
National Security , Newsline

Russia-Ukraine War May Become Biggest Failure of Biden’s Presidency

Posted on Monday, July 11, 2022
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott


In the weeks following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Biden promised to make Putin a “pariah” on the international stage, immediately imposing heavy sanctions on Russia and calling for all nations to do the same. Yet now, almost five months after the first Russian troops crossed into Ukraine, the war is still ongoing, and the outcome remains uncertain. His effort to galvanize the West behind the United States and force Putin to back down has failed, adding another foreign policy fiasco to his already woeful record as President.

While the Ukrainian army has continued its tenacious defense of key cities, according to recent reports, Putin now appears firmly in control of more than 20% of Ukraine, and the Russian army is still on the march. While Putin initially launched the invasion under the guise of “liberating” Ukraine’s westernmost territories from “Nazism,” his early strategy suggested his true goal was to occupy the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv and install a puppet government similar to the one he created in Crimea. When that strategy failed, Russian forces were repulsed from much of western Ukraine, and the invasion initially faltered. Since then, however, Russia has refocused its efforts on occupying the westernmost territories in the Donbas region of Ukraine, turning the conflict into what will likely be a long and costly war.

Economically, while Western sanctions have been punishing to certain sectors of the Russian economy, others are experiencing unprecedented growth. Following the invasion of Crimea in 2014, Russia began an aggressive economic reorientation to “sanction-proof” itself from western powers. As noted in a recent NPR article, in 2013 “Russia imported about half of its food; but today, it is self-sufficient in basic food supplies and has even become a significant exporter of items like grains and wheat.” In June, the Russian Ruble also hit its strongest level in nearly seven years. Part of the explanation for this is that Russia long ago began aggressively reducing its foreign debt and amassing large amounts of foreign currency. While Russia can’t continue its war in Ukraine forever, and Putin remains in a precarious position, it is now safe to say that the Russian economy has proven far more resilient than most Western leaders anticipated, even as Ukraine becomes more desperate and closer to being forced to the negotiating table.

Meanwhile, Europe and the United States have suddenly found that their massive globalization push has left them dangerously vulnerable to a Russian economic counterpunch. For example, Germany has spent years touting its shuttering of coal plants and eliminating its production of fossil fuels in favor of renewable energy. While they did eliminate domestic supply, they were still heavily reliant on fossil fuels imported from Russia. Thus, when the invasion began, Germany was in a position where it was forced to choose between breaking with the West and continuing to import Russian energy or standing with its allies and risking its cities going dark. In June, Germany, Austria, Italy, and the Netherlands announced that they would reopen the coal plants they celebrated shuttering only years earlier. At the same time, energy prices in the United States – already on the rise thanks to the Biden administration’s war on American energy – have skyrocketed, leading to even more economic turmoil. This begs the question of who these sanctions damage more – Russia or the West?

Meanwhile, China has enabled Russia to escape some of the worst damage from the Western pressure campaign. While the Chinese Communist Party is publicly respecting the international sanctions against Russia, they are quietly providing Putin with critical lifelines. Russia is now exporting 50% more oil to China than before the invasion, providing essential economic relief. Although the two nations are not true allies, they have shared interests on the international stage. While Biden would like to increase pressure on China and force them to cut ties with Russia, doing so would likely lead to an economic catastrophe for the West. Unlike Russia, the West has only deepened its reliance on foreign goods over the last decade, specifically from China.

Putin has made clear in several addresses this year that his goal is to see an eastern sphere of influence re-established. It’s likely that he doesn’t want McDonald’s, Walmart, or any other western commerce in the East and welcomes their exit. His invasion showed that he never feared breaking away from the West, and with its aggressive sanctions regime, the United States and Europe may have helped him. While China cannot economically afford to break away similarly, they also want to see western influence eliminated in the Pacific, most notably in Taiwan. Biden has pledged to defend the island, yet doing so raises the terrifying prospect of nuclear war with China.

While Putin has been planning his invasion for years, many ask why now? After all, radical left Democrats asserted that former President Trump was “soft” on Putin, so why not invade when Trump was President? In hindsight, Trump became the only President of the 21st century under whose watch Putin did not expand his reach.

Here another international catastrophe, Biden’s calamitous exit from Afghanistan, may provide some explanation for Putin’s aggression. To Putin, the debacle must have seemed evidence enough that America had lost the will to fight. To make matters worse, Biden unrepentantly defended his handling of the situation, proving that he had lost touch with reality completely. Yet neither Putin, nor Xi, nor the American people were fooled, something which has undoubtedly led 85% of Americans to say the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Biden’s decades of foreign policy experience may have won him credit from the media in 2020, but his actual record in office has left American confidence faltering, Russia and China emboldened, and the world shaken.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture. 

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2 years ago

There are so many points in this article that are unnecesarily muddled to the point of incoherence by the author’s desire to be politically correct, that it is not worth commenting on to correct. This article is a prime example of “straddling the fence” raised to an art form.

Laura Germani
Laura Germani
2 years ago

Trump was not “in” with Putin or the Chinese Communist Party. He just knew how to get along with very dangerous dictators in those countries. I believe they were afraid of him. Unfortunately, they see Biden as weak, which he is. He’s basically a puppet of whoever is really pulling the strings.

james e benning
james e benning
2 years ago

qualifying something as the biggest failure of Bidens tenure is a steep hill to climb.

2 years ago

After 40+ years of political failures, how do you choose? Don’t ask me to pick. I won’t live long enough to even review the last year.

2 years ago

The US needs to act a LOT more like Russia! Lower or do away with your national debt, prepare in advance, import less to extent our crucial needs are met, and most importantly, be SELF SUFFICIENT. Our politicians have, and continue, to put us in a vulnerable position and subject to the whims of both China and Russia. It’s time to bring back manufacturing here and to stop relying on other countries that quite honestly only mean to harm us. Politicians can’t see beyond the green dollar bills being flashed before their eyes as they are coaxed into doing things detrimental for America. In the end, our politicians are all traitors and their god is money.

2 years ago

Still 2+ years to go. I would bet joeblow can and will find more problems to cause with more discourse and danger to come.

2 years ago

How can you call it a failure? For the United States, yes, but for Bidet, he’s probably raking 10% or so in kickbacks faster than his “boy” did when he was there. Funny, in a sadistic sort of way, but Bidet is more concerned about Ukraine’s border than our Southern one. .

2 years ago

The Guy is a Big fail for the Nation. How could it be worse than Afghanistan?
How is he not impeached between Hunter and his daughter Daddy relationship….Now, he ships ALL
fossil fuel to China or the world hence food shortage later this season.

The Nerve to spend money on J6. Oh, and we MUST be one of the very few countries that mandate our babies be vaccinated with this experimental jab. Now, HE, Pelosi, Fauci and Collins
are making the Pharma $$$$$$. That is Corruption and still a big fail in my humble opinion.

2 years ago


Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Has No Plan, No Goals, mandates for unlike FDR in WW2
Supply money & arms

2 years ago

The author stated, “In June, the Russian Ruble also hit its strongest level in nearly seven years.” Why then, did Russia very recently default on a bond issue? This was their first bond debt default in over 100 years.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Failure in Ukraine? What about good ole’ USA is that a success?There is no word to describe what he is

2 years ago

Everything Biden has touched has been a failure. How did he make a career in politics? A person must not need to be smart to climb the political ladder

2 years ago

We can not continue to finance a war we have fight for. puppet biden has depleted our oil to give to China and if another nation like Russia decided to invade us we don’t have men or women power and no oil.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

Biden has weakened the dollar and increased the Ruble. His handlers must be very happy.

2 years ago

Not surprising BUT IMO this genocidal inflation CRISIS is the worst of his so-called presidency!!! I have little doubt there are senior citizens dying because of this inflation due to their SS monthly payment to them is NOT ENOUGH keep them alive!!! But then of course, the jerks in DC couldn’t care less!!! Once again, I’m going to say vote very carefully in November. DRAIN the SWAMP. That is if we can get a non-fraudulent election.

2 years ago

The Ukraine-Russian War will never compete with Biden’s disasterous Afghanistan and Iraq withdrawals.

Making China-Joe our enemies best CCP asset by ensuring all modern era US Military Strategic Goals failed.

But then China-Joe’s military experience consists of five (5) Vietnam Era Deferments.

2 years ago

“Russia-Ukraine War May Become Biggest Failure of Biden’s Presidency”
Guess some conservatives (writers and commentators included) are never going to get it. If people haven’t figured out by now, that all of this is globalist planned and deliberate…including the implosion of the useful idiot stumblebum’s popularity and the approaching end of his tenure as face man for an unelected regime…they never will. None of this is an incompetence induced failure. ZERO.

Patty Hanson
Patty Hanson
2 years ago

“Traitor Joe’s” 16 month “occupation” of our White House has ‘maxed out’ any further measuring of his (& the handlers’) EPIC FAILURES & “TREASONOUS” ACTIONS against, our USA, the American people & ALL things American …. which have all been approved by his signature.

2 years ago

Frankly the headline for this article is nonsense. The game’s not over yet! We don’t know what will happen over the next several years of opportunity for Biden and his administration to bumble yet another situation/crisis. My approach would have been that what they have done via the Ukraine situation is a sign of his ongoing failure…..and just maybe, perhaps will end up being worse than, say Afghanistan….or the economy…..or the border…..or…well you get the picture. Ukraine is bad and getting worse, but the horizon still looms…..and rest assured, the Biden administration will do something worse….it’s almost guaranteed.

Dennis M Struk
Dennis M Struk
2 years ago

Let’s send Biden to Ukraine. Give him an old toy cap-gun for his weapon. Send Kamalobama to Ukraine as his Logistics “Expert”… Putin will laugh himself to death.

Gen. Patton
Gen. Patton
2 years ago

Nobody fears this feeble old president, he is even softer than Obama was!

Ed J
Ed J
2 years ago

Biggest Failure? Everything Bidense and his libtard cronies have done has been an abject failure. Can anyone name just ONE success that the Bidense administration has accomplished? I didn’t think so, because there has been NONE!

Bidense is the epitome of the King Midas in reverse effect – everything he (and/or his libtard cronies) touches turns instantly to sh*t!

As I have stated before, Bidense and his ilk are the eminent Charter Members of the “180º Club” (i.e., whatever position they espouse or embrace, the exact opposite is usually true or an eminently more optimal, reasonable, efficacious and productive solution).

Can’t wait for the 2022 election to restore Congress to Republican majorities and for 2024 to return President Trump to office, at which time most of this nonsense will cease. MAGA, forever!

2 years ago

The Russian-Ukraine his biggest failure????????? I really do not agree with that at all. What he is doing to this country and the American citizens, ON PURPOSE, is his greatest failure

2 years ago

This man has been in our government for 43 years!!! Lord help us no wonder this country has been in such decline! He is such a lowlife piece of crap.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Biden is the PARIAH. Now he goes to Saudi Arabia to beg for oil after calling them a pariah. Central American leaders stiffed Kamala at the summit. As to Ukraine, Joe sends millions of dollars which could end up anywhere but will not allow Poland to send MiGs that could let Ukraine defeat the Russians. It’s almost like Joe doesn’t WANT the war to end!

2 years ago

the only piece of legislation tied t Biden’s tenure in congress is gun free zones WHERE 96% of ALL MASS SHOOTINGS OCCUR!!!! the blood of all those victims are on that idiots hands. He couldn’t find his own butt with a search warrant and a pack of bloodhounds.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

The outcome of the Ukraine conflict is still “undecided”? Ukraine lost on February 24th when the first Russian boot hit Ukraine soil. With in effect solely the Russian guard units the entire eastern third of the country is now Russian held land with the whole hearted support of the residents who Ukraine has been attacking non stop since 2015 following a CIA led coup that removed the elected President of Ukraine and installed a puppet regime of the US. If anyone can recall a year ago, everyone and every news outlet referred to Ukraine as “the most corrupt country on earth”. February 24th, 2022 came along and all the sudden Ukraine is THE bastion of everything great about………everything. This is propaganda on a scale not seen since just after the 2020 stolen election in the United States.
WHEN Russia gets through with what it has always said its intent was, to de-militarize and de-Nazify Ukraine there will remain a land locked rump…….with sour land and Stefan Bandera supporting neo Nazi type knuckle draggers. The good ole EU has promised to bankroll whatever is left of Ukraine’s recovery so………a broken EU will forever be propping up people that have a satanic outlook toward people and life.
Congratulations. Too bad NATO didn’t simply and formally announce that Ukraine would never be a member of NATO and would forever remain a neutral state. That is all Russia asked.
Good luck with the consequences.

2 years ago

To be perfectly honest, I’m not following the Ukraine-Russia war as much as others. But what I find glaring is Biden’s incessant funding to Ukraine. If Biden funded our homeless with that kind of money, there wouldn’t be any homeless Americans anymore.

Neal Christensen
Neal Christensen
2 years ago

The U.S. has lost respect of the world because of Biden.

George Rivera Jr
George Rivera Jr
2 years ago

Sheesh! With all of his failures, which one can be called worst?!? Kinda like trying to climb the tallest peak in Kansas – where is it?

james michalicek
james michalicek
2 years ago

Being the “Big Guy” of the Biden Crime Family with a POS son is the worst.

Anita Wasemann
Anita Wasemann
2 years ago

Let’s repeat, “…Trump became the only President of the 21st Century under whose watch Putin did not extend his reach”.
Thank you, Mr Trump, mine President.

Dawn Marcucci
Dawn Marcucci
2 years ago


Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

The White House has announced that our border is closed. Putin knows he has lots of time to take whatever he wants. Has America lost the will to fight? Maybe. I hope not. For those who enjoy freedom and haven’t had to live without it, there is President Trump. Now is not the time to compromise and come to the middle.

Gail Tubbs
Gail Tubbs
2 years ago

Afghanistan is. We still have Americans stuck over there.

2 years ago

there will be no biggest failure in the biden whitehouse and his entire presidency(like jimmy carter) will be one giant failure!!!!!

2 years ago

Biden re-election campaign 2023 don’t bogart that fentanyl pass out it’s for free. BYOF bring your own fentanyl to Biden campaign 2023

2 years ago

When you think Biden, just think failure, it’s all just been a failure, no one event stands out as a single most event. But let’s not forget about the individual’s that elected him into office, and the projressive party who supports him, another point of failure. Remember this next November and in 2024, unless you want more of the same.

2 years ago

Biden rediscovered fentanyl night of 2020.

2 years ago

Jesus is getting ready you better get ready. Amen

2 years ago

ONE? There’s almost too many to count. Period, repeat.

2 years ago

There is more going on there than just a war. There is money laundering, bio labs being destroyed and sex trade tunnels closed. Russia is a super power and can knock off Ukraine easily. All American keeps doing is throwing good money after bad to Ukraine to try and win a war that can’t be won. This would never of happened had Trump been our rightful President.

2 years ago

YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE!!!!! For those with long memories the Democrats always seem to be in office when we have a war. Biden is playing an end game movement with Russia Iran,Ukraine . Even money a war with China is around the corner,then marshal law, take over govt and ???????? America and elections out the window with the constitution and states rights. Control food control people,control fuel control movement of the masses .We as patriots must step forward now. To die for a dictator is is to become weak slaves to the future.To die as thousands have for American ideals is with honor and a noble cause . I have seen the battlefields of Normandy and the hero’s buried their.our country’s future is not in hope but in actions. I for one stand tall stand ready to defend freedom.We need demand a leader to step forward with our united support to guide all of us to the form of govt we were. The battle is coming and the opposition is using taxpayer money to buy vote .If they succeed we as a nation will become third world . I saw the premier of Viet Nam with 200 man body guard riding in a 100,000 Mercedes’ Benz while one block away his people were living in cardboard boxes eating just to survive. . Sorry for the speech God bless America and God bless Trump/DeSantis 2024

2 years ago

The one catastrophic error missed here is Biden’s shutdown of American oil independence. That gave major control over Europe’s energy dependence toward Russian oil. That would pay for Putin’s expansion. It hasn’t worked out as well as Putin planned, but China is now stockpiling oil it would need in a conflict and they are getting this oil from both Russia and America. Yes, China is now buying oil from America’s strategic oil reserve. So, Putin’s loss of the European oil buyers was replaced by China.The bottom line here is Biden’s policies caused the Ukrainian war and is fortifying China so they could eliminate Taiwan, which represents the political failure of the communist party. If China moves on Tiawan we can expect North Korea to invade South Korea soon after. Biden’s policies are not just bad for America, they have world wide detrimental influence.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 years ago

The biggest-I am not sure, as everything this IDIOT does is quite enormous in the WORST way!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

Biden also promised to make the Prince of Saudi Arabia a “pariah” too but yesterday he fistbumped him. What ever happened to that “woodshed” Joe kept harping about?

2 years ago

Biden’s biggest failure, has already occurred, he should have been prosecuted for his colossal failure in Afghanistan, this president is a ticking time bomb.

2 years ago

Who can count that high? Biden’s so-called “presidency” has been nothing but a horror movie of stupid gaffes & blunders. Picking only one would be difficult. Any number of them should have gotten him impeached & imprisoned. But Sleepy Joe and the sub-human creature he calls “son” can get by with anything.

2 years ago

This writer is a joke. He means Russia is in control of the Eastern (not Western) most part of Ukraine.

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