
National Security , Newsline

President Trump Was Right: Biden Has Now Declared War On America’s Suburbs

Posted on Thursday, April 15, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive

TrumpAs former President Donald Trump repeatedly warned would happen if the Democrats took control of the White House, President Biden has now rolled out a radical plan that will wreck American suburban life with the heavy boot of federal government fanatics who want to destroy the singly family zoning. Hidden inside a massive infrastructure bill announced at the end of March, President Biden is asking Congress for $213 billion in federal housing funding, billions of dollars of which will be used to bribe local authorities into abolishing the suburbs. If enacted, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will become one of the most powerful agencies in the world and soon usher in the destruction of suburban America as we know it.

In August 2020, President Trump and then Secretary of Housing & Urban Development Ben Carson warned in the Wall Street Journal that “a relentless push for more high-density housing in single-family residential neighborhoods has become the mainstream goal of the left” noting that the “Biden-Sanders unity platform calls for reimposing the Obama-Biden dystopian vision of building low-income housing units next to your suburban house.” Trump and Carson argued against these reckless densification efforts saying:

“America was founded on liberty and independence, not government coercion, domination, and control. It would be a terrible mistake to put the federal government in charge of local decisions—from zoning and planning to schools. Our Founders understood this was the path to tyranny.”

Leftist corporate media organizations balked at statements like this at the time with the Associated Press claiming: “That’s a false account of what Biden supports.” Another CNN “fact-check” called Trump’s claims “racially coded nonsense.” But all the media had to do was scroll through the Biden campaign website and Biden-Sanders “unity” platform to see that President Trump was right. The socialist “unity” platform explicitly demands the restoration of the Obama-Biden Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule, a 377-page behemoth that turned the Department of Housing and Urban Development into a national zoning agency allowing central planners in D.C. to determine the density and makeup of local neighborhoods across the country by conditioning federal funding to build new playgrounds, construct homeless shelters, and set up affordable housing units on localities complete submission to the whims of Washington bureaucrats.

The Biden campaign website also called single-family zoning “exclusionary” and discussed the “need to eliminate exclusionary zoning policies and other local regulations that contribute to sprawl.” The campaign website vowed that “[a]s President, Biden will enact legislation requiring any state receiving federal dollars through the Community Development Block Grants or Surface Transportation Block Grants to develop a strategy for inclusionary zoning[.]” A study by the Opportunity Solutions Project found that this plan was essentially an extortion strategy that presented local communities with an impossible choice: tear your suburbs apart or say goodbye to $12 billion in federal infrastructure funds for roads, bridges, and highways. Under Biden’s campaign proposal, Michigan suburbs would lose $1.2 billion, Ohio suburbs would lose $1.5 billion, Pennsylvania suburbs would lose $1.9 billion, and Florida suburbs would lose $2.1 billion if they did not surrender to the federal government’s zoning edicts.

At numerous rallies throughout the 2020 election season, President Trump issued a clarion call to defend against radical Democrat rezoning attempts that would ruin what 8 out of 10 Americans claim is the cornerstone of their American Dream: ownership of a single-family home.

Now, less than three months into the new Democrat administration, the Biden White House has issued an all-out declaration of war against the basic building block of the suburbs: single family zoning.

First, the Biden administration has moved to review President Trump’s “Preserving Community and Neighborhood Choice” rule taking the first step toward reinstating the oppressive Obama era AFFH regulation, thereby allowing the federal government to control local zoning regulations and force neighborhoods to build thousands of high-density apartments in suburban backyards.

Second, as a key element of the Democrats’ infrastructure plan, Biden officials are proposing a $213 billion housing boondoggle, conditioning billions of dollars in federal funding on eliminating what they call “exclusionary” zoning, a derogatory synonym for single-family zoning. The infrastructure fact sheet released by the White House literally pressures Congress to “eliminate exclusionary zoning” including “prohibitions on multifamily housing.” If Biden, the Democrats, and their developer allies get their way, there will be nothing stopping single family suburban neighborhoods from being bulldozed to make way for high-density apartment buildings and low-income housing units. The ultimate result will be the Manhattanizing of the suburbs and an end to local control over neighborhoods.

As President Trump and Secretary Carson noted in their op-ed last year, one need only look to Hillary Clinton’s backyard in Westchester County, New York to witness the kind of suburb destruction that the Biden administration is planning. There, according to Trump and Carson, “[f]or eight years under Obama-Biden, HUD pressured Westchester County, N.Y., to change its zoning rules… HUD used the threat of withholding federal money to pressure it to raise property taxes and build nearly 11,000 low-income, high-density apartments.”

To justify its reckless actions, the Obama-Biden administration declared that Hillary Clinton’s neighborhood was racist and discriminatory because it was zoned for single family homes. Today, the Biden administration is using the same excuse in an attempt to consolidate federal control over all of the nation’s suburbs.

But it is the Biden administration’s views concerning the racial composition of the suburbs that are stuck in the Jim Crow era. Since 2010, America’s suburbs have been home to majorities of Black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans as well as immigrants. Even the Democrat think tank, the Brookings Institution, has noted that “[m]inorities represent 35 percent of suburban residents, similar to their share of overall U.S. population.” Renowned demographer Joel Kotkin affirmed this point noting that: “If single-family homes are inherently racist, then so are many minorities. Since 2000, the vast majority of African-American, Latino and Asian growth has been in suburban and exurban areas, while core cities, like Chicago, have seen a significant black flight to the suburbs.”

Further, the suburbs did not become America’s melting pot due to top down one size fits all Washington style bureaucratic mandates. Economic freedom and opportunity in addition to hard work and increased middle-class prosperity have caused Americans of all races to be able to move into the suburbs organically. Fundamentally, the suburbs are diverse because people of every race, color, and creed share the universal aspiration of owning a single-family home. It is an essential element of nearly everyone’s American Dream.

Americans move to the suburbs and choose to own single-family homes because that setting provides a great place to form families and raise children, to get access to high quality schools, to get away from the congestion and crime of dense urban cores, to have room to throw the football and play with a dog in the backyard, to actually be able to drive a car rather than be forced to take public transportation and to store up wealth in home equity that can be passed on to the next generation. That is why the suburbs and exurbs are home to nearly 90% of seniors and home equity accounts for up to nearly half of the median retiree’s net worth.

All of these aspects of the suburban way of life – cars, kids, single family houses, and middle-class wealth – terrify Democrats who have fast become the party of climate extremism, big developer interests, socialists, and woke critical race theorists. As the radical social reengineering plan that the Biden White House is trying to sell as an “infrastructure bill” demonstrates, Democrats dream of densely populated cities and suburbs with stack and pack apartments and detest sprawling neighborhoods with single family houses. Democrats oppose homeownership and endorse public housing and rentership. Democrats hope to coerce people out of their cars through mileage taxes to push them onto a high-speed rail. Ultimately, Democrats seek to control where and how Americans live.

President Trump was right when he said that: “America’s suburbs are a shining example of the American Dream, where people can live in their own homes, in safe, pleasant neighborhoods.” He was also right when he said that: “The left wants to take that American dream away from you.”

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3 years ago

same thing welfare, food stamps etc have been doing for years. Why would anyone work when they can be handed everything for nothing?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

No to Govt micromanagement, Just wrong
& we need these for Infrastructure:
Improve Hwys, Rds, Frwys,RR tracks, Grid, airports, harbors, sewar lines
Boost this spending OR we cant see MD for Medicare for ALL
Use new tech to build rebuild Hwys, roads, RR tracks

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

You all see what’s happening? The Left has declared war on YOU! You can sit there and think it won’t happen in “our” town, but the sound of the steamroller can be heard in the distance. They are after us, and they have actually said that out-loud. So prepare, or just ignore the signs, it’s up to you…

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

A dictator was elected. Lord, please help us!!

3 years ago

It’s right here in UNs Agenda 2030, I suspect most if not all of the Harris-Biden Administration is framed around this.

In Goal #11

11.3 By 2030, enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacity for participatory, integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management in all countries

3 years ago

Biden and his socialist buddies can all go screw each other or themselves. I could care less. I’m sitting on 18 acres of land with a large garden and some live stock. If they are that serious they can come sniff my rooster’s butt. Or kiss it.


Oren Player

Carla Anderson
Carla Anderson
3 years ago

Until we have GOP leaders that will have the balls to start standing up to this evil establishment we won’t see any changes, HOWEVER, the real culprit here is the MAINSTREAM MEDIA!!!!!!! Until they are held accountable or pushed back NOTHING is going to change. Until they stop telling lies and start reporting truth NOTHING will change.

All journalists don’t believe what they are told to report and it’s sad their morals have been taken over by the thought of that paycheck every week, but there are a few who have walked away, Kari Lake, for one!!! She is an amazing woman who finally had enough and she is now speaking out. Too bad more like her won’t do the same!!!!!

3 years ago


3 years ago

This is no surprise. The Socialist Democrats, for the most part, want to destroy our Democratic Republic and they’re wasting no time in doing so!

3 years ago

Agenda 21 and NWO wants all of us in the cities to control us and spy on us. No more country living. Note all the high rise apartments built atop stores so we don’t have to travel anywhere to shop. No cars. Pay attention. This has been the plan for years. The vaccine, the chip, the 5G. All of it.

3 years ago

Perhaps that’s the excuse that that BLM leader who brought that expensive house ( never mind the fact that she didn’t earn that money) in that exclusive neighborhood because she’s going to change the building variance in that neighborhood. All that will accomplish is a downgrade of the neighborhood from people who care about the way the neighbors interact into an area that deteriorates into a slum. There’s a saying that you can’t get a horse to drink even if you bring them to the water, they have to want to drink. So if you bring people to a nice neighborhood, unless they care about how their own behavior affects others,they are not going to change.

Joseph A OReilly
Joseph A OReilly
3 years ago

C’mon, Fair Housing like Voter Access are red herrings. It’s about expanding control by a central government ever more alien and hostile to what they increasingly view as ‘the provinces’. The limits of constitutional governance with enumerated powers for the center and the rest reserved for the states is inconceivable to them. They desire more power and therefore any impediment subordinate to that need. In passing, under ‘fair housing’ they are attempting to dilute the political power outside their urban strongholds but converting the suburbs into mini-urban centers. Exporting the excess voters along with their failed policies until they achieve the same political monoculture that has metastasized into DC, NYC and SF. That they will in process destroy home values, livelihoods and education is either irrelevant or viewed as a good outcome. More proles dependent on government equals more Democrat voters. Just as with open borders, the objective is to seize and hold power. Rule, even rule of a much diminished and far poorer United States is the goal. And they have a global network of cronies and co-conspirators to assist them. Like academia, entertainment, the media and now the military, all are being ‘transformed’ into extensions of the statist apparatus. And like them, all will be destroyed. Whatever the left touches, it will destroy.

Mary A Ward
Mary A Ward
3 years ago

A friend of mine who lives in Westchester, NY related to me over 5 years ago how dangerous that suburban town had become with mandated HUD buildings near to her place of business. I was not aware of that reality, and now I understand that the dems have been pushing this for decades. I now live in Spokane, WA where there is a shortage of single-family homes because the town has voted zoning for multi-family dwellings as a priority. This has been going on for years, I understand. And, by the way, Obama and Biden choose to live where?

Gerald & Kathryn Kalinoski
Gerald & Kathryn Kalinoski
3 years ago

As usual, it’s those who want what they want (RorD) and have the inroads to accomplish their goals without giving Americans a choice in the process as we are supposed to have. If enacted, this will cause many of America’s neighborhoods to become “projects”. This is never a good idea, since those who have not worked for the things they get do not care about maintaining it; thus, it becomes an area that is a problem for everyone else. (all part of the conspiracy against the American people, by those who have money/power….corruption in disguise.)

3 years ago

“Coming soon to a neighborhood near you!” It’s already in motion where I live. The heavily democrat city council is debating the merits of radically changing zoning regulations. As expensive homes in upscale single family neighborhoods are sold, new zoning, if it passes, would let developers come in and build several units. The city’s portion of the $213 billion undoubtedly would tip the scales in that direction.

The idiots in charge relish the idea of “bringing down” the high income earners and turning every street into something that looks like an inner city. The home owners worked hard to pay for their slice of paradise, and now it’s about to be lost. If this legislation passes, or if landowners are mandated to allow the city to build additional housing units on private property, I expect to see a mass migration out of the suburbs. Or a revolution…

Already, because of the pandemic and other reasons, people are fleeing the cities and reestablishing in small towns throughout the state. That frightens the liberals. Big cities, with all the taxpayer-supported amenities, attract democrats who love all those “freebies” and rubbing elbows with like-minded progressives. They continue to vote for the dems so those perks won’t be taken away. D.C. statehood and packing the Supreme Court would have the same effect–progressive domination. Maybe Republican-heavy counties of California and other blue states should secede.

How much do you want to bet that the elitist progressives will carve out protections for themselves? This is another disgusting socialist dream of prohibiting the right to attain private property. Week after week, I’m finding fewer reasons to sing the praises of living in the United States. It’s my optimism that the next elections will favor conservatives that keeps me here.

Socialist progressives have sown the seeds of discontent. America, I hope you’re listening.

3 years ago

Patriots, We need mass protests and demonstrations to show the Socialists we are ready to fight for Democracy.
Without that and leaders with gonads “We the People” are doomed and so are the next generations.

Barry Courtnay
Barry Courtnay
3 years ago


Bob H.
Bob H.
3 years ago

I remember George H Bush talking about a 1 world order. I thought to myself, All of these politicians are Marxists. This is really happening. We need to be prepared and most of all pray for this nation.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

It’s far worse than just the suburbs. Biden and the Democrat comrades have declared war on America. Everything they are doing has a larger purpose, and that purpose is to take complete big government control at the cost of our liberty. Look at each policy and you will see not a single one that supports strong, independent people that are not dependent on government. Every policy increases dependence and targets a system to develop a one-party nat6ion with them in complete control over all of us. They want to completely control your energy usage, control your healthcare, control your wages, accumulation of wealth and spending, redistribute your wealth, essentially control your entire life and especially your vote while eliminating your means to resist

3 years ago

Another ploy by Democrats to insure perpetuity of power at the local, state and federal level.

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

I have to wonder how many of the idiots that actually, legitimately voted for china-joe now have massive buyer’s remorse? If they don’t, they’re either ultra-lefties or completely insane.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

Biden has no idea what he is signing, so the question remains, who are the people writing all this? It pretty much has to be Sanders, the squad and the like. Most of the Democrat party have constituents who also live in the suburbs as well as cities. They will ruin their own party as well. What am I saying? They have already ruined their party, I used to be a Democrat. It’s why so many of us have become Republicans. Good grief.

3 years ago

Good story. I believe it may have started yeas ago…My taxes on my home have gone up almost every year for the past eight years and I’m not talking just a few dollars either, I’m talking at least a hundred or more every year. If it keeps up at the current rate I’ll have to move due to the fact I won’t be able to afford the taxes.

How convenient for the government to have myself and others willingly move so they can then build apartment’s in place of our homes. I was watching the local news just yesterday and the city government announced that they were taking city funds, our tax dollars, to house some three to six hundred homeless people in local hotels, complete with room service and laundry services.

The Mayor said that it was the only humane thing we could do to help these people ease their suffering. I’m sorry, but most of these people chose to be homeless and for those that did not, there are homeless shelters, Churches and other organizations in place to handle their needs…Yeah I know, I’m a racist.

The Dem’s really need to start using a different word, I’m starting to believe it. : )

Frank J. Chiarelli
Frank J. Chiarelli
3 years ago

There goes the neighborhood! ????

3 years ago

Of course the Biden administration is reviving the Obama plan to rezone the American suburbs to include government-constructed slums. That was a given no matter which Democrat ever occupied the White House after President Trump. Or should I refer to tis rezoning as what it used to be called a few decades ago: The projects. Those government fiascos that became so well known for being sources of high crime and squalor in Democrat run cities. It’s just all part of the ultimate social justice movement’s goal to make everyone equally poor, miserable and dependent on the government for virtually everything. In this case, building such government slums in the suburbs will destroy property values, lead to much higher taxes to cover higher police and public education expenses, and a deterioration of the middle class lifestyle people spent their lives to build.

3 years ago

Let’s put “affordable” housing in Bella Lugosi Pelosi and Chucky Sclemiel’s neighborhoods first as well as in Jackass Joe’s neighborhood!

Joyce Wichman
Joyce Wichman
3 years ago

Well Biden and Kamala and Pelosi and all the other bigwigs own their own homes why shouldn’t anyone else be able to that is discrimination. I understand building some lower income apartment buildings or middle in class apartment buildings but we should not put everybody in that class some people like to live out in the suburbs or country

3 years ago

Why is it that every time the left has the white house and the congress, they convulsively force through repellent, senseless legislation that only serves to cripple this nation and convince the public that they shouldn’t be allowed to gain unfettered power again, or until their puny memories allow them to repeat their mistakes. I would’ve thought their idiotic performance during obama’s first term should’ve convinced them once and for all.

Art A
Art A
3 years ago


C J Phillips-Young
C J Phillips-Young
3 years ago

The government & its millionaire/billionaire supporters will not be happy until they turn this country into a Socialist/Communist country. They want to destroy the USA and all it has stood for in the past. They contain leagues of satan worshippers, sex traffickers, drug cartels and all the things our once patriotic country stood for. They are trampling all over The Constitution and American’s right. How do we stop them? We have a fake president and vice in office and rogue Democrat & Republicans in office who vote their own salaries, cater to lobbyist and disregard the people who put them in office to represent them, not for their own money personal grubbing, corrupt agenda. If “We the People” are sick of this, God has to be and in His own time, He will put them into the holes they have dug for others.

Melinda Carruth
Melinda Carruth
3 years ago

Not for Biden He stoled the presidency anyway. He is controlled by Soros and Gates. We need to get President Trump back in office.

H L Howell
H L Howell
3 years ago

I thought that our government was set up to prevent this kind of treason. Why can’t we stop this nutcase. how long and how much are we to tolerate before we have to take radical action against this phony admin. We all know how the left/communist stole the election, so why obey a false government. how long? it’s already been too long. Government reform is long overdue.

3 years ago

It’s already happening where I live. The local government is bending over for the Federals. Already, there are low income apartments on the move right next to our suburban development (and in many other areas of our town) Makes me ill to think that we retired after so many years of working and saving, only to be kicked to the curb by the Dems. Kind of makes me glad that I’m not going to be around to see all of this MESS. Our children and grandchildren are screwed.

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
3 years ago

I am an 89 year old senior who has watched the federal government slowly encroach on, and erode the rights of the several states at an exceedingly faster rate year. The original intent for federal government was to primarily protect us from foreign attack, with most everything else being left to the power of the states. Democrats seek to have complete government control over every facet of our daily lives, and over time we have naively allowed the federal government to reverse the powers, giving them nearly all power and the states less and less. Trust in honesty and the system caused us to allow our 2020 Presidential election to be stolen by the Democrats through open, massive, and brazen fraud. And, while we and the rest of the world were in shock that this could happen in the United States of America the Democrats denied their crime, as all criminals do, called those who testified to witnessing, and presenting evidence of the fraud, liars, claiming the fraud never happened.

But since that big setback, many states have begun to take their power back, suing Biden for his actions, and passing legislation to counteract the unconstitutional acts of the Progressive, Socialist Democrat Congress. That has been the most effective approach to fighting back that I have thus far seen, and it is working. Action needs to be taken to return the federal government and the states to their proper and intended power status in America. We have to stop the the federal government’s insatiable hunger for power and return it to the states, where it belongs, and was intended to be. Encourage those in your state government to join those states who have sued the Biden administration over stoppage of projects costing jobs, over stopping the building of the wall, and their terrible handling of the immigration system. Ask that they follow the lead of the states who have decided to stand up to the overreach attempts of the Feds and Biden administration by enacting state legislation that defies, or nullifies, unconstitutional laws or Executive Orders, refusing to enforce them.

I am often reminded of the poem an old Irish cop on the beat used to recite to the youth of the neighborhood about nothing ever happened that could not have been worse. But, nothing ever changes if no one acts.

3 years ago

I no longer read anything about Biden. He is a joke at best.

Pete Rushworth
Pete Rushworth
3 years ago

Looks like he wants to move toward communism and give up on democracy. Oh well, just what Alexandr Tytler said except we are a little long in doing it.

Joe L
Joe L
3 years ago

I am an 83 year old man watching the demolition of a once proud Republic. On January 20, 2017, the GOP held the White House and majorities in the House and Senate. So why didn’t the GOP pack the Supreme Court by adding news seats in addition to filling three vacancies? Because adding new seats to the court in a moment of time when the GOP had majorities is a move that only fascists that do not believe in a representative Constitutional Republic or the rule of law would do. Doing something like that after over 160 years of stability on the court with 9 justices is an abuse of power and would and should result in a civil war. No Republican proposed any legislation nor were voters calling for it because the GOP is not a fascist political party. The real fascists are the National Socialist Democrats, now attempting to take perpetual control of the country by adding seats to the supreme court and through HR1 to seize the election processes from the States. Elections don’t give one party the right to dismantle the Constitution. Our rights are absolute, unlike what Comrades Biden, Schumer and Pelosi tell us. 

Now we know why there is a 2nd amendment and why the Democrats are so anxious to seize our firearms. The 2nd Amendment may be the only thing standing between the Constitution and the totalitarian National Socialist state beginning under Comrade Biden.

The Lincoln Project RINOs and other weak Republicans caused this debacle. But we got rid of a rude man, so what the heck!

3 years ago

Everything that represents freedom in this country is hated by the left! One more area to destroy on their way to control everyone and destroy America! God is watching!

3 years ago

Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.

3 years ago

Everything President Trump predicted about the anti american,American,, freedom hating, failed democrats was RIGHT ON
The actions against America and its legitimate Citizens are acts of treason by the traitors in the democrat party!
These illegitimate communist politicians MUST be removed in 2022.
We the People have to take back Our Country.

john rovnan
john rovnan
3 years ago

The guy did not win the election. He is a fraud!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nana 6
Nana 6
3 years ago

I see a revolution in this country. When one is being choked to death one fights for their lives. The WH sees the revolution and that is why triple fences are going up. May not be during my life but unfortunately during my children’s and grandchildrens lives. Stalin and Lenin and their entire families were destroyed. Some escaped here with some of their wealth – met some of them when I was young in the seventies. If the National Guard shoots one bullet at a citizen, or our own soldiers do the same, it is an act of war on its own people. They have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Fences are proclaimed to be ‘racist’ and do nothing by this administration but yet fences are put up around the WH and most properties of Congress and Senate. Biden, Pelosi, Shumer, Kalmela and even some of the SCOTUS are showing their true colors – blatantly. God help us all. Internment camps next. READ YOUR HISTORY. Roman Empire through WW2.

3 years ago

The local, state planners should just look Washington in the eye and say “You first.” As soon as I see Nancy, Chuck, Joe, et al living in low income, high density housing, we can talk.

Old Silk
Old Silk
3 years ago

President Trump ordered the steal monitored but not stopped in real time as it was in 2016. It could have been and should have been stopped in real time in 2020 as well. He knew it was all going to happen and didn’t stop it. Was he merely greasing the skids?

3 years ago

Why does economic blackmail from this bunch not surprise me?

Linda Sweet
Linda Sweet
3 years ago

How about putting those high density dwellings in Hollywood? Think that would go over well?

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

You notice the social Marxists won’t put any of the low-income housing in THEIR neighborhood. Marxist head of BLM is using millions extorted from corporations to buy mansions. Thought she was poor and disadvantaged?
Same bunch want wind turbines. But Teddy K and Walter Cronkhite both objected to one near Hyannis, MA.

3 years ago

Biden and his cohorts behind the curtain or in the Capitol or in the bureaucracy
Have flat out declared war on all of us and our liberties and way of life.
They’re trying to govern us the same way BeJing is treating Hong Kong

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Gee! Let’s ask Nancy Pelosi to build a big low-income apartment housing hi-rise in her backyard. If she does this then it will be the first time in her life that hypocrisy will be absent from her entire being. Oh, excuse me, I wouldn’t hold your breath because you will most assuredly run out of oxygen long before such a grand gesture would ever take place.

3 years ago

I respectfully move that HUD build low income housing on
Martha’s Vineyard
OBama wants it so let’s give him and Moochelle want they want.

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