

james michalicek
james michalicek
3 years ago

The dems have many useful idiots, such as Biden and Harris. AKA Ding Dong and Ho Ho.

Cameron Helfrich
Cameron Helfrich
10 months ago

I am so disgusted by the state of America, my father fought in Pacific theater during WWII and nobody recognizes the sacrifices made to protect our laws and way of life we all enjoy! The Democrats are not just liberals anymore, they are Marxist brainwashed morons who want to dismantle what made us so successful for 250 years as a nation and the model of fairness around the world. Why would anyone argue with this fact? Wake up and recognize what is coming next cuz if you continue to vote for Dems we will absolutely lose everything!!!!!

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

I can’t believe the American people are taking this lying down. As an 80 year old female, there is not much I can, but vote which I do but I would have thought by now that there would be a good-sized group to fight this. Where are our heroes?

Kay Norfleet
Kay Norfleet
3 years ago

I agree, Joyce. I, too, am in my eighties, and I believe we older must keep on spreading the good words of OUR AMERICAN VALUES, OUR CONSTITUTION, and write write write letters to newspapers describing how we feel-this is still our country. One I grew up in, and I admit, took for granted, but now….

Danver Richards
Danver Richards
3 years ago

this is all from the communist play book

3 years ago

These “useful idiots” will keep doing what the leftist tell them until the plan is accomplished. Then what? I think they will be thrown to the wolves. They try rebelling and will get kicked in the teeth. They’ll realize there is no more freedom.

3 years ago

Tis the season of political idiocy and it will thrive for another 3+ years till the DemonRats lose control of the top 3 tiers of governance. At present the NATION is in peril or decomposing to a system of Socialism/Communism in theoretical disguise. It is imperative that the voting system be fixed to insure “one man, one vote” and cannot be cheated by aspiring DemonRats as was the case in the last POTUS election (which fouled not only the POTUS race, but even lover in the balloting).

3 years ago

You are describing what America is becoming. A Communist dictatorship.
The left wing radicals in the Democrat party mean business and are working quickly to make it happen.
We MUST defeat S.1
If that passes, we will be a one party Tryanny forever.

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
3 years ago

This one lit up the rebellious leftists on social media. No repartee, all name calling and aspersions.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

Another name for a useful idiot in the United States is a Marxist Democrat. Anyone in office under the Democrat logo is a useful idiot. Anyone who voted for O’Biden is a useful idiot. Anyone who follows the Fauci dictates is a useful idiot. And so it goes…..the rest of us have a unique opportunity to explain to our children and grandchildren where the leftists want to take our country. Fair and balanced teaching in our public schools should be demanded of the school boards and superintendents. Make certain that all of the grandkids take US History, Civics, Government and Economics classes in school, and make sure those people teaching those classes take a balanced approach to the subjects, or call out those instructors at school board meetings.

3 years ago

I’ve attended a couple webinars that Mike spoke at and he is an excellent resource; his commentary on this issue is no exception.
As a layman, I’ve followed what I refer to as the modern anti-American/socialist effort since reading then hearing Tom Hayden in Ann Arbor in the early sixties.
In reading about Mao’s, Marcuse’s, Zinn’s, Clower-Piven’s and others visceral hatred for The US and then couple that nonsense with this latest crashing of America by Antifa, BLM and the other low- lifes(useful idiots) bought and paid for by the rich/elites and media, the sensible leaders(if we have some with Trump gone) need to start leading and defeat this scourge.

John Wesley
John Wesley
3 years ago

Some of us have been “suffering pain and hardship” for more than a few years.

3 years ago

DemonRats recruiting “useful Idiots.” Couple of things to take from this situation. Goes to show that the DemonRats don’t have all the idiots on their rolls… yet. And it confirms the old saw, “It takes one to know one.”

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

We are inundated with idiots. Look at those who voted for Biden and constantly trash President Trump for the amazing things he actually did by putting America first! Every couple of years some media outlet does man-on-the-street interviews that are usually simple questions and its amazing how few people have any clue about civics in general. Many college students actually think Judge Judy is on the SCOTUS! Many can’t point to Florida on a map of the US and many others can’t name the three branches of our government! While all is disgusting, the worst thing is we allow these morons to vote, which is why we get an administration like Biden’s. We are seeing the destruction of our nation from ignorance, and if this Election Fraud bill passes I doubt we will ever recover without another bloody civil war. And, yes, the left is promoting it all for their political power.

3 years ago

Hopefully, and I mean it seriously, these devils in our government won’t have reached a fever pitch for eradicating any and all Conservatives from this country before there is a possibility of taking our country back. Since I’m a Senior female Citizen I won’t be of much help in an actual physical fight. But those who can had better start up the ‘Machine.’ Just sitting around and watching the C.S.M. Party destroy us at the rate of a bullet train is irresponsible! We have Veterans who have proven themselves in recent wars, and intelligent men and women in our Military who I know can’t stand what these Devil’s are doing. We have Patriotic American’s all across this country, that if they take advantage of this current moment in time, can put their heads together to take our country back. There are methods to Psychologically manipulate the opposition. I of course, don’t know what God’s plan for this country right now, but I pray He’ll give us another chance! Dear God, please help us! It is not Your Will that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance. ????????????????

3 years ago

I donated to Trumps campaign, I donated after the election to help with a challenge, now I am being asked to donate to regain our country. It has reached the breaking point. I have stopped donations because with all the requests I have donated to and all the requests I am receiving, I can’t do it anymore. Is there some guidence to the most effective groups that I don’t feel it’s a never ending money pit? Is the judicial groups, the new faces of the republican party. Except for Trump the old faces are not worth it. This did not happen overnight, but why our party slept or played nice.

3 years ago

I hate to say it but we have to start a revolution before it is to late

3 years ago

I am very disturbed with what I’m seeing from the left in this country. They are not the majority, yet they are far more active than conservatives. It is not the time to be complacent. I would die for this country in order that my children and grandchildren have the same opportunities I did growing up. This country is not racist, far from it. The majority of people in this country have the biggest hearts and care about what happens. I think we all need to be active in our communities. That’s where we start, and the first place is with election integrity or we can kiss the rest of it good bye. There will always be followers (the useful idiots), and it’s up to the rest of us to educate them. We can change schools. Go to your school board meetings. Make your voice heard. Talk to parents, get them involved. Our children are our future. We need to invest in them and stand up for them.

3 years ago

Do these idiots really think that they will receive one dime of Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, George Soros or any other billionaires money? How about the just simply multi-millionaires in Hollywood, the sports players, the TV personalities, Owners of CNN< MSNBC< Disneyland etc. Is so they are dumber than a sack of rocks and deserve to starve to death when their Utopia arrives. I think they really want a war and will be surprised when they finally get it.

3 years ago

Well, we had a fair number of people who fill the box on the term “useful idiots”.
Any Citizens who voted for or support these anti American losers are exactly that!!

Kenneth D.
Kenneth D.
3 years ago

Sadly, this radical left cancer has been tolerated during recent decades by “gullible idiots” who bought into the political correctness, tolerance, diversity and now BLM and “white guilt” Trojan Horses that have allowed it to metastasize into the vital organs of our Republic. I fear it is much too late to resolve the issue in a peaceful manner. When the despotic enemy has buried and secured its tentacles in the federal government and bureaucracy, the judiciary, academia and education and the so-called journalism and social media, it will not relinquish its hold voluntarily. We are fast approaching critical mass that will present either surrender or open confrontation options to those who still harbor the flame of liberty in their breast…….

3 years ago

The protesters are not useful idiots…they are paid terrorists…paid for by George Soros to cause chaos in America and before too long…these paid terrorists are going to be lying on the concrete in their own blood….it is coming because America is tired of this crap.

Virgil* Bishop
Virgil* Bishop
3 years ago

Thank you amac for revealing the truthful facts. By the power of the word of GOD truth will prevail. Thank you for the stand you take against the true “idiots” in our culture. GOD bless you in all you do.

Brenda Bluntdespi
Brenda Bluntdespi
3 years ago

These people are trying to destroy USA that was found with God as its foundation! Those that don’t like this should just leave! Our rights have been fought for and earned!! USA is an independent thinking country with individuals that are capable of thinking on their own as well.

3 years ago

So, when are we going to go in and take these ba—-ds outta there. This is getting utterly ridiculous and we all have to get together and stop this travesty. Write to your Senators and Congressmen and tell them to get off their fat butts and fight! I have already submitted my letters.

The Rebel
The Rebel
3 years ago

The American educational system is FUBAR ran by idiots !!!!!

Tom E Wajerski
Tom E Wajerski
3 years ago

When the “Useful Idiots” finally actually wake up they’ll cry like babies. Still Americans we will embrace them.

3 years ago

As a retired college graduate and gone through post-graduate school. Today’s American educational system is run by idiots. How about getting back to basic fundamentals in teaching.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

The problem is in the communist infested ‘hallowed halls of LURNING.’ These anti – American “professors” need to be removed from classrooms and put in labor camps to “fade away.” The poisoning needs to STOP by force. The line has been “drawn in the sand.”

3 years ago

Where are the Republican house and senate when we need them? Whose side are they on?
Just cowards!!!

3 years ago

America has no shortage of useful idiots. What a shame.

3 years ago

Observe the history of man…..say, Rome in the hey-day of the likes of Nero, etc. Targeting Christians for the sake of power and gain. Say, the USSR, targeting religion and ethnic groups to garner power and gain. Say, Nazi’s and their coherts, targeting Jews, non-Asians, etc. to increase power and gain. Say, Mao and the targeting of any who do not agree….to have more power and gain. Say, the Liberals of the U.S. targeting white supremacy (and other “enemies”) to increase power and gain…..all along the way the “useful idiots”….riot, plunder, burn, ravage, cooperate, enjoin, in step with the one’s in charge who promise the moon, sun, planets and universe. Observe the history of these “governments” and see just how they “flourished”, lasted, endured and in the end caved……while some are still around, most have and eventually will collapse with more violence, destruction and mahem. Observe the history……in just this past year……and see how this nation is now under siege from within, and from out side our borders…..the light at the end of the tunnel may very well be the train.

3 years ago

Indeed, the revolution is full underway and most Americans sleep through the change. Two world views are confronting each other today: A Godless, Keynesian economic anarchy with Caesar as god, pitted against Constitutional, free market, conservatism espousing freedom of choice and individual worth free from government control. Russia, China, North Korea, Spain (19th c.), Venezuela – the United States is not far behind. The two world views cannot co-exist, one will dominate the other. It is sad that so many Americans still prefer the lesser, more restrictive world view and vote for anyone with a “D” after their name for public office.

John fallon
John fallon
3 years ago

Illegal aliens are coming here, supposedly, to escape socialist oppression, if this is true, the last thing they want to do is support the SOCIALIST/DEMOCRAT PARTY, why would they help create oppression here? IF WE DO NOT SAVE AMERICA NOW, THE WHOLE WORLD IS LOST, THERE WILL BE NO PLACE LEFT TO ESCAPE TO!!!! KAF, MAGA, PROVE VOTER FRAUD AND WE CAN PUT PEOPLE IN OFFICE WE ACTUALLY VOTED FOR!!! WE CAN CLEAN UP THE MESS CAUSED BY chinajoe and cameltoe IN LESS THAN A WEEK!!!!

John fallon
John fallon
3 years ago

Socialists control the “airwaves” entertainment, msm, social(ist) media, pro sports, the only ones getting heard are the hollywierd elites and pro athletes, all of whom have lived in a bubble thier entire lives, being told how “special” they are, and of course china owns them all, just like everyone in the SWAMP and the empty headed idiots in the news? media, all of them say what they are told to say in order to keep thier grossly overpaid “jobs”, all of them in for a rude awakening when thier chinese masters no longer need them.

3 years ago

The only way I can see us.saving. these United States is a revolution. People actually getting fed up and taking up arms to run the scum out of Washington. It’s not been done using the law or the Constitution as the.demmoncrats could careless about either one. Have you ever heard the saying take the guns away from normal law abiding citizens and the only ones who has them are the.criminals. With all that said I think we as law abiding citizens who love this country need to ban together don’t obey the unlawful laws they are pushing upon us and take.this country back by force if nessasary

The United Nations UN official flag. Sign of the international community of world
a clock thawing in the spring after a snow
Logo of world health organization WHO on mobile phone screen. Blurred flag of USA background
California Governor Gavin Newsom speaks during a press conference at Raleigh Studios unveiling a vast expansion of California’s Film and Television Credit Program on October 27, 2024 in Los Angeles, California.

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