
National Security , Newsline

Pompeo Exposes Biden Administration’s Foreign Policy Catastrophe

Posted on Friday, May 28, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive

PompeoFormer Secretary of State Mike Pompeo unleashed a blistering and comprehensive critique of the Biden administration’s foreign policy in a recent interview with the Center for Security Policy, offering a clear “America First” contrast to the “America Last” philosophy now emanating from the White House. Pompeo discussed a wide range of issues—from the Israel-Palestine conflict to the Iran nuclear deal and from Chinese aggression to the question of whether COVID-19 came from a lab.

Here, courtesy of former Secretary of State Pompeo, is what every American needs to know about the new administration’s disastrous foreign policy.

How Biden is Undoing Trump’s Masterful Middle East Peacemaking

After years of historic progress toward peace in the Middle East under the Trump administration, the Biden presidency has seen a torrent of violence and upheaval overwhelming the region. Pompeo discussed how the Trump administration got three major things right that Biden has gotten wrong. First, he said, “we made clear that Israel had the right to defend itself every day and always do, whatever it took to get that right, and that the United States would be its friend and ally.” Moreover, Pompeo said, “The President made the decision to live up to the promise that he had made, which was to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. We acknowledged [what] everybody knew was true–that Israelis were going to occupy the Golan Heights and were going to control that real estate.”

Second, “we developed a campaign of pressure on the [Iranian] regime that changed the outlook for countries all across the region…And part of that was walking away from the JCPOA, a nuclear deal that wasn’t worth frankly the paper that it was written on.”

Third, “we built out what ultimately became the Abraham Accords” including “a path forward for the Palestinians that says you can have a better life but your corrupt regime intent on terror in Gaza and your corrupt regime that undermines Israeli sovereignty in the West Bank are going to have to change their ways[.].”

Pompeo stated that the Biden administration has “undone” or “attempted to undo nearly every one of those” three things and gone so far as to hand “the Iranians billions of dollars” to convince them to “come back into this failed nuclear deal that had no chance of permanently stopping Iran from getting a nuclear weapon[.].”

Biden’s Neglect of The US-Israel Alliance

On the topic of the U.S. alliance with Israel, Pompeo said that from the beginning, Biden had neglected America’s strongest ally in the region. “Remember how long it took President Biden just to make the first phone call to Prime Minister Netanyahu,” Pompeo commented. “Those actions sent signals to the Middle East, to the Iranian terrorists that are sponsored by the regime in Iran that said this is a green light, and you see the results.”

Biden Doubles Down on The Failed Iran Policies Of The Past  

On stopping Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, Pompeo said he believed it would be an “article of faith” for the Biden administration to rejoin the fundamentally flawed Iranian nuclear deal. Pompeo asserted: “The Iranians now know that the administration is going to sit down with them. It’s the same cast of characters, Robert O’Malley, Wendy Sherman, Susan Rice, John Kerry. They’re all back. I joke, when Vice President [Biden] said, ‘We’re going to bring America back.’ Yeah, you brought them back, all right.”

Pompeo said that if there had been a second Trump administration, “our negotiations would have been broached very, very differently. We would have had the chance to have this conversation only with the condition that the sanctions weren’t going to be released until we had a path that could create… maximal certainty that the Iranians had given up on their ambition to have a nuclear weapon.”

Pompeo also pushed back on what he said was the false media claim that America was going it alone when it chose to continue sanctioning Iran. Pompeo maintained that the Trump administration had built a historic coalition to counter Iranian nuclear proliferation. He said, “Iran was never as isolated as it was on January 19th [2021]. Arab nations, nations all across the world, [and] many European nations understood that Iran was the central destabilizing force in the Middle East as well and was prepared to join us in executing on the vision that we had for how to convince the regime to change its direction.”

How The Biden Administration Is Making The Israel-Palestine Conflict Worse

On Hamas and the Israel-Palestine conflict, Pompeo argued that the reason why the Trump and Biden State Departments have approached the issue so differently is because the Biden administration is not treating Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, and their allies in Iran as the radical Islamist ideologues that they are. Pompeo remarked: “These are ideologues who believe deeply in the extermination of the Jewish state. So, when they think that they have weakness in the United States when they have a sense that the first thing out of the bag that’s going to get said isn’t, ‘You know Israel has every right to defend itself. They should go take care of this problem set,’ period, full stop. When they think there’ll be a whisper on the end of that, a whisper that says, there’s some moral equivalence between these terrorists, Hamas, whose mission set is to kill civilians, to drive international outrage, and the Israelis who do everything they can to not kill civilians, when they sense there’ll be an expression of moral equivalence such as asking for a ceasefire, they know this is not a red light, this is not something that concerns them, and they are likely to do just the kind of violence you’re seeing today.”

Pompeo noted that another Biden administration foreign policy decision that has led to more violence in the Middle East is returning funding to the Palestinian Authority and pulling back sanctions from Iran. He asserted: “the other thing that this administration did is they turned back on the funding. They told the Palestinians we’re going to pay the money.” “We made very clear we’re not going to use American taxpayer dollars to underwrite terror regimes[.].” But Pompeo argued, “So long as Iran has money, its ideological drive to destroy Israel is not likely to change. You have to cut off their capacity to continue to underwrite these terrorists, not only Hezbollah, not only Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic jihad, but the Houthis.” Pompeo asserted that “Until we take down the Iranian regime’s capacity to inflict these terror militias on the world, it’s very difficult for any nation, including Israel, to completely defend against their capacity to do this build-up.”

China’s Extortion Campaign Against America

Pompeo then turned to address the rise of China, a country that imposed sanctions on him on January 20, 2021, within minutes of Biden becoming President. Pompeo said the reason China had sanctioned him as a private citizen is that “we were literally the only administration in the last 40 years that was prepared to call what we were seeing happening to the United States from China as adversarial. We were the first to acknowledge that we were going to have to confront it, whether it was the intellectual property and the tens of millions of American jobs lost as a result of that, whether it was the United Front operations conducted here inside the United States.”

Pompeo also thinks that China sanctioned him and other Trump administration officials because China was “sending a message to all the senior leaders in the Biden Administration that says if you want to go back into the private sector and make a whole lot of money like you were doing on January 19th, you better be really careful in how you treat China while you’re in office.” Pompeo said he thought that was “outrageous.” “They are essentially performing a form of coercion and extortion against American government officials[.].”

China’s Coronavirus Cover-Up Akin To Chernobyl

On China’s cover-up of evidence indicating that the coronavirus may have come from its Wuhan Institute of Virology, Pompeo said that from the beginning of the pandemic, China had gone “full Chernobyl.” “That is they were not going to let anybody have access to any information, any data.”

“At one point,” Pompeo recalled, “They tried to blame the United States for having brought the virus upon the world. This was the classic disinformation campaign voiced upon the world.” But, according to Pompeo, “the overwhelming amount of circumstantial evidence suggests that the Chinese were working on this virus in their laboratory, that the laboratory was unsafe, that the laboratory actors whether they were doctors or technicians, were conducting a set of activities that made the virus more human to human spreadable and likely more lethal as well, and then somehow it likely got out of that laboratory.” Pompeo continued, “Their reckless behavior in terms of covering up where patient zero came from or where this virus actually began… suggests that there’s something that they do not want the world to know.”

China’s Uyghur Genocide Comparable To Nazi Germany

Pompeo commented as well on how he came to the decision to call China’s violent acts inflicted upon the Uyghur population “genocide.” He said that what China was doing to the Uyghurs reminded him of “what was happening in Europe in the 1930s.” He stated: “The scale is unimaginable. A million people are held in things that are akin to concentration camps, forced sterilizations, and abortions, people who are disconnected from their families and never permitted to talk to them again, re-education camps. We know these things. History teaches about these things. The intention is to bring Han Chinese to the west and stamp out the Uyghurs, the mostly Turkic Muslim populations there. So, it was really important that the United States lead and that the world begin to stand up against this genocidal behavior.” Pompeo made the point that the U.S. still needs to stand up against China’s genocide by boycotting the Beijing Olympics, arguing, “The fact that we’re going to likely hold an Olympics inside of China, a genocide Olympics inside of China in just a handful of months should shock the conscience of every person around the world.”

Why The U.S. Must Boycott The Beijing Olympics

Pompeo concluded his discussion of China by advocating for the Biden administration to continue the successful policies of the Trump era, which held China accountable. Pompeo said a good starting point would be to have the U.S. boycott the Beijing Olympics: “[T]he Chinese Communist Party must be accountable for the things they do. They are the first order bad guys[.].” “[W]e should never shy away from this. I’ve talked about this with respect to the Olympics. Think about this. If you’re a network television station going to send journalists to broadcast the Olympics from China in 2022 and your journalists decide they want to say something about Xi Jinping that is not lovely and positive, what’s the chance that they get to come home to their family? Should you put your journalists in a place where you know that they’ve been canceled, silenced, or prohibited from speaking in a way that reflects the truth of what you will likely see on the ground when you go there unless your minder keeps you away from it? These are important questions that we should ask to every commercial entity that’s engaged in these kinds of businesses. Do you want to be part of the silencing machine of that surveillance state, of that genocidal regime? I think most business leaders would say, ‘No, thanks. We’ll figure out another way to make money.’”

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David B.
David B.
3 years ago

Clown Biden and his circus of failed morons are intent on destroying everything around them. They are enemies of the World, and WILL bring dire consequences to all the people, not just Conservatives they seem to target. IF we survive their wicked onslaught, there needs to be a Crimes against Humanity trial.

Leland Eagleson
Leland Eagleson
3 years ago

The illegal “administration” continues to show that the Law of War needs activated very soon. TBS, everything these dweebs do has NO standing and can be reversed and made void. The best is yet to come..

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Pompeo has reconfirmed that the Demsheviks are truly Charter Members of the “180º Club” (i.e., whatever position they espouse or embrace, the exact opposite is usually true, appropriate, or an eminently more optimal solution, etc.).

The real tragedy here is that these idiots have no clue as to the damage they are doing, both to America AND the world. They are truly blinded by their fanatic and rabid embracement of their dysfunctional ideologies, the exercise of which can best be characterized as across-the-board Culpable Stupidity.

President Trump desires PEACE. The American people desire PEACE. Most of the rest of the world desires PEACE. Yet, here go the Demsheviks pursuing initiatives that inherently are ANIT-PEACE! Unfortunately for all of us, the DUH factor is not only alive and well but also is thriving and metastasizing unabated throughout the ranks of these Demsheviks.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is a master at foreign policy. He understands that America needs to keep a strong identity in the world. He knows that you need to take a firm stand in your negotiations. You can not project strength; by being inconsistent or ‘wishy-washy’. You can not effect peace in the world; by making yourself vulnerable. Pompeo knows balance and common sense.

Laurie Bee
Laurie Bee
3 years ago

So obvious and true.

The Rebel
The Rebel
3 years ago

Jobama and his band of immoral family thieves feel they have earned the right to steal tax dollars from the American people. How stupid are the voters from Delaware for putting this LIAR in public office for 49+ years???????

John Schoepf
John Schoepf
3 years ago

There is too much “I’m againts it just becaue the other guys are for it” activity. It’s time everybody started working for what is good for the country, instead of the infighting.

3 years ago

Jackass Joe WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY as America’s WORST PRESIDENT!!! … The major problem I have with him is I’m not sure America will recover from his dictatorship!
At least not the America that we all know. Under Communism, We the People become SLAVES in servitude to the Democratic Communist Regime. To survive, the Red States must band together and leave the Union if necessary. The remaining Blue States will be decimated without the tax monies of strong Red States to prop up their failed Communist policies. It will all come down to whether our military stands down and doesn’t do the bidding of the Communist Democrats! … Keep your powder dry, People!

3 years ago

“Their reckless behavior in terms of covering up where patient zero came from or where this virus actually began… suggests that there’s something that they do not want the world to know.”…like maybe what’s going on 5 floors down. People disappear all the time in regimes like China. That’s one way to purge populations they consider inferior.

I’ve always admired Mike Pompeo. By speaking out, as he and other proactive Republicans are currently doing, we can better control “the narrative” and keep the dems on their toes. I hope those days are over, where we continually reacted and explained and tried to correct what was said. It’s a battle between the Proactives and the Progressives. Finally, we’re beginning to beat them at their own game.

Deplorable in GA
Deplorable in GA
3 years ago

A few Georgian’s got together Thursday night in Dalton to hear two REAL Republicans. This morning CNN was vomiting all over each other and Paul Ryan (a great leader??? Thank GOD his is gone and won’t come back. He and gretchen can go boating in consin. I look forward to more or these rallies and hopefully we will use maxie waters advise and PUSH BACK – TELL THEM THEY ARE NOT WANTED.

3 years ago

Clear and simple.
China owns Biden and all his other crooks.

3 years ago

I have to admire anyone who has the grit to loudly speak out against the current abhorrent regime. The drooling fool in the oval office is going to have our enemies on our shores if he doesn’t get his head out and put American first instead of lining his pockets with dirty money from them.

3 years ago

We need “Trump” back in office immediately, Biden and Harris are an embarrassment to the United States of America, One can’t put two words together without stuttering or forgetting what he saying, and the other total racist, are hell-bent on destroying the United States and everything it stands for that is good, they are putting white people against Black people and vice-a, versa, in this country,the same thing Obama did from 2008-2016, look what Biden has done just in the first few months of his presidency can you imagine what he’s going to do in the next 3 1/2 years we have open borders that are killing our progress in the United States that was under Donald J Trump, I truly believe it’s a virus was created to bring down the United States so that the Democratic Party could gain a foothold on the American people I also believe the election was rigged with paper ballots I believe I am not the only one who believes his theory corruption in the United States runs deep, there should be term moment in Time is of no more than 16 years that’s enough time for each individual in office to learn their positions and make critical changes for the good and the United States if you agree please share your comment good, or bad…!!!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Biden setting up Mid East for Ez 38 War, Nuclear War 1?

3 years ago

Spot on!

3 years ago

It seems that Hidin’ Joe Biden is sidin’ with many contemporary and long-standing enemy nations.

3 years ago

Not a surprise that a corrupt, 47 year failure, supported by communist democrat party would support anything that creates division,chaos or hatred.
These planned initiatives are EXACTLY useless democrats core principles and plans for America’s destruction and a prolonged powergrap for the elite establishment focused on fundamental change.
Nothing is new here except ignorant Citizens who allow it, or the brainless voters who cannot recognize being used!!
Look at the dishonest democrats for the last 50 years, open your eyes,open your mind, it’s ALL there!

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

Wow, I so much miss Secretary Pompeo & President Donald Trump. Both these men I hold in the highest regard with respect to their love of country & other peoples in nations around the earth.
Look what has happened in ( 4 ) short months both here at home & abroad. It saddens me beyond belief…
God Bless America & these ( 2 ) shining rays of hope & peace on earth…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Biden has very much proven to be an idiot that words cannot begin to describe!!! Impeach him!!

3 years ago

The title to the article could be shortened to
The Biden Administration IS a Catastrophe
Doesn’t matter what the topic is

Except maybe how he picked up all his costly homes
With his corrupt pay for play dough
Before we all get hit with the inflation he is causing.

Vicki Fuselier
Vicki Fuselier
3 years ago

Oh how I miss President Trump

Jimmy H.
Jimmy H.
3 years ago

Every Biden appointee and those Called the Four need to be arrested for treason to our Country, and why haven’t the Republicans started a request of Impeachment, I do give a shit if it doesn’t work, start another reason after that, we need these treasonous BTRDS to keep busy trying to cover their ass for the next four years so they don’t have time to continue trying to destroy our Country One Nation Under God!

3 years ago

Right now Gov DeSantis seems to be front runner for the 2024 Rep nomination but the nation would be well served if Mr Pompeo wound up sitting in the Oval Office

Jim Delaney
Jim Delaney
3 years ago

Great article. Lays this horror out very clearly.

3 years ago

Who is this guy having the nerve to spout all of these facts? No one wants to listen to this. Tell me something cozy like news of another stimulus check.

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
3 years ago

I’m not understanding why the Biden Administration is purposefully destroying America?

Nina Rae
Nina Rae
3 years ago

I have a few Questions.
If it is conclusively established that major fraud robbed Donald Trump of re-election to the Presidency will this farce of a President be required to stand down?
Since the fraud included his vice-president she should also be dismissed, and…. the Presidency should go to Donald Trump as the majority of Voters intended?
Or is there some convoluted law that would prevent this?
How far will Biden be allowed to go before he is stopped? He has made a complete mess of our government & our World position. We are a joke to most Nations.

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
3 years ago

We Conservatives can all see the wrongs that are being instituted by Biden and the Progressive Socialist Democrats, and it is their modus operandi. Any intelligent American saw the insanity of the Iran Nuclear Deal, and the destruction of everything President Trump by Biden after he stole the office of President. Part of it can be explained by their incessant hatred of Donald Trump but a bigger part of it is their crazy thinking from their diseased minds. I have come to believe that there must be some biological difference in the brains of Liberals and Conservatives somewhat like that between gays and straights. How else can 2 people look at the same thing and see exactly the opposite?

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