
National Security , Newsline

Public Distrust Towards FBI at All-Time High After Years of Lies Exposed

Posted on Friday, August 26, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

“…[L]et me address recent unfounded attacks on the professionalism of the FBI and Justice Department agents and prosecutors. I will not stand by silently when their integrity is unfairly attacked. The men and women of the FBI and the Justice Department are dedicated, patriotic public servants. Every day, they protect the American people from violent crime, terrorism and other threats to their safety, while safeguarding our civil rights. They do so at great personal sacrifice and risk to themselves. I am honored to work alongside them.”

Those were part of Attorney General Merrick Garland‘s comments during a statement to the press in the aftermath of the outrageous raid at former President Donald Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago. He made his statement, reassured Americans that the “faithful adherence to the rule of law is the bedrock principle of the Justice Department and of our democracy,” refused to answer any questions, and then walked away.

Noticing and having a national conversation about the fact that the FBI has been weaponized against perceived opponents of the Democrats and the American people is not the problem. Garland was defensive and agitated, and then decided painting the FBI as a victim would be a good look as he chastised people daring to question the integrity of the wayward agency.

It is true that the majority of FBI agents are stalwart and honorable law enforcement officers. Ergo, the best thing FBI leadership can do is stop using trustworthy agents in the field as human shields against criticism and demands for accountability.

Why are the American people looking funny at the FBI? The last seven years revealed something many of us ever really wanted to believe—that our federal law enforcement agency had been weaponized as a partisan force.

To that point, RealClearInvestigations reports “The FBI division overseeing the investigation of former President Trump’s handling of classified material at his Mar-a-Lago residence is also a focus of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation of the bureau’s alleged abuses of power and political bias during its years-long Russiagate probe of Trump,” reported RCI.

The rogue behavior of the FBI and DOJ concerning Trump is not an anomaly. Last week Americans were surprised by this news because we know the FBI would never lie to a judge in order to get a warrant: “FBI Misled Judge in Obtaining Warrant To Seize Hundreds of Safe Deposit Boxes. New court documents show that the FBI planned for months to seize and forfeit property found inside safe deposit boxes in an L.A. raid under the pretext of doing an inventory,” reported Reason magazine.

We also know that the FBI would never mislead a judge, let alone Congress, about their very serious investigation into Trump being a Russian spy and toady, and yet: “Newly Declassified Document Indicates FBI Misled Congress on Reliability of Steele Dossier,” said a 2020 statement from the House Committee on the Judiciary.

We know this corruption couldn’t be going on for years on other issues, too, right? But then there’s this Associated Press headline from 2018: “FBI agent misled magistrate judge to obtain search warrant in trade secrets case, federal judge says.”

And we know for sure that the FBI would never lie to the secret FISC court to spy on a presidential campaign, and yet: “In a blistering order, a judge on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) accused the bureau of providing false information and withholding materials that would have undercut its four surveillance applications,” reported The Hill in 2019.

Of course this corruption is new and is a one-off artifact of Trump Derangement Syndrome and would never happen again. Except it was happening…20 years ago and they were caught and still clearly never stopped. A shocking headline, at the time, from the New York Times in 2002: “Secret Court Says FBI Aides Misled Judges in 75 Cases.” This is not a typo—they were caught lying to the court a generation ago. It should concern us that the current court was surprised to find they were being as badly lied to by the FBI as their predecessors were decades ago. Why any judge would feel inclined to take the FBI seriously especially on issues surrounding Donald Trump, is beyond reason.

Discussing the historic pattern of the FBI does not make us extremists any more than concerned parents at school boards are terrorists. In fact, the abandonment of this country would be found in the apathy of saying nothing when corruption is making a mockery of the rule of law.

The FBI’s dilemma is exclusively the fault of those who created a culture of making certain agents feel comfortable lying to judges, courts, and the American people. Some agents at the FBI have had enough. According to Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, over a dozen FBI whistleblowers are providing details to Congress about the political bias consuming and controlling the bureau.

Jordan told Fox News, “‘Fourteen FBI agents have come to our office as whistleblowers, and they are good people,’ Jordan said. ‘There are lots of good people in the FBI. It’s the top that is the problem. Some of these good agents are coming to us, telling us what is baloney, what’s going on — the political nature now of the Justice Department — God bless them for doing it — talking about the school board issue, about a whole host of issues.’”

God bless them indeed. Let’s hope even more stand up for their agency, the rule of law, and the honesty and respect the American people deserve.

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2 years ago

Well duh! Big surprise the reputation of the FBI and the DOJ has nosedived after literally decades of increased incidents of lying and corruption. Who would have guessed? You mean the people don’t appreciate the two-tiered justice system we have in this country anymore? I’m shocked! Shocked I say…NOT!

The entire 7th floor of the FBI and all their direct subordinates reporting to them all need to be fired. The same goes for the DOJ. Of course that won’t happen. Sure we may get some dog and pony show congressional hearings if Republicans squeak out a win in November, but that accomplishes nothing as the only power to effect real change that Congress has is the power of the purse. That is by defunding the both the DOJ and the FBI to force the Executive Branch to make changes. That of course is NEVER going to happen, because both McConnell and McCarthy are terrified of being called mean names by the MSM and Democrats on the Sunday talk shows. Also the prospect of neither of them not being invited to D.C. cocktail parties anymore is completely unacceptable. So we are left with the third world banana republic justice system that we have.

2 years ago

Aw is the AMAC censor unhappy with my comment? I guess it was way too honest.

2 years ago


Irv C
Irv C
2 years ago

I trust absolutely NO government agencies when democraps have the White House, Senate, and Congress. I’d have more faith in La Costra Nostra.

Michael Venaccio
Michael Venaccio
2 years ago

Of course, this was most likely written and posted Before the revelations by Mr. Zuckerberg that the FBI “suggested” or “recommended” that Facebook censor the story on Hunter Biden’s laptop saying it was Russian Disinformation when they knew darn well it was not.
This is direct interference in an election and just adds to the already long list of election “anomalies” that have been documented and observed but have never been fully investigated.
So maybe we need to start at the local level and make sure the state senators and representatives we elect will make sure that each state congressional delegation is really doing what the people elected them to do.
Maybe a good idea to repeal the 17th (?) amendment and have the state legislatures elect the senators. They would be more responsible and accountable.

2 years ago

Remember Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Bend Oregon, this is standard procedure for their desire for unlimited control.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

I get tired of hearing that there are a lot of good people in the FBI. If there were a lot of good people there they all would have come forward to tell about the illegal activities going on in the FBI. By not saying anything they have let their organization lose all credibility and trust and that gets put back on all the FBI and them also. Don’t really think you can fix it unless you get rid of everyone there and start over. When you overlook serious crime which is obvious to everyone and plant evidence, encourage people to commit crimes and go after innocent people , that is as bad as it gets. Right now they do not deserve trust, or respect.

2 years ago

So the FBI and MOST ALL Govt is corrupt, lies and ONLY PROTECTS itself, and we should give a sh*t about the FBI why??????

NOT ONLY did it lie about Russia Collusion for years.

It is now PROVEN that the FBI actually SUBVERTED the election, and FORCED FJB LGB on the U.S.

NOT ONE FBI agent should ever again be trusted. If they dont come out and denounce ALL OF THIS, and come out against the Trump raid, then they are complicit.

2 years ago

The FBI has been corrupt since the get-go. Read any bio of J. Edgar Hoover. His name is on their building.

2 years ago

I don’t know why anyone would be surprised when they hear how underhanded the FBI is. You need look no further then J.Edgar Hoover. He was a scoundrel. Completely untrustworthy. People want to believe the best of people. In doing so, they burry their heads in the sand.

2 years ago

FBI has earned my distrust.

2 years ago

The FBI apparently no longer goes after real criminals. They need to be disbanded.

Gretchen Smith
Gretchen Smith
2 years ago

I wouldn’t trust the fbi, doj or any demorat with my chickens. They are ruled by a bunch of anti-american thugs.

Don D
Don D
2 years ago

FBI is now the Federal Bully Institute on beckon call for any progressive democratic socialists desire.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

We have long passed even a semblance of law and order when it comes to the FBI and the Justice Department. The criminal activity that has already come out of these departments, especially with the unwarranted investigations and Gestapo-like activities exposed for all America to see with respect to the unjustified and unconstitutional hounding of President Trump, has been in need of a serious power wash for over 6 years. However, only a few little slaps on the wrists have been meted out for treasonous crimes that make Watergate look like religious class.
2 years ago

I have no issue on the rank & file of the F.B.I. However, the seventh floor sounds a lot like the old Nazi Gestapo, or east Germany’s Astazi. Both were terrifying. Both were politically run.
The F.B.L. Agents that reported to its superiors that General Flynn did nothing wrong, reported such to their superiors. It was the 7th floor ,with its political leadership , whom destroyed , not only him but the judge , that resided in Washington D.C., whom his peers, whom held in high regard, decided he was the law and therefore decided not to clear the General.
corruption within the D.C is and has been ongoing. Maybe we as a nation should makeWashington D.C. a State. Imagine the accountability required?

George W Holzman
George W Holzman
2 years ago

What did the FBI do to Hilary ,and Hunter Biden, Nothing, and we are suppose to trust them.

heil biden
heil biden
2 years ago


Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

At onentime the FBI was probely the most respected groupe in U.S. But no more. Kyle L.

2 years ago

It’s time to remove the FBI, and the DOJ!!!!!!!

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
2 years ago

I have distrusted THEE government for many of my eighty three years.Look at barry,the divider in chief,totally anti.AMERICA.Then along came PRESIDENT TRUMP,refreshing and a great economy with no help from the democRATS and very little from his own party.The democRATS are for wealth and power,for themselves only.Then all off the loony government entities are controlled by the likes of soros.peelosi,nonobamba,schrewmer,sloppy joey and the likes and we citizens are supposed to trust this corruptive herd,STICK IT,I am still a patriotic old school AMERICAN

2 years ago

You can’t trust something that is untrustworthy! So here we are at a place where the rock meets the hard place. Now what do we do about it.. As I see it , it’s a great place to be because there is only one place to look, and that is up. Now I am sure most of you reading are wondering what kind of coolaid I’m drinking. But let me ask you one question. What are you doing about It? One thing is for sure if you have done all you can do and nothing has changed maybe you need to change your warring strategy. Try a little HumblePie and get on your knees and ask God to get involved in His way. He delivered Israel out of bandage. He led Israel in the desert for 40 years, fed them mana every day and their clothes never rotted. I could go on and on about the things He did. But to keep my finger working on my phone I will shorten it. Read 2Chronicals 7:14 I will paraphrase and leave out the IF part ,and look at it as a commandment. My people will humble themselves seek my face.turn from their wicked ways and pray then will hear from heaven and heal their land. So with that I will close and go to work. My hope is that you will do the same. Because I want my country back without the swamp. May the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob be with you and us as many of us are grafted into the vine of one people. Lovers of God. May He bless us.

2 years ago

Arrogantly they thought that they were not going to get caught? These are ALL Obama operatives planted their during his two terms. Trump was naive in not canning every one of them day one! He paid the price of their lies, fabrications, contorted accusations, just about anything that you can associate with immorality.

The left’s mantra has always been, The ends always justify the means, always. We’ve been seeing this in hyperdrive for the past 6 or so years. Puppet Biden’s term (just read the teleprompter) is Obama’s third. You will not dissuade me from that.

2 years ago

The million dollar question is what are our representatives going to do to help protect us from all this evil? I would assume, not a darn thing! Can Jim Jordan answer that question or is it above his pay grade?

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

What is lacking in our government besides truthfulness? Accountability. Those that are in charge seem to answer to no one.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

Someone………..anyone……name one single thing the FBI has done on a postive note. We all know the endless scandals, the lies, the weaponized nature of this……… of neo Brown Shirts but please, think about it and tell me anything the agency has done that a local sheriff office couldn’t do or did and got the credit stolen by the media paid off three letter agency.
DON’T reach back and say “whadda bout Al Capone?”……….he was done in by the Treasury Department as it appears when researched that St.Elliot Ness was an absurd figure in reality that deserved his drunken suicide.
The “bureau” is evil. Nothing good about it. Its charter should be pulled immediately and every member needs to be fully investigated for crimes against the country and its citizens.

2 years ago

Weaponizing the FBI, this is the kind of junk that goes on in Russia and other communist nations to go after political opponents; this is the United States for God’s sake why is this happening? I had contacted my senators and congressmen to find out why this is going on and if we need to shut down the FBI then let’s do it. I am sick of this same old patterns every year, and seems the FBI has created a habit of this for decades, it has got to stop.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

Trust, as well as distrust, is earned.

2 years ago


Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
2 years ago

????CHRISTrumpOwens and all our US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2022-2036 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen????

Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
2 years ago

CHRISTrumpOwens and all our US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2022-2036 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen

2 years ago

A bit of original doggeral for all you lefties who don’t care about the FBI targeting Republicans: When you see that I’m oppessed, do not just look in sorrow, for what they do to me today, they’ll do to you tomorrow.

2 years ago

I’m disgusted by the FBI’s behavior and have lost all respect and faith in that organization. they are basically bidens henchmen that do whatever he wants even if it breaks the law

2 years ago

The new NAZI brown shirts

2 years ago

If Garland and Wray can’t(or won’t) bring honesty and integrity back to the bureau then they must go. The heavy handed bs against conservatives will not stand. Either the government reforms the FBI and DOJ or the people will have to. America cannot survive with these agencies being totally corrupt and partisan.

Patricia McGuirt
Patricia McGuirt
2 years ago

It’s a sad day in America, when the law becomes so untrustworthy. They were put together to fight crime in our great country, but now they have become puppets for the democratic party. Our laws were established to keep people from being unlawful, but “they” now have become unlawful. Where is this going to end? I for one do not want my country to become socialistic, I enjoy my freedoms, of which they are taking away from us one at a time, as we sit back and do nothing.

2 years ago

Everything that the government is involved in is political and, therefore, becomes politicized. The only way to keep something from becoming politicized is to keep the government out of it.

2 years ago

FBI, you really mean Communist Democratic GESTOPO! . . . I WON’T TRUST ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY ESPECIALLY THE FBI & IRS!!!

2 years ago

If FBI agents will do things they know are wrong, they are not good upstanding people. Congrats to the whistleblowers, but after the fact is not acceptable behavior. An uprising amongst the agents toward the out of control upper tier would be much more ethical and impressive, in my book.

2 years ago

its time to do something about the FBI becoming a political weapon , either reorganize, get rid of, or de fund the FBI, there a law enforcement organisation not a politicial weapon. and there not above the law like they think

2 years ago

What has the FBI investigated since Pelosi got in charge of the goverment, Fentynol ,boarder terrorist, spy infaltration, , they should be broken up, and everyone should tell there congress man either do something or we will do something like not vote for you. by the way how is the Hunter and senile Joe investigation going anyway? a stand still till after the mid terms I bet, like the real numbers for the student forgiveness, that was not free but tax payers pay for even though they paid the tuition off, now they have to pay for the others who defaulted

John Riley
John Riley
2 years ago

Elect Republicans in 22 & 24 that will include in their platforms a promise to form a committee to investigate, clean out and prosecute.

2 years ago

I’d like to believe there are good & honorable FBI agents but other than the whistleblower who have come forward, I’m not so sure. What is 100% absolutely certain is that the FBI- like many other federal government agencies- has a definite bias against those who are the enemies of the Left. If the GOP takes back either or both chambers of Congress, true reforms of each agency, along with true criminal and financial penalties to offending personnel, must be implemented without exception. No ‘additional oversight’ or additional hearings, but tangible penalties and reforms. Start with the FBI and prosecute those who have been part of the systemic abuses, revoke all pensions and benefits and remove all barriers to civil proceedings. Then remove various powers from the FBI and reassign to state levels (Red States). Then do the same with DHS, IRS, Departs of Education, State Department, EPA and USPS.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

All it took was ONE John Dean to take down Nixon meanwhile there are 12 FBI whistleblowers talking to Grassley and nothing is being done. And I remember Watergate aired on all THREE TV channels when I was 13… not ONE minute reported today about the Big Guy getting his 10%. Government is corrupt because a media allows it!

2 years ago

The FBI has become “indoctrinated,” they are nothing more than a rogue group of enforcers who have a license to kill and destroy. They have been “programmed,” to attack any and all who opposes them. Hitler’s FBI was commonly known as the ” gestapo.”

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
2 years ago

Are we seriously supposed to ignore the FBI’s misconduct and abuse of power that has been exposed lately? Sorry can’t do it. If the FBI expects us too trust them and put faith in them, they need to be reformed and Director Wray needs to clean house.

2 years ago

The FBI has NO Charter! Years ago when they went to Congress to ask for a charter they were denied.That equates them with any criminal cartel gang enforcers. Crips=Bloods=FBI.
They are Deep State enforcement and psyops. When will we all see that Mass Shootings are FBI ops.

2 years ago

It became obvious during the Obummer Administration that the FBI had gone DemocRat beholden. As I’ve said before, in hindsight it would have been better if Trump had given walking papers a large contingent of FBI’ers … not just the head of the FBI. My strongest recommendation to the next Republican POTUS is to fire about 50% or more of present FBI personnel even though it is probably sadly true that a double digit per centage of current FBI personnel are just following orders and are too intimidated to speak out.

Blood & Guts Patton
Blood & Guts Patton
2 years ago

FBI…todays modern version of the SS in the Third Reich Nazi democratic party!

2 years ago

“Why any judge would feel inclined to take the FBI seriously especially on issues surrounding Donald Trump, is beyond reason.”

Just like the FBI management the FISA judges are themselves demon-communist-cRATS. Anyone in a management role at the FBI MUST be fired and their government pensions revoked.

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