
National Security , Newsline

Trump Rejuvenating Military at Breakneck Speed

Posted on Wednesday, February 12, 2025
by Ben Solis

During his Inaugural Address on January 20, President Donald Trump pledged, “Like in 2017, we will again build the strongest military the world has ever seen.” Just a few weeks into his second term, he is already making good on that promise.

Among Trump’s flurry of early executive orders were several actions aimed at reversing the Biden administration’s efforts to turn the military into an incubator of DEI and other far-left ideologies that demoralized the ranks and weakened America’s defense capabilities.

Perhaps Trump’s most important order dealt with the spread of DEI in the military and the elevation of “equity” over merit by the Biden administration’s military leadership. According to government records, the Pentagon spent $86 million on DEI programs during FY 2023. For FY 2025, the Biden White House had requested a jaw-dropping $162 million for DEI.

“In recent years civilian and uniformed leadership alike have implemented DEI programs,” Trump’s order states. “These actions undermine leadership, merit, and unit cohesion, thereby eroding lethality and force readiness. They also violate Americans’ consciences by engaging in invidious race and sex discrimination.”

Accordingly, Trump mandated that the Department of Defense “abolish every DEI office” and conduct an internal review of all instances of race and sex discrimination that occurred in pursuit of the Biden administration’s DEI agenda.

Another executive order, entitled “Prioritizing Excellence and Readiness,” acknowledged that under the Biden administration, “the Armed Forces have been afflicted with radical gender ideology to appease activists unconcerned with the requirements of military service like physical and mental health, selflessness, and unit cohesion.”

To address this issue, that order reinstated the ban on transgender-identifying individuals serving in the military which Trump had first enacted in 2017, but which Biden quickly revoked upon taking office. “Expressing a false ‘gender identity’ divergent from an individual’s sex cannot satisfy the rigorous standards necessary for military service,” the order states. “Beyond the hormonal and surgical medical interventions involved, adoption of a gender identity inconsistent with an individual’s sex conflicts with a soldier’s commitment to an honorable, truthful, and disciplined lifestyle, even in one’s personal life.”

This executive order immediately ends the “bathroom controversy” in the military and ensures taxpayers are not funding so-called “gender-affirming care” among the ranks. A recent Congressional Research Service report revealed that from 2016 to 2021, the Defense Department spent about $15 million on transition-related medical procedures for 1,892 active duty service members.

Fulfilling another campaign promise, Trump also signed an executive order reinstating military personnel who were discharged for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine.

In August 2021, Biden Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin mandated the vaccine for every military service member. While the Pentagon reported that this mandate led to the “forced separation” of 8,200 troops, other reports indicated that the actual number might be much larger – as high as 60,000 in the Army alone.

Though Austin later rescinded the mandate in 2023, many affected service members had already moved on to other endeavors, and so as few as 100 returned to the military. Trump’s order, along with allowing service members to be reinstated, also enables “those service members reinstated under this section to revert to their former rank and receive full back pay, benefits, bonus payments, or compensation.”

David Hacker, Vice President of Litigation and Senior Counsel at First Liberty Institute praised Trump’s decision, stating that those who fought for justice are “grateful to President Trump for standing with our military and restoring these brave, faithful warriors.”

In another crucially important and forward-looking policy, Trump also signed an executive order on building “The Iron Dome for America.” Recognizing the significance of Israel’s state-of-the-art missile defense shield of the same name, Trump noted that “The threat of attack by ballistic, hypersonic, and cruise missiles, and other advanced aerial attacks, remains the most catastrophic threat facing the United States.”

Accordingly, the order directs the Secretary of Defense to conduct an immediate review of America’s missile defense capabilities and “submit to the president a reference architecture, capabilities-based requirements, and an implementation plan for the next-generation missile defense.”

While Trump’s ability to implement this “American Iron Dome” is ultimately dependent on cooperation from Congress, it nonetheless signals his prioritization of missile defense after four years of neglect under the Biden administration.

Trump’s efforts to refocus the military toward defending against America’s enemies rather than advancing left-wing political priorities are already bearing fruit. After years in which the military saw major recruiting shortfalls, the Army marked its best recruiting month in 15 years this past December.

Ultimately, as Trump has repeatedly stated, bolstering the strength of the military is about stopping wars as much as winning them. “We will measure our success not only by the battles we win but also by the wars that we end – and perhaps most importantly, the wars we never get into,” he said during his inaugural address.

The erosion of military readiness and capability under Joe Biden made those wars more likely, a fact clearly seen by the explosion of conflict in Ukraine and Israel. By re-establishing the United States as the world’s supreme fighting force, Trump is paving the way for a more peaceful and prosperous future.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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1 month ago

Pete needs to go in and bust some people down to private and throw them out. The Deep state in the military is trying to retain Dei in of his defiance of his orders. The whole basis of of the functionality of the military is chain of command and strictly following orders. Internally they are trying to undermine Donald Trump and destroy the military. Root them out bust them to private and take away their retirement. I think they should be tried in court martial for disobeying orders. I bet hegseth will not put up with it

1 month ago

We voted for change and now we must keep the pressure on our politicians to follow through. Career politicians failed us and now they are still trying to get in the way, either they get onboard, or we must vote them out. IMO

1 month ago

Concur, America is getting back on track.

1 month ago

With all due respect to the author, I would have written the sentence in the second paragraph to read, “Among Trump’s flurry of early executive orders were several actions aimed at reversing the Biden administration’s efforts to demoralize the ranks and weaken America’s defense capabilities by attempting to turn the military into an incubator of DEI and other far-left ideologies.”
The way it’s currently written, the demoralization and weakening of America’s military were just incidental, or what the left always calls, “unforeseen consequences.” I submit that demoralization and weakening were the desired and intended goal from day one, and that the use of DEI and other far left ideologies was simply the tool.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
1 month ago

Great article, America is back!
Bill… :~)

Chuck Davis
Chuck Davis
1 month ago

This is such good news!!!!!

1 month ago

One of the underlying issues along the line of restoration of the military is weaponry. We have given large amounts of equipment and weapons to Ukraine, deferring the stockpiling and retention for our own military. Granted, a lot of what the Ukraine received was in the course of manufacturing, our own military is short on these items. Added to that, the desire for an “iron dome”,we will need to put our own industries into high gear to bring us up to par and beyond…that includes hardware like tanks, missile launchers and missiles, ships of almost every kind, and ammo, spare parts, et. al. In other words , lots and lots of stuff. It’s almost on the level of a war footing (circa WWII) in scope. I’m no war-monger, but we have to be better prepared and ready than our most capable enemy, meaning China…they have no problem surpassing us and won’t slacken off just because we “say” they should. Russia is less a threat,but between them and China and the added help via North Korea, we have a lot to do in kind. So, time to gear up.

1 month ago

Biden and Austin wimpified our armed forces with this DEI CRAP, and in doing so put our country at great risk. They should be tried for treason!!!! Thankfully military recruitment has skyrocketed since DJT was elected, and Pete Hegseth is conducting PT with the Green Berets!!! I’M LOVING THIS!!! MAGA means WINNING while DEI means “didn’t earn it.”

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

I very much doubt Chinese army is bothered by DEI . Decline of our army started with Obama ,Biden only finished the job.

Vietvet 6769
Vietvet 6769
1 month ago

It’s about time! We must get rid of DEI and woke leadership

Don Francisco
Don Francisco
1 month ago

If enough Americans hadn’t woke up in time, we could have had the laughing hyena for president. That’s unimaginable! Headline: “Kamala Harris labeled ‘soul-destroying bully’ by former staff due to ‘toxic’ behavior”

USN Retired
USN Retired
1 month ago

This makes me feel good. I’m retired USN, my son is active USN and my daughter is reserve USN. DEI gone, two sexes, merit based promotions, all this is good. Next we need to build more ships and increase manning. A strong military avoids the need to go to war. Show strength, they leave you alone. That’s true from the tiniest creature to the most powerful nation in the world.

1 month ago


1 month ago

Awesome!! Heart warming seeing the rightness brought back to America!! Thankful!!

1 month ago

DEI has not only been detrimental to our fighting capabilities, it is wasteful spending. Our military men and women should never be a force for idiotic social experimentation. We really need an amendment to the constitution. Otherwise, at the end of Trump’s term, the morale busting, senseless spending cycle will commence again.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 month ago

Needed Now thanks to appeaser Biden

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 month ago

Army had best month for recruiting in long time in Pete’s first month. Guess brave Americans don’t want to serve with mentally-ill cross dressers! Nor do they want to be chastised as awful just because of their color or religious beliefs! The money WASTED on trans surgeries, trans chemicals, and abortions can be used to DEFEND our country!

1 month ago

Good idea, may need come Saturday morning.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 month ago

Our country is coming back from what was the worst 4 years ever for this country. President Trump is making our country great again. We need a strong military and under Biden it never happened President Trump is great.

1 month ago

No wars. Peace Through strength. 162 million for DEI? Really?. Biden is dement, this would never have happened under a rep president. The rest of the world knew that as well. This whole DEI has broken this country. By reversing this Trump made common sense return only the woke dem politicians are screaming bloody murder. Who is going to protect our trans kids. They will be bullied etc etc. School superintendents are holding meetings to assure the parents of trans kids, all will be protected. Parents are screaming like the parents were screaming under Biden about the school curriculums and boys using girls bathrooms. Only those parents were investigated by the FBI. Were arrested. Called domestic terrorists by Merritt Garland. Trans oriented people are to be protected at all cost? Why is that? Because they vote for the dems? Many in the hetero sexual community do to. But they have no support. Why? Because they don’t support the dems ideology. The dems hates anyone that is not with them. 8 years long and still going strong trying to undermine Trump. Because he gets things done and they are failures in everything they touch. You’d think that after awhile they would realize their policies are not working. But then they were listening to the WEF. Their plans for America they had to follow. Trump doesn’t have that he is his own man. Biden was beholden to enemies of America after all the bribe money he and Hunter received. Trump looks at America as a business. He is looking what makes an efficient fighting force. And the most important part of that are the men and women in the service. Not if your bunk mate is gay or trans or a dragqueen. They want to know does he or she have my back in a war. That is what the people voted for. And Trump is delivering on the promises he made during the campaign. The dems have no common sense. Hate the people who think different from them. And right now they are demonstrating Pro fraud, waste and abuse in govt. why? Because their money laundering schemes are being exposed. Elon is getting closer every day as to which politician got money out of this money laundering through USAID and how much. They are screaming in the streets for themselves. Everyone else be damned. They won’t sit down and solve the countries problems together. No they go through the courts. But even though those judges they bring the cases to are bought by Soros they have no power to stop Trump’s policies. Only if he doesn’t obey an order of the Supreme Court or proposes a coup. Even Biden ignored that and did it anyway what the Supreme court had said he couldn’t do. And nothing happened to him. Trump is convicted by doing what is allowed by the second amendment by the screaming mob of dem politicians.

1 month ago

Would like to share this quote: THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A GOOD WAR OR A BAD PEACE.

1 month ago

God, I pray that those on the Left soon realize all the crap Biden and Obama have places on our country and our well being.
There are still some that believe a Democrat would have been the better choice. I just don’t get it!

1 month ago

Although I blame Joe Biden and his administration for the failures of this country under his presidency I mainly blame the democratic party for knowingly allowing a cognitive impaired person possibly corrupt at the time to run this country for their own selfish political agenda.

1 month ago

Excellent article once again. Thank you Mr Solis

1 month ago

The first week of Marine Corps boot camp we were told: “You are here to learn how to fight, to kill our enemies when necessary! That is your job!” If we get back to that mentality, we just might become a feared fighting force again. Peace through strength is probable as long as we are ready to fight well.

1 month ago

i PRAY & HOPE THAT USA IS AS UNITED & AS STRONG AS THE WWII GENERATION that really made America Great for many years!

Michael Adams
Michael Adams
16 days ago

Thank God for this Administration, this military and social decay goes back a long time reference the Clinton years. Common sense, you’re not going to pick a fight with Mike Tyson!

26 days ago

I know I am very late with this comment, but I have to say — WOOHOO!

1 month ago

How many four stars did we have at the end of WWII and how many do we have today? Same question for three stars, two stars and one star. Star inflation seems to be a problem.

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