
National Security , Newsline

President Trump Issues Executive Order to Support a Safe and Secure America

Posted on Tuesday, June 16, 2020
by The Association of Mature American Citizens

Trump President executive order police AMACAMAC — the Association of Mature American Citizens and conservative alternative for seniors and emerging seniors – strongly commends and endorses the President’s initiative to immediately address national concerns over the actions of “bad apples” in law enforcement in issuing the Executive Order for Safe Policing for Safe Communities.  The President’s action is rightly intended to foster achieving the highest professional standards of conduct and service by law enforcement agencies in their communities. We also hope that Congress will work with the President on additional measures.

Under the President’s Executive Order, police departments will be encouraged to seek Justice Department grants for independent audits and credentialing of their practices and operations to meet high standards. Notably, choke holds are banned for all federal law enforcement agencies and those state and local agencies receiving these federal grants, except when an officer’s life is at risk. Moreover, police departments receiving federal funds will share information of credible, significant abuses by “bad apple” officers who attempt to move to another police department without disclosing such a history. Finally, federal funds will be available to support officers, and co-responders such as social workers, in dealing with homeless individuals and those who have mental illness and substance abuse problems.

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4 years ago

Isn’t it funny that Rambling Joe always talks about how HE would “unify” the country but never tells us how he would do that. President Trump can talk about unifying the country till he’s blue in the face and NO MATTER WHAT Bella Lugosi Pelosi and Chucky Sclemiel will NEVER work with him because they will make outrageous demands that we Conservatives can’t accept. They won’t EVEN TRY to work with President Trump even for the good of the country. THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT HOW MUCH DAMAGE THEY DO TO THE COUNTRY,
IT’S ALL ABOUT MAKING SURE PRESIDENT TRUMP LOSES THE ELECTION!!! People, it’s crisis time for America and we must all speak out and fight to save our rights for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness! Please all pray that God Blesses and Saves America from these Marxists!!!

4 years ago

The mayoress of Atlanta made a big bet today that she could charge one of Atlanta’s police officers with murder and
keep the other officers on the job. Other ATL officers are staging a sick-out and many, I predict, will turn in their
badges and guns and move to an outlying county. Why would any officer want a job in Atl or Minneap or NY or DC
or Chicago or Seattle or any dem run city ? We have already shut down our national guard and , therefore, need to STOP funding the Guard . Fat chance. All I can say is buy more guns. You’re on your own. Sad but true. We are a lawless nation. Trump’s hesitance to do anything is calculated, wisely, to show us that our country is run by criminals who want anarchy. We now know. The president , for the 10’000 th time, has shown us what we are up against. Please respond but don’t try to justify this madness. Your choice.

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