
National Security , Newsline

Democrats Coming for America’s Guns

Posted on Tuesday, February 23, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

democratsA riptide surrounds the Second Amendment. Democrats are pushing the most restrictive gun legislation ever proposed – suggesting the Second Amendment has outlived its usefulness.

Meantime, they push defunding police, driving unprecedented guns sales for self-defense and from distrust of government.  The riptide – pulling both ways – is strong.  One side will win.  The battle is joined.  Make no mistake:  Democrats are coming for America’s guns.

On the anti-gun front, President Biden proposed – and Democrats are demanding – a semi-automatic gun ban, lawsuits against gun makers, authority for national gun confiscation, and an outrageous string of unconstitutional moves, led by the so-called HR 127 bill. See, e.g.,; They echo former Democrat-appointed Supreme Court Justice, John Paul Stevens, who in 2018 pushed “repeal” the Second Amendment.”  See,;

Shudderingly, Biden has enough votes to push these unconstitutional restrictions in the House, but so far only 54 votes in the Senate – with defecting Republicans. While Democrats claim a majority, past efforts have failed, the latest in 2019.  If 60 votes remain needed – that is, the legislative filibuster holds – these facially unconstitutional prohibitions can be stopped.  If the filibuster falters, watch out. See, e.g.,;

Devil is often in details – and the devil sure is here.  One of leading bills, an exemplar of where Democrats want is HR 127.  The bill, introduced by Democrat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), pushes:

  • Detailed registration of firearms, including where guns are in your house;
  • All data on firearms, including who owns, what type, address, where kept will be “made public,” assuring federal government and criminals know what and where to look; can you imagine such a registry for jewels, cash, car keys?
  • Anyone buying a gun must undergo a “psychiatric evaluation,” plus background check, plus training course – and government appoints the psychiatrist;
  • Owners must have a federally approved gun “insurance policy,” and antique guns require a special license, proof stored “in a safe or facility” AG-approved;
  • Any “military-style weapon” will require a special license – so poof! There go camo stocks, stylish grips and shapes, USMC and hunting knives, sling shots that looks “military-style” (and not sure about “military-style” forks and spoons);
  • “Psychologists” are AG-approved, and Biden’s AG pick is strongly anti-gun;
  • Ownership can be “denied” – and guns confiscated – if an owner is “hospitalized,” including involuntarily by government psychologist, as in the former Soviet Union;
  • Hospitalization can be “with a mental illness, disturbance, or diagnosis (including depression, homicidal ideation, suicidal ideation, attempted suicide, or addiction to a controlled substance (within the meaning of the Controlled Substances Act) or alcohol), or a brain disease (including dementia or Alzheimer’s); or … conduct that endangers self or others.” That about covers it, except for the common cold!

The statute also bars giving away firearms (including to your wife, son or daughter, descriptors which House rules also ban!).  Illegal to is a loan or sale without AG permission, and never to a person under 18. God forbid Grampa wants to take grandkids hunting, let along give them the old shotgun for partridge.

Now the kicker:  Sectional fines run from $30,000 to $150,000 – and Democrats who railed against mandatory minimum penalties, now impose them from 15 to 25 years in one section, lower brackets in others – for no license. Stalin and Mao would have loved this Democrat bill; it is more thorough than their anti-gun models. All this in America?  See,

To enliven his leftwing base, Biden argues he is “standing up to” the National Rifle Association, but he is really undermining America’s desire to rearm. Gun sales spiked last summer with violent left-driven riots in 200 cities.  Even liberal media had to report the fact, as guns and ammo were flying off shelves. See, e.g.,;  And polls suggest Americans have absolutely no appetite for gun control.  See,

Bottom line:  Democrat anti-gun legislation is dangerous, unconstitutional, unpopular, and indefensible. It is anti-American, yet well-funded Democrats and hard left influencers aim to ride the riptide.  If Americans defend their Second Amendment, the legislation will die, Biden lose.  But if you think the threat is old hat, it is not.  This time, they are coming for your guns.

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3 years ago

Insanity —thet must AND WILL be stopped !

3 years ago


Ronald Edward Brandich
Ronald Edward Brandich
3 years ago

I don’t have any Guns…….HONEST!!

Come and find OUT & SEE what Happens!

3 years ago

Patriots MUST rise … this can not happen!

3 years ago

The demoncrats say the Second Amendment has outlived its usefulness. Wrong! The demoncrats have outlived THEIR usefulness.
By pushing, signing executive orders that are distorting this Country, they are pushing us into a revolution. They will find out why our founding Fathers wrote the second amendment.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

We WONT be like the Jews in WW2, We can fight save for later Jewish resistance later in WW2.
Gonna be a Hard Fight
Civil War 2 & they want it

3 years ago

The fence around capital hill, the national guard and other strange occurrences lead me to believe that uncle Joe is getting ready for a full blown authoritarian takeover along with America hating Obama pulling the strings. We have to have a collective voice that will be heard around the world if we don’t you can bet at some point we will have to ask permission to leave our homes for any purpose.

Laurence Daniels
Laurence Daniels
3 years ago

The demonRats actions may well start a civil war! So much for their professed “unity” in America!

Scott Tappan
Scott Tappan
3 years ago

Does this remind you of anything that happened in the past that was Germany did so they could make it Impossible for the people to defend themselves against the Hitler regime it’s about time the Republicans get off their butts and do as exactly what the Democrats tried to do it’s time to impeach Biden before this country becomes completely communist I’ve never seen a semi automatic weapon kill anybody I have seen people using the weapon to kill people but I’ve also seen kerosene and fertilizer bombs do more damage than any semi automatic weapon ever we need to stand up against this guy he’s not my president

Teresa Pinnell
Teresa Pinnell
3 years ago

Time for war

Ginger Lymbery
Ginger Lymbery
3 years ago

When these aholes decide to try to take our guns, America will have a revolution….there are 350 million gun owners in this country….the private militia is larger than the entire united states military….it looks like we may to have to take our country back by physical force, and that little wall around these communists is easily taken down …there are literally thousands of former military veterans out here and they know how to do this. When our forefathers gave us the Constitution and made America a Republic, they said that a little blood must be shed from time to time to keep it…

Mark Ronck
Mark Ronck
3 years ago

Here ya go the Democrats want to be like Hitler (Biden) of the 1930’s of Nazi Germany. Then you have Venezuela and people dieing there. All I see from others is a civil war coming and I’m too dang old for this crap.

Robert A. Hanson
Robert A. Hanson
3 years ago

The dems are coming for our guns? America says….let ’em try.

richard arveaux
richard arveaux
3 years ago

Does anyone remember these words? “From my cold dead hands”? That’s how it’s going to play out at my home in America. God help any that try.

Phyllis Poole
Phyllis Poole
3 years ago

We have other means to protect ourselves I have wasp spray which blinds for 20 minutes Time to get away or tie someone up or—-???
And we have GOD. Just kneel and pray in front of those ungodly people. they won’t know what to do! Keep a sharp nail file handy and any other non weapon safety on hand – yes safety pins – they can scratch and punch holes – and in eyes. What else can you add to this like a lasso If one can bring down a calf it could a human
Rose bushes aren’t nice to get caught in nor thistles. Flesh eating fish are nothing to encounter.
What can you add to defend yourself and us!!!
Let them try taking away all our weapons!!!!

3 years ago

These leftist will not stop until everyone is defenseless and at a point where they can take over EVERYTHING! We will be slaves to government, leftist government just like those dictator countries overseas!!!! And Antifi was worried about Trump? HA! None of this is going to end well if this unconstitutional crap continues and the Republicans and Supreme Court keep looking the other way!!!

3 years ago

The socialist ,anti American democrats are attempting to destroy Our Constitution and take away the Freedom of American Citizens!
These traitors must go!
Every Citizens better stand up for freedom against these failed politicians before its too late.
Wake up they’ve come for everything America holds dear. Your freedoms , religion,
gun rights, childrens education,re-writing our history ,ending energy
Independence, selling our country out with green new deals ,even stealing elections to gain political power.
We the people better end this now!

Craig Contofalsky
Craig Contofalsky
3 years ago

Bring it on Commies!!

3 years ago

Does anybody proof read any more?

3 years ago

It seems everyday I wake up to find our wonderful country is changing. For the worse. I’ve decided to contact my representatives in my state. We cannot allow this to happen.
I feel lucky to be born in a state where we have a balanced budget. But now Biden and rest of his crazy crew want our guns, bail out states such as California not to forget talong jobs from my state and others.
We can not continue for this go on. We must stand together and fight against this. Call your state representatives. Hopefully someone will listen.

3 years ago

So what do we do as the minority? The old adage of use the election to change the person is gone. So as I said what can we do?

Art A
Art A
3 years ago

If you want to rollover and die,it won’t happen here. Beto his Meato is big time loser. Lee(D-TX) has the standing to introduce this?? If this gets traction this time around, WE ARE SWIMMING IN A RAW SEWAGE POOL. THERE WILL BE NO SURRENDER AS IN THE PAST AS IN GERMANY.

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

If “they” come for us, I predict a sharp rise in front-door Welcome mats that will need replacing.

Veronica Cota
Veronica Cota
3 years ago

every single on of them should be removed from office for violation their oaths to defend the constitution. I will never surrender to the tyranny of Govt. The 2nd was put in to stop tyranny, never give up, never surrender

3 years ago

All the following comments below are full of anger and on the line of we will do this or that, or come get them etc. Useless hot air. The only solution if you want to stop this is to unify. Get ready for the fight. There must be a parallel effort. If you have good conservative people in Congress, support them. Let them know how you feel. No need in writing threatening letters to your democrat in Congress, that will only put you on a list. Talk to your friends at you local gun clubs. At the risk of being labeled and insurrectionist, (the FBI and other NSA are probably monitoring everything) I for one realize the American Gestapo can pick us off one at a time, but not if we stand together.
If you want to fight this madness, this is the only way.
God bless you all.

Steve Davis
Steve Davis
3 years ago

Please have someone proof read your articles. There are numerous mistakes in grammar, and spelling.

Bob P
Bob P
3 years ago

As usual, the Dem’s want to punish law abiding citizens instead of criminals. It’s so much easier to push laws onto people that obey them rather than remove the criminal elements in society. They might just be making me a criminal…

3 years ago

guess they want civil war

3 years ago

You will not get our guns and to Pelosi and the rest of you democrats at least have the guts to come for them yourselves. Not going to happen.

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
3 years ago

This is quite disturbing! I ask you (Becky) how do us Conservative Americans fight this Bill #HR127 and the other ludicrous ideas?
As an older Conservative American, I am quite concerned regarding the future of our GREAT Country.

3 years ago

Our for-Fathers gave us the Second Amendment so we could protect the First Amendment

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Those wanting more restrictive gun laws should have to do without any security detail protection!!

Craig Hopkins
Craig Hopkins
3 years ago

We must never forget that the price of liberty is constant vigilance against those who would seek to control our lives to satisfy their own lust for power.The mantra of the Progressive is ; “What’s mine is mine & what’s your’s is negotiable”.

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
3 years ago

No wonder the democrats want to keep the walls and fencing in Washington. Not just the gun issue
but everything else they are ramming down the mouths of the citizens of our beloved country. They are afraid that the citizenry will rise up.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Everyone needs to understand this ! The right of self defense is a God given right, God gave man the knowledge to create all manner of guns, therefore it is a right given by God. The Constitution affirms that right. The 2nd amendment reads the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. That makes it an individual right, because the right of the people is also mentioned in the 1st and 4th amendments as individual rights and would not mean something different in the same text. More people are killed everyday with cars, but we don’t outlaw cars and the Democrats gut more women everyday for their unborn children so Planned (not to be) Parenthood can make a profit and give them a kickback. More people die in Hospitals, because of malpractice. When President Kennedy was assassinated no one blamed the gun, we blamed the maggot that shot him. Punish the criminal not the law abiding citizen.
This whole thing is not about stopping crime, it is about control and putting a Communist Government in place.
The government talks about gun buy back, I checked my records on my gun purchases and I bought all my guns legally and none from the government, so they can’t buy back something they didn’t sell me in the first place.

3 years ago

If these laws are passed the country will be in civil war !!

3 years ago

The first time a major piece of Democrat legislation fails in the Senate, the Democrats will immediately turn around and eliminate the filibuster. Schumer has already been told in no uncertain terms by AOC, that if he doesn’t tow the “progressive line” (pure socialism) she will primary him in the next election and win. Given the make-up of the NYC Democrats, that is NOT an empty bluff, but a simple statement of fact and Schumer knows it. So it is only a question of when, not if, that the Senate filibuster ends in the Senate and the Democrats begin ramming through their agenda by a pure majority vote.

Yes, the American people are going to have to stand up and defend their freedoms by all means available to them, because the Democrats are very, very serious about stripping them all away as fast as possible. That means doing more than simply wringing ones’ hands and saying “How could this happen?”.

3 years ago

Cities/States with the strictest gun laws seem to have the highest rate of gun violence, whereas cities/states that have more relaxed gun laws have low rates of gun violence. Hmmmmm.

Kathryn Gilliland-Nichols
Kathryn Gilliland-Nichols
3 years ago

It’s almost unbelievable but I’ve been saying that about things I see for years now. We are being seperated and blocked from talking with fellow conservatives on social media. We’d like to stand together. My husband and I belong to several 2A groups. We are not currently giving anything to the NRA because of the crooked leadership. I wish the NRA could out Wayne Lapierre and put good strong leadership back that would fight for our legal gun rights and not keep losing so much ground. In NY our rights have been assaulted by Cuomo and the SAFE ACT. It’s taking years and a ton of money to fight it, but we have to keep fighting. I am reading more states are going to no permits to carry and I saw this as hopeful. Not sure what the democrats have up their sleeves, but after the election fiasco and the use of their smoke and mirrors of a Trump casused riot at the Capitol, I think they are capable of more than I gave them credit for. Very sad for the United States right now.

3 years ago

So comprehensive legislation is being introduced to restrict the LEGAL ownership of guns! Let’s strip all the BS and admit the criminals are using illegally-owned on the streets everyday and more murders are occurring on these streets by thugs who wield guns than those who own guns legally. What legislation is being introduced to curtail the deaths by criminals who use stolen and illegal guns. Will they have the advantage during a robbery or breaking and entering thus causing a death? What’s on the table for these crooks??????

3 years ago

And the question is. How do we stop this. This is so wrong.

James Kelly
James Kelly
3 years ago

Saw a movie once where only the cops and military’s had guns;


Pull your head out of your ass.

1SG US Army (ret) like hell

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

So what’s new. They have been thereting for 25 years at least. Itmaint gonna happen. Gun owners have been pushed to the wall. Revalution is coming,the guns will prevail. Most of America is fed up with these loony socialest and commies.

James Kelly
James Kelly
3 years ago

Democrats Coming for America’s Guns

James Kelly
James Kelly
3 years ago

To paraphrase Nacy Reagan -‘ Just say no to dopes”.

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

This administration is the most unconstitutional, tyrannical fascists to ever infiltrate (and I do mean infiltrate) the government. Unify the country? Ha…what a friggin’ joke! Everything that this administration has done thus far, has harmed (intentionally) the hardworking, taxpayers. I have a bad feeling that things are going to get VERY contentious, to say the least, during the next four years. Bad times ahead…

3 years ago

If they want to eliminate the Constitution, let’s do away with the provision that makes Biden the commander in chief of the military! Let’s also eliminate the succession of the presidency to exclude speaker of the house and only make the succession temporary until a new election can be held. Welcome to the early days of Nazi Germany!

3 years ago

It appears to me that the members of Congress are the ones needing the psych evaluations…they are getting nuttier by the day. Sheila Jackson Lee is a scourge on humanity!! A pox on them all!!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Who coming for the guns. ??? Maby the dumb dems. never figgured out many a police officer,and militery personal ,is also against gun control.

3 years ago

Why are they coming for your right to bear arms? We all know that answer. Dismantle your freedoms and ensure obedience by disarming the public. Once accomplished they can stay on top economically and enjoy continued wealth and privilege forever…..without ever working. Commies, the Dems are commies!

Linda Mcmahon
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