“Useful Idiots” – Recruited and Used by the American Leftists

Posted on Monday, May 10, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi
useful idiots

WASHINGTON, DC, May 10 — The “useful idiots” are at it again.  Lenin is said to have used the term “useful idiots” to describe the gullible believers in his socialist paradise.  He used them to overthrow the Czar and turn Russia into a Communist stronghold that eventually became the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  This time, since we don’t have a Czar to blame, they are being recruited and used by American leftist national socialists such as the militant leaders of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, who use the term “white supremacy” to entice them, according to a couple of authoritative observers.

The growing surge of racial unrest throughout the country in recent years appears on the surface to be a backlash against what the rioters and protestors call “white supremacy.” 

Indeed, Mike Gonzalez, a global politics expert at the Heritage Foundation, says that the “charter members of the ultra-left speak of overthrowing white supremacy.”  But, he notes, “what they really mean is replacing America’s economic and cultural system with one that redistributes wealth, no longer has the individual at its center and recognizes only government-granted positive rights, not pre-political natural rights.”

And, if you think it is going to be a hard sell, think again.  More than 4,500 schools across the country are already teaching the next generations how to be “useful idiots” in what might be the next American Revolution, having adopted a new, distorted way to teach our nation’s history.  It’s called the 1619 Project, and Gonzales says it rewrites the way and the why America was founded. 

Our kids are being taught that the Fourth of July 1776 is not America’s birthday; rather, they are learning that our country was supposedly founded in 1619.  That’s when African slaves first arrived. 

The American Revolution Institute is not on board with that, noting that “academic reviewers, including some of the nation’s leading historians, have been unyielding in their criticism of the 1619 Project, pointing to numerous errors of fact and interpretation and rejecting its fundamental claim that the nation is defined by racism and was conceived in oppression.”

Meanwhile, author and political activist, Trevor Loudon tells us that America’s communist revolution is already underway and that the Communist Party of China may be aiding and abetting the revolutionaries.  Russia’s revolution used class to fire up the proletariat pitting the haves and have nots against each other.  That is not likely to work in America, but playing the race card just might.

In a recent interview with the Epoch Times, he explained that the communist or national socialist movement in the U.S. seeks to get its way by centralizing government power under a dictator, for lack of a better term.  “The independence of the legislature, the independence of the Supreme Court, the independence of the sheriffs and the police must all be destroyed, and the loyalty of the army to the Constitution must be transferred to loyalty to the president.”

According to Loudon, progressive Democrats are seeking a way to keep their party in control in perpetuity.  “To make sure they can never be voted out of office, the Democrats plan to enfranchise 22 million illegal immigrants, abolish the Electoral College, gain at least four more far-left senators through Puerto Rico and D.C. statehood, and flood the country with tens of millions more refugees and illegal immigrants. They also plan to nationally introduce voting ‘reforms,’ i.e., mass mail-in balloting, abolition of ID requirements, etc., that will guarantee eternal Democratic Party control.”

Loudon got the 22 million illegal figure from a study conducted by Yale, noting that most elections are won or lost by less than 5 million votes, and illegal immigrants are more likely to pledge their allegiance to the Democratic party.   Thus, ultimately giving them the right to vote could help ensure that the Democrats stay in power for a very long time.  


URL : https://amac.us/newsline/national-security/useful-idiots-recruited-and-used-by-the-american-leftists/