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House Democrats Unveil Plan to Bring Total Government Control Over American Health Care

Posted on Friday, March 1, 2019
by Outside Contributor

Universal Health Care Government DemocratsLiberal House Democrats just unveiled the Medicare for All Act of 2019, a comprehensive bill to abolish virtually all private health plans—including employer-sponsored coverage—and impose total federal government control over Americans’ health care.

Despite its sweeping and detailed government control, as well as the imposition of huge but unknown costs, the 120-page bill has nonetheless initially attracted 106 Democrat co-sponsors, almost half of all Democrats in the House.

The legislation is profoundly authoritarian.

For example, Section 107 ensures that no American, regardless of their personal wants or medical needs, would be able to enroll in any alternative health plan that “duplicates” the government’s coverage.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., the bill’s primary sponsor, is at least open about the bill’s intent: “The Medicare for All bill really makes it clear what we mean by ‘Medicare for All.’  We mean a system where there are no private insurance companies that provide these core comprehensive benefits.”

Under Section 201, Congress would decide the content of the health benefits package, what is and is not to be available in the new government health plan. The bill forbids cost sharing, a statutory prohibition guaranteed to induce demand and hike Americans’ overall health costs.

Americans would not be able simply to spend their own money for medical care from a doctor of their choice. Personal contracts between doctors and patients outside of the government plan would be tightly restricted. Under Section 301, “ … no charge will be made to any individual for any covered items or services than for payment authorized by this Act.”

Under Section 303, a provider “ … may not bill or enter into any private contract with any individual eligible for benefits under the Act for any item or service that is a benefit under this Act.”

Even private contracts for “non-covered” medical services require the doctor to report them to the health and human services secretary. Section 303 also stipulates that a private contract between a doctor and a patient for “covered” services would be permissible if and only if the doctor signs and files the affidavit with the secretary of HHS and refrains from submitting any claim for any person “enrolled under this Act” for two full years.

Altogether, these restrictions, layered atop the prohibition on private insurance coverage, would virtually eliminate private agreements between doctors and patients.

In practice, Americans could spend their own money on their own terms with just the very few doctors who could afford to see cash-paying patients entirely outside the system.

In most respects, the new House bill is broadly similar to Sen. Bernie Sanders’, I-Vt., bill. Beyond creating a government monopoly of health insurance, it centralizes key health care decisions in the office of the secretary of HHS; establishes a national health budget; and it creates a temporary Medicare-style “public option” (along with subsidies for enrollees) in the moribund Obamacare exchanges.

Like Sanders’ bill, the House bill would also eliminate Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, the Obamacare exchange plans, and Tricare, the health program for military dependents. All of these beneficiaries would be absorbed into the new government plan; it would not be a matter of personal choice.

In striking contrast to the earlier version of the House “Medicare for All” bill, the new House bill contains no tax or funding provisions. This is a conspicuous omission. This is especially so because the House sponsors (under Section 204) also incorporate long-term care coverage, including nursing home and community-based care, into the basic benefit package. This coverage would likely be hugely expensive.

Recall that independent analysts from the Mercatus Center and the Urban Institute roughly agree that the true 10-year cost of Sanders’ similar plan would be approximately $32 trillion.

Ken Thorpe of Emory University, formerly an adviser to President Bill Clinton, estimates that the federal taxation needed to finance the Sanders’ plan would amount to an additional 20 percent tax on workers’ income, and more than 7 out of 10 working families would end up paying more for health care than they do today.

The federal spending and taxation needed to fund the new House bill would certainly be larger. Beyond the potential impact of the bill on the nation’s deficits and debt, independent analysts and economists will also focus laser-like on the size and impact of the new federal taxes on individuals and families at various income levels.

Simply taxing “the rich” will not cut it.

The House co-sponsors of the Medicare for All Act intend a rapid transformation of American health care.

Under Section 106 of the bill, they authorize the completion of this massive disruption of today’s public and private health insurance arrangements within just two years.

In the meantime, analysts at the Congressional Budget Office have a very big job to do.

They need to get on it. Now.

Let the debate begin.

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6 years ago

Is this just another Democrat-sponsored “If you see a problem THROW MONEY AT IT..” (and it will go away..) Kind of rethinking that old converse philosophical aphorism “LACK of money is the root of all Evil..” Maybe I’m thinking too far outside the box.. but caring for “the many” comes at quite a cost… Besides doesn’t American Independence infer elements of self-reliance and self-sufficiency.. From the 1960’s wasn’t it these people who screamed out POWER TO THE PEOPLE.. Aren’t we relinquishing that power, liability AND ACHIEVEMENTS by placing our health related (intimate) decisions in the hands of government? For this reason I don’t see it as inhumane for those “with money” to question the rationale behind all these decisions.. Why do they belabor this point which never seems done out of wisdom but more out of “gut feeling”, impulse, passion, or mightn’t we say sentimentality (for the poor) or even panic???? It’s obviously not well thought out.. That much is true.

Edward MAshmann
Edward MAshmann
6 years ago

Although it is a small piece of the pie I have not seen what sort of healthcare coverage our political representatives would have. The have a Cadillac plan now. I can picture them standing in line for hours waiting to be seen by the doctor on emergency room staff.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 years ago

We just axed O Care last time,NO reruns BUT Dems like Reruns & Being stuck in the Past ( Al Shaprton) & lies etc.
No incenitves to improve HC IE MedTech, foods etc. More & More Govt,NO.

6 years ago

This is ludicrous!!!! Just about the polls I’ve seen from various sources are opposed to this kind insanity. I love my doctors and FREEDOM to choose whom I shall see and whom I shall not see, when and where to be seen. Our government was not formed to dictate to us. If one goes back to originally WHY we formed a government, they would see the exact purpose of government. Democrats…MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS about “We the People” and if you don’t like it, create a new form of government someplace else, like California. They love all of you, will welcome and will bow to all your plans, taxes, free stuff, gun and immigration plans/policies.

6 years ago

Has anybody taken into account the number of people employed by the health insurance industry, and thus the number of people that could lose jobs, and thus the economic impact? Many of those people have skill sets that would not be of value to other industries.

Gloria Harris
Gloria Harris
6 years ago

Absolutely insane. Less government control. First women say the government cannot tell them what to do with their bodies but at the same time they want to tell everyone what to do with their healthcare. Last time I checked, healthcare is care of our bodies. Seriously no idea of the cost and how to pay for it. This is total insanity.

Phyllis Williams
Phyllis Williams
6 years ago

Will members of Congress be covered exclusively by the same plan?

6 years ago

Will the congress be covered by this plan ???
Will ALL government workers be covered by this plan??? including the President???

The plan is for ALL that means everyone, no exclusions.

6 years ago

No way we must stop these vile politicians that means the all have to go on Medicare only we taxpayers are not footing the bill for their corrupt asses make them part time workers that is all they are then they are NOT Entitled to healthcare, retirement, No benefits at all plus cut their pay they have no problem ruining us let’s take back our power they use to get No pay that sounds good to me

6 years ago

The way I see it ….my first thought was we can’t afford this..we know who is going to foot the bill…I Still keep asking what is happening to this country ?
My spouse and I are on Medicare with our private insurance now secondary…
My second thought…no more Drs.for us …if there are any left.
Still believe there will be a civil war again…figure conservatives. ,4th Amendment believers…Constitution believers…Will win…since these insane people don’t believe in guns…and how many are in the NRA..?
My other thought..Sanders owns 3 homes..will these rich progressive liberals be willing to give up their stuff ..? I doubt it..
The insanity grows…

Bobby Romo
Bobby Romo
6 years ago

Strangers, congress, WILL NOT decide my physician and where. That is my choice. Particularly when congress has very good medical coverage. Maybe they should use theirs and get their heads checked.

Cliff Chetwin
Cliff Chetwin
6 years ago

People need to understand that the desire to take complete control of the health system is only one part of the overall plan Democrat’s have for for the complete conversion of our representative Republic to a dictatorship under their “benign” and permanent rule. How half the population can support the destruction of the Constitution and what remains of our liberties is beyond my understanding. I am an old man now but served my country for 37 years; it saddens me greatly to know my efforts were in vain but perhaps the grace is that I probably won’t live long enough to see the final demise of the American Experiment.

6 years ago

Just what we need more government.The two parties can’t agree on anything now and their infighting costs the taxpayer dearly.How do the liberal socialist democrats think that this will help AMERICANS,it won’t.What it will do is reward the “scuffs”that WON’T work,

6 years ago

Just the beginning of socialism.

Gail Coury
Gail Coury
6 years ago

Insanity another socialist/communist idea! This is America and we the American people do not want this.

6 years ago

The most horrific part of this is the robbing of independent thought and choice, literally treating humans like zoo animals, unable to care for themselves and totally dependent on “big brother” to make all decisions, at first, health care and down the road, everything! The very concept is dehumanizing and disrespectful but unfortunately, because people love to think they are getting something for nothing, it will appeal to the ignorant. This must be faced with force and derailed if we are to preserve our Constitutional rights, all of them!

6 years ago

Pure ass be first step to a Socialist/Nazi government control. The next civil war, which is EXACTLY what Obama and Soros want, IS on the horizon. It won’t be pretty because it will allow the Muslim countries of Minnesota and Michigan and the Communist countries of Commiefornia, Taxachusetts, New York and apparently Virginia, will suffer immensely.

6 years ago

I would like to ask one question to the liberal Democrats that are proposing this socialist policy. Are you willing to not be exempt from this garbage?
I remember Obamacare that was passed with the majority Dems to turn around and exempt themselves. Our representatives (joke) could care less about us in the real world. Their there for one reason. Their on greed!
The love of money is the Root of all Evil!

archie higgins
archie higgins
6 years ago

All of this and anyone tied to it in anyway is a communist. It’s what you get with hand-outs, welfare, EBT cards, section housing, free computers, big screen TV’s and no
jail time for rape, 20 years for murder (maybe) well it looks as if the devilcrats have done a real good bang up job?

6 years ago

Can anyone name one single thing that has been improved by government intervention? Can anyone name one single problem that politicians have solved?

6 years ago

They say health care for all. Does that mean Congress also has to use this program? Do they stick it to the citizens and they have their separate insurance? What about Illegal aliens. Are they covered?

Kathryn Quarters
Kathryn Quarters
6 years ago

And I suppose the members of Congress and the senate are exempt as usual.

This is a terrible thing for America.
I oppose !!!!!

6 years ago

By all means. Because, hey…the government runs the VA so well.

6 years ago

If we do not stand up to this OVERREACH ! — we are done as a nation —-AOC and her ilk do not have a clue — Sanders is an idiot. They are throwing so much garbage against the wall just to see what sticks and confuse all — this is very serious business and I am so concerned about the next generations living in a third world country if this crap does not stop!

6 years ago

the reason many want MEDICARE FOR ALL is because with the encouragement/focus of the Obama administration to ‘dumb down’ our youth, now young adults, THEY are lazy and want everything ‘FREE’, not realizing that ‘we the people’ will be footing the bill through our taxes. they’re SO dumb, that they feel they shouldn’t have to work, and if they do, the should make a ridiculous wage for being stupid. it’s sickening what has happened through the COMMUNITY ORGANIZER that was in OUR white house for eight years. THIS is why many don’t realize the wonders PRESIDENT TRUMP is doing in spite of the socialist party’s constant lambasting. THE SWAMP hates our president because HE has the courage to EXPOSE just how corrupt this government truly is, top to bottom. he’s threatening they’re corruption. my true wish would be TO FIRE ALL THE DEMOCRATS and some RINOs because WE are paying their SALARIES and have NO say as to how they spend OUR money. look at how they are trying to make our decision for President null and void! disgusting thugs. yes, THUGS.

6 years ago

Get the Goverment out of Health Care Control they already interfere way to much with pain medicine that some people actually benefit from . The Goverments job is laid out in the CONSTITUTION nowhere does it give them authority to interfere with peoples medical choices or control of peoples freedom to make choices for themselves. As a person with a long list of health issues I want to be able to chose MY DOCTORS not have the control freaks in Washington choosing for me . Sometimes I need Medical attention as soon as possible I do not have the option to stand in line waiting for the Goverment morons decide if I need treatment or not . Their ideas are totally inappropriate and unacceptable.

6 years ago

This has to be for all of Congress too. Medicare for “all”.

Chic Ritzheimer
Chic Ritzheimer
6 years ago

Let’s stop and look at who actually wrote these bills. Not the people that are representing them. These bills are written by the same people that are putting big bucks (back room deals) in the pockets of those politicians who are pushing it. Remember, Congress doesn’t have to use the same medical insurance we do. These are the same people that wrote The Obama care bill. These are the same people that were behind closed door with Obama and they would not let any Republicans enter the talks in the White House during the Obama fiasco. That’s right ladies and gentlemen…this bill and many others are written and paid off to get them implemented…..Who you ask….the big Pharmaceutical Companys… that’s who….! Do your research and spread the word. Let those Liberals know it will cost them a lot more in the long run.

6 years ago

The most consequential aspect of Medicare for All (single-payer) for those in our age bracket is the following paragraph:

“Like Sanders’ bill, the House bill would also eliminate Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, the Obamacare exchange plans, and Tricare, the health program for military dependents. All of these beneficiaries would be absorbed into the new government plan; it would not be a matter of personal choice.”

All these existing government programs MUST be completely eliminated and their funds diverted into this new single-payer scheme in order to provide an initial down payment to get the massive bureaucracy up and running. Note, I did NOT say get to get the doctors or hospitals on board, as this is NOT about healthcare. This is about government extending its power to control the population. Healthcare would be rationed to those that the government deems of value. In other countries where single-payer has been implemented, those in our age bracket are NOT highly valued. So the denial of treatment or drags is higher than that of the younger population.

Just as a side note, massive additional, across the board tax hikes would necessarily have to follow shortly after enactment to provide additional funding. The so-called cost estimates, that I have seen to date, are on the low side based on what single-payer programs elsewhere cost on a per capita basis. I can understand why the Democrats are low-balling the numbers, but there is no excuse from the so-called right-wing think tanks for not merely getting more accurate figures from the government agencies in the countries where single-payer exists today. The only remnant of Medicare that would exist afterward would be merely the name. Everything else would gutted and replaced any the new government bureaucracy. If you think Obamacare was disruptive, single-payer will be several magnitudes worse in all aspects.

As for all those commenting here and asking what members of Congress will have if and when this ever goes into effect. Members of Congress of course will continue to exempt from the rules. Exactly the same as they were under Obamacare and exactly how it works in the foreign countries where single-payer exists. No American politician of any significant power will submit themselves to the draconian measures associated with any implementation of single-payer. They will continue to get the best medical care, on demand and fully paid for by the American taxpayers. While the rest of us are condemned to waiting in endless lines hoping the government bureaucrat, who will be deciding on whether we can get the treatment or drug the doctor just prescribed, is in a good mood that day. Otherwise, what you will get is a denial notice or letter. You can of course appeal a denial notice, but you are simply dealing with another member of the same government bureaucracy that denied your doctor’s initial prescription of care or drugs. That is how single-payer works everywhere else single-payer has been implemented.

Oh and we’re right on schedule for the Democrats pushing for single-payer by the way. If Hillary had won, we would already be in the final stages of getting single-payer rammed down our throats. Since President Trump won, the Democrats are using single-payer as part of their motivational strategy to fire up the Millennial and Gen Z voters for 2020.

6 years ago

1st step in senicide

6 years ago

It’s their agenda. Get control of healthcare and everything else will follow. The demoncrat party needs to be totally defeated.

6 years ago

We can thank Paul Ryan and the other Rino Republicans for resisting President Trump, giving the house back to the Democrats. Conservatives had better get their act together, grow a backbone if they want to save this country. The communist are past the door and are headed down the hall. God save America.

Marsha Taylor
Marsha Taylor
6 years ago

Another ploy to control the people so they have power over life and death. We have seen that they have NO qualms over murdering babies. How much more they want to murder anyone else that they deem to be in their way. Anyone that may be a certain race or may be using too much of their money with disabilities or disagree with them on any level or subject.

6 years ago

We all know that govt. workers are undependable. Keep our health care away from them. God help us.

6 years ago

Insane…ludicrous, you bet, but hold on folks “cause you ain’t seen nothing yet”. The insanity of the liberal left is
just getting started. Every facet of life and liberty is going to be under attack. The democrats are just beginning to
revel how they intend to change and control your life. It’s time to stand up and fight back or America as we have
known it will be history. REMEMBER, they have no scruples any low, illegal trick is useful, any means to reach the goal.

Robert J. White
Robert J. White
6 years ago

This means they, the Government, can decide who lives and who dies at its discretion. AOC said yesterday that her group is “taking Names of those who disagree with them.” This sounds like a threat of a PURGE like all Socialist/Communist Governments have done. Think about it no more free choice!!

6 years ago

The following statement should mean and include Congress and the President, right? For example, Section 107 ensures that no American, regardless of their personal wants or medical needs, would be able to enroll in any alternative health plan that “duplicates” the government’s coverage. What happens with the military doctors on active duty…do they see non-military people too? No more treatment for the disabled Vets at the VA? (House bill would also eliminate Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, the Obamacare exchange plans, and Tricare, the health program for military dependents. All of these beneficiaries would be absorbed into the new government plan; it would not be a matter of personal choice.) Since the Congressional Democrats want this then they need to lead by example! They need a trial period lead by ALL CONGRESSIONAL MEMBERS AND STAFF first to make sure it works perfectly. Then push it out to ALL SOCIALISTS for an additional 10 year trial period before pushing it out to the rest of the whole country. This is the most idiotic and Immoral idea the Liberal Left have ever thought of. Thank good ness the senate won’t pass it and the President would Veto it.

6 years ago

One commentator complaining about this in this feed, as as means to claim Trump won’t be affected because he’s an elite . But the facts show that the authors of this Healthcare for all plan are those “elite anti-Trump “ politicians who will ensure that their “special healthcare plan” will not be affected. Why do you think McCain in last months of life voted to keep ACA because he would have lost the coverage he had to cover his final medical treatment, We don’t have that luxury—So if they want to expand a Healthcare plan for all —they need to use their special plan as the basis.
Do you think that they really care about seniors if they are willing to allow late term abortion with no care plan for possible alive births ( they assume all will die). What will stop them from denying needed benefits to seniors because it’s cost efficience to eliminate. Stay healthy people as the government doesn’t need sick people

6 years ago

Remember when the child in England was not allowed to come to America for medical treatment because England has total control of their healthcare and they did not want to be embarrassed by having the child live after coming here? He died in England.

6 years ago

This is where our gutless Republican leaders need to step in and have some balls!!!!! Trump seems to be fighting the fight alone!! We elected these leaders, so it’s time for them to show action and start working for US!!!! NEVER should this happen. I am so sick of the democraps and their agendas!!!!!

6 years ago

I see it as another way to gain control of who would receive health care and who wouldn’t! If they can decide what babies can live, what about seniors and people who have preexisting diseases? We don’t need socialists/communists running our country!

6 years ago

I’ll keep it simple. We currently have 55 million Americans receiving Medicare benefits and the program is operating in the red with a serious deficit. Medicare for all would increase the number of recipients to 320 million. If we are currently operating with a deficit, Medicare for All would bring us to bankruptcy.

Richard M Camp
Richard M Camp
6 years ago

What about their fabulous health plan> They gonna switch to Medicare?

Michael Cozzi
Michael Cozzi
6 years ago

Git er done

Larry Ralston
Larry Ralston
6 years ago

Which section in this newly released plan states IN WRITING that ALL people in the U.S. INCLUDING SENATORS, HOUSE MEMBERS (ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS ) must participate in this government insurance. I could guarantee that THERE ARE LOOPHOLES FOR THOSE SELF-APPOINTED ELECTED GOVERNMENT ELITES to get private coverage and at taxpayer expense. I would like the list of names of those representatives that signed on to this piece of __ ___ ___ ___. Both democrats (those that still govern using common sense and logic), republicans, libertarians, independents must first put a STOP on this bill and then KILL this bill to end this insanity of government sponsored healthcare for all. I hope and pray that an overwhelming majority of American citizens are totally against FORCED 100% government health insurance.

Charlie R
Charlie R
6 years ago

It seems to me that the Dems are trying to start another Revolution, or uncivil war. This time it will be Elephants against a bunch of Jackasses! What is in the article is the public version, what must the private version read like. Next we will be paying tax on our social security payments. Look out people, WE are in for one hell of a wild ride!

Tom Hurd
Tom Hurd
6 years ago

Is there anyone in this group that understands economics, and what made this country great. I think the work is Capitalism!

6 years ago

Aren’t they going to be surprised when they learn that its not health care. Its health insurance and won’t open one new clinic or hire one new doctor or nurse. Much worse, to get enough health care workers for this to function at all, the government will have to institute a draft to fix the shortage of doctors and nurses or import them from India and other second world countries and universities.

6 years ago

Anyone with any sense knows that nothing is free … someone, somewhere, is paying for the “free” stuff. Democrats depend on ignorance of this fact to pedal their “giveaway”‘ programs. Health care always suffers whenever health insurance is “free”. Doctor and hospital wait-times increase, while quality of service and care decrease. In the not too distant past my wife and I lived in a European Country for 10 years. We observed, up close and personal, the results of socialist style healthcare. Yes, they said healthcare was “free”, but gasoline was over $7.00 per gallon, Yes, they said healthcare was “free”, but a 15% Value Added Tax (VAT), built into consumable products, drove prices higher. Yes, they said healthcare was “free”, but rationing was practiced. In fact, when a very close relative experienced a moderate stroke at age 67, a cost/benefit analysis caused rehab and therapy treatments to be refused and pain medications were administered until death nine months later. So, Anyone supporting “Medicare for All” has no appreciation for its cost and does not realize that, although a scheduled premium is not collected, payment to the government is continuous, for life, for everyone, through fees and taxes. Watch what you wish for.

Wayne D Peterkin
Wayne D Peterkin
6 years ago

I have not read the plan, but if it were truly “Medicare for all”, it wouldn’t be that beneficial for most American families because it is not free or even cheap health care. Worse, the effort to eliminate private insurance which so many seniors rely upon to help cover what Medicare does not, is a scam. It is an effort to confiscate the freedom of the individual replacing it with the tyranny of a massive federal bureaucracy regulating and rationing our healthcare, a bureaucracy no different than the failed VA! It is a policy that will destroy innovation, limit providers, damage the healthcare system, and contribute to national bankruptcy all for political power over the people. I suspect this proposal is more akin to Medicaid which is worse than Medicare with far fewer providers and more rationing of care. Any intelligent person should strongly oppose this atrocity.

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