
National Security , Newsline

Trump Appears Ready to Deliver a Stunning Blow to the Deep State and Democrats

Posted on Wednesday, May 1, 2019
by Outside Contributor

Trump deep state DemocratsAfter two years of being on the defensive as the Deep State and its political allies attempted to undermine and deligitimize his presidency, President Donald Trump now appears ready to strike back. And if recent revelations are an accurate indicator, the fallout for the Deep State and Democrats could be phenomenal.

Late last week, President Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity that he will declassify “everything” related to the FISA warrant applications used to illegally spy on him and his campaign. When Hannity asked President Trump if he planned to remove the classified status from the FISA applications, the president did not miss a beat before simply saying, “yes.” Trump then added, “Everything is going to be declassified and more — much more than what you just mentioned. it will all be declassified.” As to why he waited so long to strike back with this move, Trump said, “I’m glad I waited because I thought that maybe they would obstruct if I did it early and I think I was right. So I’m glad I waited and now the attorney general can take a very strong look at whatever it is.”

This fits very well with another piece of the puzzle that was also revealed recently.

In an appearance on The Ingraham Angel last week, former federal prosecutor Joseph DiGenova — who served as an independent counsel in 1992 investigating then-candidate Bill Clinton — claimed that evidence of a “coup” to oust President Trump is forthcoming and that “there are going to be indictments; there’s going to be grand juries.”

Beginning the segment, Mike Huckabee quotes Bob Woodward — Washington Post investigative journalist of Watergate fame — as saying the CIA’s peddling of the now-nearly-universally discredited Steele “dossier” alleging that Donald Trump is under Kremlin control “was the work of [former CIA Director] John Brennan.” DiGenova responded, “This is pretty simple stuff for career prosecutors like Rudy [Giuliani, personal lawyer for Donald Trump, who also appeared on the show] and myself. It has been evident since day one that there has been a brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton illegally — and then if she lost the election, to frame Donald Trump.”

DiGenova went on to say of the “dossier” that it was “part of that” plot, adding, “It was created by Hillary Clinton. It was created knowingly by John Brennan as part of a scheme to do everything they could to harm Donald Trump.”

He also addressed the part he says former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former FBI Director James Comey, and former FBI lawyer James Baker played in the plot and added that their actions may soon blow up in their faces. Clapper, recall, famously lied under oath and on camera when he denied to Congress that the NSA collects digital and phone records on American citizen. Comey bent over backward to assure that his pre-written report letting Hillary Clinton off the hook played out exactly as intended. And Baker was investigated — but oddly, never charged — for leaking classified information on Trump to the media. “The problem for Brennan and Clapper and Comey and Baker and all of them now,” DiGenova pointed out, “is the FISA Court has already communicated with the Justice Department about its findings.”

John and the Jameses three may soon find themselves crushed under the bloated weight of the crumbling gallows they tried to build for Trump, because DiGenova went on to say, “And their findings are that for more than four years before the election of Donald Trump there was an illegal spying operation going on by FBI contractors, four of them, to steal personal information — electronic information — about Americans and to use it against the Republican Party.”

Addressing the indictments and grand juries he says are coming, DiGenova said, “John Brennan is not going to need one lawyer; He’s going to need five.”

And as the late-night infomercials say, “But wait, there’s more.”

Along with his assertion that “the FISA court has already found” that “the Obama administration, for more than four years before the 2016 election, allowed four contractors working for the FBI to illegally surveil American citizens,” DiGenova added, “By the way, Robert Ray mentioned that there is the Horowitz report [Michael Horowitz is the DOJ Inspector General] coming out in May or possibly early June — there’s another report that everybody has forgotten about involving James Comey alone.” He said that report “will be out in two weeks” and promised, “That report is going to be a bombshell.”

With a possible nod toward a statement by House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) of criminal referrals he was preparing for Attorney General William Barr against some well-known names, DiGenova added, “It is going to open up the investigation on a very high note and there will be criminal referrals in it.” Nunes — while deliberately tipping his mitt to some degree — was close to the vest on whom those referrals would name, but indicated as many as two dozen people involved in “a whole host of topics, most importantly probably lying and misleading Congress.”

If lying to Congress is going to start being taken seriously, James Clapper — Deep State connections notwithstanding — may well need a team of lawyers to match those DiGenova said Brennan will need.

Any way you slice it, the next few weeks look like a rough road for both Deep State operatives and Democrats. And while many may have thought President Trump was crazy to take the constant flogging he has been getting for two years now, he may prove to be crazy like a fox.

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Geof Hoge
Geof Hoge
5 years ago

Finally! The truth will out. As Hamman built gallows for Mordecai, so the Deep State will suffer the fate they planned for Trump.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 years ago

& Declassify UFO & other documents too aside FISA A-Z, shake up Deep State in every corner in DC, NO exceptions

Michael cozzi
Michael cozzi
5 years ago

Trump take then all down

Dalya K. Horowitz
Dalya K. Horowitz
5 years ago

Can’t wait to see this happen. So well deserved. Clean the swamp!

Big Al
Big Al
5 years ago

From what I hear we are finally going to start seeing some of the law and order President I attempted to elect.

Martha Beimer
Martha Beimer
5 years ago

Why not just do it and get it done. There has been so much said now that only the left will win. We are lost. This fellow just gave the left time to do more dirt, cover their butts, hide more truth behind twisted headlines and further hurt trump. I will never believe in anything any more and pray that my babies will survive.

Get on woth it!b Hillary needs tl be under a jail in a cell next to a sewer.

Obama.needs to go live in Mecca…he should be exposed there.

If illegal aliens get to vote you can kiss yhis nation good bye. It will happen.. i wonder where to move. Canada will follow. I dont speak spanish. Maybe suicide is the answer after all.

5 years ago

go get the crooks Mr. President

Richard Wildhirt
Richard Wildhirt
5 years ago

“In an appearance on The Ingraham Angel last week…” I think Laura is an “angel,” but I believe the word is supposed to be “angle.”

I’m so glad to see Mr. President finally fighting back. He has put up with so much crap and taken it on the chin like a man of integrity. Still, you have to stand up for yourself. It’s time to put the Dems in their place and shut them up for good.

Rick J.
Rick J.
5 years ago

If there is justice, Robert Mueller will be included in the list of those indited.
Mueller is a real life Traitor who along with a few others on his team deserve some prison time

5 years ago

It’s about GD time. IF it happens. Don’t hold your breath, folks.

Susan Bond
Susan Bond
5 years ago

Don’t forget Nancy P. And all her femi-nazi cohorts. They need to go! Pray that we renew our love for
our Constitution and knowledge of it.
S. Bond

5 years ago

It’s about time! President Trump is crazy like a fox. All he is doing is following through with his campaign platform. Now the democrats are scared silly and are cozying up to the President with agreement on the infrastructure issue. Why did the dems wait so long? They thought the Muller report would trap Trump. Now the poop is going to hit the fan for the deep state! Wow! Watch what happens now! I can’t wait to see it all unfold. A lot of people have criticized President Trump for using Twitter. The only reason why he did was he could not get a fair shake from the lame stream media. The next few weeks should be interesting.

5 years ago

The truth always has a way of presenting itself. Fortunately, for President Trump, it didn’t take decades to be brought forth. The only question, will the Democrats involved be brought to real justice, or given a slap on the wrist?

Robert Wiley
Robert Wiley
5 years ago

I hope & pray that President Trump’s actions will shut all this Bull Crap up & our leaders get a chance to lead like we elected them to do.

General Patton
General Patton
5 years ago

Declassify everything, lets have an honest transparent government. We certainly did not under the traitor Obama. Follow the rules and prosecute and purge these commies out of our government.

5 years ago

The only fear I have is that the information has yet to be given the light of day. Until that happens the malevolent Bureaucracy can and will try and stop the release of the information. I have been watching this entire debacle play out since the NSA started gathering the meta-data as I have friends and family that were and are involved in the creation of the Server farm in Utah and the monitoring of access to the information. Though I am not privy to any information about who, what, where and when. I have put together remarks by my friends/family and have known that some not so Constitutional access to the information has been made quite extensively since the inception of the data gathering.

We really need to press our representatives and senators to put an end to the data collection. There are may other ways to catch terrorists, not the least of which is by good old fashioned leg work and human intelligence. Senator Church was no friend of the U.S. Constitution.

Morty Tupperman
Morty Tupperman
5 years ago

Dream on. NOTHING will happen. President Trump and his allies will get NOWHERE attempting to prosecute anyone. Why in hell do you people think it’s called “The Deep State” anyway???

Kenneth Peterson
Kenneth Peterson
5 years ago

I hope they do prosecute people involved in wrong doing but I think there’re pissing up a rope. The deep state is in place and I’m not sure it can be beaten. It’s a shame.

5 years ago

I hope this is true news. It’s way past time to hold the dirty ones responsible.

5 years ago

I really hope them slam these people who thought they were so much better then everyone else. Can we say jail time?

Laura Berning
Laura Berning
5 years ago

It’s about time!

Irv C
Irv C
5 years ago

I had all but given up on America and our laws, Constitution, & way of life.
Now the truth may come out and the takeover of America will be stopped. Democrats need to be prosecuted for this disgusting disregard for all Americans.

Neal Christensen
Neal Christensen
5 years ago

I have long thought that the FISA judges were in on this conspiracy from the start. It will be interesting to see if this is the case and who they will throw under the bus to protect themselves.

Kevin Pfannkuch
Kevin Pfannkuch
5 years ago

Just more talk.

5 years ago


Franciscus Knarf
Franciscus Knarf
5 years ago

Since the ‘PROGRESSIVES’ have taken over the democratic party they have turned into the
“DEMON-crappy Party”!!

5 years ago

I’m glad Trump will make the democrats eat their own $hit. Long overdue. This is America. The democrats were elected to SERVE AMERICANS. not the other way around.

Mike Hess
Mike Hess
5 years ago

I hope to Heck he Nails ’em

5 years ago

about time

Corbin L Douthitt
Corbin L Douthitt
5 years ago

Just keep HiLIARy out of the WH..

Emma C Williams
Emma C Williams
5 years ago

Hallelujah and praise the Lord Almighty! I pray all this comes to fruition and goes further to include all involved up to and including Obama.

Mary L Sedwick
Mary L Sedwick
5 years ago

I certainly hope it happens. The president has been browbeaten long enough. And we need to get a few of those newer people for their recent actions as well.

James Dyjewski
James Dyjewski
5 years ago

I sure hope that Trump will play hard and tough. Never let up until they are all were they belong, deported, in jail, or just gone.
Please, time to fight fire with fire.

5 years ago

Finally the TRUTH about ALL the ABUSERS is COMING OUT. I say HANG EM’ HIGH !!!

Frank Venis
Frank Venis
5 years ago

I hope this isn’t more about nothing. I want those bums to pay but all I get is blanks. Thank You. Frank Venis. East Rockaway, N.Y.11518

R. Tabor
R. Tabor
5 years ago

I always wonder about why are so many people in congress covering for the Clintons? What do the Clintons have on these people? Who knows and maybe we may never know. Then again it may all come out or leak out.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
5 years ago

The scariest thing now would be for nothing to happen! The whole Democratic Party and up to 1/3 of the Republicans have been plotting since the 1990’s to “raise the Red Flag in America”! If the conspirators and collaborators do not receive justice, America will become a Socialist/Communist Country in less than 8 more years!! President Trump is one man and can only do so much. We all need to write our Representatives and Senators demanding Justice! We MUST make sure America NEVER has a “Dictatorship of the Proletariat”!!! If Clinton had been elected, constitutional changes would have already been in the works.

A vote, any vote, for a Democrat, any Democrat, is a vote to turn America into a Communist Country!!! Make sure everyone is aware!

Hans S.
Hans S.
5 years ago

Unfortunately, democrats never pay for their crimes and my bet is this won’t be any different. No-one will pay, no-one will go to jail, somehow they will all get away with what they did. We Conservatives are just too kind. We don’t burn buildings, we don’t destroy businesses and burn cars, we don’t deface monuments, and we don’t yell and scream enough. We let them have their say and we let them walk all over us. Sad, sad, sad. I’m afraid if I held my breath on this one, I’d pass out. Ain’t gonna happen.

Greg Russell
Greg Russell
5 years ago

Ill be extremely honest. The 2016 elections were the first time in my adult life I voted but didnt vote for the president. No way in the world I would EVER vote for a demon-crat, but I just couldnt bring myself to vote for Trump either. Too many ideological and theological issues and differences. But Im here to tell you, the more I hear and see libs attack not only this President, but the sovereignty, and values and traditions of the United States, the more I stand up and defend this President. I work with someone who is the stereotypical liberal, shes 100% out of touch with reality, and is honestly, a danger to herself and others. She lives in a world of fantasy and delusion. ALL demon-crats are delusional, and a direct threat to this Republic. Pray for Gods leading, blessing, and for wisdom for the United States people, and for our elected employees.

Johm Fawcett
Johm Fawcett
5 years ago


5 years ago

Go”get um”Mr President there are a lot of AMERICANS that support you.

Harry Freeman Hagan
Harry Freeman Hagan
5 years ago

We have all waited so long for the Rule of Law to be re-established. Please God, let it be!

5 years ago

Democrats rely exclusively on THE POWER OF SUGGESTION (aka BLACK POWER/debauchery/brain washing). It’s been stated time and again linking this strategy to a famous quote from A. Hitler “tell a lie big enough and long enough people will believe..” So as we all know “the devil’s in the details…” and that is Democrats’ delusions of grandeur, over confidence, and oppressive but ingratiating taunting and harassing so reminiscent of an abuse of authority in and of itself despite the horrific and galling damage attempted at The President’s motives and therefore integrity.. Looks like everything will be salvaged.. so happy for The President.. He knows the sleights of hand, (“Now you see it. Now you don’t” thievery) prestidigitation, and so-called “too good to be true” compromises that were possibly offered him behind closed doors. Democrats see The Presidency as “seat of government” which to them means “seat of wisdom”.. in other words ANYONE pontificating ex cathedra from such a seat will go unchallenged.. (Probably why dictatorships are usually the end result following their “criminal masterminds”, ‘godfathers’, tyrants, slave drivers??? what have you.) Shows how inept they are about the human condition.. making them extremely vulnerable and poor judge of character which is why they always say “put your money where your mouth is” because they literally have to smell, see, taste, or touch the green backs before they have dealings with one another.. Excuse the expression but from what I’ve seen their lives are a living HELL. (living a very maniacal, wanton, and primitive form of agnosticism when it comes to private affairs. DESPERADOES.. like the migrants.. “birds of a feather” and “misery (surely) loves (their) company”..

Thomas H
Thomas H
5 years ago

The “unbiased” media will call this “Republican political posturing” and the idiot lefty voters will believe it.

Bert Whittle
Bert Whittle
5 years ago

Good to see this all coming out in the open, I would think they would be 50 or 60 people involved, maybe more!

5 years ago

It’s time for Hillary Clinton to be On The Run! She has done so much for which she has gotten away with it all… so far!

Charlie Walters
Charlie Walters
5 years ago

DeGenova is the best when it comes to analyzing this terrible group of people who apparently think they are above the law.

5 years ago

What can we say about something like this but FANTASTIC, FANTASTIC, FANTASTIC!!!

5 years ago

Well the PRESIDENT was right all the time…So glad to have a a PRESIDENT with such insight of all the crooked things that have been going on. As said in the Bible, “YOUR SINS WILL SURELY FIND YOU OUT”…and I think our PRESIDENT has uncovered the SWAMP……. CLEAN OUT THE SWAMP ONCE AND FOR ALL. Make America Great Again

Candace Warren
Candace Warren
5 years ago

There MUST be consequences for those who engage in such clearly illegal and unethical activities. These were planned out and executed by some of those in the highest political positions in this Country. Bring it on, and do your JOBS, Ladies and Gentlemen.

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